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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56323544 No.56323544 [Reply] [Original]

They're going to sacrifice 2 million people to moloch just to suppress Chainlink.

>> No.56323615

I mean it is kind of crazy that the greatest economic opportunity of our time (blockchain/crypto) has been completely stifled by wars, inflation, political divide, and all kinds of other global "catastrophes". Most people are so distracted by the political space that they're not paying any attention to the fact that the biggest technological innovation in the last 50 years is happening NOW and that they can easily get rich off it.

Is it intentional? I wonder.

>> No.56323623

Unironically yes they are prepared to crash all markets to keep LINK down. Get your shorts in

>> No.56323628

no one care about link (and arabs)

>> No.56323666

> *hundreds of innocent whites raped and killed by people they let into their country*
"oy vey you can't demonize a whole community over the actions of some lone wolves! In fact you must let more in to atone for aggravating them!"
> *one jew killed after they bomb and and raze their country*

>> No.56323674

that's why jews deserve to die in a bloodbath
+ checked

>> No.56323683

This basically sums up the talmud

>> No.56323745

isnt the talmud basically about how much to blowtorch silverware?

>> No.56323788

Its a foreskin cookbook

>> No.56324057

Yeah it's crazy that your lifetime is not the exception to all lifetimes in history where the masses were subjected to tyranny, slavery, warfare and subjugation. It's literally so crazy you must be a schizophrenic 180iq wizard to be one of the few who can notice just how crazy it is that we live in a society.

>> No.56324080

Makes sense, Israelis holocaust Gaza which gives justification for Anti-christ to unify muslim world and conquer Jerusalem with the international community's support. Literally just Bible prophecy playing out like clockwork.

>> No.56324090

They are not people they are animals. Barbarous animals that kidnap, torture and rape innocent women and children. The world has seen first hand now the evil of Hamas and the Palestinian people and now full support is finally given to the side of good and we can take care of the problem of the evil Muslims desecrating our sacred ancestral homeland and claim our god given birth rate of having the full territory of Israel belonging to us Jews as God has given us as his chosen people

>> No.56324163

Strange how you don't deny that their deaths will suppress Chainlink.

>> No.56324254

Based kike, I wish to meet you in combat one day

>> No.56324271

I’ll be piloting drones with an Xbox controller, we can hang out and have a beer together while bombing goat fuckers

>> No.56324463

I had the same thought but didn't feel like typing it
well said

>> No.56324616

One day brother. One day. It's definitely coming though. It will be bad for everyone

>> No.56324718



>> No.56324844

>that kidnap, torture and rape innocent women and children
don't you act the same?

>> No.56324931

ive given up
no longer gonna care about crypto
every time link is gonna finally moon, some absurd escalation will occur

>> No.56325168

Throughout history every group of people have had a few individuals that have done bad things, the main difference is that Jews are the most innocent with the least amount of crimes, while amalek and middle eastern Muslim worshipping races are naturally evil, they all has a predisposition to anti-Semitism and hatred for everything good that we and the world stands for, they come from the seed of Cain. We will no longer tolerate the intolerant, we adhere to our commandment of Tikkun Olam, to forever improve the world to create a g_dly world for all human beings to prosper in, those who oppose what is best for humanities best interests and higher evolution will be crushed as we are taught during our bar mitzvah ceremony. The seed of Cain and evil with it will be destroyed. Good always wins, g_d is stronger then the devil

>> No.56325314

Rather on the nose *wink* dont you think?

>> No.56325340

>perfect explanation of Judaism
Synagogue of Satan confirmed.

>> No.56325366

you sound like an insufferable faggot

>> No.56325421 [DELETED] 

Hey fren DM @samuelalpha77 to win a free SmartCon Brand Chainlin Gayming Chair!

We have a lot of these things to give away so Twitter do your thing!

>> No.56325427

what crypto do you own?

>> No.56325432

Why do people choose to live in Gaza when they can just travel to the US and live the first world life?

