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56322026 No.56322026 [Reply] [Original]

Had countless opportunities to make it in the 2017 and 2021 bull runs. Still haven't made it. Honestly think about killing myself everyday

>> No.56322028

What’s stopping you?

>> No.56322032

If that's your mindset then having a pile of cash wouldn't do much for you.

>> No.56322035

>I could have guessed the winning lottery numbers but didnt waaaa im so sad


>> No.56322036

I'm not sure

>> No.56322038

same, Im cashing out this time for sure
and pursue my body count goals

>> No.56322058

I suppose that’s hope then.
Foster it anon. Things are probably worth it in the end. Use this.. not everyone feels it. Get your life as far away from this as you can and be grateful for every coward step.
Good luck anon.

>> No.56322060


>> No.56322072

wrong and normalfag-tier opinion
i always had a goal number in mind and my enjoyment life has gone up and down linearly with my wealth

also a normalfag opinion
not everyone is a meme trader on bisexual finance. many of us were deep in the ecosystem and simply fumbled holding shitcoins long enough or buying bullshit when they were first aware of it

not opee but i wait for agi on anything else to destroy me

>> No.56322079

same thing retard

>Pick the 1 in a 1000000 winners from all projects out there
>Time your entry perfectly
>Time your exit perfectly

Yeah just do all 3 of these things perfectly bro

>> No.56322084

You should be buying low cap alts right now if you want to make it

But you, and 99.99% or other people think “it’s over bro it’s over” and aren’t doing this.

I have alts I’m buying right now that I know for a fact will return me 100 to 1000X when liquidity flows back into the financial markets

>> No.56322092

You people are so fucking stupid

Lets say for sake or argument there is 1 winner for every 10 losers.

That means 90% of you faggots will lose money, and only 10% will actually gain something. And only a small percentage of that will actually gain something significantly

Please tell me you dont believe in the "wagmi" memes right?

jesus christ

imagine actually feeling sad because you werent one of the astronomical successes in crypto

>no bro I saw someone on youtube he said its easy if I would just do this

>> No.56322107

Then you're not learning any of the lessons that are out there to be learned. You're literally just a consooming machine whose happiness is directly tethered to the amount of shiny bullshit around you.
I wonder if you even have a soul.

>> No.56322123

potential 2024/2025 bullrun

>> No.56322172


/biz/ is full of losers with 'main character syndrome'

>> No.56323902

"make it"
What is make it to you? I could have made $400k in 2021 but would have owed short term taxes to a corrupt anti-democratic totalitarian regime. Had it been $4million I might have considered compromising my morals for the money. I trade more actively in my IRA accounts because there's no tax and at least I won't have to work when I'm 70+. What could you have even bought with the money you would have made? An overpriced house? A piece of shit car? The only move that would have made sense is diversification, and that would have gotten you rekt. Stop thinking about killing yourself, retard.

>> No.56324364

You're weak. Kys. Too many flags on earth already, we don't know you