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56333231 No.56333231 [Reply] [Original]

Now that we are so deep in the bear market that most of the jeet scams have jumped shit, it's time to talk about what we're stacking for the coming bull. This isn't a "pump my bags" thread. I just want an old fashioned discussion of our portfolios. Why are we investing in what we are. For my part, my goal looks like this. * refers to segments of my portfolio I haven't pulled the trigger on yet, but will in the coming weeks.
>1 BTC
>5 ETH
>1000 LINK* (I have 1/3 of this so far - rest will be purchased this week)
>200,000 BAT
>125,000 PNK* (also purchasing this week)
> 40M LUNC
Also thinking about sliding some AVAX in there but not sure how much I should shoot for. My wife's parents are gifting us around 10K and after paying for a little something for her, we're agreed to invest the rest. I'm, inclined to just buy more LINK with it, but not married to it yet.

>> No.56333674

>>125,000 PNK* (also purchasing this week)
I also bought recently. Looks like it's bottomed out.

>> No.56333713 [DELETED] 

>BAT why?

>> No.56333716


>> No.56333758

Same thought.
Because I'm suicidal. If Lobes delivers on 25% of what they've been talking about on community calls, it will be easily 5 bucks. Which is all I want.

>> No.56333768

Guess I could stack more too then.
I'm a glutton for punishment.

>> No.56333787

Im holding BAT since 2018. What is the bullish narrative going forward?

>> No.56333824

WE aren't dead yet and daddy BTC will drag us kicking and screaming wherever he goes.

>> No.56333838

Lobes has teased keyword staking for Brave Search (basically an NFT purchased with BAT that gives you the right to advertising revenue for keywords). Along with Pay wit BAT (kek), Self serve (kek harder) and other shit that they promised last bull run. He blamed lawyers for dragging their feet but claimed it's "all being worked on." We shall see. Hurry up and wait I suppose.
And this too.

>> No.56334605

Following up on this. BAT community call was held today. In response to questions from Saoiray, Luke gave us a few punts:
>BAT roadmap - Brendan and legal are "looking at it" but there's no other update on it. Saoiray challenged this. Luke explained that parts of it need to be revealed - high level has been reviewed but implementation is being reviewed. Should be out "really soon." (kek - two weeks)
>Brave Initiated BAT Purchases - one month we had a bad sales month; went to reserves on that for what Brave paid out, no need for market buys. Luke will check for latest on that. Saoiray notes that last brave purchase on Transparency page was in June.
>Gemini - Integration remains down. Gemini was temporarily unavailable, put in a fix, but now has more issues. We are on the fourth fix with Gemini, but many existing users are still unable to connect. Keeps saying "please try again later." Luke will bring "Chris" in for an update on that.
>Zeb Pay for Creators - Luke is not sure when this will be available. Seemed it would be available now.

>> No.56334619

Sell all of that shit and buy dogbat.

>> No.56334628

I'd rather buy Dingus

>> No.56334678

Ngl, this seems like a boomers portfolio. Not having KAS, DNX or ATOR or any other new projects makes your portfolio going absolutely nowhere or just a small pump for that matter.

>> No.56335306

Thank you for your input, ranjeesh.

>> No.56335351

>200,000 BAT
I own 150k of this worthless shit token thanks to you faggots. Stupid whore posting and promises of all this great utility that never happened. Fuck you all especially that whore posting tranny roping me into this garbage.

>> No.56335464
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What do you have against our friend TP?

>> No.56335515

That transformer is the reason im stuck holding this shit when I couldve bought anything else and been better off. That and you retards spamming how all this great utility is right around the corner.

>> No.56335535

Well, that's why I'm building up a portfolio of other shit.

>> No.56335704

consolidate into BTC, ETH and LINK only. forget the rest

>> No.56335889
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I'm a retard, don't reply I know that already

>> No.56335923

You're definitely pathetic KEK

>> No.56335963

that's literally and unironically a man

>> No.56335964

Kek wtf

>> No.56335967

Don't let fuddies discourage you anon, you did well

>> No.56336371
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300k kleros and dust in both eth and btc, bought half over a year and a half ago and the rest these last few months, which which makes me curious anon, what is it about pnk that caught your attention?

>> No.56336754

The street shitter memes

>> No.56336773

> jeet scams have jumped shit
> posts jeet scam

>> No.56337432


>> No.56337624
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Makes sense

>> No.56337834

>> 40M LUNC
Do folks still buy this?
>>125,000 PNK* (also purchasing this week)
I just added Pnk, looks like it's bottomed out, and added Ride for incar gaming
>Because I'm suicidal
No, you aren't

>> No.56338506
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I dont track my portfolio, but its around
5 Ethereum directly
9 Ethereum in Truebit, which is at the minimum price in Ethereum and can only gain Ethereum, else coins are burned
1000 Link
I think 300 Cake staked
Some Xmr

>> No.56339180

Chill Anon, you could have done your research as well. it's why I always DMOR when it comes to utility. some of the interesting coins I've seen recently are IMX and CYMI. all with proper utility imo.

