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56330602 No.56330602 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56330611

the tech bubble is no more

>> No.56330618

it's Joever

>> No.56330693

Because he is white

>> No.56330709

more like degrees bros what happened
the diploma bubble is over

>> No.56330710

there is merit to this
if you are woman or some non white
you will get hired

>> No.56330727

Whites have been locked out of hiring positions.

>> No.56330738

fake and gay
Source: I am white, living in New England, have a philosophy degree, and a job in tech. If not fake, then still gay (Person probably goes by they/them and has pink hair)

>> No.56330762

all that matters is if people like you or not. 99% of jobs including in tech can be learned on the job in a few months. there is no point in hiring a fat sweaty sperg just because he has a peice of paper.

>> No.56330786

college is wasted on those who lack the self direction to create their own work and their own money.

>> No.56330788

Mathematician here, got a developer job just by making a few projects that a few people actually use. E.g. a mod

>> No.56330808

So all college grads own their own businesses?

>> No.56330877
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covid shifted people from working to an employer to starting businesses and investing. the great reset happened when people realized they cant depend on an employer to keep the icome coming.

>> No.56330879

Are you fucking retarded? Oxygen is wasted on retards like you.

>> No.56331004

Sadly, there may be a lot of truth to this. Women are given huge preference in hiring, no question about it. I find it hard to believe someone with a masters and internships with that much experience can't find anything though. If its true, something must be really deeply wrong with his CV or social skills

>> No.56331096

Very true. CS students/grads are also obviously notoriously introverted and low social skills. They couldn’t sell crack to an addict.
If you cant market yourself or sell yourself you’re gonna struggle. Even an average coder can manage something if they can do that.

These guys just want a job/opportunity to fall into their lap, just by applying via Linkedin or directly, which are obviously the easiest point of entry. Not gonna work right now.

>> No.56331106

What's the alternative? There are no networking opportunities if you're already out of school.
inb4 muh firm handshake

>> No.56331123

(social) skill issue.

>> No.56331131

Not if you are a typical CS grad with no social skills no… that is my point.

>> No.56331147

An entire generation growing up owning nothing and thus having very little responsibility outside of academics, eventually graduating into a world that doesn't want them.

>> No.56332935

I've met plenty of CS graduates that had internships that lack efficiency in code and are slow in implementation...and most, not all, lack social skills and are very introverted to the point that no one wants to work with a creep.

>> No.56333081

many such cases, I guarantee if you showed me his github it would be zero commits over the past decade

>> No.56333163

The entire college industrial complex is a scam. The original concept of universities was to concentrate as much knowledge as possible in ine place so that you could go there and become learned. Now you go in order to be indoctrinated and to pay college administrators to do their job (their job is to collect your money). There is a miniscule number of managerial positions and a massive number of labor positions which are needed to have a healthy economy, but colleges will convince you the opposite is true and charge you as much as they please because the government will "pay" for all your education with debt while you're desperate to become part of the wealthy elite by any means necessary.

Also this

>> No.56333297

>masters degree
>15 months on job experience
The only reason you get a masters in CS is if you want to be in a leadership role at a big company.
No one wants a leader that has no real experience.
And the only reason you got the degree is because the big company paid for you to do so in order to promote you.

If you apply for a code monkey position but have a masters on your resume they'll know you're a moron.

>> No.56333378
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It really feels like 2010 out there.

>> No.56333438

>cs degree from small state school
>no internships
>2.9 gpa
>now make six figures comfy wfh

>> No.56333448

Likely shit resume. Bad format, bad grammar, bad bad bad.

>> No.56333519

The system is slowly being aligned where order following/slave morality is no longer sufficient to survive in the coming New World. Those people will be left behind. If you have learned skills you must also now have the organizational skills and motivational aptitude to apply them yourself in novel and innovative ways.

Right now its easier than ever to code a financial dapp that provides value and efficiency within DEFI and extracts a small fee as a result. Aggregators are a simple example. It doesn't take much for something like that to become substantial nearly passive income for the rest of your life. The tools are being provided for us every single day to amplify your ability for value creation, and increasing influence as a single individual.

Of course, he also needs to understand some basics of finance as well to develop ideas that will have demand.

I can think of about 4 or 5 different protocols that could be made right now and would be finished products from day one.

