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56353707 No.56353707 [Reply] [Original]

Here's some of mine:
Choose poor hobbies like emulation video gaming, reading, writing or making music
Brown rice, pork, legumes and frozen vegetables
Learn to cook those
Don’t live alone
Don’t eat out
Invest the rest for however long it takes

>> No.56353725

Are you an ESL? I think you confused the words cheap and poor.

>> No.56353757

I’ll smoke a whole pork shoulder (<$2/lb) and freeze pulled pork in meal size baggies and have pork Sammie’s whenever I want. Delicious!
In some cases having children saves you money because you stay home, go for walks, playgrounds, and throw ball!

>> No.56353792

Her boyfriend is definitely black

>> No.56353852

>Personal Finance Whitepills


>> No.56354463

she looks familiar

>> No.56354467
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>> No.56354553

you just know she takes BBC behind her bf's back.

>> No.56354570
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Well played sirs

>> No.56354588

Congrats then 10years later you have 100k on your bank account but you're alone and stacy already fucked every nigger downtown while you were grinding your bank account.
Then you blow out your 100k on whores to cope.
Then you just kys.

Whitepills are for retards

>> No.56354595

Just create a budget and stick to it. Don't be a financial faggot.

>> No.56354769

Enjoy your parasitic infections.

>> No.56354809

muhammad was a pedo

>> No.56354817

I denounce the talmud, and I’ll shit on a quran. Pork is just disgusting.

>> No.56354831

drink water
do calisthenics

>> No.56355009

Multi-millionaire ($3.1 mn) NEET who used to work in private banking industry:

- don't move in with a girl unless you absolutely need companionship. men do everything for women. even earning money if for women. for 95% of men, all money they earn ends up in women. the biggest risk to your investments is not anything happening in the markets - its divorce.
- invest in a diversified ETF as soon as possible. your stock/bond ratio should be 100 minus your age
- never get FOMO when investing. when you get FOMO you're probably already late and things will go down below the level you invested in. set a buy order at the most insane price you think it would never drop to - the order will eventually fill.
- insurance is a scam that you only need if you're poor. only exception is health insurance
- take the best care of your teeth and back.
- eating healthy is dirt cheap. in any case you shouldn't eat more than twice a day.
- manage your addictions. ideally, get some healthy ones (sport, work). bad addictions are ok as long as downside risk is manageable (eg gaming addiction is ok, coke is not)

>> No.56355035

What a shit neet advice. Choose expensive hobbies where rich and business people go to talk business in an unofficial setting and to relax.
Do golf and tennis.

>> No.56355038

A guy with a 970€ in his bank account here. Listen to this king, he talks the truth.
I used to have it all, got a 10/10 wife, had a child, eventually she just grew tired of me despite marriage, child, our own house and what not. Then I got divorce-raped and now I'm a broke motherfucker. By miles the worst investment you could even make is a woman. You'll end up bagholding your emotions, while she'll sell high.
Eating healthy is cheap. Buy chicken or pig hearts, cook them, add rice, cook it all together with eggs, add chase and done. That's like 4-5$ a day maximum. Also eat 1-2x a day. Anything more is just gluttony.
Can agree with the FOMO part, also the back and teeth and this comes from a guy who fucked his back when I was younger.
Could agree about addiction part to extent you don't overtrain, if it's gym. And if it's unhealthy, have one. For me it's a glass of whiskey few times a week.

>> No.56355045

Eating twice a day is ok if you are a dyel. For others it just doesn't cut it. I can drop weight no problem, eating for mass is a pain in the ass.

>> No.56355074

Tell me you're fat without telling me you're fat.
Why would you need mass? I'm 90kg (190lbs) with 17" arms and I eat 2x a day max. Each of my meals is like 1000-1200kcal....

>> No.56355081

Heh sounds like my typical existence.

t. Not rich neet or as the government calls me, a nilf

>> No.56355088

Imagine nigger cum dripping down her chest.

>> No.56355095

Should I pay to fill gaps in my UK national insurance or get a private pension scheme?
Some boomers at work ponder if there will be pensions for people younger than 35 in 30 years, the way the world goes..

>> No.56355107


>BF is black
>takes BBC behind Her BF back

Who is cucking who?

>> No.56355109

Fine speech

>> No.56355136

>In some cases having children saves you money
Honk honk.

