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56346163 No.56346163 [Reply] [Original]

It should be painfully obvious to anyone with half a brain that LINK is about to go on a massive run. The amount of attention from normie-facing media is insane. Of course a lot of them still don't get it and still aren't buying and that's exactly what will help us paint a blow off top. The seed has already been planted in their minds and when the price starts to pump they will FOMO in. All the nocoiners that were scared away by FTX and NFTs will see big names like JPM and Citi publicly endorsing and adopting blockchain and with the looming threat of recession and inflation they will be desperate to make some money. LINK will pump like crazy and then it will dump like crazy. It will be our dotcom crash and it will usher in the depression that we've been postponing all this time. Crypto will be blamed and stifling regulations will pass with unanimous support. Crypto as you know it will cease to exist. The internet as you know it will cease to exist. The masses will be forced to sell their assets low and the elite will buy them all up. This is The Great Reset and it will be the greatest transfer of wealth society has ever seen.

>> No.56346173
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Never forget.

>> No.56346178

I thought link just goes up when adoption happens. I don't want speculation bullshit. The point was to never sell because link will be the new medium of money.

>> No.56346202

It will but they will play their games first. An opportunity to shake out retail, while enriching themselves, while setting up a patsy to take the blame for the recession, while creating a crisis to enable the passing of intrusive regulations? It's too juicy to pass up.

>> No.56346208

We all know shits going to get exciting...

>> No.56346218

Shakeout retail? Retail never bought. Link is unironically centralized in deep pocket holders that either are rich retail and don't count as actual retail, like they aren't doge coin holders or whatever or retarded biz idiots that who are sold on the never selling. Any kind of speculation pump would encourage a large amount of retail to buy like a few link just like everyone has 100 dollars worth of bitcoin.

I don't understand how a speculation pump is gonna shakeout retail. If you'd like to enlighten me feel free.

>> No.56346222

the never selling meme* which is not a meme

>> No.56346235
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>> No.56346281

By retail I don't mean straight normies who only know BTC and DOGE. I mean small fish. Even a 10k stack makes you retail, that's only $75k. Now think about how many people have 1k stacks even in this bear market. Now think about how many have 100 stacks. LINK isn't some obscure altcoin anymore, everyone has heard of it and if LINK does what it's meant to do even those with 100 stacks will be richer than they can ever imagine. And the thing with retail is, they never sell. When their portfolio value starts growing the idea of selling terrifies them. Do you think every ~80IQ mouth breather that decided to buy $700 worth of LINK because he saw Altcoin Daily shill it is going to become a millionaire? I'm not saying they're going to artificially pump and dump it. It will happen naturally just like the dotcom crash happened naturally. It's just what happens when a market gets too overheated. LINK will overheat immensely no matter what. They're simply just going to take advantage of it. They will dump their LINK at exorbitant prices, not to punish retail, but because they know they will be able to buy back cheaper.

>> No.56347031
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>And the thing with retail is, they never sell
That’s how I know you’re retarded. Most retail, even marines here will sell at $500 thinking a cycle crash is coming not realizing the true potential of Chainlink which is the backbone of the new internet. Then most will be priced out of the new paradigm forever. Link will be embedded into every aspect of society by that point. Chainlink integrated at hardware level into every device. The spice that runs everything
Eric Schmidt
>In web 2, it was difficult to create a token-based system for finding people, but with the invention of Layer Two Plus tokens plus distributed plus immutable, trust is built into the protocol, enabling new and powerful solutions to problems.
>There are two layers of incentives in web 3: app/user level and infrastructure level, and the goal is to have web 3 universally used by everyone, similar to how Google wanted a piece of itself in everyone's computation.
>Having a piece of computation in every computation is a good idea, and the goal is for everyone to have a piece of chain link in everything they do, providing the most secure and best system for building applications in web3.

>> No.56347172

Also imagine how much passive income a 20k staker will be earning with Link at $500. Insane money.

