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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56351187 No.56351187 [Reply] [Original]

I will spare the time wasting facts on why Chainlink has big time competition/is behind the 8-ball. Enter Progmat. They are enabling banks in Japan, through their own development, to conduct business and build on blockchain. It's over for Chainlink in the 3rd largest economy, and this is not even /biz/ fud. This is what happens when you drag your feet for almost a decade.


>> No.56351201
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We are very far ahead

>> No.56351215

Sorry but i am married to my link bags until death do us part

>> No.56351222

why are fuddies pushing the interoperability buzzword so hard frens

>> No.56351223
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So the beautiful part of this is they're demonstrating web3 can be done without Chainlink. Japanese banks, all of the megabanks, are on board.


>This joint effort is all about building a cross-chain infrastructure using Progmat Coin-issued stablecoins, messaging protocols using IBC and LCP, and TOKI’s unified liquidity.

>If this comes to fruition, it’ll enable cross-chain transactions between various blockchains like Ethereum, Cosmos, Avalanche, and Polygon using Japanese bank-backed stablecoins.

>> No.56351238

Wasted trips.
Bagholders are like addicts. They don't think they have a problem until they're broke and sucking dick to support their habit. Get help before it's too late anon.

>> No.56351240

>messaging protocols using IBC and LCP
So basically theyre doomed to fail

>> No.56351244
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You're holding the AOL of interoperability and don't even know it. You were sold on a vision by someone who, like in his NXT days, talks a big game but can't back it up. Japanese megabanks are first, next are the mega conglomerates like Sony and Panasonic.

Never marry your bags, in crypto or stocks

>> No.56351259

Oh no not a few Japanese banks! Now we only have SWIFT, a conglomerate of basically every single bank on Earth. What will we do now!

>> No.56351262

we just heard about this and you seem desperate to get everyone to jump ship. totally organic, yep...

>> No.56351268

you guys sound really riled up about my investment!

>> No.56351274

I didn’t think it was possible to get btfo so hard this year, but fuck no one is adopting chainlink. It’s unironically over

Selling for ETH when I get home

>> No.56351281

on the day the serg gave his goldman talk, we get canton and now this fud. i wonder what news dropped inside that conference that hasn't released yet...

>> No.56351316

How about you read? This is happening now. Japanese banks are developing and moving to these systems in the year 2023 of our lord and savior. Stop the tribalism and make money, that's the goal. Chainlink is the exact same price as last year, clearly it's nowhere near it's price 2 years ago, or 3 years ago.

I'm starting to believe these are glowies trying to get /biz/ to not make money and stay poor

>> No.56351324

kek fuddies

>> No.56351336

lol. ok. what do i buy then, mr totally-not-a-fudcuck? (based that you said "in the year of our Lord and Savior" though)

>> No.56351345

So how do we buy this shit then?

>> No.56351347

This low IQ shilling is just so boring.

>> No.56351348
File: 255 KB, 976x581, prog4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.’s MUFG stablecoin issuance platform, which remains under development, will be joined by one of Japan's major banks, Mizuho Financial Group (“MHFG”), per a Nikkei article.

>MUFG aims to establish a company, named Progmat, next month in partnership with major Japanese banks, namely, Japan Exchange Group and NTT Data. Progmat, headquartered in Tokyo, will be operating this new cryptocurrency network.

>Financial groups are eyeing using stablecoin for settlements to avoid paying any remittance fees. Currently, most overseas remittances are done through SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication), which takes more than two business days to complete. Moreover, the fee for transferring dollars abroad is about 10%, which increases the trade cost.

SWIFT is old news, and banks will be trying to get out from under that old, archaic system. You're losing the battle, and the war

>> No.56351373
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Progmat is creating a token, but it will be pegged, most likely. I would buy Cosmos, Ethereum, and Polygon from the digging I've done on their platforms. Avalanche is another possibility for 4 if you want to split 25% into each

To anyone on the fence about Chainlink, take the other side of the trade. /biz/ has been trying to pump their bags to dump for years. /biz/ as usual, is full of dishonest people. Don't fall for it

>> No.56351387

Too late already married

>> No.56351399

I don’t see what’s low iq. This is different from the retarded fudders, links and pics were actually provided by op

>> No.56351405

It all has the same, obvious, putrid stench. They are the same.

