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56334580 No.56334580 [Reply] [Original]

>finally match with a qt
>get along well
>she asks for my social medias to keep in touch
>tell her i dont use social media since i'm an adult male, not a teenage girl
>she instantly unmatches me
>tiresome and demoralized
how do i profit from the absolute state of modern day """dating""" scene?

>> No.56334588

>incel acts like a serial killer and is surprised when a woman doesn't grant access to her holes

>> No.56334593

You revealed your power level to her too soon and she picked up on your incel chud vibes. Next time you have to string them along with a facade of normiedom, and only reveal to her that you are a racist autist once you lock her down.

>> No.56334594

Either put in the minimum effort to make a fake insta or just get over. Not every slut on that app cares about muh social media, some even think you're cool and mysterious.

>> No.56334603

im a 3 digits iq monogamous crypto millionaire who works out 4 days a week and who's actually looking for something meaningful and long term instead of a stupid pump and dump and i cant even get a single date with a decent human female because i dont give a shit about instagram nonsense ahhh this stupid fucking world, why was i cursed with aspergers? what the fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.56334606

either was
a) fake
b) thought you were fake
c) thought you not having a social network is a red flag

>> No.56334608

its a "red flag" if you dont want to show off your entire life to strangers on the internet and beg for people to follow you

>> No.56334620

have you tried e-harmony where you answer tons of questions and then you match with women with similar world views?
e) she just felt insulted

>> No.56334633

You have Asperger's you just said it.

You type like a pretentious faggot also. "I'm a three digit iq... Blah blah"
Lmao. Get real.
Yes women think not having social media is a red flag because they're retarded, but next time don't type like a faggot and tell her straight up that you just don't have one.
Also tinder? You're on tinder looking for something serious? Hahahaha

>> No.56334635

Just go to a bar, you don't have to fight as many other men and the algorithm there

>> No.56334643

You and I are very similar. I had much better luck with Bumble. Tons more decent matches willing to talk and I found a girl that I dated for 2 years. Tinder is for finding one night stands when you're traveling overseas.

>> No.56334646

>You're on tinder looking for something serious? Hahahaha
True, have you seen the latest Tinder ads? Women talking about how they use it for flings and going from one to the next. Tinder is the worst place to look for anything meaningful.

>> No.56334659

i will literally never have sex

>> No.56334672

You tried to be edgy in the most boring way possible. She has probably heard the same thing many times from other beta losers that larp as lone wolf omega chads.

>> No.56334675

>i will literally never have sex
just pay a hooker.

>> No.56334689

if it makes you feel any better, it wasn't actually a girl. It was a scammer looking to get the conversation off of tinder.
You'll cope and say "noooo she was real"
no, she wasn't
any tinder match asking to move the conversation off of tinder isn't real (not including an actual date obviously)

>> No.56334705

That is true. Especially because OP describes her as a qt.
But not having a social network is definitely seen as a redflag. I know because i've been told that very directly by several women.

>> No.56334715

aproach girls in real life, you still get rejected but the amount of confidence you gain is priceless

>> No.56334742

You realize that you are looking for diamonds in a coal mine... right? Ofc you are going to find low quality, shallow women on an app designed for that.

>> No.56334748

>several women
how old? in your 30s nobody gives a fuck besides cluster Bs you want to avoid anyway

>> No.56334787


Cluster b for sure, AVOID unless you want her aborting your third trimester child in 12 months

>> No.56334789

Both 20's and 30's. People find it weird you dont have one, besides they want to check if you're normal or a complete freak. Some also think i'm married or dating someone else etc.

>> No.56334822

Unfortunately in this day and age if you do not have social media you get branded as loner, loser and/or psychopath.

I don’t have social media either but it’s because I am a loner and never joined because I would have been embarrassed at my low friend count

>> No.56334834

Not having some kind of normienigger social media account with a decent amount of photos doing normie things and having followers is unironically one of the biggest red flags for women today.