A lot of it about adding features to DAI because programmable stablecoins are incredible and as much as they can be used to enslave us they can do the opposite

>> No.56333549

yeah bro in the future no one will need other people to do work for them so everyone who isnt a CEO will starve to death

>> No.56333586


Yes that is exactly the case. Many less are and will be needed over time. AI and automation is real and its coming. Ironically hitting more white collar jobs before blue collar.

Incredibly powerful tools are becoming accessible everyday to the group of people who are self motivated and they are needing a fraction of the manpower as a result.

>> No.56333632

how is AI going to stop a pack of angry hungry people from killing you

>> No.56333640
File: 151 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what can i realistically do to get a job as a white male bros?

i have a CS degree from 2016
worked 2 years and quit when i made a little money in crypto
now ive been neeting for 5 years with nothing but a few chainlink hackathons that i didnt win to show for it

i cant make a fool of myself and say im a tranny. best i can do is say im mixed race german/irish. am i just fucked?

>> No.56333717 [DELETED] 

>muy DEFI
as if crypto wasnt dead, kill yourself scammer.

>> No.56333721

Just put on the skirt and start growing your hair out. You have no other options.

>> No.56333730

When did you get the job? If it is before 2021, your experience is outdated. Things can appear ultra unfair to the people who slip through the cracks, granted whites in america NEVER had to experience this, but this is not the case no more. White collar jobs in US is as competitive as India and China now, if not more, since you are competiting against the best of the best from these countries.

>inb4 it is a skill issue.
In the face it is, but the US used to value a holistic employee when it came to hiring, now things are a lot black and white.
It is about having the right minority points.
It is about having tailored set of accomplisments and a lot more higher education, nothing to do with actual job.
Also having the right connections is even better than a ivy leagues in some sense.

You should be willing to put your ethics aside, and willing to lie if you are gonna go the online job posting route.

>> No.56333743

Spoonfeed me one idea I'm a dev who does have a job but this sounds comfy. I double majored in math and CS but I just don't know what to make. Making a bideo game right now

>> No.56333753

By sending them into a pointless war first.

>> No.56333760

I'm white, a recent CS grad and Coinbase hired me for 139k CAD salary + 93k CAD in stock options and I work from home 4 out of 5 days. I also live in Canada, the most pozzed country in the world. Shut the fuck up man

>> No.56333776
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my hair isnt gonna last much longer brah

>> No.56333785


>> No.56333792

What do you at kikebase

>> No.56333805
File: 159 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do i need to do to get a job at coinbase?
i have web dev and solidity experience

>> No.56333820

Job tracking app, with the killer feature being requirement tracking.

What is this "requirement tracking" and why do you need it?
> applying to software developer jobs is crapshoot.
> juniors and newgrads just apply to any job on indeed.
> they have no skills.
> how do they efficiently learn and keep track of all these retarded requirements and not want to blow their brains out, while also not wasting their time on stupid trends? OH MY HAVE YOU LEARNED HTMX MY DUDE.
Incoming requirement tracking.

When you apply for jobs your appication keeps track of all the requirements and puts them in a stack.
With the Most request showing up on the top, you try to get 50% mastery on it, get a project done on it, and move to the next most reqeust item in the stack.
You knock a couple of these down, you should be ready for interviews and be better alligned with the job market and not waste a whole lot of time with shitty youtube videos.
Add time tracking to this, you will be a hit lite neetcode.

>> No.56333831

>a recent CS grad and Coinbase hired me for 139k CAD salary
>recent CS grad
>139k CAD

>> No.56333909

This whole thread is fucking nerds complaining that women with free scholarships and lower grades can find better jobs than them kek. Money well spent right lads, bankrolling corporate R&D for 50k and no job opportunities?

>> No.56333925

He got groomed by the academy. It's rough out there for ex-academics, where those impressive credentials fall flat in the face of industry demands. Should have pursued an internship instead.

Also the sector's job market is shit right now, so there's that.

>> No.56333931

>A masters
>In computer science
Let me guess, they're retarded. Why would you get a masters in cs when it's not required for anything but academia. The job market is as good as it was pre COVID. If this person can't find a job after 1.5k applications their resume is probably absolutely shit.

