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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56349126 No.56349126 [Reply] [Original]


"The (Cosmos) IBC framework is used for blockchain interoperability. In turn, the business zones can link to external systems and networks. And the financial zone can be linked for payments on external networks."

It's clear that they are coordinated with JPMorgan, Blackrock and Citi as they announced the same tokenized collateral model in the last 48 hours. Japan has explicitly said they are using a different system for interoperability. This means it is almost guaranteed that the other coordinated tokenized projects by the big boys do not use CCIP. The only thing that Chainlink did was give them a PoC and successful experiments, now they're just using other shit LMAO. Thanks for finding open source software though!


>> No.56349137

Thank you so much for this anon. I just sold everything

>> No.56349160

So another L1 competition of Chainlink

>> No.56349163

Cope with sarcasm all you want, Cosmos IBC is now the market leading interoperability protocol

>> No.56349164

is this good for us holding atom? cuz i really wanna dump it. i also hold link and am trans if that matters.

>> No.56349245

thanks OP will buy more LINK shortly

>> No.56349254

I just sold what the hell more do you want from me

>> No.56349319

who fucking cares, if they want to interact with us banks using link they will need an oracle to do so

>> No.56349542
File: 469 KB, 580x629, 1670038704683490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's over because Citi uses Canton!
>it's also over because Japan uses Cosmos!

And how do you interoperate between Canton and Cosmos?

>> No.56349993

Lmao are they high on Fugu?
Cosmos got hacked twice

>> No.56351363

what market?

>> No.56351382
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>> No.56351398

Do faggots really just sit around all day waiting for any news that they can spin into fud? What an existence.

>> No.56351419

and being sued by the SEC

>> No.56351575

They obviously do.

>> No.56351671
File: 76 KB, 1109x771, 00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone even read the article? This is bullish for LINK.

>> No.56351715

Of course it is, these banks and companies are already fragmented all over the place between Hyperledger, R3 Corda, Cosmos SDK, etc...

>> No.56351794

First Cantong and now this! Oh the horror! Anyway not selling

>> No.56351816

>interoperability buzzword salad
yep still not selling fuddie

>> No.56351836

Always has been. Too bad it doesn't actually acrue value to the cosmos hub.

>> No.56352083

kek, nice one

>> No.56352089

Of course you didn’t. Ur retarded and that makes it funnier kek

>> No.56352530

the disingenuous fud against link on biz is astonishing, multiple canton threads (even though it's a layer 1 similar to avax), multiple japan/Progmat threads, is it just the one guy posting all of them all? how much time do these people dedicate to making up link fud

>> No.56353050

>my $7 shit coin is above all skepticism

>> No.56353127

It’s over because everyone wants to use other options over Chainlink for the reason that Chainlink because of biz is now associated with Nazi autistic retards

>> No.56353180
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They waited until the Goldman talk day too kek. That Canton news it 5 months old and they trot it out now?

>> No.56353480

No, not competition because they're not even in the same league. Cosmos makes interoperable blockchains easy, just works, and doesn't require a fat Russian and a bunch of bagholding chuds as middlemen.

>> No.56355751
File: 100 KB, 731x437, 1641421947761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moon 77 ID

>> No.56355759

DCJPY gets absolutely mogged by Progmat and Canton

>> No.56355771
File: 133 KB, 588x590, 1696950368361691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't find a Japanese tradwife to impregnate so now I need to post fud on /biz/

>> No.56356177

it literally says that chainlink is not needed. cosmos is.

>> No.56356291

Checked so cosmos will handle transactions between japanese banks and if they want to connect to banks worldwide that are swift members they use link, ok, got it.

>> No.56356368

everybody will use cosmos, the industry standard for interoperability

>> No.56356402

lol two days ago it was “everybody will use Canton”

>> No.56356830

>haha everyone is using their own L1 just like Sergey said they would! It's so over for Chain-Link!

>> No.56356949

Too bad Cosmos' tokenomics are fucking dogshit, otherwise I'd be grabbing a bag asap.

>> No.56357350

porn addicted fudders cannot get their scripts straight

>> No.56357595
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33% attack

>> No.56357669

Quant has the same narrative and is IIRC being tested/used by SIA, referenced by the BIS, etc. Link by SWIFT. So even on that level, it doesn't seen certain that it will only be one protocol desu. Quant in particular wants a standardized system in which people can create their own Quant type of interop integration and then connect to others...

>> No.56359533

ATOM has the highest APR in crypto but it comes from airdrops, not from staking.

>> No.56360821


>> No.56361162
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>> No.56361967

He's not fudding, are you retarded?
Judging from that paragraph, they're trying to use some semi-finished protocol (see last part)

>> No.56362233

They are not called kekfuddies for nothing

>> No.56362241

as opposed to linktards grasping at straws with their endless breadcrooombing?

>> No.56362253

How would you even know about all of this breadcroombing if you're not a Link holder and follower yourself?

>> No.56362257

Your endless filter evading spam threads have done a pretty good job at letting the entire board know about your mental illness
do you have anything to say apart from ad homs?

>> No.56362265

>Your endless filter evading spam threads
The thread you're in right now clearly states "Chainlink", "Linkies", "CCIP".
You wouldn't be in here if you actually had filters on. Oops.
(also, it's a fud thread, which is 90% of all Link threads)

You're not well in the head, are you?

