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56314267 No.56314267 [Reply] [Original]

why are wagies like this?

>> No.56314271

>Dont have money
>Make kids anyway

also why dont Americans believe in condoms?

It is literally first thing they teach you in school here in Europe

>> No.56314302

It's harder to sympathize when she is so hypocritical and tries to weasel out of responsibility. Yes, you ARE hurting someone by stealing. Yes, you ARE justifying said stealing by making this post.
Just say it like it is: "I knew stealing is bad and harmful, but I felt forced to do so anyway in order to provide for my family."
If she wants to blame someone, blame society and the government for allowing people to go destitute in one of the supposedly richest countries in the world. Don't blame the working guy that is just trying to provide for himself, same as you.

>> No.56314307

>walmart wagie coping

>> No.56314350

>I'm jus a smol single mom :(
boo hoo roastie dont fuck irresponsible ex-cons next time

>> No.56314364

If its literally baby bottles and shampoo for babies, I think the harm she does is justified, same as the "im starving so ill steal 1 apple from the dude that owns millions of them"

In defense of the wallmart wagie, changes are he didnt knew her entire backstory and only saw someone stealing shit to probably sell it for profit.

>> No.56314368

since when is shampoo a necessity lol

>> No.56314369

Religious indoctration, same reasons we dont believe in abortions.

>> No.56314390

I'm sure Europe has zero unwanted pregnancies with all of the stuff about condoms you're teaching to kindergartners.
Since when is thinking that someone killing their child is wrong a religious thing?

>> No.56314415

Baby bottles have a production cost of 10 cents, baby shampoo maybe 20-30 cents.
But the Walmart wagie was just doing his job, I wouldn't risk my job to protect some woman I don't know.

>> No.56314418

>Since when is thinking that someone killing their child is wrong a religious thing?
It has been a religious thing since abortion is a thing, yes.

>> No.56314433

I'd pay for their euthanasia

>> No.56314446

She thinks you should just give her a pass because she’s clearly a single a mother not bilking the store, but she probably also thinks you’re a bigot if you don’t like her illegal Mexican baby daddy and her transvestite friends.

>> No.56314457

what makes her think the walmart employee is going to see this?

>> No.56314470

Toll paid.

>> No.56314565

Stealing baby shampoo from Wal-Mart isnt an ontologically evil act in of itself, but enabling the type of person to perform said act en masse IS evil as these people universally are stupid, brutish orcs that would decimate western society given the opportunity and so they should be inconvenienced and held up and every possible opportunity

>> No.56314582

The bottles I can sort of get but how's shampoo a necessity?

>> No.56314624

Nah. Baby bottles she would’ve gotten a pass for.
Shampoo is non essential.

Imagine if you had a job application in that store and in the chat with the manager you said. I promise ser.. I’m trying my best to find work.. the churches and gov won’t provide me what I need to safely feed my child. If you look you already have my application from (x)date and I’m doing this to survive. Believe it or not I intended to return and pay when circumstances changed, and I profusely apologise.
There’s 50/50 shot at an assistant manager role. 20% jail chance 20% chance of referral support and 10% chance they either fuck you up or aggressively ask you to leave.
All folks are different and all lives are different.. but I mean. It just didn’t seem essential or warranted.
It’s all insured and hurts no one. But the damage of her just stealing everything she wants in life and succeeding in life that way without actually learning the social skills required to escape poverty is more damage than “an apple from a billionaire”. Especially if the child now has no choice but to perpetuate learn environmental and familial behaviours.

Corpus are scum and they stole far more as a like for like value proposition, but that’s a different argument.

>> No.56314639

>Baby bottles
Fucking Americans, breastfeed your kids.
>Baby shampoo
Fucking Americans, they don't need that shit. My son has never had any soap or shampoo touch his body and he's almost 3 months old.

>> No.56314655

Yeah you’re blaming religion for all of the things you don’t understand in life anon. That’s pretty dangerous. It’s not quite as cut and try as that edgy shit you’re trying on. But it means more when you get to know the specifics.
You’re talking about the majority of the population of all time and saying they’re retarded comparably to you.
But you aren’t impressive anon, in fact there’s likely a billion more impressive than yourself.. tone done the vitriol unless you’re being specific. They’ve done more good than you as well as the bad.

>> No.56314670

Hitler wanted to sterilize criminals and the retarded so they wouldn't reproduce and lead to an overpopulation crisis. Low-IQ, fertile people will be our species' undoing.

