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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56337098 No.56337098 [Reply] [Original]

i fell for the home ownership meme, why /biz/ did you fuck me over like this, now my AC broke and i got no money to fix it, this is pure BS i should of just stayed renting and not have to deal with any of this BS. now i need to pay a bunch of greedy fucking realtors to sell this cuckshed...

fuck my life

>> No.56337113

Good morning it's OK sir. It will no matter condition of your dwelling, I will gladly pay you $150 USD for it?

>> No.56337135

kek im going through something similar rn and wishing I was a rentoid again

>> No.56337162

Lmao, smug asshole deserves what he got. You're already underwater BTW.

>> No.56337168

are you retarded? why would you get such an expensive unit? you can get by with one of those window units instead

>> No.56337183

My neighbor did my hvac, one of those new, low energy but high output models, parts and labor cost $4000 leafbux total, might have been $3000.

>> No.56337185

Uhhhh, what will the neighbors think? Have you ever considered that?

>> No.56337194

My nigger wtf website are you on? I install these bitches for a living. That price is so not true & anyways you can’t buy it without license let alone supply houses don’t advertise prices online. Your ac probably doesn’t need to be replaced you’re just retarded. I will fix it for you

>> No.56337198

Insurance? I use window units that are cheap and last forever

>> No.56337223
File: 17 KB, 763x116, Screenshot 2023-10-11 001301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine isn't broken but I decided to upgrade my 30 year old system next week. I managed to talk them down to $11,500.

>> No.56337225

Wall units are for niggers

>> No.56337238

Pretty decent my fren

>> No.56337246

I also got them to do 2 years of VIP club agreement (aka maintenance). What do you think about single vs double vs variable stage?

>> No.56337248

It’s true.
You can get the full system (double this size at 4t) including furnace and coils installed with labour for a little over half that price.

>> No.56337254

If you can't afford to repair or replace your central, you're a nigger that should use window units.

>> No.56337264

>muh AC
it's October you dumb larping pajeets

>> No.56337320

ac produces nasty stale air

literally just open a window and use a fan. humans are supposed to sweat

>> No.56337369

You got a good deal brother. Idk where you are located but hvac companies are hurting due to many reasons. & variable speed is the way to go for sure but won’t matter much if installers don’t properly adjust airflow settings (CFM). Variable speed is like an electric stove slowly building up and only using what it needs. Single just comes on full blast then shuts off when it’s satisfied. Nowadays with the smart thermostats and all variable speed is the way to go

>> No.56337372

Frfr 1 post by op

>> No.56337385

Heat pumps and furnaces are ridiculously expensive to own. There’s your problem. 10 year lifespan you’re looking at 1k a year. Mine broke and now I just use space heaters

>> No.56337406
File: 691 KB, 1080x1025, Screenshot_20231010-135438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao Americans are so fat they new to spend 10k on air conditioning. Maybe don't live in plywood houses retards

>> No.56337439


Lmao no. Learn to close your eyes, envision yourself cold, wow you’re no longer hot. Being “hot” or “cold” is literally just a state of mind.

>> No.56337461

Say that to yuropoors that died of heat stroke this past summer

>> No.56337475

great country if only it had a lot of niggers and was completely obedient to Israel too
oh wait...

>> No.56337492

Noice, it works, i won't spend a dime on AC or heating anymore

>> No.56337540

>his suburb is more than ~5 miles away from the nearest walmart
it's funny when yuros try to pretend they're american
I've lived in the US southwest for two years and I've never had AC (had the roofers pull down the swamp cooler the week I moved in), the trick to living without AC is a) ceiling fans and b) no women in your life.

>> No.56337882

Why are you paying for a new A/C unit in October? Even the warmest parts of the country have at most 2-3 weeks left where they will need A/C. Just get a $300 portable unit for a few weeks until winter gets here.

Your inspection should have told you the age of the A/C unit. Most sellers also include a home warranty that covers A/C failures.

>> No.56337885


maybe stop being fat

>> No.56337896

Yeah, fuck that. I lived in Vegas for a decade and my A/C went out in July one year. It's no fun sleeping in a 90 degree home. Overnight lows are in the mid-80s and if you open your windows scorpions find their way in.

