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56349420 No.56349420 [Reply] [Original]

Cities with the world's most unaffordable housing

>> No.56349481

Anglo win

>> No.56349486

surprised London isn't there but Auckland is

>> No.56349494

>no Beijing or Shanghai
Lel if only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.56349508

im surprised toronto wasnt higher desu. also its kinda crazy nyc doesn't even make the list

>> No.56349572

Nyc has insanely high salaries but it is probably thr city with the most skilled workers in professional fields maybe in the entire world. Like you have level 3 cfa guys working as bartenders in NYC and people from top law schools working as batistas

>> No.56351570

Where's Tel Aviv?

>> No.56351628

>Cities with the world's most unaffordable housing

How is Australia there twice?

>> No.56351649

I have no idea, but I'd guess hong kong is justified (lack of space), but, the rest are there just because of NIMBYs, corrupt politicians and rich people looking for exclusivity, right?

>> No.56351658

It’s a country obsessed with housing, where every government and tax policy is designed to keep housing prices high.

>> No.56351680

>Canada/Australia/US literally have continent sized countries
>somewhat real estate is the most expensive in the world

>> No.56351697

The source only used 8 countries to produce this shit. Give me their job and salary, I can do the full research in a quarter of the time it took them for this garbage

>> No.56351720

Also LMAOing at all the retards blindly trusting a random infographic based on the work from a boomer think tank. Never change /biz/

>> No.56351735

Well Honolulu might genuinely have land availability issues, but for the other US cities on the list they have a myriad of zoning restrictions that make building new stuff much more expensive. Compare them against say Houston, which does not really have zoning laws, and you find the the median house in Houston is less than 6 times the median household income in that city. I believe much the same is true of the Australian & Canadian cities.

>> No.56351804

Honolulu and Hong Kong are probably the only two there with land availability issues. The rest are just zoning and government issues

>> No.56351809

Is Hong Kong cool or something?

>> No.56352074
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> I'll take "why are all former british colonies rentier shitholes" for 11 pls bob

>> No.56352662

Surprising to see Vancouver lose its place to Sydney. WTF is going on downunder?

>> No.56352896

90% of Canada's land is unlivable due to either climate, the Canadian shield or being native reserves

>> No.56352969

Its all about the demand.
All international capital is flowing into the western real estate market.
Everyone has demand for NYC and Toronto, they would rather live in a cuckshed there than in a mansion in a tiny village.

>> No.56353956

10% of it, for 40 million, is fucking loads.
Canada is running a land pyramid scheme in a vast country, that's stupid.

>> No.56353966

the "demand" in Canada is that it's the only western country where you can easily buy citizenship via a "degree", it has no money laundering controls *and* it has strong property rights.
It basically has no borders, the only restrictions are you can't live in an empty house owned by a sheikh and you can't build anywhere outside the of five gulag centres.

>> No.56353986

at least in China they let you rent an apartment for only $200 per month as long as you have a job. No niggers or crime too

>> No.56353991


>> No.56353995

Before CCP took over, definitely. Now, I dunno

>> No.56355817 [DELETED] 
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How much ny@N c@t money would it cost to sniff her brapper? 2088 lil kitties?

>> No.56355856
File: 25 KB, 700x500, China housing prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Excluding China
Lol, lmao. This is literally one of the reasons their birth rates are getting so fucked up.

>> No.56355874

Where does Tel Aviv fit in this?

>> No.56357362

>no niggers
>no crime
I see the CCP propaganda has made its way to you and you believe the hype.
Pro Tip, China is an unethical shithole.

>> No.56359550

Dumbass chink sympathizer.

>> No.56361396

Yeah there’s a reason a foreign buyers tax was introduced in New Zealand- too many Singaporeans and Chinese buying homes and then leaving them empty to flip.

>> No.56361407

3/4 of Australia is a giant desert with no water. Practically uninhabitable. Couple with muh sacred aboriginal land and you can't do anything with it.
tl;dr fuck off we're full

>> No.56361415
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Think god I live near Philadelphia

>> No.56361443

middle of nowhere brokie

>> No.56361453

I don't speak zoomer

>> No.56361920

The crime is the government disappearing you if you step out of line but I guess for the average programmable wagie that probably would work fine. I don't want to rent life from a government like theirs though.

>> No.56361933

I didn't trust it, that was the whole point of my post. Mass replying weirdo. Enjoy your dopamine from the singular >(you), it's more than you deserve