>> No.56334926

Kek, you basically called her a retard. How autistic are you?

People don’t really give a shit if you don’t have social media as long as you make some bullshit excuses than doesn’t sound too deviant.
I just say I’m someone private and social media are very addictive to me so I stopped using it.

>> No.56334984

don't let them ask you for instagram but be one step ahead and give them your phone number and tell them to contact you on whatsapp / telegram (99% of the time they'll have either of those)
do not ask them for their number as they'll end up giving you their instagram (it feels less private than giving the phone number I guess)
by the time they realize you're a shizo it's already too late
>T another no social media shizo

>> No.56335035

you guys are putting the pussy on a pedestal

>> No.56335050

Yep. Literally why I am still a virgin. Hate what Jews did to the dating market place

>> No.56335195

>t. Incel

>> No.56335228

you didn't lose anything of value
people exchanging their ig profiles do it because it's all they have, ig accounts are all their lives and their social facade to the world
be happy she got out of your life my lil nigga

>> No.56335249

She thought you had a gf, that's why.

>> No.56335257

>serial killer
checks out

>> No.56335261

>tell her i dont use social media since i'm an adult male, not a teenage girl
Hey retard, how bout you just leave it at "don't have any" next time, see if that helps

>> No.56335275

Terrible cope

>> No.56335288

Reminder that the social pariah effect of not being on social media is extraordinary. Do not fall for the common 4chan copes. The men trying to convince you that you'll be a an attractive stoic alpha male if you abstain often suffer from bouts of depression and loneliness in between posting about how smart they are for not liking 'gay normie shit' that 'only shallow people care about'.

EVERYONE is influenced by social media. Why do you think it is a global phenomena with billions of users from every country on the planet?
Do you think someone handsome with 30k followers is going to spend hours coping on how unfair the social dynamics of social media are? No, the cute girl you have a crush on just liked his vacation selfie. Generally speaking, if you have no presence or a shitty profile, people are going to come to the conclusion that you're lower status and that you have something to hide. Paradoxically, even the crabs trying to convince you that they are Marcus Aurelius II for not posting pictures online are also influenced by follower counts. Everyone, even the normalfags, like to pretend it doesn't matter when prompted, when it clearly matters a lot.

Anecdotal experiences about how 'I have a gf and don't have social media' are the exception. Of course, rationally speaking, you don't NEED to do anything since social status is so fluid and context dependent, but you're really shooting yourself in the foot for no reason. Never in the history of this species has it been easier to take control of your personal image, present yourself as attractive and high status in any context you choose, and to reach and be available to as many people as possible

If the thought of posting on social media terrifies you, that means you're aware that you're unattractive and have a boring life. If you think it is 'effort' to use social media to your advantage, that's a sign. You should fix that, pronto.

>> No.56335327

girls instantly ask her instagram and instantly judge your lifestyle by the pictures. what year are you living in grandpa?

>> No.56335328

i could send you any profile of a 5/10 with 10k followers right now recording himself / herself eating and farting all day and prove you wrong

95% of the population got vaxxed, I won't and yes I have sex and yes I have a lot of Tinder matches which i redirect to my closed ig profile with 700 fake followers that i will never open to them

it took me 20 minutes to kill the normie at his own game

>> No.56335339

I rejected social media when it first came out because I didn’t want to be like my siblings that were obsessed with it and then in high school I had like only a few friends meanwhile everybody had profiles with hundreds of followers and it just made me feel like I’d be displaying what a loser I am if I have like only 30 or so followers so I didn’t bother creating an account and now I am 30 and even more of a loner then I ever was. I can’t create a social media now, what’s my best option. Try and start up a YouTube channel and Instagram and get social media clout that way so I can nkt be judged as a loner and get sex?

>> No.56335345

Just go to church every Sunday, you will find her there

>> No.56335369

You are not proving him wrong, you just admitted to using a fake Instagram with 700k followers to trick women you are high status.

