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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56321921 No.56321921 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56321929

No one actually has 1 billion in cash though.

It's all in unrealized stocks and assets.

>> No.56321931

>inb4 some racist incels that want people to become more rich eventhough people cant even afford rent or groceries and single mothers have 4 kids to feed

>> No.56321942

Nice bait nigger, little bit on the nose tough

>> No.56321949

>inb4 leftist brainlets who dont understand how nature and capitalism works, and wanna implement muh idealistic rules that havent even been tested.

go back to your lgtb friends at reddit and never come back

>> No.56321967

>that idpol shabbos goy who cucks for billionaires
i have and make more money than you btw.

>> No.56322001

well i can bring you the news that the single mother and her 4 kids burned to death on housefire yesterday. You dont have forever to solve these issues.

>> No.56322004


>> No.56322014

maybe she shouldnt have hatched 4 kids if she cant feed them, natural selection takes care of this

>> No.56322019

So we divide the Tesla company to be managed by ordinary school administrations across the country?

>> No.56322030

OK how about this:
Throw all twitter posters and people who make twitter screenshot threads into the oven

>> No.56322106

Why are people still to stupid to grasp stock value is not personally income

>> No.56322156

This, but it should happen at 1 million. Nobody needs more money than that.

>> No.56322195

sorry but you can't take what's not yours. God has either sent or permitted this.

>> No.56322197

ummm actually sweatie that would affect some vibrant leftist's so you just did a fascism

>> No.56322249

>Hoarding wealth like modern day dragons!
The average person doesn't know how large a billion is and doesn't understand money or wealth. Hence they think billionaires have 1b usd in cash in an account and clap like retards whenever anyone makes one of those "If you put a billion dollars end to end it would stretch from new york to LA twice!" comparisons.
Total normie death.

>> No.56322282

And in 30 years after hyperinflation when minimum wage will be $500M a year, the same "no billionaires!" rule will stay, making sure everyone is equally poor (especially the few whites that remain).

>> No.56322307


>> No.56322480

They used to say the same thing about 1 million dollars.

>> No.56322486

Love how these low IQs act like billionaires have over a billie on their ordinaire bank accounts lel

>> No.56322490

These people are hyperfocused on the winners of the game, and not on fixing the rules of the game itself to make it more fair to work your way up, because they're utter lazy losers that never wanted to have to play at all

>> No.56322667

This, wanna fix the west? Unironically kill everyone that doesn't have at least 90% of european ancestry

>> No.56322677
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Unironically if we prevented individuals from fucking up society because they've got 50 billion dollars and a lot of time on their hands that would be better for all of us.

But damn, it's hard to sympathize with the kind of liberal retard who helped create all these insane tech billionaires.

>> No.56322709

>S&P up 2%
>you're over 1 billion today bezos! Please pay fo dem programs!
Not trying to defend the rich but pretending like they won't just find some way to rig it is retarded
That is.. without a state that actually exists for a reason and is above the merchants and the banking cartel... oh pardon me I'm starting to get laser eyes

>> No.56322734

the top marginal tax rate used to be 90% and they changed it because tax receipts dropped
turns out if you get to keep hardly anything of what you earn, you stop working.

>> No.56322787


Our tax system is absurd and horrendous. It literally punishes work (productivity). There has to be a better way. The fact that everyone isn't naturally insulted the day they realize what's happening to their paycheck is ridiculous.

>> No.56322830

Someone has to pay for Tyrone's food stamps and Laquisha's welfare and Medicare for 5 kids. Congratulations, you've got the job!

>> No.56322857

He should look up the proportion of billionaires that are Jewish before he says something so Antisemitic.

>> No.56322889

This, normies are so fucking retarded.

>> No.56322902
File: 109 KB, 900x900, The Left Today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a job and make your own money parasite.

>> No.56322911

Once I realized that it's not worth the time and energy explaining this sort of thing to these people, it allowed me to move on to more worthwhile things.

No point in arguing with them or trying to convince them. They will ruin their own lives and stay eternally poor and stupid.

>> No.56323026

Billionaires don't exist. Our monetary system is fake and gay. No one have a billion zeros in a bank account. You have some debt tard CEO founder of some nonsense company Moshe Noseburgshapiro says is worth billions of dollars so Mr CEO gets millions of dollars of debt as loans from bank GoyimRus against his made up "billion" dollar evaluation of fake and gay money tobrun his fake ans gay zombie buisness. Mr CEO has a billion dollar networth so he is a "billionaire" despite having negative money.