>> No.56314675
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>my infant needs his shampoo

Wtf is wrong with amerilards??

>> No.56315641

Serious question to people who have experience with single mothers, how do they end up in a situation like that? I seriously cant comprehend how a woman goes through life, undoubtedly gets exposed at one point to jokes about single mothers and how a black hood gangbanger isnt gonna stay around to help her raise the baby, but then decides its a good idea to have unprotected sex with some thug anyway?

>> No.56315651

Women are retarded anon. They have kids out of wedlock when they’re poor and when they have a good job they decide they’ll never have kids. They are forever children

>> No.56315654

amerimutts are third world monkeys that act on their primitive instincts.
Europeans are humans that have the ability to look forward and see the consequences of our actions

>> No.56315657


>> No.56315662

I also want to add that I hate amerimuttlards
fucking vile subhumans

>> No.56315666

100% white woman with half black kid

>> No.56315683

> its all insured and hurts no one

yeah then when more and more people do it insurance goes up and the cost is passed on by raising prices of everything.

you dumb fuck commie

>> No.56315688

>can’t afford baby supplies
>posts on reddit
I know everyone has a phone or internet somehow these days but it still feels like a larp post. Probably a dude trying to get randoms to donate to him with a sob story.

>> No.56315694

Don’t those niggers get welfare benefits?

>> No.56315698

Did you miss the memo that women stop mentally aging at puberty?

>> No.56315700

kek yeah.

>> muh food
breastfeed your child for 2 years like you are supposed to

other than the mother having to consume a littler more food ,what cost does that baby actually really carry?

>> toys
you don't need toys. I played outside with sticks and stones. fuck buying toys

>> pay babysitter
a mother is supposed to take care of the babies fucking idiot

>> clothes
baby doesn't need much beyond a blanket.

>> ???
babies are only expensive because retards don't know how to take care of them

>> No.56315707

Actually it isn’t.
That cost is fucking minimal. Pharmaceuticals use the same notion to justify monstrous increases.
You’re talking 1400% industry standard markups on products in pharma and in retail markup is normally 1:2. Their operating ratios are so tight they can only afford a single apple before they can’t pay hundreds of millions in bonuses..
Grow up. The downsides to her behaviours were clearly demonstrated.

>> No.56315714

Have you seen the state of Europe lately?

>> No.56315715
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>> No.56315720

I'm european and everything is fine here, the problems we have (like inflation and unaffordable housing) are global

>> No.56315739

Women ruined this country and they want to make it worse.

>> No.56315747

Isn’t your second largest country at war with your first largest country?

>> No.56315750

>struggling single mom
I was told that women were powerful? lol

>> No.56315754

Our great plains region is at war with the mongols (asians)

>> No.56315763

>I was told that women were powerful
Only if they are empowered. If they're not powerful it's your fault for not empowering them.

>> No.56315772

>Women are powerful when men make them powerful
Well now that men are involved in the equation it makes a lot of sense.

>> No.56315775

But you said you had your shit together? How did that happen?

>> No.56315778

retards are going to war with other retards. only retards do war these days. live by the sword die by the sword

>> No.56315781

i bet you she could actually afford them and is just a stealing nigger. i don't really care if anyone steals from walmart, just an observation. if they can afford an internet connection or a device to post on reddit on then they can probably afford those cheap less than $5 items they were stealing. crazy person who just wants attention on reddit and is a kleptomaniac.

>> No.56315790

irrelevant country at war with another irrelevant country is not a problem
Would you really give a fuck if nacaragua invaded belize or some bullshit like that?

>> No.56315796

>Single mothers struggling is an impossibility.
I think I get why this upsets you.

It’s because you think she chose the hardship and you feel like she could’ve been with you. Happy and successful.
How’d I do?

If there was no struggle there would likely be no power either. Nice logic with the men thing though.

>> No.56315811

Yeah I would. Especially if it took all of your resources.
How’s the homeless issue?
How’s the protest issue?
How’s the immigration fix you signed a few days ago?
No problems right that’s why you don’t need to make new laws to plan in head of a crisis.. because it won’t happen.
Same as US “stress testing” the markets.
You couldn’t pay me to live anywhere in Europe at the moment. The people are too dumb.

>> No.56315831

women are so gross when you think about it
their assholes are 1cm away from their vagina

>> No.56315833

At least people in Europe don't feel the need to use opioids to escape reality. Surely everything is not perfect in Europe but the median quality of life in western europe is obviously better than in the US.

