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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5635223 No.5635223 [Reply] [Original]

Did they do a runner?

>> No.5635798


>> No.5636403

>aus banks blocked deposits to them
>payments got refunded into peoples bank accounts
>theyd already bought btc and transfered it away
>btcmarkets needs to make up for losses by
>locking peoples accounts and
>btcmarkets delays xrp deposits by up to 3 days
>look on xrp network
>deposits were received then forwarded to a polo or other exchange address

>xrp was most likely sold at peak
>xrp is now being re bought to settle the deposits of all the goys

>> No.5636583

wait can i still withdraw my btc and ltc???

>> No.5636626

Yeah have just been reading the twitter.

I've got 3k XRP that I transfered from my ledger that's been confirmed on the ledger/registry but not credited to the account. Was pissed I couldn't sell at 3.5$ this morning

>> No.5636662
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not just Xrp though, i tried to deposit 300dollar worth of Bitcoin Cash, after 24 hours, with more than 130 confirmation, this cuntpany still hasn't credit my deposit.

to all the Aussie there, avoid BTCmarket for now

>> No.5636671

my bpay was deposited recently
i'm logged in and have access to by currency

gonna withdraw now just incase (only about 10% of my holdings on exchange)

>> No.5636677

>ever leaving anything on an australia exchange

i buy my ETH there and its straight onto another exchange. our banks are too shady

>> No.5636695

>avoid BTCmarket for now
>for now

>> No.5636715

fuckin hope so, id love to see all of the normie fucks get JUST'd by this

>> No.5636791

my 2FA was successful to log on, but when i try to withdraw my funds, now my 2FA is incorrect? wtf?

>> No.5636822

NVM, they were fucking out of sync by one phase!

>> No.5636876
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These fucking jews

>> No.5636992


I've just taken everything out. Will be using IR from now on.

>> No.5637002


my BCH withdrawal was processed quite quickly from btcmarkets, very standard from previous experience

m8, you're wedged between poli jews, ripple rabbis and brick and mortar kikes, btcmarkets are trying to help you as much as they can for your 1% fee

>> No.5637024


^^^ My Independent Reserve referral code if any kind anon signing up want to use it

>> No.5637050

Cuntpany of the year. moving to other exchange ASAP

>> No.5637053

Fuck me

I pulled $5k out of BTCmarkets literally on Thursday. Are you saying that was dead money if I did it a day later?

>> No.5637061

I hope it is this... I told so many normie mates to get their funds off of this shit cunt try hard bank ASAP and they didn't. Goodbye XRP gains you dumb faggots...

Please let this shit die.

>> No.5637079

I think it was only deposits being locked

>> No.5637107

Alright Ausbros, I need a new exchange. Where go?

>> No.5637121


why? its your normie mates flooding the market making it impossible for places like BTC to keep up with the demand

quit telling your faggot mates to try earn a quick buck in the fad of the month that they'll forget about by February

>> No.5637126
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they finally aware the deposit issue when ripple price is falling LOL

>> No.5637159


good luck getting verified w/out uploading every bank statement and ID you've ever recieved

>> No.5637171
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>> No.5637173

Why is everything in chink, anon?

>> No.5637184

What is the actual problem to the consumer, this post is kind of confusing?

They locked people's accounts so they could sell ripple to make bank to pay people back?

>> No.5637191

Independent Reserve.

Coinspot and coinjar are too expensive.

>> No.5637203

no, i just withdrew over $3000 just then in BCH to cold storage


get much money out of motherland today, wang?

>> No.5637220
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Still waiting for my deposits to go through. I guess now I know why.

>> No.5637240

They stopped everyone from being able to sell so THEY (BTC Markets) could sell their ripple then buy back in at a lower price. Basically free money by screwing over the customers. Coinbase does the same thing at times.

>> No.5637242
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>2nd jan 2018

>> No.5637246

Are you just accumulating this scamcoin for the next time Roger pumps it? Wouldn't you want to hold it in an exchange so you can dump it ASAP after the moon mission?