>> No.56324331


>> No.56324373

Correct but most will deny it because they prefer living in delusion. The dream can only last so long, friends.

>> No.56324377

we need Billionaires to become even richer than 999 million dollars because we just do.
it's how the world works.
the middle class must struggle to buy groceries and pay rent, while rich people become billionaires, trillionires, quintillionaires, phentillionairs

we will own nothing and they will be happy

>> No.56324381
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>> No.56324386

How about we create a system that pays people the exact value they produce. We can call it proof of labour. No profiteering off others labour and also no communist parasites stealing our value for gibs. Everyone gets exactly what they deserve by the sweat of their own brow

>> No.56324389
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>> No.56324400
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>> No.56324524

what if I steal 999 million from health care

>> No.56324538


>> No.56324556

god this reeks of economically illiterate redditard propaganda. this rule would destroy the economy because corporations are considered people, so as soon as this rule is made no corporation would be allowed to have $1 billion in assets. Bye bye air travel, cargo ships, mining equipment, oil rigs, etc etc

>> No.56324581

this would cap people at 999million though. So making revenue past that would be unlikely

>> No.56325183

How about when a company reaches $1 billion in assets, the government spins up or encourages a legitimate competitor to that company to form. That way you create competition, lower prices and create more middle class jobs instead of towering CEOs pay and monopolies

>> No.56325199


The government never does that. It colludes with the existing power that can pay them. Yes ideally we'd have an open market, instead regulatory capture and anti-competition

>> No.56325236

Fucking this
Millenials and Zoomers think all billionaires are like Scrooge McDuck and swim in a bin of money, in reality 95% of their net worth is in stocks, real estate, business investments, and other assets.

>> No.56325255

ok let's at least placate this idea to some kind of logical end. so when bill gates or some other company founder hits 1 billion dollars net worth then who do the other shares of the company go to? The government? Then what? They get sold back to the private market to the highest bidder? Why would anyone bid anything for them if they're not allowed to control more than 1 billion dollars of assets? Limiting net worth to 1 billion dollars breaks the capitalist system, which maybe you're ok with until you spend 10 seconds thinking about the practical applications of what that means

verification not required.

>> No.56325276


Bezos has/had 9 Billion in Cash - so there's that

>> No.56326197

You're smarter than the idiots you made up, congratulations! Stay enlightened by your intellects in fantasy land.

>> No.56326250

Honestly. It's just too much money. That's enough to buy a few houses, nice cars, and insure it all. What are you gonna do with the rest? let compound interest grow it to a bigger number?

>> No.56326267

It would never happen though

>> No.56326284


>> No.56326465

Nobody cares what bullshit it's hidden in. When people say "I hate billionaires" they don't mean they hate a number on a bank screen. They hate the POWER a billionaire can exert. The control over the democratic process they wield and the siphoning of more value through antisocial tactics out of nothing but an insane craving to be on top. They hate the fact that antitrust is a joke, and fuckers like Bezos or even whole industries like "tech" are clearly creating zero competition zones and post capitalism hellscapes.

>> No.56326520
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I don't believe in democracy.

>> No.56326589


Not true https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-12-15/elon-musk-cashes-out-tesla-stock-angering-investors/101778052

>> No.56327098

Normies actually are retarded though. Have you actually spoken to any? You're not retarded yourself, are you?

>> No.56327111

The pill retards never get.
No one has all these billions and trillions.
No one.

>> No.56327146

Based, its kikery

>> No.56327178
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Cool it with the antisemitism.

>> No.56327191

exactly, leftoids think bezos's billions would somehow find their way to them if bezos didn't exist. it's all predicated on a misunderstanding of economics

>> No.56327201
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>poltards think billionaires are buying out other companies with their funko pop collections

>> No.56327208

>inflate currency
>bread now costs $100 million a slice
>maximum allowable wealth is 9 slices of bread

>> No.56327209 [DELETED] 
File: 309 KB, 500x559, 67539917055582875599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah yeah we get it we're all part of a giant simulation and nothing is real you sound like a bunch of drugged-up hippies go choke on a cock you useless cocksucker

>> No.56327261


>> No.56327535

>make your own money
the only thing i see

>> No.56327560

gay fake economic system then

>> No.56327668 [DELETED] 
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oh yeah then why dont you go to hell

>> No.56327696

Close the loop holes like being able to get loans from those assets. If they need cash to spend on stuff they sell and pay taxes.

