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File: 30 KB, 362x444, ETH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56346197 No.56346197 [Reply] [Original]

Just dumped $5k into ETH. Wish me luck anon. Hope it pays off sometime when I can stop wageslaving

>> No.56346241

> $10k

>> No.56346246

Eth is losing marketshare each day

>> No.56346250

So you bought like 3 whole ETH.

See you in 2040 when you're finally a millionaire.

>> No.56346306

150+ eth here, I think 10k will happen one day but not next run. I expect a peak around 8k in late Q1 2025, something like that. Right now eth/btc dominance is tanking and I suspect that to continue until mid 2024

>> No.56346315

Yes in 2643, when 10kusd will be worthless

>> No.56346366
File: 147 KB, 1663x677, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you just type random shit or actually retaded?

>> No.56346367


ETH is dead

>> No.56346396

ETH fudders have always been retarded, it is literally just how it has always been and always will be - Bitcoiners are in disbelief that they've been made redundant, and alt l1s need to sell the story that ETH is broken, so you have a literal army of people with a vested interest in shitting on ETH
because their FUD is invariably dogshit, the easiest defense is knowing minimal blockchain and having common sense - the information symmetry is free money for us in the long run

>> No.56346399


>> No.56346412

10k is programmed they say.

>> No.56346418

Yes, the sheer anti ethism of this kumar board is the fact that eth ll flip btc.

>> No.56346432
File: 187 KB, 1056x1412, Fmw1q_TWYAMaYoK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah most bullish thing about eth is state of ETH fud since forever, literally curry tire.
But "loosing market share" in bearmarket where every alt1 fell 95% and eth only 66% is new kind of retarded (It lost 30% vs btc from ath but desu last bear it lost 93% vs btc so again -growing)
Nawh seen this shit 3 times before you sound overinvested (I have more lol) things allways dump and pump more than you can imagine and during peak bull or bear. Every target you have 2 or 3x it. In every direction.

>> No.56346534

Biz target for LAST run was 10k eth and 100k btc, so no, absolutely not

>> No.56346567

now biz target is pathetic 8k, thats what happens when bankman is shorting the market with your coins!

>> No.56347668

How dumb can you be to think ETH is dead. For me and other chads there's no better time to bet on ETH and other assets in the ecosystem like CYMI, RDNT and PENDLE.

>> No.56347784

I lost count of how many times you contradicted yourself in your post and how many braincells I lost reading it.

>> No.56347805

name one

>> No.56347841

any alt hitting any given fiat target is entirely dependent on bitcoin making a move to a much higher target.

the question isn't is eth going to 10k, it's is bitcoin going to 150k

>> No.56347871

eth went down 66% because at its last cycle ath it only managed to get back to 50% of its 2017 ath.
lower highs is a simple fact for altcoins, all you can hope for is higher lows.

>> No.56347914
File: 497 KB, 1612x899, morons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally picks the dumbest fud
when is the last time btc hit an ath vs eth? just because ETH picotopped once it doesn't mean it's losing ground; can you read a fucking chart a toddler should understand? it's so telling of how much brain rot there is in the bitcoin camp; even the dumbest fud has staying power because no one is actually reasoning about anything, they're just parroting talking points from turbo morons

>> No.56347937

why are you altmaxis always such little bitches?

eth's just doing what thousands of alts do all the time. the only delusion is thinking that alts get their value from anything other than speculative hype. it's like sitting in link through the 2020 top and saying next year is going to be even bigger. completely detached from reality. it's no wonder generational wealth in this market has been so easy.

>> No.56348118

>eth's just doing what thousands of alts do all the time.
you know exactly the talking point you are going to hear when engaging with a btc maxi, even the wording and tone is copy pasted
npcs, but actually unironically

try to actually rationalize what you're saying, it is literal drivel - ETH is eating your lunch right in front of you, and has been the entre time - practically all crypto innovation and value drive is ETH adjacent; and even if you ignore the utility of ETH (which is fucking retarded to do, just for the record), it's still been massively outperforming Bitcoin, and it has zero reason to slow down - no voodoo curses or vague cryptic spin will make it disappear, because it wins on EVERY metric except absolute market cap, which it will also eventually win

>> No.56349983
File: 135 KB, 1024x1024, 1696615257073181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It must. My (future) blocklords bags depend on it. My avax bags depend on it. ALL my defi bags depend on it in fact.