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56333131 No.56333131 [Reply] [Original]

Why do the scheming jews hate Argentina so much? Is it because of their natural resources?

>> No.56333169
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>bank run
Argie anonz, with inflation and everything does anyone actually keep money in the bank anyway or do you just have your mattresses stuffed with tourist USD and bitcoin?

>> No.56333172

3 digits % inflation per year on their shitcoin, it's over.
His program is: ditch the shitcoin, abolish the central bank; then the government use the US dollar, but is not the sole legal tender, people can use the currency they want

If you are against this YOU are the "jew"

>> No.56333228

This guy was *the* reason analysts gave the argentinian peso a bad outlook.

>His program is: ditch the shitcoin, abolish the central bank; then the government use the US dollar, but is not the sole legal tender, people can use the currency they want
He's openly telling everyone to go to a bank and exchange his argentinian pesos to US dollars. Ever heard of supply and demand? What do you think the consequence of this is, you fucking RETARD?
Meanwhile, the argentinian government has been paying its debts with the few dollars it can get from local exporters. And your central bank is broke.
You argentinians are doing this to yourselves.

>> No.56333272
File: 355 KB, 1350x678, 1696962640951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brother, look at this graph. Argentina bucks have been dogshit for years. It's time to rip the band-aid off.

>> No.56333282

Bro, there are reasons shit like that happens. *I* am the one who came to this thread asking questions, and you didn't provide any response.

>> No.56333330

They've been in hyperinflation for 5+ years man. They've defaulted on their debt multiple times and the government spends money like it's no tomorrow and can't service it's own debt. Everyone there knows it and their attempts at reigning it in have all failed. If you go there you'll find Bitcoin graffiti all over the place because they've been getting fucked so hard by the peso.
Again, he's not starting a bank run the bank runs been going on forever. Hence the blue note shenanigans you do if you go there.

>> No.56333513

I'll give you an example. College is totally free for everyone! Well, technically, it's actually paid for by the government with their own funny money pesos. For anyone! Including foreigners that are residents there. It's insane.
But just to reiterate they basically already are using the dollar and have been for sometime. If you want to buy a house you buy it with a satchel of hundred dollar bills. Want to buy a car? It's half the price if you pay for it with hundred dollar bills.
Basically this isn't new, there is no "new bank run" they've been in a bank run for years and years now.

>> No.56333812

College gets paid in pesos, not in dollars so it doesn't affect the currency exchange. Also, teachers barely even get paid (I went to UBA for a while), so I doubt it matters much in the grand scheme of things.
I'd bet corruption and interests on the debt are the most pressing matters, and, guess what, they are two faces of the same coin. That debt started with their military and they've been "footing the bill" ever since. Not only that, but Macri asked for $50b from the IMF as soon as he became president. WTF?
It's clear to me that obscure forces (the jews) want to depress Argentina as much as they can so they can cut it in pieces and buy it really cheap.

>> No.56333853

>College gets paid in pesos, not in dollars so it doesn't affect the currency exchange.
You don't think paying a bunch of lazy layabout teachers tons of printed pesos who then park their money in stable assets like dollars could impact the price of peso? My brother in Christ your hatred of the Jews has literally made you into a schizophrenic retard.
And again, dollarization doesn't matter when it comes to "da jooz are going to buy it on the cheap!" Because any big item like real estate is already paid for in literal US Dollars.

>> No.56334166

>You don't think paying a bunch of lazy layabout teachers tons of printed pesos
LMAO, do you really believe your own bullshit? They get paid scraps (whenever they actually get paid... I had teachers that literally worked for free), they work a TON (have you ever had to plan weekly, monthly and yearly classes, write and then check handwritten tests in your own unpaid time?).
You useless retard are unable to explain why the country is always in the brink of failure (yet somehow survives and recovers just fine) comes here to insult hard working people while practically defending people like Milei who are all talk talk talk and no actions whatsoever. (Milei is a lazy bastard. His "arguments" are a load of illogical, inconsistent, made up bullshit and ad-homs).
Also, I find really odd how someone who talks about how the Argentine government wastes money doesn't highlight even more obvious wastes of money...

>My brother in Christ your hatred of the Jews has literally made you into a schizophrenic retard.
Hmm, I wonder, who could be behind this post? Kek
Looks like you only came to this thread because you felt offended

>Because any big item like real estate is already paid for in literal US Dollars.
... and? Argentinians aren't paid in USD. They aren't paying for food or transport in USD. Just like almost every other country in latin america, we don't even need dollars for our daily lives (or to buy houses...), only big companies (importers, exporters) do so. And Argentina is a rather big exporter, so why can't they even have a more stable currency like its neighbors do?

You clearly don't even understand the problem, you retarded newfag. What do you think happens when the most voted candidate tells people that their money will be completely worthless in a few months if he becomes president so they should start stacking US dollars?

>> No.56334291

>This guy was *the* reason analysts gave the argentinian peso a bad outlook.
Not the 100% yoy inflation numbers?

>> No.56334316

So why is it bad to switch currency if the systems don't work teachers don't get paid?

>> No.56334586
File: 107 KB, 480x270, 1696971937819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so angry that a leftist government, that has had runway inflation of 100% year over year over year over year, that has defaulted on multiple loans, spends lavishly on social programs that clearly aren't returning what they put in, where it's citizens are forced to hoard hundred dollar bills they buy off tourists since the supply is so controlled by it's government and promotes a fake exchange rate, and is most likely going to be ousted by the one politician that says it has to stop?
Hmmm, sounds like someone is mad that their no show government is about to get CUT CUT CUT.

>> No.56334709

>Ever heard of supply and demand? What do you think the consequence of this is, you fucking RETARD?
Mother fucker.
The BCNA has a debt to the banks that represents 3 times the country's monetary base in PESOS.
Wheter a couple of poor fags goes to the exchange houses or not, the Argentine PESO is fucking DOOOMED, there's already a shit ton of future Emission registered in the BCNA, there's no saving the fucking PESO and let alone with the current ideology of the Argentine society.
So Milei's plan is to freeze the Public Spending, prohibit the BCNA to emit Pesos to cover the Government Expenses and then pay the banks in Dollars since there aren't going to be pesos to pay with, get rid of those "LELIQS" and ultimately Dollarize the Economy and ultimately give reign to Currency Competition and let people manage the influx of money in the country through free market activities.

>> No.56334718

>t. Argentinian neet

>> No.56335924

>the one politician that says it has to stop
>my favorite jewish TV start WILL solve our problems!
LMAO, these retards really live in la la land.
JFC, how the mighty has fallen...

>> No.56336602

>we don't even need dollars for our daily lives (or to buy houses...)
we do
houses are only listed in USD

>> No.56336861

>my favorite jewish TV start WILL solve our problems!
I stated his program to solve the issue in this country ONLY the one related to the currency. There are a shit ton of reforms and programs that aren't part of the discussion in this place.
Whether the Opposition passes Milei's projects that's whole another discussion.
What I stated is the anon was wrong in pointing blame of the devaluation to Milei by making a statement. There's nothing in this country that could back up the Peso's value, NOTHING.