>> No.56362274

Are you going to pretend that breadcrooomb threads are not blatantly evading filters using some seemingly non link-related buzzword? Are you going to pretend that your role model tripfaggot pooopoop isn't spamming his shilling mantra relentlessly on every /biz/ thread he can find?
Are you anaware of the absolute dact that anyone who has been lurking for more than 2 years has inevitably been exposed to your obnoxious shilling?
If so, you're being extremely disingenuous or naive or retarded, can't really tell

>> No.56362282

>"dude stop evading my filters!"
>posts in threads clearly tagged with "Chainlink", "Linkies", "CCIP"

only a Jew could get caught lying so blatantly and still just keep going

>> No.56362292

>oh fuck he's wrecking my carefully constructed narrative of playing the victim!
>moar ad homs !
at the very least, you're as deranged as the infamous bulgarian fudders you so often invoke
>Inb4 how do u know about them??? huh?? Huhhhhhh?????

>> No.56362308

How’s that filter working?

>> No.56362325

what filter?

>> No.56362344

How does this compare with Canton?

>> No.56362346

kek kiddos

>> No.56362347

>filter evading
>evading filters

What filters?

>> No.56362353

the implication being that you must use filters in order to spot filter evading posts? not really, like I said, most of the breadcrumb threads filter evade by using non related buzzwords
unless you expect the board to filter an entire dictionary

>> No.56362362

>complains about too many Link threads
>doesn’t use filters
>also complains about filter evasion

This fucking pilpul lmao

>> No.56362381

>too many Link threads
well, that is a fact, it is literally the only shitcoin allowed to have 10+ threads at all times
>>doesn’t use filters

>> No.56362389

>doesn’t use filters
>also complains about filter evasion
>thinks those two are mutually exclusive
why would I use filters when you constantly go out of your way to evade them? I'm simply stating facts here and you are hellbent on finding something to attack me instead of my argument

>> No.56362394

>it is literally the only shitcoin allowed to have 10+ threads at all times
Most of them fud threads like this one kek

>> No.56362400

yeah and most of them "fud" threads are also populated by shills like you, ready to dispel all fud and set the record straight
essentially both "fud" and positive threads act as link advertising, but I know you're going to ignore this fact as well

>> No.56362407

prime example of what I'm talking about right here
this is clearly filter evasion, and I don't even need to use filters to see this

>> No.56362409

>both “fud” and positive threads act as link advertising
So you’re a Link advertiser, got it.
Shoo shoo you filthy avocado

>> No.56362412

kek, I'm trying to engage in meta conversation hoping to instill some sanity, the world is not black and white moron

>> No.56362416

Stop shitting up this board with your Link spam, avocado

>> No.56362435

>metaverse zone
U guys know all this meme shit is bs right?
No serious business gives a shit about your little linkies and smart contracts and shitcoins
You want steady returns? Invest in msft/aapl/amzn or some shit

>> No.56362437

>Bankchains being silo'd is bad for interoperability layers
Absolute state of fudcucks holy shit

>> No.56362489

Is this bullish for cosmos (atom)?

>> No.56362513

I am retarded and don't know anything, but in the beginning of the year i was sold on COSMOS ATOM and its ecosystem. It just seems like there is passion and brains behind the project, they are aiming big and i was holding a lot earlier in the year but had to pull out for an emergency, its worth noting that the initial creator of COSMOS left the company to focus on his new technology GNOSIS, which is pumped way higher than ATOM atm. I believe in the future looks positive for both projects and its worth holding some and keeping an eye on what its doing, COSMOS is quite popular in general. I am mostly holding LINK rn, but i believe in the COSMOS ecosystem and also plan on buying GNOSIS. If you hold ATOM on the Keplr wallet, you can directly vote and be a voice for the governance of the project in a very direct way that at times is swayed by whale validators, but in general provides a lot of transparency for the inner workings of the COSMOS ecosystem. Also im retarded and dont know anything and make no money lol.

>> No.56362526


>> No.56362691

yo this token is the real deal it's a real moonshot I just heard about this from my boy /biz/ and lemme tell you its going to be massive it's got that real zoomer community behind it It's got memes cats and that vibe that gets the kids going if it does what /biz/ says it's going to be a real 1000x play

>> No.56362788

>100 posts by this id
Oof lmao

>> No.56362898
File: 58 KB, 581x596, 1694389812929174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Precisely, you fucking kike. You exclaim that LINK-poster are evading filters but you're in a fud thread which would be easily filtered.
Here's ((you)).

>> No.56363205

>2 years
Stfu and lurk newfag this is a link board; you missed the boarding, and you will miss when we launch. cope, seethe, and lick my smoothly shaven eggshell textured nutsack.

>> No.56365089

>reality is fud

>> No.56365119

Oh no! Not the 1000th L1 that will be paying up and using link to function!

>> No.56366953

I don't think so, but atom is a very good pick. It's among the few assets I'm holding for the long term, along with Dua, Fet, Agix, and a few others. For Dua, I'm counting on their multifunctional smart wallet as a catalyst for good price action once it goes live.