>> No.56355155

>In some cases having children saves you money.
No it doesn't. There's no case ever registered where a single father saves money by having children.
>t. Single dad

>> No.56355326

>Single dad
So how did you do it and did you really get away with it? You know what I mean

>> No.56355329

Just be on welfare in Germany and kids can become your primary source of income.

>> No.56355358

>Don’t live alone
You say that but you mean "don't leave your parents". I lived with my friend for half a decade after university, now I live alone, I can't say there's a big difference in spending. You underestimate the impulsive spending that happens if you live with someone, even if it's a friend.

>> No.56355545

We have an agreement 50/50 but it doesn't work in reality. She's trying to enjoy her early 30s before reality hits her hard so it's not that hard for me to spend most of the time with my son. Literally the only good thing a woman can give you. If by any means someone wants to marry just for the sake of it, don't do it.
I'm not from Germany. I'm from eastern Europe. I'd get a fruit basket once a month at best. So I'm forced to work in a dead-end job to feed my son. Everything else has no meaning for me anymore. Could easily slit my wrists and nothing of value would be lost. I just don't want some random sugar daddy trying to be a father figure to my son, the only thing that keeps me going.

>> No.56355613

>I want to be a father figure
>I could easily slit my wrists and nothing of value would be lost
Umm ok

>> No.56355617
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How much ny@N c@t money would it cost to sniff her brapper? 2081 lil kitties?

>> No.56355671

How does being a father figure correlate with my value in this world? Coul you provide me with some forbidden knowledge only you have? Ask how much a single dead Ukrainian costs. Probably not more than a pack of buckwheat and canned meat

>> No.56355858

Would you want a miserable suicidal bastard as your father figure?

>> No.56356099

Have you by any chance know how we spend our time together? I doubt, so whatever happened to my life isn't transferred to his life or understanding about things or emotions. I could be miserable bastard but that doesn't mean my son knows about it. By the time he'll figure it out I'll be either to old to care or I'll make it.

>> No.56356308
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I have one: if you WFH, go live in a rural area, it so much cheaper, safer and better for your health than the city, specially nowadays. Also the quality of the women is higher. And seeing nice birds once in a while its charming

>> No.56356820

not sure your alternative? you rather just waste your time and energy to compete with roasties that fuck niggers? lol wtf is wrong with you dude

>> No.56356880

is she some kind of meme? i missed anything?

ye whats the alternative? just kys immediatelly bc you realised its over from the beginning or what?

>> No.56356881

>Multi-millionaire ($3.1 mn) NEET
how did you amass this much money? was it all from your job + stocks/bonds? how long did it take?

>> No.56356947
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I personally like eating a few small meals a day to keep energy levels pretty high. Just make sure to measure the food and prepare it in glass containers a day or two before. Here's what I'm eating today and I'll always go on a 10-15 min walk after to help digestion. I stay pretty fit year round

>> No.56356955

>- eating healthy is dirt cheap. in any case you shouldn't eat more than twice a day.
what do you eat? do you cook it urself?

how old are you?

>> No.56356970

I play both of these and never found a situation where it made me money after going dozens of times. Where i'm at it's $15 every time you go and usually I'm bringing a friend, so it's $30. $30 x few dozen visits = ~$1000+ just for falling for the meme trying to be around some jews and sociopaths thinking they'll throw you a bone

>> No.56356990

how much do you pay for rent? I was living somewhere rural that charged maybe $750 for some cheap shack and now a bigger city where it's like $1600 for a gated community and there's way more to do and way hotter girls to pick from

>> No.56357244

they got it from larping

>> No.56357250

>the quality of the women is higher
name one metric by which this is true

>> No.56357261

I prefer to be happy in life thanks

>> No.56357416

>Choose poor hobbies like emulation video gaming, reading, writing or making music
t. converts books from print and PDF to HTML as a hobby

>> No.56357465

Crypto is not going away. There is still huge opportunity to make it

>> No.56357563

its me (dunno if adress remains same or if iposted from phone)
> how old are you?
I'm 34
> do you cook it urself?
Only days I go to the gym. Otherwise I eat lunch at a restaurant/take-away and dinner something light (+ snacks/fruits in between)
>how did you amass this much money? was it all from your job + stocks/bonds?
I earned $200k a year working, always invested in the most risky investments (high growth, crypto etc). Had $1m after 5 years of working, $5m after 8 years and then I quit (lost $2m in the last 3 years due to being 2x leverage long on stonks and some crypto).