>> No.5637263

They are not the only ones opening BCH markets


>> No.5637271

i started mining in 2012 but my hardware sucked
been around for a while

bitcoin cash is the future, sorry

>> No.5637283
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Ohhh fuckin hell this is it. It's over now. You can't do shit in this country anymore. The dream is over ausbros. Aint no way to liqudate that fiat into internet money now. Goddamn this shit.

I hope kim yung un follows through and puts us out of our misery. When double you double you three rolls around you know I'm gonna be celebrating here.

>> No.5637291

>thinks the internet can only handle 1MB blocks

>> No.5637296

BCH being the original bitcoin and Core being the fork, you are the one holding a scam coin son. BCH is the past and future.

>> No.5637301
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>he cashed out

>> No.5637332

I tried to sign up to Coinspot but their bullshit automated id registration system rejected me. Should I keep trying with them or are they no good?

>> No.5637356

i've been using btcmarkets exclusively in terms of AUD

my only other recommendation would be independent reserve

>> No.5637377

I converted about $1500 Eth into my Commbank account recently through LivingRoomOfSatoshi.

I found it a rather pleasant experience apart from waiting a week for the transfer to come through because it was just before Christmas.

All the Aussie exchanges are dodgy as fuck. You just know it's a bunch of chinks running them that will escape to China with a few billion worth of BTC at the first sign of trouble.

>> No.5637403
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taiwanese chink living in australia

Taiwan is not a part of China

>> No.5637416

What's wrong with Independent Reserve?

If anyone's signing up for it, appreciate if you can use my referral code: LBENMY

>> No.5637425

never thought to use living room as a cash out mechanism

spread is like 5% though right?

at least they have a reputation

>> No.5637465

okay you win
i'm sorry
i really like taiwan anon

>> No.5637466
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Fucking hurry up I'm sick of having so much on these fucking shifty exchanges.

>> No.5637492

What reputation!? FFffcuk that. I'm getting my shit out of there into a paper XRP wallet. Fuck these guys, no regulation... it's not a bank you know.

>> No.5637527
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thank you sir

>> No.5637533

What about crypto debit cards like monaco, centra etc. Can't you transfer from bank to them and also pay (or withdraw) into fiat from your crypto?

>> No.5637584

Moral of the story is just this, it's fucking simple: Don't keep your funds on exchanges. Keep them in wallets. That's the whole point: we don't need banks anymore.

>> No.5637632

>All the Aussie exchanges are dodgy as fuck
Including IR? They have a North Sydney address, I'm tempted to go have a look sometimes...

>> No.5637656

I'm down for this future. Hope we all get there!

>> No.5637677

What are you going to do, peer in through the blinds while demanding to see their transaction history?

>> No.5637687

Where is the proof of this

>> No.5637727

thank you sir for the l8 nite taiwanese mummy milkies

keep on exchanges only what you're willing to lose for the sake of timely action (buying dips, selling tips)

>> No.5637741

Used your referral anon

>> No.5637746

WHAt does this have to do with xrp pumping? They locked Poli so you couldn't buy XRP at ATH? Lol that doesn't make any sense.

Also poli pay has been down since before Christmas ...

aLSo banks have started throwing their weight around trying to prevent deposits to exchanges, and btcmarkets is not the only case of that happening.

>> No.5637786

Yeah no proof. Didn't actually happen. Fucking good ass reason not to keep your coins on an exchange though.

>> No.5637805

shite thread desu
made me panic withdraw
basically this thread only made me pull my finger out of my lazy poobum

>> No.5637811


>> No.5637817

Just to see if they have a nameplate, an office, a receptionist, staff, etc. If it's not just a PO box or something, I think it would be quite surreal considering how much money they're surely making.

Also, maybe a quick look at their Wi-Fi security...