>> No.56347229

This. The last shakeout OP speaks about has been happening for the last 3 years. Its only up from here forever. You think diamondhanding LINK has been rough? The real test of your strength is yet to come when LINK is triple digits and still climbing. Unfortunately many will sell at $10 $50 $100. To those that don't, the world is yours.

>> No.56347247

You lie. Chainlink is a perpetual pump and dump. Ponzi scheme digitized. Fuck Chainlink. Token not needed. Only the developers and insiders profit. The security is WORTHLESS

>> No.56347255

>To those that don't, the world is yours
Do you post this since 2018 to keep baggies from selling kek.

>> No.56348595

Macro economy is fucked, no assets will gain in value for like 10 years.

>> No.56348641

This is the bloomer/doomer synthesis narrative linkies need. You have to weave in armageddon somehow or else they're simply not interested.

>> No.56348819

The more banks save by using CCIP, the more Linkies make. This is a good investment strategy.

>> No.56348918

Most people are gonna sell around $800 just before what they think is the end of the next bull. But Link isnt going to follow any previous comparable runs because its not crypto its fintech.
Im gonna hold out for however long it takes just like the 1% of bitcoin/ Eth holders did. Fuck trying to gamble an entirely new type of market.

>> No.56348955

Cope. Its not even getting front ran because token not needed

>> No.56348995

If you're not holding at least a few hundred Link and forgetting about them your are absolutely fucking retarded and cant be helped.

>> No.56349474

Retard, why do you think retail is left holding bags after every pump and dump? Because they don't sell. They see the price go up and they think oh this is it, I'm going to make millions off my $500 investment. Retail doesn't even think about selling until they're in the red. Then the price starts going down and they still don't sell. The ones that do sell FOMO back in when the see the price continue to rise. This future where LINK never crashes because there's so much organic demand that's constantly increasing isn't happening anytime soon.

>> No.56349670

this. the shakeout has been intense, once it's over we enter the never selling timeline.

>> No.56349745

Didn’t Anthony Hopkins the actor post this? I’m not fucking lying I remember that happening.

>> No.56349803

get a job sergey and fuck off

>> No.56349923

Nah, I believe that the May 2023 Canton news is going to crash it on a 5 month delay.

>> No.56350123

you advocates have been talking about an imminent moon for 3 years, just like Gamestoppers

adoption, if it ever happens, is at least a decade away. In 7 years they've been able to produce an experiment. This is essentially a biotech company

>large paragraph of absolute jibberish
huh? The coin is down 90 already

insane delusion.
>Eric Schmidt
he's going to facilitate the rugging of Link, mark my words


more delusion... sad to see it

imagine not seeing this... the team has literally zero incentive to do anything. Sergey is already worth $500M

a) banks don't use CCIP nor will they, b) they wouldn't save any money. They are the ones who currently profit off fees for cross border transactions. Did you not know that? Banks pay other banks for these services

>> No.56350167

lol if you put as much effort into this as you would dating, you might get a gf. virgin spotted, check your command map

>> No.56350207

Holy cope. I’d say closer to 5 than 7, securities settlements are finally moving from a t+2 to a t+1 standard in 2024. If you want faster settlement than that then tokenization is the obvious play. I think that Sergey betray is going to be ultimately realized when most of the non-circulating supply is sold privately to institutional players. It’s a big club and you’re not in it. Still not as sad as XRP schizos thinking that international transfers will all run on their shitcoin, but the value capture will still be in favor of the central banking jews.

>> No.56350214

Cope. Currently shorting with 50% profit. Closing once it hits $6.

>> No.56350353

Yes, the shakeout will last another 40 years. But it’ll be worth it. Hold the line marines! Sergey needs to dump more link for fiat in order for our vision to be accomplished!

>> No.56350438
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the faster society falls apart, ai takes over, and people are desperate to cut costs the better it is for link
kinda fucked

>> No.56350598

I hate this fucking board so much. I bought 1k link at $6 and now I have hopium.