>> No.56325443

They're fucked either way because they're poor but why do rich Jews live in Israel? It's a shithole and they're rich. Just move to a nice place

>> No.56325444

based kike destroyed an orthodox christian church in Gaza

>> No.56325494

this but unironically

>> No.56325586
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The amount of KEK I sacrificed to this board is just proportional to the amount of SEETHE I've given to POND

>> No.56325604

Ditch that garbage lmao

>> No.56325627

I hope they do, but not only on Gaza, in all Palestine and Israel

>> No.56325635
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Try nootropics, literal gamechanger

>> No.56325638

Have you considered selling on a loss?

>> No.56325651

>It's literally so crazy you must be a schizophrenic 180iq wizard to be one of the few who can notice just how crazy it is that we live in a society.

You are the one projecting here and attributing feelings I don't believe he was expressing. He was just pointing out the fact that there appears to be an obviously coordinated effort to create misdirection and massive societal strife conveniently as we under go the slow but inevitable transition of legacy finance infrastructure integrating with blockchain and distributed ledger systems.

During this time period, even moderately emotionally disciplined and intelligent retail investors have been and will continue to be to able to make incredibly asymmetrically risk/reward based bets through crypto and fast tracked their retirement by 15-30 years. So you are either upset because you are aware its possible and haven't done it yet or you are just a demoralization agent contracted to be here.

Those posts have been less frequent though since the Israel-Palestine conflict started. Kek

>> No.56325672

>You are the one projecting here and attributing feelings I don't believe he was expressing
>Also, if you disagree with me, you are an agent of demoralization who is being paid by some nebulous shady entity to spread propaganda against my preferred investment strategy
Swing and miss there bud, no wonder you ran to that other anon's defense -- you're a schizoid too.

>> No.56325915


Its been well documented that JIDF, ADL, and other organizations post here to spread their narrative and deter what they believe is the rise of anti-semitism.

So yes they often come here with the goal of keeping people they believe are their enemy in a state of demoralization and thus powerless in the scheme of things.

I also suggested it could just be your own personal failings driving your behavior and its the the more likely estimation.

Also the essence of your rebuttal was to try and diminish my opinion to others reading it not by point refutation but through suggesting I might have mental illness. That tactic doesn't work here. Its transparent to everyone participating in this thread and embarrassing for you.

>> No.56325928

checked lmao kikes are going to desentisize us to nuclear war by nuking them.

>> No.56326168

To your very last point, this board is the most dead it's ever been. It's crazy that all this activity was just jews. I mean, I know what I know and still I wanted to refuse to believe it and give a benefit of doubt but wow. They really do astroturf the entire internet and probably are super predators that have evolved generationally for the role. Literally all of it is true, huh? The crying out as they strike you, the controlling the world, everything.

>> No.56326542

Hey fren DM @samuelalpha77 to win a free SmartCon Brand Chainlin Gayming Chair!

We have a lot of these things to give away so Twitter do your thing!

>> No.56326549

>NOW and that they can easily get rich off it
yeah, we thought so too
turned out fucking horrible

>> No.56326662

See you in combat jew boy

>> No.56326708

Holy basedo

>> No.56326770

>yeah, we thought so too
>turned out fucking horrible

Everyone else here got rich what were you doing?

>> No.56326795

Buying and holding something and hoping the price goes up from other peoples actions and just watching the charts will make you miserable. If you're a perpetual complainer, doomposter, or depressed; your situation is not going to improve unless YOU do what you can about it.

>> No.56326832

>Buying and holding something and hoping the price goes up from other peoples actions

This part is fine and what most of us here did.

>just watching the charts will make you miserable. If you're a perpetual complainer, doomposter, or depressed

This part should be avoided. I bought in 2018 and did some light trading with my stack since then as well. In my free time, I just treated myself as an RPG character and leveled up reading and learning about new skills/info about crypto, weightlifting seriously the last 2 years, and learned fine dining cooking techniques and prepare everything I eat from scratch with organic wholefood quality ingredients/clean cuts of proteins

>> No.56327061
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>> No.56327091
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>> No.56327114

didn't you guys kill chirst tho?
doesn't that pretty much make you the devil?