>> No.5637829

I withdrew a few nights ago. Probably a good move. Shit exchange.
My two main gripes:
>Bitcoin Cash labeled as BCash
>Bitcoin Cash withdrawal fees

>> No.5637835

Much less an exchange that is run by Australians. Jesus f CHRIST>

>> No.5637863

yeah that's the same for me too!
>0.001 fee

makes me feel unwelcome desu

if you don't like BCH as a company you might as well give me 0.1 fee and i'll just fuck off to poloniex for my transactions

>> No.5637893

Yeah it's sad most austards use this thing. I go there for prices... but only because it's what the normies use. Everyone I know who has been there I try to encourage to get their own wallet for whatever coin. Only a matter of time before BTCMARKETS becomes next Mt Gox.

>> No.5637895
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Thanks, anon. I hope you get some good gains.

>> No.5637981
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>> No.5638004
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I see you kike

>> No.5638030

Literally this, it's just banks being cunts that are causing the issues.

>> No.5638048

Settle lads

All variations of Bitcoin are worthless shit. But there's even less point in owning the Chinese knock-off of that smoldering faeces than the original thing.

>> No.5638214

>the absolute state of altcoiners
see you in 2018 my dood

there's a voting system in btcmarkets and people are voting on whether to keep or change the name, it's doing quite well for a change (and considering the actual coin Bcash comes out soon)

>> No.5638215

Also just used your referral. What kind of cut do you get of the fees?

>> No.5638308

Thanks mate!
>Join our Referral Program and invite your friends to earn a 50% revenue share of all brokerage fees paid by the users you invite for the first 90 days.

>> No.5638370

No worries man, I was using coinspot but their fees are fucked and they have stopped all Poli payments like btcmarkets so fuck em.

Got $120 still on coinspot though...... you seem like a good bloke so I'll take your advice, should I dump it into ADA or FUN?

>> No.5638460

i bought $50 eth off coin base and transfered it to binance, now sitting at $30 how do people day trade with these fees. as an ausfag should i use a different exchange?

>> No.5638519


I personally use BTCMarkets to sell everything back to Fiat, I generally see that BTCMarkets prices carry a premium (in most cases).

So its decent to sell to, wouldn't recommened to buy from there... especially with these withdrawl delays atm.

>> No.5638521

I've looked at neither to be honest. I think the best odds I know about are to buy SALT when it finishes dipping.

>> No.5638611

How low do you reckon SALT will dip?

>> No.5638668

Depends how bad this BTC crash is, and that's anyone's guess. I don't think you can lose though as long as you're willing to hodl a few weeks at most.

>> No.5638713

Ive been buying on BTCmarkets, selling on coinjar

Coinjar's fees are disgusting, but BTC on their exchange is usually selling for 5%+ more

>> No.5638895

Highly recommend you guys look at using coinjar rather than btcmarkets. Two guys running the show there.

>> No.5638952


Looking to buy anything other than BTC so i can transfer to Bittrex/Binance.

Can I buy LTC on this?

Had a quick look on the website dosn't look like it...

>> No.5639050

Can POLi pls reverse all my transactions lmao
I've put like 10k into BTCMarkets over the months, and transferred it out to other accounts ahaha imagine getting that 10k back like wew lad

>> No.5639142
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Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin you dense cunt. It's not fucking hard to figure out which version got kiked and which is cheap and reliable.

>> No.5639217

Blockstream employee spotted.

>> No.5639300

BTCMarkets is fucking legit, nothing that is happening right now is there fault, they got fucked by POLi and the banks, and are workging tirelessly to rectify everyone's situation

Believe it or not the vast majority of people are being honest and returning the money, and they really are humbled by this

They've lost a lot this time round, and are still putting the customers first

>> No.5639330

Also no one can ever claim they got fucked over by BTCMarkets, and they have an open orderbook unlike Coinspot that sells shit at premium and doesn't have an orderbook

>> No.5639362

Again, my primary gripe is with Bitcoin Cash:
>tx fees
>BCash instead of Bitcoin Cash
This alone makes me not trust them.

>> No.5639445

I understand, but this was just because of normies prefering BCash on their voting system