>> No.56327966 [DELETED] 
File: 219 KB, 675x499, 25840197255790452864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

close those holes and make 'em pay their goddamned taxes i don't give a damn how you just make it happen understand

>> No.56328128

Other people's success makes me so fucking angry I am going to punch something so fucking hard I deserve their success because reasons. Thats why I'm vooting for more government powers because I can't imagine how it could be used against me. Feel the bern

>> No.56328244 [DELETED] 
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how about you shove your goddamn taxes up your ass the holes are for shitting and the government ain't collecting no damn revenue from my ass the fact that they're even thinking about it offends me as an american

>> No.56328440 [DELETED] 
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shove your goddamn taxes up your ass hell no

the holes are for shittin' not government revenue collection you think i'm gonna stand for that i'm an american goddamn it

and the thought of the government even thinking about collecting taxes from my ass offends me to my very core

>> No.56328495

So. Much. This.

>> No.56328519


>see 990 million in bank account
>close up all businesses I own temporarily, ruining the lives of everyone I employ
>my tax liability is now 0. :^)
>live off savings for a few years in supernal luxury
>feel like making money again
>Buy massive plot of land for $900 million
>only $80 million in bank account
>reopen businesses
>now able to make $920 million more

>> No.56328557

>the idiots you made up

The idiots I made up? Scroll up and look at OP's image you fucking stupid nigger. Fucking reddit midwit FAGGOT

>> No.56328655 [DELETED] 
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"what a cynical asswipe

he's not just exploiting his employees but also taxpayers all those businesses he closed to avoid paying tax were contributing to the economy he's just a greedy capitalist pig who wants to avoid contributing to the country's fiscal health

>> No.56328764
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So when you go to buy a hamburger from MCyD 1 billion window you wont be aload to eat! This will happen next year.

>> No.56328943

This entire system is fucked, even billionaires are chained to their businesses and bank loans. I actually don't know what I'm living for anymore.

>> No.56328966

when was the last time your country cared about your fiscal health? i ask because mine recently put me out of work because i didnt want to take their drugs and then printed unprecedented amounts of money which spiralled into rampant inflation that were still dealing with years later and this is pretty normal from what i can tell

>> No.56328984

>have $998,999,999 in realized cash
>buy a house, a super car and the most expensive yacht on Earth
heh, nothing personal commies

>> No.56328993

That moves the economy instead of hoarding like dragons while keeping everyone else dry

>> No.56329016


>companies are people
>give $998 mil to company I own as liquid
>put company into massive debt.
>when time comes to spend money, simply take it back
>company declares bankruptcy
>fuck you got mine.

>> No.56329513 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 103

>> No.56329530

if true this is retarded because there is plenty of other wildlife all over the USA that can provide shit tons of meat

>> No.56329587 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 103

>> No.56329603

Ultra diversified billionaires like Buffet or Gates do have hundreds of billions in liquidity unironically. Cucks like Elon or Bezos that have all their wealth in 2 assets are not nearly as wealthy as people believe

>> No.56329664 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 103

>> No.56329736 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 103

>> No.56329762
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Or, I have an alternate suggestion. Now hear me out ... we gas the Jews

>> No.56329801 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 103

>> No.56329814

nope. they can literally go to a bank and borrow off its book value.

>> No.56329818

Wtf how did you make a blank post

>> No.56329870 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 103

>> No.56329932 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 103

>> No.56329958

we don't need to eliminate billionaires
we just need to tax them better

>> No.56330003 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 103

>> No.56330218

>How about we create a system that pays people the exact value they produce.
>no communist parasites

Do you realise you are describing communism? The labour theory of value was the central piece of karl marx work and its completely wrong. Thats why communism will fail every time is implemented.

>> No.56330257

Taxing wealth is a slippery slope that would fuck up 401k's and the like. It is literally better not to tax assets as assets boost productivity which is all that matters.

>> No.56330337

Does it really matter that much where your NW is stored? Does it really matter that it is not liquid? Can't they liquify their holdings, accessing their purchasing power?

>> No.56330530

i bet cunts like this if they somehow won a giga lottery and got over $1 billion they'd be greedy as fuck and waste it all on retarded shit

>> No.56330566

cute jeta

>> No.56330724

>Here, Anon, i found an exceptions, which means what you said must be false.
Retarded take, Anon.

