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56329968 No.56329968 [Reply] [Original]

And just like that Ethereum became irrelevant

>> No.56329985

Based OP
Imagine being an alt baggie

>> No.56330121

This is 10 yrs late, there is so much money running through eth at any given second that even bitcoin holders know that bitcoin is only for keeping and not for transacting with. Trying to implement eth capability in the blockchain 10 years later is retarded, don't you guys have any original ideas?

>> No.56330151

10 years to propose and another 10 years to make. Thanks Adam!

>> No.56330155

Ethereum is relevant in the history of fiat and ponzis. Eth is almost like fiat’s money final form. Where it just becomes hyper efficiently highly verifiable, highly secured scamming.
Bitcoin goes in history along with things like math equations, fundamental technologies like fire and wheel. Its s fundamental convention. It’s money. Everything else is no longer money even though people still call it that

>> No.56330175

nah, ETH is burning and crashing, the L1 has become as bloated as BTC, the L2s are all centralized garbage without permanence, and can even be easily moved to BTC as base layer instead of ETH

>> No.56330907

How is there enough space on btc blockchain to do any of this? Originals, computable contracts, whatever else bs. Small blocks won, right? How will you convince the moonbros to allow this?

>> No.56330926

so that's why eth is currently melting down. I don't care anyway, it has always been useless and or insecure for me, it was just a speculative thing in 2017, which I've profited from to get more btc

>> No.56330940

you sound tech illiterate, you shall stop considering you're understanding anything, too many retards are saying the stupidest things when talking about bitcoin, repeating carefully worded stupid concepts made by competing projects

>> No.56330955

Yeah lets move all our real time money markets to BTC where confirmations take 10+ minutes.

>> No.56330963

bitcoin rhetoric is so insane I literally can't tell if you are baiting or genuinely retarded

>> No.56331104

with this shit confirmations could be instant with only the verification taking 10m and wrongful verification could come at a big penalty so formal verification would not be initiated in 99.99% of cases

but yeah it would be even better on kaspa

>> No.56331120

not an argument

ETH is not decentralised

>> No.56331127

>ETH is not decentralised
this, thats why its getting replaced by Avalanche.

>> No.56331189

what's robin linus' relationship to craig wright, aka satoshi nakamoto?
because satoshi was talking about turing machines like a week ago.
his account came back to life on twatter.
just kind of sounds like robin's working with satoshi.

>> No.56331234

craig is going to jail.

>> No.56331270

nelson mandela went to jail.

>> No.56331286

kaspa only preserve the utxo, not potential content in the block, which is pruned, the other nodes aren't secured and safe from manipulation, so it couldn't be done on kaspa. the way it has been done, kaspa can only do money. which ironically can have bad side effects.

>> No.56331294

For our sins.

>> No.56331298

He’s really not, take your meds . The court already acknowledged copa was lying about him fabricating documents it’s already over for COPA, COPE

>> No.56331360

lots of cope, but the facts remain

every widespread and successful narrative that spawns from the thousands of failed and unsuccessful altcoin market attempts will eventually find its way onto bitcoin, somehow.
bitcoin never needed any changes to allow any of this, and will likely never make any other than long term deprecation of old opcodes and insecure cryptography and address types. these things end up on bitcoin because they had critical mass elsewhere despite a lot of people in the bitcoin space hating them, like nfts or premined tokens.

the biggest trap was altcoins thinking they can play bitcoin's game of layer two scaling. in reality it's altcoins that need base layer scaling more than anyone else. once they give up their technical advantage on the base layer and resort to merely settling transactions on upper layers, they give up their market advantage, fracture their liquidity, divide their userbase, and leave the door wide open.

>> No.56331387

your mom leaves her door wide open

and not only her door

>> No.56331388

altcoins are important to provide competition and experiment, even though the competition provided so far has been ridiculous

>> No.56331480

Smart contract capability on btc is just so link can scale the shit out of it

>> No.56331508

>requires off-chain compute
hrm, is there a project that can help with this? why is no one doing this? hrm...

>> No.56331511

Link and btc are the only cryptos that are worth holding. ETH will bleed against both because 1000 other layer ones will share the pie with eth.