>> No.56335382


>> No.56335449

>match with a 19 year old qt (I"m 35)
>say I want to make her my pet slave
>she tells me I sound like the evil German surgeon from Human Centipede
>I tell her I will do much worse things to her
>she says she is horny and invites me to her student accomodation
>I take an Uber
>We talk a bit and then I fuck her all night till the sun comes up then I bail back home in the morning

This happened just last night. Step your game up OP

>> No.56335480

incels BTFO

>> No.56335492

The exact type of women I like to avoid are the ones that consider not having social media a red flag. and yes, I realize women are stupid and that is most of them. I'm not going to cuck my morals for pussy.

>> No.56335564


Good advice if you want to be a faggot in a sea of faggots posting pictures of their lunch and expecting people to care. However I'm not looking for some dopamine fried zoomer retard of a woman that spends 14 hours a day scrolling on her phone.

>> No.56335583

It's so hard tho bro because you have to actually approach and be "confident" I can't be confident man it's way to hard to do it idk how my parents met without the internet involved it's crazy how lucky some millenials are when they found their true loves but us zoomers are stuck with bottom rung, narcissistic, self indulgent and entitled bitches.

>> No.56335605

What kind of a woman were you expecting to get from tinder?

>> No.56335648

you are dumb, the chud meme suits you

>> No.56335709

anon I have a "showing" ig with bought followers (1k) and no pictures just stories saved, with photos of me and what I like and its enough for these bitches to treat me like a normal person
its not hard, just post your workouts its gonna make you look even better than you expect,
also completely turn off your expectations of what you want no one likes that makes you sound desperate

>> No.56335730

Would you say it's worth it to buy followers, just for a baseline? I don't even think I've met 200+ people in my life. I have like 20 followers on IG lol

>> No.56335799

So this is what it’s like to be in the mind of a midwit. Terrifying.

>> No.56335836

>shill thread for dead shitty suck and fuck app
>more shills trying to shill their scam social media bullshit

Pajeets working overtime in itt

>> No.56336078
File: 197 KB, 1170x1418, It's Over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whatsapp / telegram
Non-American spotted. Americans don't use either of those apps, except for the purpose to communicate with non-Americans.

100% of attractive women in the 20s and 30s have iPhones. 100%. That means communicating on iMessage.

If you are an American and a girl offers to talk to you on WhatsApp/Telegram, or has a "green bubble" on iMessage, there's like a 95% chance she's fake.

Also, if you don't have much social media, it's extremely important to have an iPhone. A girl might forgive having no/low social media to some extent if you have an iPhone, as it's a signal that you're pro-social.

>> No.56336253


What does overpaying on a phone have to do with being "social."

>> No.56336330

You need a hobby to meet people.

>> No.56336369

>people are going to come to the conclusion that you have something to hide
they pick up on that no matter how sterling your social media presence is

>> No.56336375

IDK. I'm not justifying it, I'm just saying how it will be viewed. In the US, not having an iPhone is a red flag to 20s and 30s women.

>> No.56336424


What if retarded women are red flags?

>> No.56336506
File: 14 KB, 239x230, mfwnopussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>match with girl
>get along well
>she asks me for a pic and I show her my 21cm erect penis


>> No.56336551

it's ok BudD, green id. yagmi.

>> No.56336625
File: 72 KB, 440x406, 1696816607108312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll take your word for it.

These dating apps are 99% literal sluts that just want to hookup, or have a fwb. The remaining 1% are either Christian girls that can't find a man in church, or women with cerebral palsy that are wheelchair bound, but still want a boyfriend.

Seriously, get off of those apps. They'll destroy your self-esteem. Unless your goal is to hookup with a bunch of 4/10 fatties and single mothers, get off of the dating apps.