>> No.56351432

>SWIFT is old news, and banks will be trying to get out from under that old, archaic system. You're losing the battle, and the war

Rofl. Nice try. No one wants to get "out from under" that "old archaic system", they like it exactly BECAUSE it's old and archaic and they know how it works. Rofllll try harder next time.

>> No.56351448


>> No.56351449


>Currently, most overseas remittances are done through SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication), which takes more than two business days to complete. Moreover, the fee for transferring dollars abroad is about 10%, which increases the trade cost.

Helps to read. Linkies are actually going insane, I would to if my "world shifting" token was worth less than it was before CCIP released

>> No.56351451

>/biz/ as usual, is full of dishonest people.
And you're one of them. Why wouldn't you recommend Chainlink too? Wouldn't it make more sense to grab LINK, ATOM, ETH, and MATIC? As a hedge? Just that's smart diversification if even what you say is true. It's so obvious dude, you're only going to get tourists and redditors. Heck, I don't even think Redditors would fall for this.

>> No.56351484

Yes and LINK will fix that issue with SWIFT too. I don't understand how you wouldn't show this Fagmat thing as another alternative to CCIP instead of doomposting about how IT'S ALL OVER FOR LINK!!!!...So obvious. At least when linkies sound level-headed it's because they genuinely have news after news after NEWS to back it up. This is one single announcement and you're already telling people to jump ship. Lol. Do people really fall for this?

>> No.56351500

I mean when linkies don't sound level-headed*** when they sound moony

>> No.56351503
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Interchain Foundation is run by Cosmos and they provided a grant for the bank to build something using Cosmos IBC. It's not the banks building their own solution. MUFG is a SWIFT member bank so they will have access to CCIP like everyone else on the SWIFT network.

>> No.56351509

please elaborate, i'm an idiot

>> No.56351535

how does this compare to canton? or is it a public ledger?

>> No.56351625
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Sumitomo was on stage at Smartcon


>> No.56351677

>Constantly flatlining or dumping

Fuck you, I’m here to make money. If there’s an alternative I’m there for it, my bags are not pumping despite anything you say about link

>> No.56351729

Have a nice day at school, sweetheart.

>> No.56351760
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>fudcuck manifesto
>literal who #297th link killer
>hes obviously doing this because he got btfod with the canton thing as an absolute brainlet
not selling
all fields

>> No.56351785


>> No.56351786 [DELETED] 

>Doesn't have a token
So you are telling us to jump ship, but we literally have no other ship to jump to? kek

>> No.56351827

And just like with Canton, it's not a competitor.
I'm unironically looking forward to the post-singularity hunt for these worthless wads of fud spamming, poorfag guttertrash and the torture / snuff videos they'll end up in.

>> No.56351846

So you are basically telling us that there is this incredible Linkie competitor and that we should jump ship... Even if all of what you are saying is true we don't have no ship to jump to since they literally do not have a token. Been digging through their site and Twitter and it stinks. Reminds me of Supraoracles. Same type of flavour, just different asshole.

>> No.56351879

holy basedo fellow marine I also enjoy the Twitter

>> No.56351917
File: 224 KB, 1680x1092, Progmat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unified liquidity
We already discussed that back when Stargate was released more than a year ago.
It's not a real cross-chain "communication" protocol, you can basically just move tokens from one chain to another but that's it.

CCIP objective is to do much more than that in terms of composability with sending arbitrary messages between multiple chains and tokens with instructions. You enter an input in a single interface app which will use smart-contracts on various chains and give you a single unified output.

The only thing you're right about is that Chainlink is getting too comfy and they're still blueballing us. Staking is long overdue and Sergey hasn't given a single reason on why we're still waiting. At this point I'm starting to think it's more about optics than anything (which pisses me off).

>> No.56352059

So it's totally not a proof of concept and they totally aren't fucking around with lots of projects and this absolutely isn't old news (Canton was 5 months ago) that's priced in and you're just being a giant faggot?

>> No.56352237

>If this comes to fruition

>> No.56352463

Is Progmat a threat to my significant investments in Mobius, BAND, Tellor, ZAP, Aeternity, nuLINK, Chronicle and Canton?

>> No.56352504

None of this FUD makes sense to me. Sergey has literally been saying that banks will have their own chains and that these chains can be linked via CCIP. Literally all of this shit is just confirming exactly what he’s been saying, ANZ wants to handle some transaction involving yen? They will use CCIP to connect their blockchain to this Japanese one. All of this FUD is bullish as fuck it just confirms everything Sergey has said recently.