Now my stock portfolio is mostly equity neutral but still quite aggressive (long: 40% oil, 30% china, 20% tech, 10% TLT, short: -70% REIT)

Also some other tidbits from working in private banking (not related to topic but interesting imho):
> you can become wealthy through business but have absolutely zero clue about how to invest (you guys are way above that)
> one of the biggest problem for wealthy people is handing down their money and responsibility that comes with it
> wealthy people rarely sell anything in their portfolio unless they see a market chance. but lets say they want a new boat that costs $20m? they just put their $40m portfolio up as collateral and pay the loan% a year
> also, easiest way to disappear is buy buying a boat and then just fucking off somewhere to the carribean.
> most money laundering happens through art purchases
> what switzerland was for hiding money in 20th century, delaware has become in the 21st century
> banks make SO MUCH money of dead money bank accounts (money from people that have died and no relative knows of)

>> No.56357614

Golf sucks, only boomers and millennial alcoholics play it. The courses where real businessmen meet are private anyway. The real answer is skiing, you can meet a lot of different people on the chairlift.

>> No.56357692
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If you only had $100k, what would you do at this point in Oct 2023? Mainly stick to BTC/ETH? Maybe 50/50 crypto with FANG stocks? Currently not sure what to do except dump everything in T-bills and keeping $10k in checking. I'm probably just not smart enough to think through the risk/reward in this context.

>> No.56357729

>I earned $200k a year working
what did u do earning so much? man im an engineer getting 45k in germany..

>> most money laundering happens through art purchases
whole money business obvs including banking is a whole scam business im bummed that i dont know how to make it and dont have much hope right now of unpoorfagging myself

>> No.56357743

do you have a gf? did you fuck escorts? what did you do in the sex area all the time?

>> No.56357746

Why are incels always thinking about black cock so much

>> No.56357748

man, thanks for the input

>> No.56357777

im studying to become a cloud architect and those guys alone with an mba earn > 200k in USA. i guess that guy is some sort of high level analyst

>> No.56357930

>what did u do earning so much? man im an engineer getting 45k in germany..
Think of companies you work like a stock in the markets: There is beta and alpha performance. Beta is general market/sector performance, alpha is the individual stock performance. Beta makes roughly 70% of stocks performance, alpha 30%.
The analogy is that you need to have a job in a) a sector that grows and b) in company that grows above sector performance. That company then has double-exponential growth and most people make bank working in such a company. And its not even difficult to join such a company - because of double exponential growth, they typically need more workers as well. If I still had to work today, I would get some AI/ML certificates and hunt down an AI company for a job.
Yeah I had 3 gfs in those years. Was happy in the beginning but every relationship wore me down over time and eventually made me depressed (gained weight etc). I don't want a relationship now, just fucking Tinder sluts or if I don't find one, I pick a prostie. My mental mindset is I can only visit a prostie if I have done nofap for 6 days before. A way to discipline myself both mentally and budget-wise, plus makes me super excited to see her on day 7.

>> No.56358056

nta but
10k btc, will 4x next cycle and you can move into alts.
10k doge, its at a perfect buying range, it will 20x to a 1$ easily in the next 2 years.
10k tesla, because king scammer knows how to make money.

In the meantime, go pursue your interests in a comfy house/apartment. Bonus points for cheap third world.

>> No.56358088
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>I don't want a relationship now, just fucking Tinder sluts or if I don't find one, I pick a prostie. My mental mindset is I can only visit a prostie if I have done nofap for 6 days before. A way to discipline myself both mentally and budget-wise, plus makes me super excited to see her on day 7.
Pretty good strategy. Do you think you'll ever get bored of roasties/prosties and settle down with a virgin from a village somewhere? (not USA)? I'm thinking eventually going that route and having 12 kids or whatever on a huge private estate with a small homestead farm

>> No.56358115

>The analogy is that you need to have a job in a) a sector that grows and b) in company that grows above sector performance. That company then has double-exponential growth and most people make bank working in such a company. And its not even difficult to join such a company - because of double exponential growth, they typically need more workers as well. If I still had to work today, I would get some AI/ML certificates and hunt down an AI company for a job.
its easier said than done i think tho, i think i couldve done ur job too, but the difficult thing would be to get hired in the first place.. i just have no big daddy connections

> wore me down over time and eventually made me depressed (gained weight etc)
hows a relatiionship correlated to becoming fat? you mean bc it stressed you out or what? sounds like, minus the becoming fat part, you have life now on easy mode, ngl im a bit jelly. wish i could be a rich neet

>> No.56358124

By incels, you mean gods chosen people? Maybe it is because their entire religion is based on cucking (Jewish lineage passed through the cheating female only). Their cheating religion is why Jews are white looking.