>> No.56330739

low iq take, almost nothing is bought and sold with actual money anyway, its all made up numbers on a bank database

>> No.56330775

The midwittery… fml
99% of humans are just slave material

How did OPs idea work out for the Soviet Union? There were no billionaires there….but what they did have is a steep pyramid style power structure of many below and very few on the top…

You fkn midwits

>> No.56330800
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>Tax law
>Corporate entities
I did $1.2mil in business last year, extracted $349k from the business, and paid $0 in personal or corporate tax. These niggers will always be poor.

>> No.56331369
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Day 4 of posting about nyancatmoney.com 500 times a day until we are over $1 each. This is post 1502.

>> No.56331431
File: 206 KB, 600x600, 14846738162286064298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 4 of posting about nyancatmoney.com 500 times a day until we are over $1 each. This is post 1522.

>> No.56331849
File: 1.09 MB, 1024x1024, 37871348948616332605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a angry bastard

>> No.56332297
File: 1.06 MB, 1024x1024, 68840017713429983963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a angry bastard so what

>> No.56332407

The interest on those loans compounds. what's worse, 21.9% paid once, or 7.5% compounded daily over ten years? It's not a loophole, its a feature. especially when you remember that those interest payments are someone else's taxable income too. so again, 21.9% once, or 21.9% multiple times?

>> No.56332471

Who said anything about cash dumbass? I agree with the OP image, there is a point where you have so much wealth that it becomes increasingly unfair because you can use your wealth to keep other people disadvantaged. No one here is a billionaire so why are you defending them? They’re not your friends.

>> No.56332574

>They hate the POWER a billionaire can exert.
But the power isn't going away, right? If you get the government to steal it, you're just giving more power to the entity that holds monopoly over violence. Why would you want that?

>> No.56332575

Yeah out of $200 billion nw.
So he’s holding less than 5% of his assets in cash, which is >>56321929 entire point of normies not realizing how billionaires aren’t sitting on a billion dollars of cash.

Most billionaires derive their net worth through assets like real estate or their businesses, which need constant maintenance and attention.
If Jeff Bezos decided to let Reddit be the collective CEO of Amazon, his net worth would be under a billion in a month.
That also answers the normie question of
>“why are they constantly trying to make money when they’re billionaires?!”
Running a business like that is like trying not to drown in a heavy current. There’s so many spinning plates that they can’t just pull the plug whenever they feel like.

>> No.56332748

Assets are measured in dollars by appraisal, but stocks are some of the most liquid assets you can have. I don't understand how this is an argument against what they said.

>> No.56333537
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Yes, you are totally right, and that why you are going to stave to death very soon!

>> No.56334312

No. Fuck off.

The entire human population needs to be reduced to 10 million MAX before you absolute imbeciles extinguish all the resources on this planet.


If I was in charge of the French empire or the Russian army or the British Empire I would have murdered everyone or made them infertile. I would have went to Asia and Middle East and murdered every single resource-wasting bastard. God so many resources wasted on those idiots who don't even recycle. Bunch of fucking polluters. Those 2 idiots are the biggest polluters on this planet and FUCKING RUSSIA & AMERICA ARE JUST SITTING IDLY LETTING THEM KILL THE PLANET.

Those 2 countries pollute more than anything else on this planet.

>> No.56334347

>1500 posts in 1 month
Your bot isn't strong enough for an entire board. You need more PROXIES and more computing power.

>> No.56334362

Imagine posting this unironically.
Your parents did you a disservice by telling you life is fair

>> No.56334631

you prefer that monopoly to be held by fucking microsoft?

>> No.56335109

Musk sold billions of tesla at the top and it was liquid enough

>> No.56335208

Better if surplus profit is distributed fairly to the workers

>> No.56335210

Neat, thanks

>> No.56335463

The fact that rich people are not my friends is exactly why I don't want these bullshit laws written down and enshrined as a means to exert more power over people via the political apparatus. Laws and regulations are for poor people

>> No.56335514

better idea. ban stock buybacks as a way to make "profits" appear smaller. the worker deserves the fruits of their labor.

>> No.56335518
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The Glowie post came quick.
>BuT ThEy dOnT hAvE cAsH

We fucking know.
Make all assets round on tax heaven collectable by the state.
And put a ratio between the amount of stocks at the top vs at the bottom of the company.
And pay a fine on top of that too.
Then tax stocks like you tax fucking crypto
They can track you for capital gains but they couldn’t tax the fuckers that hoard money ?

Laws are there to fucking regulate the fame niggers, everyone who sucks the dick of a billionaire is a dumb motherfucker, they laugh at you while you defend them they don’t fucking care about you so fucking pissed of people answering stuff like this