>> No.56333937

>E.g. a mod

>> No.56333948

>people realized they cant depend on an employer to keep the icome coming.
problem is many people are drones and this "self" model doesnt work for them

>> No.56333960

This is the sad reality. As a white to get any high paying white collar job you literally need to be like the top 1% in your field.
My dad is a doctor in Canada for example and he says the hospitals now are very minority white male. There are also more female doctors then ever while most doctors are East Indian or middle eastern now.

The only work for whites now are trades, if you want to excel as a white man you need to save up and take a risk and start a business, preferably a trade business. Farming is also good and anybody that comes from a farming family has pretty much made it, but where I am in Canada the East Indians are slowly taking over the farming so white's will be displaced out of that soon also.

>> No.56333986

>If you apply for a code monkey position but have a masters on your resume they'll know you're a moron.
Big true. What a waste of time and money. I'm making a quarter of a million dollars on a bachelor's and I'll never go back to school unless they pay me to do it.

>> No.56334000

AI and automation is coming for white collar jobs first. The complexities of physical labour type work (real work) is still far away.

>> No.56334029

I left my coding job in early '22 and I've never looked back. Been neeting since then and my bank account is bleeding out, but strangely enough, I don't miss my coding job AT ALL.

The tech industry has become even more of a dumpster fire than when I left it, color me surprised.

>> No.56334037

We're already automating burgers and art. What are you on about? Did you miss the Amazon warehouse robots? Boston dynamics? Low level clerical work sure. But same for low level creative work and low level service industry and manual labor work. Basically get a real skill or you're fucked.

>> No.56334057

I didn't even finish school (gpa was below 2.0 when I left), and I have a comfy wfh IT job with a good path to 6 figs. Oh and the degree I was after wasn't even CS or IT. I've never interned in my life, not working for free.

I feel bad for CScucks. Their autism and NPCness got the best of them. Work experience and carrying yourself well unironically trump a degree unless you're in medical or law.

>> No.56334195

It's probably because he didn't apply to the right jobs

>DataCenter Monkey
>NOC/SOC/technician or engineer
>IT administrator
>Systems Administrator JR/SR
>Helpdesk Associate
>Data Entry

Your best bet is to apply for jobs that still retain legacy hardware or software like mine. I'm still going for my Sec+/Azure Fundamentals/CISSP on top of my AAS in Network Systems Administration.

>> No.56334584


The bottleneck for android labor is mostly an energy issue, where does it come from and how do we store it. We need better batteries and cheaper ways to charge them. Batteries are improving very rapidly, the only missing piece is cheap power i.e. fusion or hyper efficient solar. Construction is very simple except for the fine details which 90% of people in construction are incapable of anyway. The first companies to implement this level of automation when it becomes economically feasible will unironically help ignite the actual third industrial revolution. Surprise surprise, its more tech jobs

>> No.56335218

I'm in a similar position. I just say that I work at my friend's startup and I'm getting interviews for different $140k+ jobs every two weeks

>> No.56335232

Are you people retarded? Every employer is looking for white men. Why are you acting like white people have it hard to get employment?

>> No.56335268

We have already automated data imputation via smart contracts. Most white collar work is just imputing data on a computer screen. That’s going to get BTFO first.
Shitty service jobs is not real work also, I am talking the important shit that keeps a society from collapsing like construction, energy production and farming. These jobs will take very long to automate, retarded meme Boston dynamic robots can not build a home, a road, operate a power plant or oil rig or farm a herd of cattle

>> No.56335283

Nice attempt at gas lighting but literally all the big corporate multi billion dollar companies hate white people and are replacing them with browns and women. The only “whites” that get hired for these jobs and in top positions are Jews

>> No.56335323

Unfortunately this seems to be the case lately. Lots of companies are more concerned with pumping their ESG scores and show off to investors.

>> No.56335415
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I looked up my retirement the other day.

Never had bothered looking at it before.


I am part of the problem.

Is there a based shitlord fund I can invest in? Maybe a portfolio of skin lightening cream, baby seal hunting, and arctic oil exploration?

>> No.56335692

This. 90% of all job interviews are personality fits.

If you don't fit. You don't get hired.