>> No.56315836

It's niggers and spics you stupid faggot

>> No.56315840

Different Anon, who grew up in a single household. You're retarded, she made her bed and expects others to foot the bill. If she wasn't a retard, she should of worked out with her baby daddy, more like most women back in the day, asked the grandparents for assistance. If her family life is shit, she should of thought ahead about having a kid when her situation is sound, like that of the old days, when single motherhood wasn't a common thing.

>> No.56315880

She also could’ve been a millionaire. Struggle still would’ve been there.
Success and correct self application are not the same as struggle.
I agree with you. It it’s simply incorrect that there’s no struggle.
Yeah she could have. Maybe she did. Probably didn’t.
But life takes all paths and there’s also a deadbeat somewhere who couldn’t raise his kid because he didn’t have his shit together and was judging cunts in 4chan. That exact single fact I know specifically. How is your dad btw?

>> No.56315888

>have literally nothing
>indebted up the ass
>biological clock starts ticking
>starts seeing signs from god who tells her to have a child or some other cosmos shit
>now believes she has the right to be a parent
>starts stealing because it's 'justified'

Unga bunga all you want, I've been to the US and it's a fucking shithole most places. Fix your roads, fix your homeless, fix your houses made from paper and drywall, fix your healthcare, fix your tipping culture, etc, etc. Americans shit on China but you are two sides of the same coin in terms of behaviour. There's beautiful places in the US as well, but those are mostly AWAY from Americans, like national parks. As soon as you get to a metropolitan area it becomes an ad-invested shithole where you need to have a car to get anywhere. Also your infrastructure was designed by a retarded ape. I have no other explanation for whatever the fuck you call roads. I'll end with the fact that Americans cannot drive. They are worse than the Asian stereotypes. Especially young people for some fucking reason.

Signed, Dutchman

>> No.56315890

>chose hardship.
>made her bed instead of being with you
So you could’ve just said yes btw. I’ll still love you. Just from somewhere else in the world. Tell your mom I’ll get the milk.

>> No.56315911

Yeah I didn’t defend the US either dipshit.
A pile of shit throwing shit at a pile of shit just makes you european shit. Your opinion is worth exactly what your argument is. As it turns out it’s as case of you are what you eat. In which case homie. You’ve gone full reverse ouroboros. Good thing English was learnt for you or I’d respect you even less you utter wanker.
Good day.

>> No.56315935

>Religious indoctrination

If there really were religious indoctrination, she wouldn't be having sex out of marriage to begin with.

>> No.56315943

Didn’t you guys need to change the laws in your cities to clean up the rampant drug use so you can get tourists back again? Bro Amsterdam had to ban cannabis. Are you joking there’s no issues?

>> No.56315944

>It has been a religious thing since abortion is a thing, yes.

You can have a religious motivation, but you can be against abortion for non religious reasons.

>> No.56315956

> a lil weedrino
kek in america people shoot up fentanyl on the streets and walk aronud with shit in their pants. that's not something you see in amstertdam. the homeless might be stoned or drunk. but they are atleast functional. your people on the street are fucking hard drug consuming zombies.

>> No.56315961

>Can't afford <$10 items
>Can afford a device to post on reddit / browse reddit all day
no es fake

>> No.56315966

No you're mistaken, nothing has changed apart from Germany legalizing pot.
You can't compare cannabis to fetanyl anyway. Yes stoners are annoying but they don't crawl on the streets dying in the hundred of thousands each years.

>> No.56315973


Where's her husband?

>> No.56315977

Come to the Netherlands. Actually experience it.

>> No.56315980

>Can afford a device to post on reddit / browse reddit all day
Maybe she stole the device too

>> No.56315994

Because they are the female equivalent of "muh dick", but "muh vag tingles". Women are emotional beings, men are logical beings. Simple as.

>> No.56316001

her first mistake was fucking a nigger who wont stick around to support her dumbass.
why should anyone, whether it is a billion dollar corp or not, support someone who makes bad choices in life?
how will single mothers learn that they are now for the streets?
stop simping for hoes.
they all wanted equal rights and sex worker rights.
well here it is.

>> No.56316017

why cant they just shoot the poor? the US would be able to provide more welfare for the rich that way.

>> No.56316033

They didn’t change the laws because people got too stoned and you know it. It’s dishonest to say otherwise.

