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56358879 No.56358879 [Reply] [Original]

>Btc dumping
>Everything's red
>24k might as well happen this weekend
>Kava is up 2%
Why do my investments go up when the market goes down? I don't want to be a bobo fuck hoping for annihilation but that's apparently my destiny. I think I'll get into shorting today.

>> No.56358893

same shit but with link. it is an oracle alright

>> No.56358898
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>I might become a bobo
>I might start shorting
Took you long enough mate.

>> No.56358905

>btc dumps a tiny bit
kikes are getting desperate these days with their demoralization threads huh

>> No.56358910

Don't worry too much about it anons. Soon there won't be any more shitcoins to track.

>> No.56358911

Glad I shorted this bitch as soon as smartcon ended. It's always free money

>> No.56358917

>shorting when we're so close to the bottom
you fags sure love getting your asses liquidated

>> No.56358922
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That's merely a coincidence. Don't get cocky or else you'll eventually bite the dust which I'm sure you've already had because kava dumped to 50 cents IIRC. Lol

>> No.56358928

same shit happen when btc pumps. you get green wojaks saying "we're so back" like it's some sort of game

>> No.56358932

bitcoin should drop to 10K or less. That way all of you shitcoiners will have your shit pushed in no time

>> No.56358937

>implying your average bizanon has any self-control
they can't help themselves alright they gotta brag at every single opportunity

>> No.56358941
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i-i.... i just wanna make it so i can finally exit all markets, move to the middle of nowhere and go insane in peace

>> No.56358944

Don't forget to use 50x leverage, anon!

>> No.56358946

I can guarantee you it won't last for long :^)

>> No.56358956
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just a heads up. whatever's up with your assets doing that consistently just know by next year that milking cow of yours will stop because we will enter a major bull market. just so you know.

>> No.56358960

>Hey guise check it out my shitcoins go up when btc go down lmao
op never said that.

>> No.56358966

Use it to your advantage but don't think this is the norm and always remember when to get out and for how long you should stay.

>> No.56358973

kek fpbp

>> No.56358980
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Aaand just like that, another one joins the fray. Feel the excitement of shorting everything to the mud and making baggies mega mad, anon. This is what trading is aaaall about, this is the human touch.

>> No.56358984


>> No.56358986

kava has kinetix and i can unironically short with leverage. is there a lot of risk on doing that?

>> No.56359781
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If that's the case, I'll take the opportunity to purchase Dua at a discounted price before the smart wallet is released to the public. Solid fundamentals will speak for itself.