>> No.56331512

alts are for making money, and while some like ethereum have unintentionally taken the concept of making money and wrapped it into their core offering insulating them from the hype cycle, most just come and go every 3-4 years.
some tech is novel and interesting, but most isn't. worse still the tech that is novel is also applicable to layer 2s. these scaling paradigms rip that tech away from those who tried to base their alt around it and into the open market for things like bitcoin, or even ethereum to take for themselves.

look at what happened to zcash, codifying and being a live testnet for new and novel ways to use zero knowledge proofs to then have ethereum rip that tech and add it as a mere feature of its contracts, taking away any reason for zcash to exist.

that's the end game of this market, the strong take from the weak what they can use, and the rest was never important in the first place.

>> No.56331538

yes but the competition and experiment still has to take place, ideally forever

>> No.56331552

it always will, but only en masse.
the altcoin market is going nowhere, but each altcoin is going nowhere fast.

>> No.56331588
File: 44 KB, 680x489, 4chan3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so how's LINK doing compared to ETH pajeet. just because you have a phone and data does not mean you must disgrace yourself in front of channers. yes, I have a lot of ETH, and I'll stake them when SpoolFi has its v2 go live. you can go fuck yourself for all I care.

>> No.56331825

>I have a lot of ETH

>> No.56331899

Checked and based as fuck

>> No.56331929

Avax is not decentralized either, anything that uses PSEUDO randomness, isn't.
you're right I guess, this couldn't be done on kaspa. But Kaspa does succeed as ecash where BTC fails
>which ironically can have bad side effects.
how so?

>> No.56331953


Can any anon explain LINK’s approach to Bitcoin? I understand the concept of CCIP in the smart contract space, it’s very exciting. Will this BVM update allow Bitcoin to be compatible to Seegeys grand vision? ETH is trash

>> No.56331993

6 years too late.

>> No.56332396

it would be too late if ethereum wasn't now fully reliant on alternative networks by way of l2s to scale.
not having the dev talent to get sharding working after 7 years has cost them any first mover advantage for new/retail users.

>> No.56332551

preserving documents can have its uses for censorship heavy future times. timestamping also has its uses. proof of existence can be useful and save costs. things like that. archival nodes aren't enough, not secured by pow.
lighting network or similar l2 will steal kaspa's market share I'm afraid. bitcoin will always be more desirable, and for money to work it needs to be desirable to begin with. kaspa is also more complex overall to make that work on base layer.
it has also unproven history.

but I don't dislike kaspa, I'm interested to see where it goes, liking computer science, it's one of those very rare crypto projects I see positively. at worse, it creates competition with bitcoin which is very good for people.

>> No.56333599

Every coin should just switch to Avax.

>> No.56334038

>my thingy went up a long time ago! Therefore your thingy will never go up and mine will go down!

>> No.56334614

kek, see the screenshot, this claim started ages ago with rootstock
ethereum won the smart contract sector in crypto years ago, it doesn't matter what bitcoin does, it doesn't matter what solana does, it just did, everything else is forced to copy ethereum and thus guarantee being a loser

I can't upload images because my hotel is banned from uploading
Ethereum is the most decentralized network in existence.
It's impossible for PoW to be decentralized because mining is always more profitable at scale, which is why it always centralizes and in fact it did, majority of hashpower is now in America.
Bitcoin is one executive order away from being fully controlled.

PoS is impossible to take over, even if you somehow took over majority of stake (impossible) a fork without it is possible. Fork in PoW that magically removes bad miners isn't possible.

None of this matters though, because it's 2023 and absolutely nothing in crypto matters. It didn't and won't replace anything, it started as a ponzi and never went beyond it. No government has any motivation to take over anything. All this time Ripple corporate-style consensus was the only thing that was necessary because nothing was ever attacked by any large organization, not to mention governments. Everything more complex than that turned out to be pointless overengineering.

If a miracle happens and that changes, then all PoW coins would get taken over by America/Western governments fast. But it won't. Crypto isn't a new thing anymore and adoption is below 2013 levels.