I'm a 6'3", 185 pound natural bodybuilder that literally used to model for multiple clothing brands, and even I had serious trouble getting matches, even with the uglier women. Mainly because I didn't put every detail of my life in my bio, I wanted something serious and I don't use social media anymore. I have more luck just talking to people in the real world.

Get off the dating apps dude.

>> No.56336672

>no social media
Just give her the generals you frequent on 4chan bro

>> No.56336688

Kek recipe for success.

>> No.56336714

> /biz
> supposedly financially successful individuals
> nobody mentions just paying for whores instead of tinder roasties


>> No.56336739

biggest cope ever. no matter how rich you get, no prostitute will ever genuinely desire you and sex with a prostitute will never truly fulfill your desire for sex and dating for the same reason masturbation won't.

>> No.56336763

Do your dads know that you're a cringey homo?

>> No.56336768

you should show her your biz profile

>> No.56336814

Its so crazy cause im seeing this girl right now whos really pretty and sweet and she told me she almost didn't swipe on me because I was too good looking and she thought i wouldn't be interested in her. It's hilarious because i was having hardly any luck on the apps that month when i was using it. It doesn't matter if you're good looking/ugly whatever, sometimes you don't get shit. When I was living in Europe though as an american for a few months i was popular as hell. It's incredibly demoralizing though, especially if you are in shape/good looking and still struggle.

>> No.56336824

seethe, that guy is totally right

>> No.56336846

>Sounding like a perverted psychopath is "game"
>just being a normal fucking person will get you ignored

I hate this fucking world.

>> No.56336862

>simping for a loser who lectures losers

>> No.56336864

>All these post falling for this shit larp
Are you guys actually autistic?

>> No.56336863
File: 250 KB, 1280x849, Screen_Shot_2022-10-27_at_11.10.47_AM__77909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You DO have social media. What do you think 4chan is?

>> No.56336911

get social medias then retard

>> No.56336932
File: 1.34 MB, 1024x1024, anon_is_gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's 2023 faggot, pic related.

>> No.56336950

Dude this, I swear I get spammed with notifications all day long from this pos app begging me to use it. This shit is dead, most decent guys have stopped using it because it's fucking pointless, it's all disgusting whores on there. Every one of them are whores. I don't even care if there is the odd virgin unicorn out there, the fact that she is exposed to a bunch of disgusting creeps who write her nasty things and send her nudes all day long is enough for me to not want anyone of these girls, even the virgins. I talked to a virgin on there but she was still a hoe

>> No.56336986

That's not true a lot of these prostitutes end up getting into relationships with their client and even get married to them too. Interacting in real life is something else, you can't show off your personality on Tinder, you are reduced to a little picture which does nothing to convey who you really are. Women get attached really quickly and are very emotional so you can land a really hot girl who is even out of your league if she falls for you in some way. There's a reason why they say you are paying the girl to leave when you pay for sex

>> No.56336990

>if you pay the prostitute maybe you'll end up in a loving relationship with her :)
sorry you're right, i shouldn't have accused you of coping

>> No.56337021

I've never done it before but my friend who is a really good looking guy and pulls hot girls pays for hookers and he has been with one for like years now but even if you're not good looking as long as you have a decent personality I'm sure you can get even a hooker to fall in love with you. The trick is doing in calls I think but it seems pretty sketchy

>> No.56337029

But to be fair he was a pretty normal guy, Idk how incels would fair

>> No.56337215

>implying it is not a bot intended to demoralize you
Look, it's either her or you.

>> No.56337313


This nigger is seriously talking about the plot of Pretty Woman. These tinder shill threads have to be the absolute bottom of the barrel lmao.

>> No.56337391

>I don’t use social media. I’m an adult male, not a teenage girl
what a fucking retard. I don’t use any of that shit either but this is a pretty stupid way to express it to a girl who was curious about it

This is even more retarded than OP. What are you, a teenage girl?

>> No.56337658

And you cant prove any of that if you dont have social media kek

>> No.56337665

Pretty sure the main reason not to date whores is because their pair bonding is broken. Why would they get attached to dick #2046?