>> No.56335851

do you have a fake website for the startup?
are your friends doing fake references for you?
thing im most worried about are the references...i have 0

>> No.56335855

>every job has its dignity

>> No.56336667

OP served 4 years for kiddy fiddling but that's not relevant

>> No.56336710


>> No.56336902


This is dangerous for corporations, former good goy wagies being forced towards entrepreneurism. This brings competition, which will destroy corporations. All you need is one fed-up programmer with some business streak in him.

I have 8YOE yet I've pretty much maxed out at 100-120K as a Senior Engineer. Wages on job postings are dropping like crazy for Senior Engineers, it used to be 140K - 160K was standard. Browse Indeed, you'll see, outside of the FAANG world anyway. FAANG salaries are still 200K+, but the golden handcuffs are put in place precisely to prevent MIT-to-Google-Pipeline folks from becoming entrepreneurs themselves.

Pretty soon the new normal will be 90K for senior, 70K for mid-level, 60k for junior. At this point, we will either switch to manual trades or break away to form our own competition.

>> No.56336973

>This is dangerous for corporations, former good goy wagies being forced towards entrepreneurism.

Yes it will be a boon for a lot of people but many and probably more overall will be forced to learn new skills or be left behind with the latter a more likely outcome.

Luckily the self motivated in the know will be able to produce and create 100x their normal capacity with these coming tools and many will be benevolent so it should balance out.

>> No.56337005

>I have 8YOE yet I've pretty much maxed out at 100-120K as a Senior Engineer. Wages on job postings are dropping like crazy for Senior Engineers, it used to be 140K - 160K was standard. Browse Indeed, you'll see, outside of the FAANG world anyway. FAANG salaries are still 200K+, but the golden handcuffs are put in place precisely to prevent MIT-to-Google-Pipeline folks from becoming entrepreneurs themselves.
>Pretty soon the new normal will be 90K for senior, 70K for mid-level, 60k for junior. At this point, we will either switch to manual trades or break away to form our own competition.

I would say you should learn some Web 3 or Solidity. The salaries are around the same and if you got into something during the bear market it could be really lucrative throughout the next bull cycle.

Even basic meme creator and social media marketing gigs for Web 3 are 50,000 Kek. Honestly I should apply I have no formal education but I've made enough gains to not work a 9-5 for like 6 years.

>> No.56337013


That would be the move if you didn't know much about Web 3 but had Web 2 coding skills just get a Solidity job and then make your own protocol like 6 months later.

>> No.56337260

>This brings competition
Don't worry. Through regulatory capture and all kinds of market entry barriers they'll keep you small and dependent, and if your stuff is validated on the market despite all that you'll get bought up or snuffed out.
Best way out is to grow into an unregulated niche fast enough before they can capture you.

>> No.56337274

True. For example, in my company hierarchy, ceo is white guy, then it is white woman, white woman (replacing brown woman), Asian woman, really fat white guy, think that guy from dune, then indian.

If your entire team is indian, naturally if they hire 1 white guy, it’s not a good fit. And everywhere on the ladder, they are not going to hire someone who might be a threat to them later.

Also, sometimes non whites tend to find white guys quite arrogant, talk a lot, but not so good at delivering results, so they’d rather just work with another indian.

>> No.56337284

The problem is that they're hiring women who are faking tech anyway.

>> No.56338694

>non whites tend to find whites arrogant and not good at delivering results
That's funny because my entire experience with non-whites in leadership roles is that whether or not their performance is satisfactory they absolutely cannot wield any kind of power without it letting it go straight to their head and becoming a massive control freak that micro-manages everything and demands your subordination.
Non-whites in every other position are just retarded but they will work for next to nothing.
You can tell if any business is good or bad by how many white people work there vs nonwhites.
If you ever go into a restaurant and the entire staff is brown or muttoid then just walk out because incompetence and shortsightedness has festered in every crevice of the entire operation.

>> No.56339163

It’s a real startup company. I’m just not involved, but for reference purposes I helped start it.

>> No.56339290

They will check whether you’ve been paid by them retard

>> No.56339895

I’d tell them I get paid in equity. Since it’s a private company they can’t validate that on their end. I doubt they’ll ask for the articles of incorporation, but if they do I can fake it.

I am experienced for the jobs I’m applying to with experience from multiple fortune 100 companies before becoming a NEET

>> No.56339925

yeah bro just work on dogfuckshitpoopelonmuskharrypotterinu coin thats a good career for your future

>> No.56340101

Could work but might trigger someone’s suspicions.

