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56362261 No.56362261 [Reply] [Original]

Post property and location you are going to buy next year after the bull run

>> No.56362267

that’s not too expensive. is spain cheap?

>> No.56362269
File: 261 KB, 750x437, B0682BFE-74CA-4CD6-B3F9-8F2E6F4BFD0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daddy schlomo gifted this for all us

>> No.56362273
File: 85 KB, 645x430, Galway bay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a $1,000,000 cottage in Mayo, Ireland

>> No.56362736

very based, sir. yagmi.
captcha: G0YVXH

>> No.56362740

You'll be surrounded by English retirees and Russian criminals.

>> No.56362763

Extremely comfy and beautiful area.
What does the inside look like?

>> No.56362988

Who the fuck is spending 1m on that shed

>> No.56363007

Not interested in outdoor pools. Make it indoor or I don't care.

>> No.56363126

Will probably cost 500k to get better home and more land in India in small cities in a village you can even build palace for that kind of money with big fucking land

>> No.56363129

You're aren't prepared for the wind, rain and long winter nights. But it's beautiful.

>> No.56363142

yea you will also get killed outside of your home by all poorjeets seething

>> No.56363221

You're dumb if you have money no bastard can even touch you infact they'll worship you like a demigod.

>> No.56363238

Money = power | the more you have the better it's

>> No.56363406

SARS give me and redeem MORE
So I can buy extra land

>> No.56363434

Now you have to hear Spanish being spoken all day. Congratulations.

>> No.56363468

People who go on and on about truisms like “money is powa saaar” and “SAR I’m a demigod saaaar” are guaranteed pajeets.

t. Pajeet

>> No.56363486

It's the universal truth after all Rajesh.

>> No.56363493

Why is there bars on the windows? Are you sure that's not Baltimore?

>> No.56363617

>bars on windows
i would pay 20k max

>> No.56363622

I thought foreigners can't buy land in India

>> No.56363674

This is really common in Spain, I don't know why. It's way less common in other med countries and practically not existent in Northern Europe.

>> No.56363680

You can't unless you have citizenship

>> No.56363710
File: 518 KB, 796x1024, 1627401163205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. it never lies. EU is africa 2.0....stop dreaming of 1980 EU picture. i left EU shithole and no plan to go back

>> No.56363854


Spain is notorious for African robberies. Plus, Europe is going down the SHITTERS from a business-perspective. In 20 years Brazil will look like safer compared with Europe.

>> No.56364125

you have to pay like 3% in wealth tax each year above 700k, so if you are rich don't live in Spain

>> No.56364198

On the upper floor windows too In Baltimore you probably only need them on the lower floor

>> No.56364224

I would. You're more than likely of the brown "people" of the world and wouldn't understand true sovl when it's staring you right in the face

>> No.56365292

Please tell me it stands on at least 10 acres of land. Imagine paying a $1M for an ancient house on a tiny piece of land.

>> No.56365296

Spain has a wealth tax, so you'll become poor if you buy there.

>> No.56365311

In 20 years Brazil will be in flames from climate catastrophe.

>> No.56365374

I'm going to launder everything and return to my country. Hitler was right. Don't fall for the expat meme.

>> No.56365393

Reasons to not live in India:
1. It's full of Indians
2. It's dirty
3. It's unsanitary
4. Weather sucks
5. Food sucks
6. Everything else sucks

>> No.56366766

Kill yourself snob faggot

>> No.56367042
File: 21 KB, 552x690, 1633339951852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a $1,000,000 flat in San Francisco, USA

>> No.56368043

>half true area where rich people lives is cleaner than usa
>half-true only lower caste village people are dirty
>big lie tropical weather is one of the best thing about India
>lie India is king of cuisine and foods
>sounds like a you problem faggot

>> No.56368059
File: 39 KB, 452x363, bored wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know fuck all about property prices in Ireland, but I am just not buying that that's a $1million property. Unless like >>56365292 said, it has lots of acreage attached. Looks beautiful but there's no chance in Hell.

why do the windows have prison bars? seems worrying

>> No.56368081
File: 24 KB, 191x154, 1664090349014224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its was up for sale at €235,000 ($260,000) low IQ anons. Didn't your parents tell you not to believe everything you see on the Internet? Retards

>> No.56368093

not sure, I just looked it up. There's a 2 story 5B 6bath that is available for 500k. And similar cottages at like 80k.

You can probably get this for half the price in Mexico. Also, much easier to live like a king there.

>> No.56368101

Living with Indians might be a bit too much for some people. I'm sure there are nice area's, but India doesn't really have that developing world charm places like Thailand or Argentina have, where they're kind of poor, but the people are kind of funny so it makes up for it.

>> No.56368109
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>> No.56368182

thats ok but that should cost 500k€ in europe.

>> No.56368258

My plan is to relocate to Spain at around 45, but I wont be dumping a million into real estate there. 250k euros is plenty enough for a comfy place with leftover money to live comfortably as the country is very cheap.

>> No.56368289
File: 63 KB, 366x409, 0_toilets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck no

>> No.56368294
File: 151 KB, 1024x1024, 1697311364049599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can relocate to Spain in few weeks if you want. In fact id recommend it so that you understand if you wanna live there or not. I went to Greece for 3 months and same with Sofia just to realize i want metro and offices close and give no fucks about the beach but boxing ring and ability to get legsl CBD weed did matter.
Sooner you holiday 2+ months in Spain you know if they day cycle is for you or not. Dont wait until 45, some people get heart attack at 36.

>> No.56368341

Yes but I want to be somewhat wealthy before I relocate to Spain, otherwise I will just end up like the locals there, whats the point in that? My opportunity of building wealth is much greater in my current location, it makes no sense to act out on impulse on the notion that I might die at 36, so what if I do? I wont live to feel regret. The whole "you might regret it when youre dying" is the dumbest cliche ever concieved. No one who is dying unexpectedly is lucid enough to evaluate missed life opportunities, either they are too numb from medicine or pain to care, they just want the pain of life to end quickly. Ive spent many weeks in Spain and know that I would like it there. 45 is also a golden age for men who have built themselves a good foundation and kept an active lifestyle for longetivity and health.

>> No.56368439

No one in their right mind would live in a 3rd world hellhole full of grotesque looking people, Rajesh.

>> No.56368762

Spain is a socialist shithole and a terrible country to buy land. Squatters can break into your house, and unless you get them out within 24 hours the property is considered legally theirs and the police will do nothing. Then you have a lengthy court battle lasting several years all in Spanish to look forward to, to prove you are the rightful owner.

>> No.56368794

Imagine not growing up in this during summers.
Too bad jeWW3 is gonna bring most of you back to sheds.
I'm not even jewish and I almost laughed at the thought.

>> No.56368811

Marbella is hot af and it's getting more hot , I'd go live sm
Somewhere else