>> No.56337694
File: 78 KB, 750x957, polchudd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything I dont like is the work of <insert> to demoralize me!

>> No.56337705

I just want enough money not to worry about any of this.

>> No.56337818

Okay as someone knee deep in blackpill who managed to escape and find a trad girl, I’ll give you guys an advice I know not many will follow, but those who do are gmi. Those who won’t will have “but muh x” type responses which is fine.

1. If you’re fat, it’s gonna be a 6 month process. Before you do anything at all, lose your fucking weight, step 1. I’ve starved myself and managed to finally get massive face gains and the difference isn’t just visible to others you get confidence as well. This is the absolute first thing you do and once you do the next steps are gonna be easy.

2. Ask for /fa/shion advice on generals there Min max your look boost your strengths and hide your weaknesses with good fashion. Buy the best bang for buck perfumes that get compliments, know your body type and find best cloths, accessotize your hands and neck. Instantly will put you at a higher scale than most average men on the street.

3. Delete all dating apps, those are meant to crust your fucking morale. Dedicate 1-2 hours for the first week to asking normal questions to people, directions, things to do, etc if you’re turbo socially anxious you can start with men and then older women and then normal women, I did that. Then later on in week 1, try to do everything you can to extend your conversations. This is a skill you will develop over time. Since you’re approaching indirectly, there is absolutely zero pressure on you both and if she feels uncomfortable just say hey that’s fine, have a nice day and leave. That’s literally all you have to do.

Unironically after talking to a bunch of women and getting to know them, my perspective has completely done a 180. Our views are moulded by the 2-5% of sluts on dating apps and do not represent a majority of women.
All of them in the end including my soon to be wife actually told me they appreciated that I took the initiative to talk to them and hear them out. That’s all they need.

>> No.56337845

>a trad girl,

stopped reading there

obvious incel is obvious

didnt read the rest

>> No.56337868

definitely not true. girls ask for IG all the time to check your social status before meeting up.

no IG = no social status, and creep.

it just makes sense from the pov of a girl

>> No.56337875

can confirm

unless you are already alpha from yourself (which 99% of you aren't) you need an ig to prove you are worthy.

I've only in my life ever had 1 girl reject me because I didnt have ig, but she was like a 9/10 or even 10/10 in terms of looks.

>> No.56337877

Wait. So you fucked twice?
Why would I need advice from someone with a 100% failure rate including a false start.

>> No.56337883

I actually had some spare time so I did decide to read the rest of the post but it was so cringe in many ways I dont think there is even one thing in there that deserves to be replied to

what a shit advice

>> No.56337988

Contrary to what you read online, most women do not want to fuck on the first few dates. I spent weeks with them and most of it was mutual termination, we still stayed friends.

>missed the part where I said I was into blackpill
I know the terminology because I was one.

Like I said, it’s mostly intended to the silent majority who read but never reply.

>> No.56338034

you're not a teenage girl but you're looking for a meaningful, long term relationshit on tinder, kek.

>> No.56338037


>le you cant find a relationship online meme

damn it must be nice living there in the early 2000s

you realise now a days over half of the new relationships start by people that know eachother online right?

Dumb autist get with the fucking times

>> No.56338102 [DELETED] 
File: 383 KB, 1024x1024, 93867694003746750668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 5 of posting about nyancatmoney.com 500 times a day until we are over $1 each. This is post 1602. The price has gone up 50% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win.

>> No.56338105

fuck you cuck your tinder gf sucked thousands of cocks and now you french kiss her kys you fucking fag

>> No.56338114

>No i want le young virgin tradwife


>> No.56338117

she likely uses social media like most people, and you blatantly insulted her for doing so, lol
>I'm a self righteous prick why can't I get matches reeeee im demoralized

>> No.56338152

to each their own, if you want a tinder whore to be the mother of your children who am I to tell you otherwise

>> No.56338167

Yeah, yeah, incel chud. We got it. Go touch grass

>> No.56338168

>/pol/ psyop trying to keep incels incels by coming up with unrealistic standards, eventhough you guys arent even worthy enough to date a whore by being fat lazy incels that dont even have a social media


fun fact: Even if you manage to land an 18 year old virgin 'trad wife', what do you think will happen in 3 years when she is 21 and reaches legal drinking age and goes out partying with her friends?