>> No.56334666

Its L2, retard, easy to work with
Its mostly L2 not mainchain retard
Its L2 not mainchain so near instantanous
Nelson mandela was a nigger and niggers belong in jail

>> No.56334673

Dumbass nigger eth baggie

>> No.56334738

like lightning network everyone forgot about after years of hype?
there's no demand for anything on bitcoin, it's a ponzi token, nothing more and nothing less.
btc underperformed corporate bonds since dec 2017 and btc holders completely missed the massive multiplier from defi and nfts which is what the last cycle was about. Nobody got rich from being a bitcoiner for the last 6 years.
there are no larger bagholders than bitcoiners in this space, except some random forgotten coins.
Saylor is a good example, managing to lose even in nominal terms.

eth underperforms since 2021, so only last cycle players are bagholding

>> No.56334762
File: 32 KB, 739x379, IMG_4821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget

>> No.56334835

initial eth distribution was way better than in bitcoin because it was widely publicized. Satoshi himself mined 1.1MBTC in secret.
Miners continuously destroy wealth, it's the major reason bitcoin underperformed so much.

Bitcoin was a scam from the first day with Satoshi lying in the title of the whitepaper (it's not cash because it's not backed by anything). The plan was to secretly mine a lot and get rich, but clearly something else didn't work out (death?).
>21M supply cap
that's another lie, finite supply doesn't work, but that only becomes apparent decades in the future when everyone would have already cashed out.

It doesn't really matter, without adoption the whole thing is visibly dying regardless of the coin. Without any adoption all coins aren't a form of wealth, they are inherently worthless, unlike real wealth, you have to scam someone into giving you real wealth in exchange. There aren't that many future buyers left.

>> No.56334845

>(it's not cash because it's not backed by anything)
Lol nobody tell him

>> No.56334850

Is this not just lightning with a different name? This shit has been proposed for so many years with so many different brands that I can't even read about it without getting bored

>> No.56334854

All these L2 rely on the main chain for security and rooting (at least until CCIP gets adopted for the latter).
There are billions of devs hours that have be spent on Ethereum ecosystem while bitcoiners did nothing. Worse all the dumb boomers have only aggressively attacked defi and smart contracts as a scam since 2016.
Btw Bitcoin had smart contracts capabilities with Rootstock and no one ever gave a shit.

>> No.56334871

us dollar is backed by the entire us economy
did you ever pay taxes? Assuming you're American.
If you did, YOU are part of the backing of the us dollar.

>> No.56334939

please hang yourself

>> No.56334991

that's literally backing, millions of American are forced by violence to sell their labor in exchange for the dollar.
Bitcoin has no backing.

Nothing you say can change this simple truth. Us dollar is backed. Bitcoin isn't.

>> No.56335043
File: 69 KB, 828x466, 08a27a6e0fa483e3a042e331305c4d6f7d1e91a1-880x495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ethereum won the smart contract sector
Did you mean the scam coin casino sector?
>Ethereum is the most decentralized network in existence.
Number of Bitcoin nodes: 16892
Number of Ethereum nodes: 7250
In what world is 7250 a bigger number than 16892 lol, lmao even
>>It's impossible for PoW to be decentralized because mining is always more profitable at scale, which is why it always centralizes and in fact it did, majority of hashpower is now in America.
It's not lol, and even if it were, miners have no incentive of misbehaving. Do you even understand how concensus works? Non-mining nodes can reject miners' blocks via USAF.
>PoS is impossible to take over,
Hahahhahahahaha. It takes no resources in PoS to mint the currency. It's printed out of thin air. I could literally buy the majority of the stake OTC without influencing the markets. It's effortless too because fiat is printed out of thin air as well.
>Bitcoin is one executive order away from being fully controlled.
You're a barrel of laughs fren: "Just two months after the U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned Tornado Cash, more than half of the blocks on the Ethereum network appear to be excluding transactions from the sanctioned wallets, according to data from MEV Watch."

>> No.56335056

The US dollar is backed by the US Army, their Navy, their Airforce and NATO in general you fool. It's called proof of war.

>> No.56335075

ETH fucking sucks. I'm still disgusted by the gas I had to pay on that piece of trash.

>> No.56335105

>proof of violence isn't real but proof of electricity bills is
Kek baggie

>> No.56335116

>In what world is 7250 a bigger number than 16892 lol, lmao even
that number isn't very relevant, if majority of hashrate is in America it's American controlled even if miners there use 1 million nodes
>It's not lol,
it is. Chip imports to Russia are sanctioned, they can't get new asics. TSMC won't allow that. China mostly banned mining, anything that remains is super low scale. Energy in Europe is super expensive.
It all moved to America.
>even if it were, miners have no incentive of misbehaving.
that's not the attack, the attack is american government realizing majority of hashrate is in America and they can control the network by telling miners what to do.
Miners aren't anonymous because they are big industrial warehouses with registered companies.
>I could literally buy the majority of the stake OTC without influencing the markets
You can't, and literally the opposite is true. Mining hardware is external to the system. Arbitrary number of chips can be made, no matter how many currently exist.
Buying enough eth to take over PoS is impossible, there isn't enough on sale.