>> No.56340120


>> No.56340390

I already got one offer, but it was only $105k when I was making $99k 3 years ago before the crazy inflation so I want $130k

>> No.56341301

Same here. Only place offered me $100k plus forced in person when I was getting $110k last year remote. I told them fuck off, they raised to $110k and said I could "prove myself" over the year to have a discussion for a bigger raise. I told them to fuck off again. I hate this boomer mindset to much, let me work where I want. If we have a team meeting or some company event in person, sure that's a good reason Ill come to the office.

>> No.56341309

You can develop your own protocol that actually has value.

It can be as simple as giving DAI/stablecoins further programmability. I have a great idea personally for value I can add to them.

You see you are either a demoralization kike or just demoralized yourself which means you are being malicious or just ignorant and should be avoided and disregarded at all costs regardless of the answer

>> No.56341761

Good. CS was regarded as the short bus of STEM back before we used acronyms like STEM. They were held in contempt beneath the biologists. Their profession needs humbling so big brains can go back to measuring their dicks by researching and discovering things that matter.

>> No.56341813

umm no i make 6 figgies from the government which is basically guaranteed work and the only sane thing for the white man to do in 2023. You advising work in shitty fake crypto startups is actual demoralization

Hint: the government legally cant hire pajeets and security clearances excludes undesirables

>> No.56341920

sounds like an incompetent schmuk

>> No.56341956

>You advising work in shitty fake crypto startups is actual demoralization

I've said for myself maybe some lower end social media manager might be fine but I've only suggested others who understand coding build their own protocol AND not work for some random pajeet token with no value or usecase.

Funding isn't an issue either there are tons of grants through BASE and the toolkit suite by LINK via SCALE or BUILD initiatives

Again you are literally a kike suggesting white men work as a slave for the government. It might be fine for now since you are earning good money but if you aren't banking money and making contingencies plans you are going to wake up one day in a bad situation with little options out.

>> No.56342010

building protocols is not a job, its a hobby, and it doesnt make you any money unless you also hire pajeets to scam the retards on this board into buying your gay ass dog coin. Thats not a sustainable business model unless you like living on the run in 3rd world shitholes.

>> No.56342016
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>> No.56342033

If you're white your only chance is starting your own company then only hiring minorities so you don't get sued.

>> No.56342042

what would you say isn't a scam these days?

>> No.56342415

what's your current job? Got my Sec+ like 8 years back

>> No.56342481

Oh so you are just a mongoloid and should be disregarded.

With Chainlink Functions a dapp could automate the purchasing of T-bills through staked/locked stablecoins in smart contracts and receipt tokens that accrue yield given in return.

Deposit 50 USDC get back 50 tUSDC(T-bill yield generating liquid version of USDC)

Take a small fee for the protocol. This could easily be achieved and would be incredible.

I'd much prefer trading futures with a yield generating stable coin.

Again you are here to spread demoralization and have intentionally misinterpreted what I've said every time now throwing in some scenario with shitcoins

>> No.56342633

sources: 0

so blacks are all on welfare and blacks are stealing your job.

>> No.56342841


>> No.56342921
File: 22 KB, 524x184, screenshot_20231011_143630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant read your posts when you mention scam coins btw (you know which one)

So if you want a (you) youll need to behave

>> No.56342936

mom get the camera im in the screenshot
edit: i would like to thank my uncle for inspiring me to write this post
edit2: thanks for all the likes!

>> No.56342965

I thought I was the only one who did this

>> No.56342983


>> No.56343003
File: 919 KB, 1800x1440, 6D05FA49-21A9-417F-9DCF-26E5EE9F9E06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I help Mexicans troubleshoot why their ProCentric servers aren’t communicating with their hotel/hospital networking. Our biggest clientele are Disneyland Resorts and Avera hospitals nationwide. Basically glorified help desk but my title is Tier 2 IT support.

I got banned yesterday by tranny Nannie’s.

>> No.56343076

I graduated in cell/molec bio and I've basically been a cashier for the past 2 years kek. It's a meme field unless you go into R&D, or go the practitioner route and shoot for med school.