But yeah europe doesn’t depend on opioids particularly because they never really got off benzos. Besides that 1/5 euros have taken heroin. Then on a side note it’s not possible to compare when one treats it as illegal and overclassifies. While one legalises and under classifies.
I’d say both deserve the pox

>> No.56316048

I’ve been fortunate twice in my life when I was younger. My friends say that it’s changed near them in recent years. But thank you. I’d love to. I don’t consider the whole of Europe to be bad at all. But everywhere. Including my home has quite significant issues.

>> No.56316062

>Besides that 1/5 euros have taken heroin
lmaooo i did use a lil drugs in the past. no one took heroin. and i had a lot of friends in the past. needle drugs were all frowned up on. an xtc tabled or some regular amphetamine for snorting were popular. but not as popular as a weed or an alcohol. either way it never got extremely bad as in the vids i saw of american streets.

>> No.56316067

You’re very correct. But that wasn’t quite the argument I was making.

If it wasn’t an issue at all, what would portugal have to decriminalise and why?

I agree europe likely handled it better. By refocusing their powers on other crime. But now you’ve just got the same ex military equipment used against civilians who MIGHT be bad guys. Just because.

>> No.56316079

Me too. As they are generally.
But there’s spots you know that are nasty and grimy. The spots where folks go and might never come back.
Nah see the mistake there is that’s propaganda. Your government will never show you the worst of your own country. Even when you think it’s free info. It’s regulated.

Did you see the vice piece about the guy travelling to the poppy fields with his filthy mates to sit in the field and shoot reduced poppy sap?
I cannot conceive of the horrors of my owners.. they stuff they admit to is horrifying.

>> No.56316092

Sometime it is inside the asshole

>> No.56316101
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We fight white genocide. Europoors need a license to have white kids

>> No.56316161
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>> No.56316177

Didn’t and would never say that.
You could’ve just said yes.
Probably would’ve been funnier

>> No.56316208

>no argument
I think I get why my post upsets you.

>> No.56316214

It was already addressed in my first post sorry. Did you want me to clarify?

>> No.56316218

>It was already addressed
You addressed nothing in your post hence why I mentioned the lack of argument.

>> No.56316261

I like to make single moms suffer

>> No.56316271

Oh right.
Because there’s one shit woman you’re predisposed to hate and are likely more powerful then, doesn’t make the most powerful woman powerless.

I’m assuming your argument there for your first post was the women have no power. Just to be clear and find no ground to wiggle on

>> No.56316287

I still read no arguments.
I guess that's why you are so upset about my post.

>> No.56316305

Which one sorry?

>> No.56316331

So you are 'trying to argue' without even knowing who you are arguing with/what you are arguing about. Peak clown behavior.
The board has IDs and you are the one who replied to the post initially. Try to keep up with yourself.

>> No.56316347

Thought you might try that dumb shit.

To put an end on it.
I thought you said
>women have no power
I said that’s not possible your trauma came directly from the lack of power from a woman. Which displays the potential. To dumb it down homie, I just called your mom dim and powerless/likely turns tricks and that you are lesser than that. Which is why you lash out with the predispositions you do.

You are what you are. I can live with that. But I’m not going to tell you you aren’t wrong.

You not only lack conviction, but the intellect to verbalise yourself.
Your immaturity comes from your superiors son.

>> No.56316367

And I said that's not an argument because it isn't and it's the reason you are so upset.

>> No.56316377

>because it isn’t.
I respect you as much as you respect yourself.

>> No.56316385

This post isn't an argument either.

>> No.56316393

That’s correct.
It’s not required.

>> No.56316404

>That’s correct.
There you go, I accept your concession.
It's very brave of you to come forward and admit that you were wrong and women are not powerful without men in this day and age.

>> No.56316422

This faggot sure loves single moms

>> No.56316435

>By no means am I justifying stealing
>proceeds to justify stealing

>> No.56316452

Everyone should steal from Wal Mart
But single moms should be forcibly sterilized.

>> No.56316470

Oh that’s what’s your argument was specifically. I’m glad you found that spine I mentioned.
Aside from being incorrect I’m glad you’ve shown that you’ll argue from true intellectual dishonesty. This is fine as you don’t seem too bright.
My initial argument was simply women≠powerless by definition
You took the rest personal and then decided that I’m somehow refuting that men didn’t have superiorities over women. Which is impossible. Then chose to attempt to conflate that with your post about men providing the sole source of women’s power which is transparently absurd hyperbolic vitriol driven from a neural feedback loop wherein somehow you feel an entitlement or power over others as a compensatory mechanic to being let down by your mothers lack of independent power.
That’s a shame.
At least she tried at something, it must have been at least a 30 second delivery with that state of your dad.