I would never seriously date a girl who has less than 3 or 5 previous partners, because she doesnt know what she wants yet and will reach the experimenting phase shortly. What do you think happens when she is in college, drinks beers and parties with her friends and meets other people? Sure you can try to date these girls for fun, but I wouldnt rely on any serious intentions from them or you are gonna be in for a disappointment

But you do you

>> No.56338178


>> No.56338186

cope with what exactly?

You are clearly an incel that felt for the /pol/ psyop about trad wife. While you are probably extremely out of shape, fat, lazy, ugly and obviously a virgin because girls that actually went out and lived their lives are intimidating for you and make you feel insecure.

The 'trad wife' meme is literally a psyop made by other loser incels so they will forever remain an incel.

Do you really think someone like you will find a hot 18 year old virgin who will stay loyal with you for the rest of her life while completely missing out on fun and parties? Do you really want this for her too? Sounds to me you want a slave, not an actual significant other.

Dumb retard

also dont worry about it, dont worry about finding a trad wife or whatever because its so clear you will forever stay a virgin and your bloodline luckely dies with you

>> No.56338197 [DELETED] 
File: 657 KB, 1024x1024, 79645458035533543944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 5 of posting about nyancatmoney.com 500 times a day until we are over $1 each. This is post 1652. The price has gone up 50% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win.

>> No.56338206

stay mad normie faggot, also stop projecting incel on me ive fucked a ton of whores so ive probably fucked your girlfriend too
look up telegony your kids might even be related to me so dont worry about my bloodline
anyways looking forward to the next wall of cope

>> No.56338220

ive fucked more chicks than you i bet

>> No.56338244

How do you make a good profile?

>> No.56338276 [DELETED] 
File: 444 KB, 1024x921, 55403522242512806910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 5 of posting about nyancatmoney.com 500 times a day until we are over $1 each. This is post 1652. The price has gone up 50% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win.

>> No.56338318

>she will be attracted to me over follower counts
This in itself is a massive beta cope. Chads I know don't do social media except a low activity/private insta and a snapchat.

>> No.56338341 [DELETED] 
File: 856 KB, 1024x921, 99622181723585524338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 5 of posting about nyancatmoney.com 500 times a day until we are over $1 each. This is post 1652. The price has gone up 50% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win.

>> No.56338342

Well yeah if you're a tall attractive high status Chad girls will even be willing to contact you via literal physical letters if they have to.
But the vast majority of men are not tall attractive Chads and chances are that a person solving Captchas in order to post in a Tinder thread on a cartoon frog business imageboard isn't a Chad either.

For the vast majority of men not having social media is just shooting yourself in the foot and girls will think less of you for not having it, that's a fact.

>> No.56338347

you are attracting the wrong type of girls

>> No.56338363

you can feel the demoralisation.
Don't have social media? no problem
the nr.1 rule is go outside and meet some people. I've never scored on dating apps. always in clubs/bars etc. take two beers and have some fun ffs

>> No.56338368

way to play yourself

>> No.56338390

>Non-American spotted.
And I thank God every day

>> No.56338392

Even the last rural village girl has social media nowadays, don't deny it.
Even if you go to clubs/bars girls will give you their insta/snap, not their phone number.
Phone numbers are now seen as something more "private" which you rarely just give to strangers you just met, while they are always comfortable getting another follower on their curated social media

>> No.56338414

just ask her a few times. and, do you really want to be with an insta thot? if she's chill, she will give you her number. no big deal. what can she say? no? he raped me? yeah, that doesn't work... jk

>> No.56338444 [DELETED] 
File: 328 KB, 656x679, 78016877511068538867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 5 of posting about nyancatmoney.com 500 times a day until we are over $1 each. This is post 1652. The price has gone up 50% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win.