>> No.56350647

sergey quoted the neetch? is that real? lol...cringe but he's still a genius

>> No.56350654

>the true potential of Chainlink which is the backbone of the new internet.

The banks are not using chainlink. They're using stuff like Canton or Onyx.

>> No.56350660
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>> No.56350688

i misread that as "the spice that ruins everything" well if that ain't the truth...sergey's spicy big mac crop dusting marathons

>> No.56350698

yes it's real
we stalked every single impression he'd left online
do you know mikimoto pearls lore?

>> No.56350763

Anon, just stop. This shit is tired and busted. Nobody but a handful of fanatics still believe in LINK at this point.

>> No.56350796

>go on a massive run
it's been taking a run-up for 7 years

>> No.56350876

cant say i do, please cast your pearls before this swine

>> No.56350897

That already happened in 2021. We’re in the “crypto going to zero and being outlawed” phase after the bubble now. No do-overs if you messed up 2021, sorrrrrry.

>> No.56350990
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>> No.56351047

muh canton
muh onyx

>> No.56351048

the Canton shills worked hard to fud link this last week and you are doing them a disservice by posting this

>> No.56351357

oh wait i do remember this lol

>> No.56352774

Dave portnoy literally bought the top of chainlink with the winklevoss twins and put it on youtube

>> No.56352845

You can't destroy what God has blessed and God has blessed Israel.

>> No.56353960

Gold man larp didnt pan out huh who would have thought?
What new hopium will the chainlink advocates discord come up with next?

>> No.56353992

this mindbreaks linkies because deep down they know it to be true

>> No.56354414

$500 lmao in 2035 maybe

>> No.56354554

Chainlink is an unfathomably based oracle like Supra but with shitty tokenomics.

>> No.56354592

There are some retards in this thread. It is a fundamental principle of economics that cycles occur with everything. While it's true link will likely appreciate dramatically in value in the coming years, it will have bull and bear markets like all assets in the history of the world. It's not different this time. Link is a great asset, but it's scarce and the crashes will be fueled by people's greed when they borrow too much and cannot afford to repay. Market cycles are fueled by psychology. Not by mathematics. For this reason as long as there is a way to borrow money for Link, there will be a crash following Link's price rise.

>> No.56354668

LINK will definitely go on that run. I'm also waiting to bag some SUPRA for the oracle bull run.

>> No.56355260

It'll be pretty upsetting when LINK crashes to $10k, but I'm sure we'll get over it.

>> No.56355374

Eric Schmidt asks Sergey about competitors and Sergey completely fumbles.

Sergey is like Tesla; he made something great but didn't realize banks are ruthless and will simply steal great ideas. Guess what? Banks aren't going to use Link. They made their own private version. Insiders have known this for a while and that explains Link's price.

>> No.56355450

The flick has been switched.

>> No.56355452
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How many link would it cost to sniff her brapper? 2031 linkies?

>> No.56355525 [DELETED] 
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How much ny@N c@t money would it cost to sniff her brapper? 2062 lil kitties?

>> No.56355693 [DELETED] 
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How much ny@N c@t money would it cost to sniff her brapper? 2062 lil kitties?

>> No.56355699

They will be using various L1s, yes. And how do they make these disconnected L1s interoperable?

>> No.56357443

Thought L1 doesn't have a future anymore

>> No.56357517

Tbh, if LINK goes parabolic I'll buy more oracles like SUPRA and DIA.

>> No.56357565
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I am not bullish, I am beyond bearish.
Chainlink is a globohomo shitcoin of the highest order and is going straight to zero.
Your days of shitting up biz with your astroturfed psyops are over. You've been found guilty of using DARPA bots, paid shills and sybil attacks to push the WEF agendas, and for that you will pay with your miserable life.
You shills and bagholders will be financially EXTERMINATED and there is nothing you can do about it except watch in horror as it all comes tumbling down. The ride ends here for you linkies, the game is over.

>> No.56357842

Look here retard, any L1 that is not post quantum cryptography has no future