You want a specific example of a women’s power under their own right not granted by a man? What’s literally any girl choosing not to fuck you doing? That’s humorous but factual. You do not have a great enough power to compel a woman to make you a happy man and complete the missing part you attribute to their negligence.

>> No.56316474

>basic human functions restricted because muh economy
So the economy is actively trying to genocide humanity?

>> No.56316476

I'm not reading your biography, keep it short or keep it to yourself.

>> No.56316505

Just kidding here's the reply
>Aside from being incorrect
You didn't provide an argument about what I said being wrong therefor it's not wrong.
>You took the rest personal
That's kind of rich coming from the person that went straight into petty personal insults first reply.

Anyways, another upset non-argument post full of resentment from your ID. Yawn, I'm getting bored of having to say the same line over and over again.

>> No.56316506

>At least she tried at something, it must have been at least a 30 second delivery with the state of your dad.

>> No.56316512

Thanks for playing. That’s a tail between the legs if I’ve ever seen.
I’m as proud as an anon can be.
I thought it was a nice balance or facts that havnt been refuted and observations. There’s nothing insulting intentionally til my last post. Sorry you took it there.

>> No.56316516

You have to be fucked up by religious teachings of the concept of a soul to believe a fetus is a person. Secular people can still be indoctrinated by such retardation because it's omnipresent in our culture.

>> No.56316519

Non argument post again.

>> No.56316524

That’s right. It’s called a declaration.

>> No.56316535

>It’s called a declaration.
Yeah a declaration that you are wrong and have no argument. I already accepted your concession about this a couple posts ago.

>> No.56316539

Really anon? You’re better than that. Try again.

>> No.56316544

Not an argument.

>> No.56316557

Yeah but the religious is a bit of an excuse. What they really want is to ensure that some public standards are held to that preventing the need for abortions is put first in funding instead of funding abortions above other essential women’s health case issues.

I don’t really think there’s actually that much support for the church crazies.. seems like it might be an inflated argument.
That seems like a pretty pointed thing to say. Are there specific folks you count in that group?

>> No.56316563

There’s the admission. It’s a concession. That’s all I require. Do as you like now.

>> No.56316569

This post isn't argumentative.

>> No.56316582

This is the first humorous thing you’ve said. I appreciate you anon. That was intentionally witty and showed intellectual intention. I’m proud of you fren.

>> No.56316587

This post isn't argumenting anything either.

>> No.56316590

I meant ambition. But I froze because I didn’t want to lie. But I wanted to give you rapid props.

>> No.56316603

You are still not providing an argument. Just provide an argument I'm giving you plenty of opportunities to do so.

>> No.56316606

Using intention twice was hardly using the greatest phrasing. I’m sorry that I let you down and I didn’t deliver something that wasn’t absolute nonsense.
I thank you for forgiving me and reinstating me as the person you admire the most.
Anon. All I can say is.
You’re welcome.

>> No.56316609

I mean what’s even the point in including you in the argument fren. I know what you’ll say before you say it. I can choose to refer to you anywhere in my endeavours. I’ll never forget you. The man who. Did.

>> No.56316615

This is, again, not an argument about anything. I mindbroke you so bad that you are (You)ing yourself too.

>> No.56316617

Thanks anon.
You’ve always been right. I love you. I Uwu on your pepe inside me.

>> No.56316624

Who the fuck are you? How did you get in here?
You fucked it for this one boy lemme see them teeth

>> No.56316630

Not an argument. Stop pretending to be a schizo and provide an argument.

>> No.56316643

To what?
the same argument? Bet I can in two posts or less

>> No.56316646

Not an argument.

>> No.56316650

Instructions unclear. Cannot continue.
If you’re making the same claim I’ll just ask you to reply as you have been.

>> No.56316659

>Cannot continue.
You must be a single woman I guess.

>> No.56316662

yes, poor people should be required by law to abort

>> No.56316664

Must be. You just did what I told you to do.

>> No.56316676

That was a genuine compliment btw.

>> No.56316677

>You just did what I told you to do.
Since I didn't, I think I get why that upsets you.