>> No.56338481
File: 372 KB, 828x820, 04FC5BD8-6A1E-48BD-B778-D218751780E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is in essence why robowaifus are superior

>> No.56338535

OP you absolute piece of shit. People like you are the reason I can't make a curated database of only blonde blue eyed girls and common interests in crypto and video games.
When I go on Facebook I see nothing but abandoned accounts.

So not only do you not go outside, but you also have 0 contacts to find you by.
Holy shit OP, do you want me to start knocking at your door and make me become a govermental cop in order to find you?

>> No.56338561

Just offer an alternative instead of implicitly criticizing her lifestyle. Or say you'd rather not before you know you really click, i.e. get a first date in, figure out how to communicate there.

>> No.56338563

Americans is like 3 of the World

Why do you act like "non American spotted" is some big achievement?

>> No.56338567

What's with that jk at the end, gen-Z? God you're such a bunch of cowards.

>> No.56338570

Source: my ass

>> No.56338584

YOU IDIOT having a huge amount of followers on Facebook shpws that you're a shallow whore who accepts anyone.
Good for him that he's using fake followers, but I personally I still wpuldn't use Tinder without a bot. Swiping like a retard left or right, spamming the right button, when nornally ypu should have a gallery layout with filters, just fucking retarded.

>> No.56338591

this is the sad condition of modern """"men""""

>> No.56338592

Maybe one shouldn't date zoomers to begin with and just let them die in favpr of designer babies and people who can properly socialize.
Zoomers are fucking pathetic and will filter themselves out.

>> No.56338608

Every ody seems to be saying that the lack of social media is why she did it. I think it's because you were being negative and insulting with that teenage girl remark. You have to give off the same vibe as a golden retriever early on.

>> No.56338686

>if you don't have much social media, it's extremely important to have an iPhone
imagine believing this
no semi-intelligent girl care what phone you have

>> No.56338710
File: 119 KB, 1920x1080, 1697022234088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most women do not want to fuck on the first few dates

>> No.56338720


>> No.56338738

You're trying to apply logic to women. Big mistake.

>> No.56338856

I didn't have social media since 2017 and I aquired new gf recently in ,2021. She didn't care about my Instagram cause I'm a chadlite handsome man

>> No.56339172


4. just bee yourself

>> No.56339195

Like it or not this is how they cross reference you and make sure you are you. If you don't even have a Facebook it is kind of a red flag

>> No.56339337

all that just too say you're another chud cattle

>> No.56339906

Just have a Snapchat and when they ask for an ig just say i have snap. You are probably brown too

>> No.56339945

>asks for dating advice from 4chan

do you really think any of these greasy, weird, weasels will be able to help you? get off this site and read up on Asperger's with that high IQ of yours

>> No.56339954

Dumbest fucking reason I've ever seen to justify using such a clusterfuck of an OS

>> No.56339973

It’s true however retarded it is

>> No.56341080

Make a social media with fake followers, rent a few lambos and yachts and take pictures on them.
Larp as a rich andrew tate clone and just fuck them and dash

>> No.56341122

>He used bumble
Can’t wait to see you post SRS

>> No.56341125


>> No.56341135

Fags always do

>> No.56341144

Gay niggas with no pussy be like

>> No.56341145

Anyways, I have a question for the non larpfags:
So I matched up with this qt. I really want to talk to her, added each other in social media, but after like, a day, she seemingly ghosted me I guess.
I might ask her tomorrow if she still wants to chat, and if not, then I'll say my goodbyes. Is that a good thing to do?

