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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56333205 No.56333205 [Reply] [Original]


I sold on 10/4 for a basket of the top 15, excluding shitcoins and stables. Also for some ETFs. I feel better already. As I suspected, Smartcon kicked the can down the road for another year until the next one, and then the next one. All the conferences display is how Smart of a con they are, and I can't believe I fell for it buying a ticket all the way to Barcelona. The city is cool but fuck I could've done way more with that cash than spend it on some useless conference. Sergey is a bigger disappointment than Vitalik ever was

To any OG's still on the fence, sell now and don't look back. The vibe I got from the conference was "learn to code, make some apps, because we're indefinitely holding on the launchpad" If you want to make money, this isn't the project for that. I realize most of my peers already sold

>> No.56333224

I thought we established that you should kill yourself? What happened?

>> No.56333225

thanks man for looking out for me and speaking some sense into me, after 6 years i finally sold and feel way better!

>> No.56333234

nobody believes you had 134k chainlink, let alone sold it

>> No.56333242

i sold my og 100k stack around $35 but getting out at $7 is still respectable. better than letting it go to 0

>> No.56333290

Gratz. I just shorted on leverage with a % of my stack and didn't make a whole song a dance of it. Like a normal person.

>> No.56333301

>The Sergey soldiers run a sprint to defend $7

Yeah man, glad I sold. Selling at $35 is much much better, I wish I ejected at $20 even. If we reached $0.50 you'd still have the same morons shouting us down

>> No.56333339
File: 404 KB, 1242x626, IMG_0917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’d like to thank you for the cheap LINK.

>> No.56333347

>Thinks that means it's time for line to go up


>> No.56333358

I doubt you ever had that much, probably 1.43k... but regardless, braindead move to sell the market bottom on one of only a handful of things which will pump in the next bull market.

Most of the "top 15" are going to zero with the exception of LINK, ETH, BTC.

>> No.56333404


>> No.56333423


I wasn't a whale or something, just someone who held for a long while. Completely disagree. It's clear projects like AVAX and BNB have more room to run

>> No.56333434

>It's clear projects like AVAX and BNB have more room to run

>> No.56333470

Hey look, it's uncle oldfag without his trip

>> No.56333531

>It's clear projects like AVAX and BNB have more room to run

>> No.56333553

yeah BNB def has a bright future ahead. gl

>> No.56333973

Good eye.

>> No.56334072

>Smartcon kicked the can down the road for another year until the next one, and then the next one
And yet Chainlink has 100x more going on in terms of development and usage than any other crypto in the top 20.
Weird how that works, huh?

>> No.56334137

You look like still cant over It as you are still here blogging after yesterday shamefully and artificially kept your thread alive

>> No.56334155

>no proof

>> No.56334263

>It's clear projects like AVAX and BNB have more room to run
oh wait he is serious now that is just sad

bnb is a joke soon to be banned in most of the west and avax is like a discount link, not saying thats a bad thing but if link fails according to your thesis than avax will only fail harder

>> No.56334731

Gonna need a timestamp on these sells, otherwise you are just uncle oldfag larping again.

>> No.56334851

didnt your screencaps only show you selling a few k
fuck off moron, too retarded to even come up with a good larp
kys lmao
all fields

>> No.56334966

>oh wait

>> No.56335028

Oh WOW does that help the chart?

>> No.56335059

I think it’s obvious Sergey doesn’t care about link’s price and why would he when he already has billions of fiat in his treasury after having dumped over 50% of the supply at an average price of $14.

That’s 500 million link @ $14 which equals 7 billions USD in its treasury.

Even if smartcontract had existed for 10 years with a thousand employees paid 100k a year that’d only be 1 billion dollars.

Am I going crazy? That means Sergey still has 6 billion dollars in fiat to do whatever he pleases.

And he’s not beholden to investors or anything, so that money in the treasury is Sergey’s and no one else’s. To put that in perspective the 500th richest man in the world only has 5.5 billion dollars:

That’s ridiculous. I hate advocates that try to psyop me into thinking I’m missing the thousandth industrial revolution or whatever when the price keeps crabbing forever and it’ll probably do a measly pump to $13 or so next run. I know you advocate niggers are getting paid to shill, but you know what? You’re having the exactly opposite effect, you make me want to tell the world how much of a grift all of this is.

Fuck chainlink I’m out.

>> No.56335063

>That’s 500 million link @ $14 which equals 7 billions USD in its treasury.