>> No.56340600

Morning update:

My 1,000 LINK is now secured. Commence dumpage, Sir Gay. My anus is ready

>> No.56340917
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>1 BTC
>5 ETH
Useless. They will pull 2x-3x max and you will cope at the end of the bull market when you will still be a wagie. By that point it will already be too late.
>1000 LINK
Good. You said that you will get the rest of the stack this week. Don't delay it any longer. Domino pieces are falling together, Blackrock just announced their own chain and for that they will need oracles + CCIP.
>200,000 BAT
Useless. Its literally glorified gov dump token masquerading as some larp revolutionary ad system.
>125,000 PNK
Good and a very interesting bet. Might not pan out, but its worth it at these prices. Has a lot of competition though who rival their tech if not exceed it.

>> No.56341092

>5 ETH
>Useless. They will pull 2x-3x max and you will cope at the end of the bull market when you will still be a wagie.
I have considered and am continuing to consider rolling my 5 ETH into more LINK (independent of the 1,000 I now own), and will likely do so.
>200,000 BAT
>Useless. Its literally glorified gov dump token masquerading as some larp revolutionary ad system.
Eh, we will see.
I think about it every day. But in the grand scheme of everything else in my bag, it's a lottery ticket.

>> No.56341107

What is PNK's competition? I've been holed up waging and will admit I haven't paid as close attention as I should, but I apparently missed it.

>> No.56341162

Fringe Finance.
>bottomed out
>v2 launching this month
>launching on 5 chains including zksync
>AAVE and COMP for shitcoins
>altcoin and basket loans
>atomic repayments
>LP token collateral
>defi margin trading
>USB stable coin platform (convert your alt coins to stablecoins without selling and earn yield)
>audited by hashex, launch imminent
>more I can’t remember rn

If you don’t have even a token small bag of this you’re an idiot.

>> No.56341213
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>He bought Ze Link token?
>Get Hamas on ze phone
>Remind Monsieur Rothschild who he works for

>> No.56341707

v2 launches are always bearish

>> No.56342378
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>whore posting tranny roping me into this garbage.
I have never told a single lad to buy BAT in the years I've spent thotposting in BAT threads. The most I've ever said is to get a browser stack. Don't blame me for your investment woes, especially since I'm in the same boat you are with a bigger bag.

>> No.56342426
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I don't have any money to stack anything. I just hope my LRC, ETH, ANKR and ARB will pump when or if we get another bull market.

>> No.56342455


>> No.56342528

This is now a true BAT thread.

>> No.56344254
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Why go for shit coins when you can go for utility tokens like QANX and ALGO

>> No.56344281


If BTC goes to 50k, I’ll have 375k USD.

>> No.56345192

Except for the BTC your portfolio is entirely old shitcoins that already pumped. If you're not going to dyor on newer stuff then sell it all for Bitcoin, even the ETH.

>> No.56346679
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You bought the only useful coins in the space (I'd argue BTC is useless but that's controversial). And LUNC.
It's great that you dove in and decided to buy the ones with utility.
But none of those is gonna moon.
If you want to make money, you should unironically focus on shitcoins, learn how they work, who the biggest players in the space are, follow specific wallets, that sort of thing.
I hope you read this advice because I want you to succeed, anon, which is exactly why I wouldn't shill any of my holdings.

>> No.56346695
File: 6 KB, 255x220, yousillymotherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good and a very interesting bet. Might not pan out, but its worth it at these prices. Has a lot of competition though who rival their tech if not exceed it.
this i doubt highly, none of the supposed competitors have nearly the level of integration, topdown backing, support, experience, versatility or complexity/fleshed outness of kleros.
one of the big things thats happening now is v2, which has been taking so much fucking longer than i would imagine it should - but if that's really what it takes for the application to be functionally sound i doubt any other project can do much to compete, outside playing the copycat game one step behind.
show me ONE(1) project that competes with kleros that has come close to having a development team smart/forethinking enough to make a supplementary supporting document such as:

>> No.56346753

No RAIL on this list, you are definitely NGMI.

>> No.56346838

I have similar optimism, i am strongly convicted my AVAX, CYMI and BTC bags would get profitable in no time.

>> No.56347778
File: 2 KB, 124x117, dsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've placed my bets on ETH, NXRA, and DUA. Shut the f***k, OP, I won't be adding your bags to my portfolio.

>> No.56347804

Unironically all in on LINK, have a 28k stack right now. If it doesn't work out I'll wash out. If that happens I'll just kms.

>> No.56347819
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I'd prefer to join the ongoing Brillion beta test and earn huge rewards, rather than buying your shitcoin.

>> No.56347850

I hope you're just a shill and not actually retarded

>> No.56349124

Thanks anon. I appreciate the advice.
>who the biggest players in the space are, follow specific wallets
Unironically asking for a spoonfed example. I've ignored the shitcoin space for the most part, save for what passes across my radar when viewing this board.