I mean, I dont give a fuck if she says no, but me forcing a conversation is cringe and also I dont want to end shit with just ghosting

>> No.56341209

>Get off the dating apps dude.
Unironically this

>> No.56341258

Leave it as a ghost. Unmatch her.

>> No.56341279

Tell me about it anon. Try adding youre in a blue collar job on top of that and youre basically dead to modern women. Its fucking hell out here boys, best just to stay solo and enjoy the peace and money.
Stay strong brothers and lie like a madman for the occasional fuck when you need to

>> No.56341291

I have nothing to hide and nothing to show, there is no point

>> No.56341303


what social media? girls will sometimes sit back and observe and see if you live a life they want any part in. If she checks you snap updates and its you out in the nice part of town having a great time, she will suddenly get chatty

>> No.56341421

We added each other in insta and facebook

>> No.56341460

I strongly disagree, its about having frame. If you're doing stuff and are active, you'll be fine. Social media can serve as a fake lens to have others view you but thats about it. Frame the no socials as they are toxic, mental health, blah blah something along those lines. No iphone is easy, Im a tech guy so I just rant how shit they are. It helps that I'm 6ft and very good looking.
Bingo. Just make it seem like you don't care, its not your thing and if someone gets all upity about that, its probably a shallow female you shouldn't be talking to. Girls don't care at all, granted I do have an insta only to show me looking good at charity events and family stuff I attend. I get privacy, but info is out there from sports and shit I do already so better for me to produce content I approve of instead. Plus 8 posts over a course of 4 years isn't hard to do.

>> No.56341465


Sad but true

>have to put on a show of being fun and outgoing just so that you can finally nail her down and live your real life together of staying in and watching netflix every day

>> No.56341634

It’s ironic. I went a complete 180.
In the past I used to screech whenever a normie told me it’s literally that simple, until and did it. And now I’m telling everyone who wants to do it the same advice.

>> No.56341805

Pretty based anon, congrats. Hide your assets (XMR helps) and get a prenup. Maybe put your shit in a trust with your mom as trustee I dunno. And dna test your kids. Have fun!

>> No.56341835

boomer moment

>> No.56341957

Learn to cold approach women in real life or you will become a genetic dead end.

>> No.56341995


Once you cross this event horizon your life changes

>> No.56342000

Don't contact her ever again

>> No.56342020

i have a fake social media profile from a random guy that looks like me on yandex image search
fake name
fake birthday
fake job
dedicated sim card
i just fuck them and they cannot trace me back to my real identity
tinder and badoo are amazing to hit random free hoes (and even paid ones)

>> No.56342036

If she wanted to,chat youd be chatting, woman are whores and youre not the guy she wants to fuck.

Stop wasting time

>> No.56342066

No glory in winning a world made in the image of a dark one to begin with

Play his games or be content with losing doing the right thing

>> No.56342084

>most women do not want to fuck on the first few dates
life under 6 foot lmao
that bitch using your alimony to pay uber to my house

>> No.56342098

it’s not like you were gonna reproduce
>and that’s a good thing

>> No.56342261


Difference between me and you guys is that I have been pumping birds left right and centre since the day I was born. Once I hit puberty I simply ramped up the shagging, and am now knee-deep in clunge 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

>> No.56342287

if your girlfriend isn't racist she's not mother material thus not wife material in the first place
don't waste your time.

>> No.56342350



>> No.56342365

white women have fallen. Enroll in university and meet a sweet shy non-fat asian girl is the best you can do at this point

>> No.56342367

>be content with losing doing the right thing

It's getting to that point. The biggest blackpill is realizing that simply showing affection towards a girl will push her away. Guys can't even fall in love with their girls anymore. They have to constantly be dismissive and play games with their lovers and intentionally hide any affection(or better yet not have any in the first place). If I'm not even allowed to really love someone or be my true self around someone, it just doesn't seem worth the effort.

My last hope is that I can just brute force through all the bullshit once I move to Southeast Asia as a tall, white, relatively young millionaire.