>> No.56337898
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stupid europoor LARP

>> No.56337927

lmao americunts are poor
land of the free my ass
free from money maybe hahahaha

>> No.56338153 [DELETED] 
File: 383 KB, 517x499, 38353458135604007640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 5 of posting about nyancatmoney.com 500 times a day until we are over $1 each. This is post 1617. The price has gone up 50% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win.

>> No.56338242 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 726x609, 52265478051852911217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 5 of posting about nyancatmoney.com 500 times a day until we are over $1 each. This is post 1667. The price has gone up 50% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win.

>> No.56338312 [DELETED] 
File: 865 KB, 1024x1024, 97261572913901404766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 5 of posting about nyancatmoney.com 500 times a day until we are over $1 each. This is post 1667. The price has gone up 50% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win.

>> No.56338399 [DELETED] 
File: 400 KB, 1024x921, 98594344343809725672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 5 of posting about nyancatmoney.com 500 times a day until we are over $1 each. This is post 1667. The price has gone up 50% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win.

>> No.56338424

It's the safest investment unless the government puts negros in your neighborhood in section 8 housing.

>> No.56339822

Nasty rotten onion smelling ass frenchie

>> No.56339872

>a/c """breaks"""
>literally just some heat condensers, fans, and a sealed compressor
>first suggestion is always to drop $10-20k on a new unit rather than repair the old one
i don't get the HVAC industry or normalnigger homeowners. imagine if a mechanic's first suggestion were to replace your entire car every time something broke.

>> No.56340070

Scorpions just waltz their way in right through the screen eh

>> No.56340313

The problem is can't get the parts with a license and with EPA Cert 1-3 or universal for charging the system. So basically no go juice and no parts. Chances are its a simple fix though and OP is just too dumb to figure it out.

>> No.56340360

you should be posting in DIY.

>> No.56340381
File: 717 KB, 1170x1153, EB7F0D0A-18EA-4D64-9680-5B5E30042528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Describe what happened and I can suggest a course of action. Did the compressor lock up? Is the outside unit fan running when you put it on cool mode? Is your inside fan running?

>> No.56340475

Sorry but no, Shobogenzo. Mind states are just buddhist cope

>> No.56340489

isnt it like 99% of the time a $0.30 capacitor. Lol

>> No.56340525

7/10 times it’s a capacitor, $45 part that takes 10 minutes to swap out. The reason most systems require replacement is because a new generation of units came out that is rated for SEER2, not SEER like they used to be, they have different compressors, coil design and pressures. Indoor and outdoor coils must be matched on the AHRI chart or else the system won’t run right, so you shouldn’t swap a 410A SEER2 condenser (brand new) onto a 410A SEER indoor coil. You can do it, but if the old system is R22, then the entire thing needs replaced, there is no retrofitting an R22 system, the designs are too different. Plus, R22 system oil trapped in the lines will chemically react with 410A system oil, as well as any traces of leftover R22 refrigerant, and burn up the brand new unit.

>> No.56340529

my central air unit seems to be going out as well, doesn't matter now but will be a major problem next year. its an 18 year old unit, i bought an old ass house in 2019 and it needs a fuckton of repairs starting to add up.
>tfw fell for the ownership meme

>> No.56340575
File: 1.68 MB, 1170x1919, EFF73B74-14D8-4DD1-9F8D-98085F34F8D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18 years is a good life for one of these systems, they’re engineered to last 15. I pulled out an old GE system from the 70s last year, damn thing was still running, only died because the indoor coil sprung a leak. Compressors on those GEs were built to last forever.

As for your system, it’s very important to choose a contractor who knows what he’s doing. Even if you pay a little more up front, avoiding “side job Bob” slapping a new system into poor ductwork or not being able to charge the system correctly could save you thousands and thousands.

>> No.56340596

Hey, October and cooler weather are the best times to put in a new system. Please don’t wait till summer, I need all the work I can get during the winter months :)

>> No.56340745

They do have R22 conversions, they have a new chemical they can replace it with.