>> No.56343118

You have to be outstanding to even get in the door as a white male in today's world of zombie corporations living off government subsidies and woke grants. Unfortunately for us outstanding white males, this means we have to carry entire departments of incompetent shitskins and women.
It's a nightmare.

>> No.56343140

>hurr durr I am incapable of doing research

>> No.56343153

>skill issue.
Reddit post.

>> No.56343227

If you make an inforgraphic at least add the fucking source otherwise it just comes across as some facebook boomer making shit up.

>> No.56343517

HR only ever sends me Asians, idk what you're talking about.

>> No.56343613

>Most white collar work is just imputing data on a computer screen.
Lol. Monkey.

>> No.56343679

That's talking about net jobs added. I'm not sure if you are retarded or just intentionally misleading, but all it means is white people can afford to retire while others work until they die

>> No.56343682

You heard this from Sam Hyde and regurgitated it word for word. Think for yourself

>> No.56343708
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this is not even remotely believable

>> No.56343758

reminds me of when AOC said that unemployment decreased because people were working two jobs

>> No.56344054

94% of new jobs at fortune 500 companies went to non-whites

>> No.56345165

College grads aren't by and large self directed as the other anon pointed out but to answer your question, yes: oxygen is wasted on you for needing to ask the obvious?

>> No.56345186

So there are no good networking opportunities outside of college. Got it.

>> No.56345248

How about u get a good parent who hooks you up at the company

>> No.56345272

He needs to apply to jobs out of his country.

>> No.56345283

Pretty much this. Always liberal female or shitskin hr retard that treats you like shit.
Shop at white owned small business EXCLUSIVELY l!!

>> No.56346214

This is very grim.

>> No.56346220


>> No.56347368


Put down on the application you are mixed race.
I'm literally not even joking at this point, you are mixed race. You will improve your interview rate by 85%. I worked in HR and I hated every moment of it, because we'd have these cooked up diversity initiative come down the pipe from our manager and the "board" to better there ESG scores. I managed to hire mainly whites and competent blacks because of my interviewing process, but the amount of black guys that I "had" to see was much larger than it should have been because of DEI quotas.
Someone calls you out on the fact you don't look mixed race, you can call them racially insensitive, if they hire you it gives you a weapon as well, most of the cucks in these HR departments will balk or won't even ask.
Game the system anons.

>> No.56347468
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>airplanes are malfunctioning multiple times in a year nowadays
>train derailments is common
>bridges collapsing is the new normal
>oooooooh but soooooooooftwaaaare will "eat the world"

lmfao computers are resource drains and AI is the final cherry on top while modern civilization goes away. I hope you know how to make medieval weapons and craft physical things, I'm sure people will care about your "dapp" "website" project or pythonista tricks when the civil wars over dwindling electricity start and people are smashing smart devices left and right.

>> No.56348816

>but all it means is white people can afford to retire while others work until they die
That has... absolutely nothing to do with the picture, you dumpling. There is an amount of people that wasn't working before, that is now working. The vast majority of those are non-White despite White people being the majority in the US, indicating discrimination in hiring.

>> No.56349476

you absolute fool. In the future, there's no doubt programmers will be heralded as holy priest for being able to talk with the computer spirits.

>> No.56349509

pretty much true, if you look at actual factories in asia where stuff is made they use basically 0 automation. A human child is much cheaper and produces better results than a $1 million robot with $50 million """AI""" software

>> No.56349649
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I'm a poor wagie and trying to figure out if it is worth it to learn computers at 30. So far everything I'm reading is one extreme or the other. How long does it take to actually get a job starting from zero, and how long until you can work from home? It seems like getting the first job is the hard part then you can easily leverage that to other jobs? The one advantage I have is some actual people skills and self direction learned from waging

>> No.56349678

>my friends are landing great positions
yeah like most people with CS degrees
100% he fucked something up and isn't disclosing it, like his resume looks like it was written by a dyslexic retard or he's like a felon or something

>> No.56349711

you fags wish this was true, because then you'd at least have an excuse for being losers
>t. white engineer who has had no trouble getting industry jobs

>> No.56352048

It’s legitimately hard for non-Americans. I’ve been getting interviews every week and none of the jobs are for companies that are willing to sponsor

>> No.56352053

i have gotten every job i have applied for

>> No.56353167

Even in the US a lot of companies will just instantly drop you if you don't live in California which is super annoying.