>> No.56327173


>*By people they illegally smuggled into the country with humanitarian ngo's the operated and staff with brainwashed self-hating white millennial morons

>> No.56327176

>Well documented
You mean a couple of screenshots from some Discord servers posted to /pol/?

>Also the essence of your rebuttal was to try and diminish my opinion to others reading it not by point refutation but through suggesting I might have mental illness.
Nice word salad but I was actually just pointing out the irony in you calling out for projecting and attributing feelings they weren't expressing and then you do the same thing unironically

>> No.56327182
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>> No.56327226


Their own websites talk of organized campaigns and operations that take place on 4Chan.

It wasn't a word salad I was pretty clear.

Instead of refuting anything I said you just claimed I was mentally ill.

>> No.56327250 [DELETED] 
File: 521 KB, 1062x1181, 49586557752450501015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen here you little punk the church did a helluva lot more damage to christ then we ever did so go take your smart mouth someplace else and keep your mouth shut because we just might do something about your attitude

>> No.56327371

Just ignore him, he's retarded at best and defending his job at worst. No one is stupid enough to care what he says, in truth I skipped right over the post.
Not buying your shit coin or your jewish act, brijesh

>> No.56327395

Ummmm that's based

>> No.56327405

Jews worship Moloch

>> No.56327406

>jews will unironically genocide millions of people and claim they're the victims

>> No.56327408

The amount of people I’d still classify as normies that know about the Jews recently is staggering. It went from 3-5 people my entire life that knew, to easily over a hundred in the past year or two.

>> No.56327414

based satanic trips of truth

>> No.56327430

Maybe convert to Christ? Or get raped in Hell

>> No.56327468

The Jews know that LINK is the biggest single threat to their existence over anything else. That's why they started this war now, right before we were about to begin the transformation.

>> No.56327474


>> No.56327478



>> No.56327708 [DELETED] 
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the word "checked" makes me extremely angry

>> No.56327973
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>A project partly created by two Jews is going to hurt the Jews
Anon, I...

>> No.56328011 [DELETED] 
File: 1.48 MB, 902x1280, 44048501776952199231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the word "checked" makes me so mad i could punch somebody in the face i get pissed just hearing it

>> No.56328273 [DELETED] 
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wtf you talking about who the hell gets angry about that word oh yeah that's right nobody does are you a dumb ass or something

>> No.56328442

>cries out in pain as he strikes you

>> No.56328463 [DELETED] 
File: 1.23 MB, 1024x1024, 13627412429678435514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"what are you talking about you idiotic moron who gets upset about the word 'wtf' are you stupid or something clearly you're an idiot and the type of person who gets offended over a tiny thing"

>> No.56328486

It's mostly a bunch of legalese word games to twist scripture to say whatever they want. Might as well call it the pharisee handbook.

>> No.56328518

I mean who thought that a concert in an illegally occupied territory was going to be a great and safe thing to do?

>> No.56328520

>Israel goes to war
>all the "BIZFIT ANONS THAT LOOK LIKE THIS, WOULD YOU GET PAID $500 TO GET FUCKED IN THE ASS" and other weird cuckold fetish threads mysteriously disappear

really jogging the noggin

>> No.56328606

Kek. Board barely moves now. It barely did before but id guess anywhere from 50-90% of the posts had to be jewish.

>> No.56328682 [DELETED] 
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this implies that israel has the power to influence the content of 4chan by way of an underground campaign to censor and control what is discussed on the board this is highly unlikely and i call bullshit i also have no idea what "bizfit anons" or "jogging the nogging" means but if i had to guess it sounds like some kind of white supremacist dog whistle

>> No.56328749

>the greatest economic opportunity of our time
You mean the Winklevoss pump and dump scam you guys wont shut the fuck up about?

>> No.56330074

Lol Satan laying down the beat

>> No.56330116
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Still not selling

>> No.56330123

Digits confirm.

>> No.56330138
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