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File: 190 KB, 663x715, NEET pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56345456 No.56345456 [Reply] [Original]

What stops you from being a NEET?

>> No.56345484

No neetbux were I live

>> No.56345487

where would that be?

>> No.56345509

South america my bastard

>> No.56346034

Social pressure and anxiety, specifically fear to underperform and let down my parents
I don't find the activity of watching tranime/playing vidya/generally consooming attractive so I wouldn't profit in any way from being a neet instead of wagie drone.

>> No.56346097

same dude shit sucks, Ill gladly any minimum wage from first world I could live like a king here,

>> No.56346104

TEFL is a better gig, you can work 20 hours a week just babysitting cute asian kids and pull down enough money from that to save$1000 a month and bang cute Chinese girls

>> No.56346107

what do you find attractive instead?

>> No.56346156

Working out
Cybersecurity competitions/coding
Basically being an incel

>> No.56346171
File: 463 KB, 1471x893, NEET guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56346201

Getting neetbux doesn't stop you from being homeless and your parents will die eventually.

>> No.56347056

Don't want to have $200 disposable income per month, want to live alone in nice neighborhood

>> No.56347068
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Rent, bills and food.

>> No.56347069

What country mate? Please dont tell me argaytina pls

>> No.56347102

I hate working, but I hate being a leech more. I need to throw any spare cash into crypto and stocks until I hit it big.

>> No.56347143

>labour is not inheritably valuable
produce a product then brainlet

>> No.56347151

I need to eat

>> No.56347299

I hate working, but I hate being leeched more. I refuse to be taxed on dollars that are already created for free out of thin air in unlimited amounts and given to all the worst people and things in society.

>> No.56347413

As a NEET without high net worth you have to deal with powertripping wagies at the job center, who torture you with mind-numbing "courses", force you to apply to shit jobs, make you show up at 6am and things like that.

>> No.56347466

need the pineapple owl to do a 1000x and i'm out

>> No.56347761
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>> No.56348070

>Working out
>Cybersecurity competitions/coding
>Basically being an incel
lmao you can do all this while being a NEET and moreso than being a wagie drone

>> No.56348101

if your parents die, just commit suicide, very simple. Or better yet just go to mexico and start killing cartel members. Keep a cyanide pill and carry it with you at all times, just in case. At least this way you have a chance of becoming a legend or creating a life you don't hate. And if you fail you can't ruin your life, because you were gonna get rid of it anyway.

>> No.56348112

>I need to throw any spare cash into crypto and stocks until I hit it big.
which ones are you throwing in to these days?

>> No.56348123

exactly. Working is retarded. I will NEVER understand normies. I don't care if you bootlickers got brainwashed by the jews. This is not okay. This is not normal.

Also the financial system is a hyper scam. Been that way since we moved from the gold standard meaning your working more for less and that trend has existed for DECADES.

>> No.56348132

in USA, you could get a couple hundred just from move stamps, let alone disability/unemployment

>> No.56348149

How does one find hobbys to fill all your free time with?
Basically just scrolling all day and cracking open beers, that's not healthy or sustainable - but can't bring myself to do anything else.

>> No.56348810

I can read for 10h straight, have a full machine shop, ride/maintain motorcycle, hunting, fishing, sailing, skiing, idk how you are bored this stuff isn't even very expensive or require a computer

>> No.56348963
File: 78 KB, 772x752, 1697124719917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have sex

>> No.56348994

so do I as a NEET, just don't be ugly

>> No.56349314

I love pussy too much. I just think giving a balls deep creampie to an attractive woman is the greatest feeling in the world

>> No.56349492

the knowledge that it always leads to depression

>> No.56349568
File: 102 KB, 772x787, 1697129702010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres only two kinds of neets, rich retired "neets"
And the real basement dwelling neets on autism bux who live with mommy

>> No.56350899

shit, I wish I was an American, would NEET it up. Where I live if you don't work you don't eat basically.

>> No.56351996
File: 19 KB, 463x453, 1695931630152036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56352077

Car bill and parents/grandparents pushing me to get a job all the time.

>> No.56354292

The part there I'm too poor to do anything that would result in a meaningful outcome you Muppet.

>> No.56355632
File: 389 KB, 458x576, 24600492007448969900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much ny@N c@t money would it cost to sniff her brapper? 2084 lil kitties?

>> No.56355646

I plan to neet even when I make it and drive into centrelink in a koenigsegg with foreign plates. The smooth soles of my handmade John lobbs sliding on the dirty carpet. I'm impatient for my appointment and I tap on 400k euro A. Lange & Söhne while looking smugly at the wagie.

Now I'm not sure of the tax implications but I'll have so much free time that it'll be something to do just for fun