That's not even the attack, nobody will buy eth to take over, nobody will buy new miners to take over PoW. Governments would tell miners to do X and they would listen because they inherently non anonymous.
PoS can work anywhere and unlike PoW can be anonymous, so a law like that would create a fork, with two networks existing.

Also again, it doesn't matter. Crypto - all of it - could disappear tomorrow. What real business is impacted? Absolutely none. Why would someone try to take over? There's nothing to gain. All this time Ripple works. Why? Because it doesn't matter.
that's strictly incorrect, it's not backed by them, they enforce the backing. The backing are all people forced to sell their wealth in exchange for dollars.

>> No.56336041

>There are billions of devs hours that have be spent on Ethereum ecosystem while bitcoiners did nothing.
I can directly purchase goods with BTC using payment processors, there are a bunch of people doing the same on YouTube. I dare you to show us a video of someone using the Ethereum network for payment. I fucking dare you. So far it's just a scam coin casino. Muh dev hours

>> No.56336169

kek, nice bait
an eth transaction costs 0.30$ right now and will confirm almost instantly.
Ethereum hosts numerous stablecoins with billions of market cap
Who in their right mind would actually use BTC to pay for goods when there is an objectively better alternative.

>> No.56336179

even more irrelevant than it already was*

>> No.56336223

>China mostly banned mining, anything that remains is super low scale.

yeah and two years ago midwit fucks like you were saying bitcoin was centralized because it was all in china and the CCP could just shut it down any day

look what happened - china banned mining, mining hashpower moved elsewhere, and absolutely nothing happened to the network itself. and now you say centralization in the US is a bad thing lmao, disingenuous kike

imagine trying to fud bitcoin in 2023, like why waste your time?

>> No.56337930

I paid using eth dozens of times, how new are you lol to think that's a real argument.
most sites use crypto payment processors that accept a lot of stuff at once.

The peak adoption of crypto for payments was 2013, there's zero demand for it
It was centralized in China, but instead of taking over they decided to ban mining.

>> No.56337945

Checked and truth.

>> No.56338113 [DELETED] 
File: 1.17 MB, 1024x1024, 96800920004230044396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 5 of posting about nyancatmoney.com 500 times a day until we are over $1 each. This is post 1605. The price has gone up 50% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win.

>> No.56338204 [DELETED] 
File: 1.24 MB, 1024x1024, 69755880248478251060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 5 of posting about nyancatmoney.com 500 times a day until we are over $1 each. This is post 1655. The price has gone up 50% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win.

>> No.56338281 [DELETED] 
File: 674 KB, 1024x1024, 84055095371024314031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 5 of posting about nyancatmoney.com 500 times a day until we are over $1 each. This is post 1655. The price has gone up 50% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win.

>> No.56338346

It doesn't suck it proves how broke you are. If you're that poor use one of the many L2s built ontop of it.

>> No.56338359 [DELETED] 
File: 976 KB, 1024x1024, 22479878399716883553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 5 of posting about nyancatmoney.com 500 times a day until we are over $1 each. This is post 1655. The price has gone up 50% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win.

>> No.56338371

ETH went POS is their own undoing

>> No.56338373

Fucking shut up.
It’s irrelevant. It’s also not new.
It’s novel, that’s it.

Give me one thing you want to use it do to? Name a compute that is more efficient here than anywhere else.

Fuck off, I’m with Adam.

And tell craig he’s going to jail if he’s not already here. Fuck that guy.

>> No.56338454 [DELETED] 
File: 1.13 MB, 1024x1024, 34440656327229559683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 5 of posting about nyancatmoney.com 500 times a day until we are over $1 each. This is post 1655. The price has gone up 50% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win.

>> No.56338629

I meant paying physically in person, directly through BTC+LN, not buying gift cards and then using said gift cards to purchase something else. I'm talking real world adoption fren.