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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56338176 No.56338176 [Reply] [Original]

>lost £100,000 on derivatives trading in the recent crash
>sold my PC, playstation, TV, some silver bars to raise money
>took a second job as a dominos delivery driver
>will have to sell my subaru impreza for a prius
>family have been callous or poked fun at my misfortune
>my brother still owes me money and won't pay it back
>There is great shame
But I will pick up the pieces. For those anons that have lost on risky investments, know that you can rebuild. Here, have a Nietzsche apustaja for the struggle.

>> No.56338189

how the fuck do you even do this and why would you even leverage that kind of money?

>> No.56338208

Put it all in trades
For obscene profits

>> No.56338618

>losing £100,000
Christ, I would've never forgiven myself.
How much do you have left now?

I hope you make it, my white brother

>> No.56338659

I lost 150k shorting bitcoin in 2023

Building up a new altcoin portfolio for the next cycle, hopefully I pick good ones kek

>omg how could you guys do this

It’s called going big, you’ll never make it big if you are a pussy who only plays it safe,

>> No.56338669

For how much did you sell your playstation ?

>> No.56338671
File: 39 KB, 466x349, i have never enjoyed living in the world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the last year or two I had occasional retard impulses to loanmaxx and put it into either something that's supposed to at least 2x at some point (like Link) or a long shot (like Rubic). Every time they'd go up I would get madder and madder and inch closer to it but eventually managed to subdue the urge. I also knew in the back of my mind that even if they started going upwards I'd get greedy and wouldn't sell half at first double to cover debts. Link lost 75% of value since and RBC got dumpstered and memoryholed so hard that sometimes I forget I ever bought in. No pain no gain, but sometimes also all pain no gain. It is the way of things.

Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.56338673

>hopefully I pick good ones
Fringe Finance, yw

>> No.56338684

how much do you have now, my white brother of masculinity?

>> No.56338931

I ended up with just 300 gbp to my name. I am rebuilding by cutting costs. Cancelled my gym and just use a kettle bell at home. I am now up to about 5K. I will trade up and sometimes I make 100 a day. Sometimes it is 10. Sometimes nothing.

>> No.56338933

Oh and thank you for your well wishes my aryan brother

>> No.56338938

Good luck my fren. We WILL fucking make it.

150gbp. It was a PS4 so not too bad.

Don't fall for the debt joo anon

>> No.56339130

Brutal loss lad, did you get that money from crypto?

>> No.56339133

About 60,000 was fiat savings. The rest was made through leverage trading.

>> No.56340414

Christ, this makes me feel better about losing £40k in crypto.

God speed anon

>> No.56340644

You too fren