>> No.56358142
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you'd only invest $30k out of 100k?
>In the meantime, go pursue your interests in a comfy house/apartment. Bonus points for cheap third world.
yeah, currently learning to play guitar/piano in a comfy gated apartment complex. No idea what cheap third world to go to though. Not sure it's worth the risk, dealing with non-whites and then not seeing my family as much

>> No.56358160

>Pretty good strategy. Do you think you'll ever get bored of roasties/prosties and settle down with a virgin from a village somewhere? (not USA)?
I'm pretty stoic about it. I'm 34 and and any Western girl 23+ is emotionally damaged through online dating and hook-ups. Plus, as I said here >>56355009 the biggest risk to wealth and emotional health is divorce.
Maybe if I find a <20 y/o virgin or something like that I'll start a family, but definitely outside the West. Highly unlikely but I keep my eyes open. Maybe a South American girl, I travel there quite often. If I still want it by 50 and haven't, then South East Asia is the fallback option. If not, I don't mind living a lifestyle fucking escorts.

>> No.56358218

Do you share them? Share it as I2P torrents. Create a I2P/Tor site to list them. (I'm giving you the darknet approach so you don't have any legal risks)

>> No.56358257

>its easier said than done i think tho, i think i couldve done ur job too, but the difficult thing would be to get hired in the first place.. i just have no big daddy connections
I don't wanna dox myself but I have a PhD in mathematics and specialized in financial mathematics. I was very technical analyst in a niche field in a business with double exponential growth
>hows a relatiionship correlated to becoming fat?
I focus intensely on the girls in the first phase but just get bored and stay with her out of some dumb loyalty. Just getting more and unhappy. Weight gain was probably just a cope, plus it doesn't help that there is no upside anymore when you're fit and can't bang new chicks on regular basis.Atleast it was for me. Should I enter a new relationship (with the <20 yo virgin) I'd do it with the clear purpose of family formation and impregnate her within 6 months.
>If you only had $100k, what would you do at this point in Oct 2023?
Since $100k is no money, first you need to earn more money and then whatever you have put it in highest risk category. I'd put $50k in crypto (diversified among BTC and some selected cryptos) and then put $100k in QQQ (i.e. you have $150k invested, i.e. using 50% leverage). Maybe wait with QQQ until it drops 10-15% but then that's what I'd do.

>> No.56358281

yeah my dad is 20 years older than my mom and he found her from a nice village of europeans in South America. They've been married about 30 years now and she was a virgin. Had 3 kids including me. He doesn't go into specifics but he was traveling a lot to south america and russia as an anglo-saxon American. I'm guessing he went through american roasties and realized a good wife would have to be overseas. I know a few other boomers that married girls from the philippines, but they're pretty cucked. The wife guilts them to send money to their family and then the kids end up with identity problems if you bring them to the states. I guess you'd have to stay in their country, but then you lose being able to talk fluently to people and your friends, family etc
With that said, what country do you live at now that you've made it?

>> No.56358310

I assume he just strips the metadata if its a digital copy and uploads them to zlibrary or libgen. i know because i used to do the same

>> No.56358332

>Since $100k is no money, first you need to earn more money and then whatever you have put it in highest risk category
Thank you. Yeah, all my focus is on increasing my cashflow. Had 3 jobs earlier this year, which put my TC at ~$350k pre-tax, lost two of them though, so trying to pick up another 1 or 2, then maybe moving to a beach in latin america to keep the timezone pretty similar while enjoying life. That or i'll just travel a bunch while living in USA until I've made it
>diversified among BTC and some selected cryptos
Would you stick to blue chips cryptos or go higher risk? I was thinking 40% BTC/40% ETH/15% LINK 5% meme coin

>> No.56358388

>I'm 34 and and any Western girl 23+ is emotionally damaged through online dating and hook-ups.
youre not just stoic but hypocritical when you yourself use oline dating for quick fuck too

>PhD in mathematics and specialized in financial mathematics
you said you worked already 8 years, and are 34, that means you got the job at 26 the latest.
how on earth could you achieve a
>PhD in mathematics and specialized in financial mathematics
at 25?
hard to believe if you didnt get it presented to you bc daddy bribed someone

>Just getting more and unhappy.
why? you didnt like them after all?