>> No.56340768

I spent like a hundred bucks on window units like 15 years ago and I'm still using them in the house I bought 5 years ago. They keep the house cool perfectly fine. Money management like this is why I retired from wagecucking at 40 and now just do freelance jobs now and then and do whatever I want every day.

>> No.56340793

Bros I got a quote to replace the eight (8) windows in my home, they wanted like $7500 lmao. Is it really this expensive?

>> No.56340835


pff snubs

>> No.56340888

Maybe prices are better end of season?

>> No.56340896

>home warranty included
>after meme flu

>> No.56340998

I'm constantly paranoid about my ac and furnace. I should do some maintenance but now that it's actually cold out I'm paranoid to fuck with it and break it.
Next spring I'll give them both some /diy/ tlc

Sounds reasonable. Pre Weimar the rule of thumb was $500 per window, coming from my boomer sources. Could be more if you get quadruple paned with xenon and shit. I need new windows and siding too but I'm trying to put it off for like 10 years and just deal with them being a little drafty.

>> No.56341019

>be me
>fall for home ownership meme, buy at 300k
>live here 5 years
>had to pay 36k a year towards mortgage, 150k total
>pay at least another 50k in maintenance
>fucking thing is only worth 900k today
>damn thing only gave me a infinitely better return than renting

biz is like arguing with small children. Renting = all costs + owner profits. How hard is that to understand? Renting costs more than owning. Always.

>> No.56342039

Well, yes, there’s “replacement R22” that’s used when they need recharging, but my point was that you can’t use a 410A condenser on an R22 coil, or vice versa. Some people do it but it’s always a hackjob and the system never runs right.

>> No.56342161

>now i need to pay a bunch of greedy fucking realtors to sell this cuckshed...
cant you sell it yourself or are you etarded?

>> No.56342486

>tenant complains about broken AC
>tell him its his fault
>he cant disapprove it
>stops paying rent
>throw him out
>keep down payment to fix it
>let new tenant pay 50% more rent

ez pz Landlord Life

>> No.56342496

Have you cleaned your coils and check that stupid fucking fuse on the underfloor unit ?

>> No.56342956

Split AC is the way to go. Why cool the entire house if you're only using one or two rooms? Time to upgrade.

>> No.56343977

There's some $1 houses in Detroit you'd be interested in then.

>> No.56344439

Can confirm. I had a 5 ton installed not too long ago for 8k cash. I forget the brand but it isnt trane or carrier.

>> No.56344470

2 years VIP maintenance? You understand that these units come with a 2 year total warranty (including labor) from the manufacturer, right? And a ten year parts warranty. So you paid an extra 2-4k for stuff your warranty already covers. I went through this same crap when I had my ACs replaced, I asked the first two guys to leave because they tried me with this "VIP club" nonsense. Air conditioners as a live service is retarded, dont fall for it.

>> No.56344495

why the hell are you paying 36k per year on a 300k mortgage?
if you think 3x in 5 years is normal you are delusional
and you do not HAVE those 900k, because you're not selling

>> No.56344563

You dumb fucking baiting nigger 2 ton units are around 2k. Just a quick Google search shows you're a pathetic lieing piece of shit. Seriously Google 2 ton ac unit.

>> No.56344866

At least I won't have to pay them to come out and check on my system in case I can't incidentally see something wrong that's happening. It also includes simple stuff like changing out the filter twice a year. I'm obliged to pinch a few pennies in that regard for a couple of years.

>> No.56344925

You jest but I made my landlord fix the AC twice in the past 2 years. God bless California

If you tried that shit I could legally withhold rent. Now fix my AC, asshole

>> No.56344934

I was thinking of making a change to hvac, what do you mean they're hurting? The guys I talk to seem to have more business than they know what to do with

>> No.56344994

It's always summer somewhere

>> No.56345005

All of that happened, and none of those figures are exaggerated.

>> No.56345008

>Your ac probably doesn’t need to be replaced you’re just retarded.
I hear the capacitors are always the first thing to go

>> No.56345215

is ac even legal in cali? Not for long Im sure

>> No.56345265

ac will be legal but having a gas generator to power one during the heat wave blackouts will be illegal for poors

>> No.56345709