>> No.56352561

yes its the bear market lol

>> No.56352583

exactly, you got it. they just do this for those who haven't bothered to do their research beyond /biz/ threads (i.e. actually watch videos/read blog posts/understand the product)

>> No.56352611
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chainlink killer #237

>> No.56352617

Delete your fucking trip faggot

>> No.56352633

Oh my god please do not hire a third world Jeet to design your slides next time you want to shill a "Chainlink killer". How painful.

>> No.56353034

They’re japs retard

>> No.56353062

Konami games always had shit menu design so maybe

>> No.56353111

i'm convinced they just do it because they're bored and arguing with people on /biz/ is their only source of human interaction

>> No.56353174 [DELETED] 
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loo, poo

>> No.56353232


>> No.56353388

This thread is amazing. All of the link bagholders are mindbroken. All of their suffering, all down the drain.

>> No.56353459

Posting in epic bread
Linkfags dun goofd

>> No.56353567
File: 102 KB, 772x787, 1697162192171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Linksters lost
>September 4, 2020:
LINK: $12.50
BTC: $10,434
ETH: $388
BNB: $20.62
XRP: $0.23
ADA: $0.08
DOGE: $0.002
SOL: $2.71
TRX: $0.03
MATIC: $0.01

>September 4, 2023:
LINK: $5.96
BTC: $25,743
ETH: $1,623
BNB: $214.45
XRP: $0.50
ADA: $0.25
DOGE: $0.063
SOL: $19.36
TRX: $0.07
MATIC: $0.55

>> No.56353587
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Link is basically the Q anon psyop but for /biz/fags.
>just hodl 20 more years patriots are in charger
>new to secret insider larp crumbs just dropped!
>come figure out this cryptic gibberish message!
>dont do anything you already made it!

>> No.56353604
File: 201 KB, 1074x1147, 1697162520480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linkies just put their heads in the sand when they hear anything that goes against their delusional get rich guaranteed fantasy

>> No.56353727


>> No.56353729
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>> No.56353897

Checked, and that’s the way it appears

>> No.56354400

Isn't it instead mildly bullish that all these different blockchains are popping up (canton, progmat, whatever else is coming), as these will have to communicate with each other?

>> No.56354429

>people holding link explain why the fudcuck's fud attempt makes no sense
>fudcuck starts screeching and seething about how everyone else has their head in the sand or something (he's actually angry because he has to find a new fud angle with some other project that doesnt compete with link either)
you should be used to being wrong by now but I guess spending your entire life drinking water from the ganges gave you brain damage or something so it's like a new and infuriating experience for you every time lmao

>> No.56355534 [DELETED] 
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How much ny@N c@t money would it cost to sniff her brapper? 2064 lil kitties?

>> No.56355654

This is just missing TNN and it would be a perfect LINK fud starterpack

>> No.56355707 [DELETED] 
File: 994 KB, 640x853, 80880608914534507039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much ny@N c@t money would it cost to sniff her brapper? 2064 lil kitties?

>> No.56355750

Progmat got absolutely destroyed by Canton

>> No.56355758

Japanese banks are stuck in 1988 they are so shit it's unbelievable.

>> No.56355917

So it should've been easy for Sergey to pitch CCIP to use with their ancient shit. Instead, he gets pushed aside for Cosmos. Now it's just an entire thread of >>56354429 seethe

>> No.56356083

i just know this guy got curly hair

>> No.56356092


>> No.56356491

through cosmos
russian scam not needed

>> No.56356546
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>> No.56356630

Thanks, just sold!

>> No.56356651

'Progmat' -KEK did the guy who invented the name 'Internet Computer' have a hand in this?

>> No.56357184

aaand thread

>> No.56357290

>Hyperbole and assumptions mean my bags WILL be pumped because I said so!

>> No.56357849

You'd be smart if you did. People took never selling seriously in 2021, now look at the losses that have piled up

>> No.56358039

Cosmos can't interlink outside of cosmos though. So for example how would this connect with Canton? It can't.

>> No.56359077


couple of months ago i read a screencap from an anon predicting the time will come that there wille be a sudden rise of chainlink competitors. the time is here, this is the newest stage of fudding but also one of the last. the killing starts now.

>> No.56361225


>The time is here

Been hearing that for years

>> No.56361235
File: 437 KB, 580x629, 1697129503955847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, not mildly bullish. it's very bullish

>> No.56361255

Linkies are so riled up by this lmao

>> No.56362413


Kek look at this fuddie