>I'd put $50k in crypto (diversified among BTC and some selected cryptos) and then put $100k in QQQ
i dont consider crypto gambling a legit strategy anymore, this shits pure gambling coincidence by now. you got some luck for sure with it

>> No.56358520

Totally forgot about zlibrary and libgen. That's based too.

>> No.56358531

Alright buddy, you don't have to believe me. I'm just answering out of courtesy. I won't answer you anymore, except for this part:
>i dont consider crypto gambling a legit strategy anymore, this shits pure gambling coincidence by now. you got some luck for sure with it
Your investments should be a function of your age (see >>56355009) and investment size. If you have no money (< $100k) your cash flows should anyway dominated by income, so the investment part can just be thrown at the most risky strategy. Worst case it goes to zero, best case it goes up multiples. My portfolio ($3m) has no crypto, see >>56357563. At $10mn I'd probably would put 50% in TLT.
> I was thinking 40% BTC/40% ETH/15% LINK 5% meme coin
More diversification... I'd just buy a market-weighted crypto ETF or synthetically replicate it.
>With that said, what country do you live at now that you've made it?
Right now in Europe but moving to Abu Dhabi next year on a Golden Visa. Just to have as tax residence, I won't be spending much time there.

>> No.56358632


>> No.56358678

>Alright buddy, you don't have to believe me
i mean when youre this pissed off i seem to have triggered something... guess im right
i only put 1+1 together taking your own words so i dont know why youre pissed by your own words apparently

>> No.56358693

That's waaaay too much vitamin d daily, you'll get bone splints/bone tumours, cut back to 500 IU, seriously

Also sugar in your coffee why? Pointless insulin spiking
Spinach has a tonne of oxalate which is poison also
Good otherwise as long as u arent cooking in seed oils which are toxic
If you were more insulin sensitive you wouldnt need to eat so often as youd burn your body fat better

>> No.56358720

4000iu is normal and okay

never heard of hat you said before wtf are bone splits and why should this happen

>> No.56358742

>That's waaaay too much vitamin d daily
I take Vit D tests for bloodwork every year and it shows me as optimal. I even review the results with a hormone doctor that works with some small league celebrities out of Florida
>Also sugar in your coffee why? Pointless insulin spiking
it's only 4g, like half a tbsp, makes it taste a bit better. For context the average Starbucks drink is like 80g
>Spinach has a tonne of oxalate which is poison also
Why is it poison? I'll look into but i digest spinach pretty well and it keeps me a little more full. All cooked in high quality EVOO

>> No.56359016

>youre not just stoic but hypocritical when you yourself use oline dating for quick fuck too
nta but it's a fun hobby. Prosties in particular bring back the power dynamics to men and if you're fit, dress well, financially well off and live a fun lifestyle, then getting roasties is also pretty easy and add variety to the mix.
Family/kids is just not worth it for most people in the west considering the financial risk and jew infested cultural fuckery we're seeing. You can argue it's unethical to bring a kid a world with worse conditions than going forward, so no real point unless the right conditions. And by the time you have the right conditions, you'd have dedicate to the homesteading route and find some chick likely with daddy issues to go for someone much older. There's also just the very likely chance you can't stand your wife once you have to spend every day with her for years.
So given this, the alternatives to being happy would be finding some extremely compelling hobbies like art/music or having a shitload of money and just traveling + hedonism. I'm not sure if >>56358531 has any hobbies that stand out to him, but as a made man he can afford the travel/hedonism route. As long as the money doesn't run out, quite a few retired men I've observed find lasting happiness in that lifestyle. Although, the family route leaves more people sustainably happy right up until the end.

>> No.56359028

going all in with investments will just make you lose your hair, even if it guarantees 20xing your wealth. Besides, waiting is the most important part in being profitable. No point suffering and having to sell low because reality gets in the way.

go party for 1 year in Barcelona, houseshare with musicians/music students, go to concerts, make dope albums, learn a new language, bang chicas, then hear about crypto on the news and cash out 300k (BTC <100k, DOGE <1$, TESLA <1500). The fun lifestyle should cost like 18k for a year, and crypto will take 2 yrs max to pop. You could probs do something similar in tokyo if thats your thing for 25k-30k. always DYOR.

Also, buy second hand music stuff and sell it when you're done to experiment.

Trade safe, enjoy life, cash out.

>> No.56359048

meant more than...
(BTC >100k, DOGE >1$, TESLA >1500)