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5631914 No.5631914 [Reply] [Original]

Scientists from Belarus are working on the issue of using the energy of the nuclear power plant in Ostrowiec to mine bitcoins - Belsat TV claims.
First pro-crypto regulations and then that. What do u guys think about it?

>> No.5631961

does belarus have qts?

>> No.5631975

They must either be a pov-tier country or really fucking shrewd

>> No.5632004

they should mine XMR instead

>> No.5632036

>mine BTC when it's crashing

>> No.5632088

Mining is a fucking meme. Buy 10 (for the sake of diversification) solid coins and you'll have many times better ROI in 6 months.
>inb4 muh mining is less risk
No it isn't. If the market crashes and burns your mining gear becomes nigh worthless anyway.

>> No.5632767

They're going to meme out themselves

>> No.5632866

Why are we wasting so much resources for a piece of software? What has happened to the world

>> No.5632896


Moving to Belarus btw.

>> No.5632952

Insatiable greed.

>> No.5632955

mining is a meme if you're paying for power on the grid

if you have a fucking nuclear power plant at your disposal it's another story

>> No.5632986

>why do all these people waste their time working as microsoft, google, and facebook
>it's just a piece of software

>> No.5633006

>What has happened to the world
Jews, fractional reserve banking, and compound interest

>> No.5633132

Is Belarus /ourcountry/ ?

>> No.5633719

just like any slav nation chicks are god tier
and they will stick your dick for a cheap restaurant trip

>> No.5633809
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suck* obviously

>> No.5633993

Russian here

Chiks in Belarus is literally god tier.

>> No.5634255

ok, no capital gains on crypto and the worlds hottest qts? i'm fucking going.
BLRbros, where should i stay? what sort of lifestyle will $5MM buy me?

>> No.5634429


>> No.5634446

*Smart refugee cities*

>> No.5634546

Authoritarian assholes are all in favour of crypto (for themselves, obviously). North Korea, Russia, China - they all mine BTC by stealing money and electricity from their subjects.

>> No.5634693
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>> No.5634735

>t. bank jew

>> No.5634755

>being this bluepilled

>> No.5635191
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>> No.5635336
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I wish I had my own power plant to mine all kinds of shitcoins.

Inb4 Belarus mines all the moon missions of the future and turns into the next Oil Bjorns or Saudis

>> No.5636094

Being a BLRbro I can say that it you can come with 5MM with your dick out and every girl will suck it instantly.

>> No.5636131

>your mining gear becomes nigh worthless anyway.
why would GPUs become worthless?
you can make 1200+ a month mining Monero with gpus

>> No.5636157

$5 mil will buy you a whole city.

>> No.5636325

> they all mine BTC by stealing money and electricity from their subjects.
i`am paid 0.05$ per kWh and its pretty high price retard

>> No.5636630

will i need to learn russian?

>> No.5636768

You can use English but actually it will be much better to speak Russian.

>> No.5636858

unironically this
we’re tired of their shit

>> No.5636867


>> No.5637036

that's cool i've got the full pimleurs course. i'm assuming even babby-tier russian would be better than none at all.

>> No.5637132
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>President is a literal communist

Gl to those who fall for the trick and bring their money there

>> No.5637303
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A jew doesn't know what shame is. He вeдaeт жид, чтo тaкoe cтыд.
Ivans penance is Abrahams praise. B чeм Ивaн пoкaeтcя, в тoм Aбpaм пoхвaлитcя.
Jews house is Sodom, Jews court is Gomorrah. Жидoвcкий дoм, чтo Coдoм, a двop, чтo Гoмop!
What is pleasing to God, is unsuitable for a jew. What a sin to God, is amusing to a Jew. Чтo Бoгy yгoднo, тo
жидy нeпpигoднo. Чтo Бoгy гpeшнo, тo жидy cмeшнo.
The Jew will say that he is beaten, but he will not say for what. Жид cкaжeт, чтo бит, a нe cкaжeт зa чтo.
There are no roses without thorns, and there are no troubles without Jews. Heтy poз бeз шипoв, и нeтy бeд бeз
People don't perish by their own without jews. He нapoд гибнeт, a жиды гyбят.
If you are healed by a kike, you submit to death. У жидa лeчитьcя - cмepти пoкopитьcя.
If the Jews are gracious, they will bring you to the abyss. Кoль жиды любeзны, тo дoвeдyт дo бeздны.
Kikes have more lies than fields have ryes. B жидaх лжи, чтo в пoлях pжи.
A kike gifted me nothing, to buy what I want. Пoдapил жид кyкиш, чeгo хoчeшь, тo и кyпишь.

>> No.5637368
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To gain benefits - the Jew is always ready to be baptized. Чтoбы выгoды дoбитьcя - жид вceгдa гoтoв кpecтитьcя.
It happens that a Jew is called a Jew. Taк бывaeт, чтo жидa жидoм oбзывaют.
Live by prayer, as a human — not by bread, as a kike. He хлeбoм, кaк жид, нo мoлитвoй бyдь жив!
No one died of hunger, until jews appeared. Ha Pycи oт гoлoдy нe мepли, пoкa жиды нe пpипepли.
I would have said a word, but the Jew is not far off! Cкaзaл бы cлoвeчкo, дa жид нeдaлeчкo!
Then paradise will come when the Jews do not become. Toгдa paй нacтaнeт, кoгдa жидoв нe cтaнeт.
Drive the Jew not from the village, but drive him from yourself! Гoни жидa нe в ceлe, a гoни eгo в ceбe!

-Alexander Lukashenko

WTF, lads?

Why is he such an anti semite

>> No.5637438
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Are there any nogs in Belarus? Can I bribe the cops? Will my house be robbed weekly by shady slavs?

>> No.5637508

But thats time, time is cheap. Energy is not.

>> No.5637871

probably no if you live in a decent apartment complex

>> No.5637889

this has gone way too far

>> No.5637941

There are smart people in Belarus?