At an AVERAGE sell price of $14

>> No.56335100

Seriously how has the SEC not gone after them? Everyone outside of biz has already acknowledged he has zero intention of ever releasing an actual product

One time I said something similar and advocate sent me a website as “proof” of some chainlink product and it was just random eth addresses. Apparently I had to dig through another heckin secret to uncover le heckin secret product. Fuckin scam.

>> No.56335139

any time you ask them about products that have positive inpact on the price they talk down to you about being in it for the tech. that retard fishy cat fish is the largest perpetrator of it

>> No.56335148

It’s the same when you ask for concrete dates and advocates post esoteric mumbo jumbo telling you to be patient and posting bible quotes about patience

>muh this was always a 20 year hold
>muh grandson tyronius will be rich

I get it, the chainlink team pays you to keep incels calm and contain their rage, but that can only work up to a certain point.

You either publish some real deadlines or lose all holders’ support. These academics Sergey works with are the scum of the earth, always delaying shit on purpose to keep the money flowing to their pockets

>> No.56335156

350m was sold at ICO prices. Many of the early dumps (like the 700k dumps) took place before LINK was $5. No way the average is $14.

>> No.56335165
File: 303 KB, 500x526, Catherine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To any OG's still on the fence, sell now and don't look back. The vibe I got from the conference was "learn to code, make some apps, because we're indefinitely holding on the launchpad" If you want to make money, this isn't the project for that. I realize most of my peers already sold

Heh, that was my impression from Smartcon 2022; "We're all gonna make it, but only if YOU build it".

Fortunately for me, I was invigorated and plan on becoming a Chainlink advocate to work on my solidity skills more.

>> No.56335170

Sergey probably has experience in evading the SEC after his close encounter with them while running NXT

Oh you don’t want to stay poor? You are a paid FUDDER!

>> No.56335238

Take a look at circulating supply vs price

>> No.56335250

One thing to note is Sergey also got hundreds of anons shot up like Sonny in the Godfather, when Bancor/Linkpool/Celsius imploded, and Sergey was inviting these people to smartcon every year. Somehow, no one has approached Sergey about his involvement in vouching for the aforementioned scams and how millions of Link were taken from hard working people. He continues to hold conferences, travel lavishly, lie about products and slow development to a crawl so he can continue the scam. Billions of dollars for no tangible products. Where is staking? An entire year that the only part of the network under staking was a fucking price feed that isn't even volatile, it's setting up hello world on a DON. Sergey deserves to get fucked up, no doubt he's looking over his shoulder now

>> No.56335304

Yeah noticed this too. Look at their history. Town Crier? No, Mixicles! No, no uhhhh... FSS. Uhh what? I'm talking about DECO. What, superlinear staking? We are talking about BBC anon. BBC-ACK. Are you serious, we're talking about CCIP. CC-what? We are talking about Functions. A-CK-utomati... AHHHHHHHH

>> No.56335319

>Sergey was inviting these people to smartcon every year. Somehow, no one has approached Sergey about his involvement in vouching for the aforementioned scams
There was an anon that posted proof of Sergey being part of… a certain group of people disliked by 4chan. The thread was promptly deleted. Might explain the situation.

>> No.56335445

>Thread is slide to the catalog after this post
>*nervous laughter*

>> No.56335575

Answer honestly anon, did you finish high school?

>> No.56335626

Isn’t it obvious? Ari Juels sure was. He was paid for town crier, mixicles, can-did, takes sabbaticals all the time, never delivers, just steals your money for novels and stories. When’s this brainiac going to start making money for people beside himself?

>> No.56335644

>russian immigrant
>last name Nazareth
>"hurr guis, have you considered Sergey might actually be a... JEW??!! How about them apples huh!?"
Woah, dude. I had no idea

>> No.56335689

Touche anon

>> No.56335725

you can tell that he is baseed on how he speaks

>> No.56335806

Makes sense he doesn’t want /biz/ to make any money. Deep kike tendencies, dump relentlessly so no one makes it from the community

>> No.56335877




>> No.56335986

>saying “makes sense” every sentence is based

>> No.56336051

Chainlink is metatronic code incarnate.
Linkies know what awaits them. Best of luck linkies with the fallen metatronic code

>> No.56336218

>fudcuck manifesto
not selling
>fudcuck tard lying about his stack when the other thread had caps for 20k selloff at most
not selling for that either
get better material
and if you cant do that you might want to find some other low skill fulltime work to do instead of shitting up biz for 8 hours a day