>> No.56316693

I’m so upset I complimented you.

>> No.56316696

I recall reading a blog post from The Last Psychiatrist, about this subject (tried to find it but couldn't).
Gonna paraphrase it; It was an interview with the CEO of Wallmart, talking about the flow of consumer spending how it would follow the trends of the wage cycle, and he brought up the example of how at midnight at the last day of the month, the stores would have an unusual high amount of traffick compared to all other days in the month at that time, and during this time they would sell a lot of baby formula, toilet papers, diapers, etc.
What the CEO is talking about is mothers filling up on necessities waiting for their food stamps or other types of government money to tick in at the midnight and then they would check out when that happen.
As TLP noted, you don't buy baby formula at the middle of the night if you don't absolutely need it, and this was a thing happening on a larger scale, since it was a notable pattern which the CEO of Wallmart casually brought up in an interview.
..and secondly, the issue is probably not related to money itself. you could give these struggling people $1000 more a month, and you would likely still find these lines of single mothers waiting to feed their children at the end of each month. The issue is poor planning, excessive spending in the early/mid part of the months, then running their account down to zero before the end of the month. More money would probably just result in a higher peak in the good part of the months, until their poor budgeting results in the inevitable - hungry children.

TLP suggested a more adaptable system for government subsidiez, where certain people get money on a weekly, or 3-4 days basis, instead of a lump sum at the beginning of the month.
Seems very in-tune with where we are heading with CBDC.

>> No.56316712

>I’m so upset
I can tell

>> No.56316713

71a29FsX and GYLMUK2A get a room

>> No.56316728


>> No.56316739

I’m so upset I complimented you.

>> No.56316747

>I complimented you
That's pretty faggy

>> No.56316748

We have.
This is.
I have made him fuck me. I will invite you to fuck me, but through him. Like a glockenspiel but with a faggot in the middle.
>my pussy salivates

>> No.56316750

Are these gays in the room with you now anon? Can you point them out to me?

>> No.56316753
File: 34 KB, 563x356, aaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF is up with the "to the" threads?

>> No.56316755

>Are these gays in the room with you now anon?
>Can you point them out to me?
Here, look

>> No.56316767

I someone talking to a gay man.
Are they a couple anon?

>> No.56316776

>I someone
What language is this?

>> No.56316783

I see*
Sorry bb

>> No.56316803

>I see someone talking to a gay man.
That makes a lot more sense. Anyways, yes I am someone that is talking with a gay man that is in the room right now, look
this is him.

>> No.56316814

>yes I am.
In that case. I do too anon. Of course I will.
I love you.
I’ll make you the happiest girl in the world.

>> No.56316828

Remember to press your lips together hard while I fuck your colon through your throat darling

>> No.56316838

>I love you.
>I fuck your colon through your throat
See? Completely and openly gay.

>> No.56316839

If you’re my gay lover just come back and say something to me

>> No.56316848

I missed you darling.

>> No.56316850

>I missed you
Utterly gay

>> No.56316861

unironically would prefer "gibs me dat" over the "scholarly redditor" thief

>> No.56316878

I told you I’m a whamen when I beat you in a game of wits. When you submitted to the superior power of a female over you, a man, thusly proving you not only an incompetent power-lacking pussio. Which is a category of power lower than my own, even as a female. But that you would do as I say and participate in something that is as I quote
>>56316748 (get a room)
>We have.
>This is.
>I have made him fuck me. I will invite you to fuck me, but through him. Like a glockenspiel but with a faggot in the middle.
>my pussy salivates

You didn’t complain when you were slapping my hollow sides with a cock up your bum anon.
I’m all over you in time

>> No.56316884

>all those words
lol mad

>> No.56316892

>utterly gay
Thats playfully homoerotic. Im good.

>> No.56316900

Still didn’t deny or even decline wanting to fuck a woman that he thinks is a man.
I was hoping you weren’t a queer anon. But it’s seeming less likely

>> No.56316923

Well that's interesting because you didn't deny or decline being faggot.
What a fag, lol!

>> No.56316934

I did. I said I’m a woman. Which incidentally makes you the big gay.
But I haven’t cum yet ani-kun. Go faster. Harder!

>> No.56316943

Have you ever watched a lady put gummy bears in her pussy?

>> No.56316945

You never denied that you are not a man therefor you are a man. A man that didn't deny being a fag. A faggot man if you will.
What a fag lmao.

>> No.56316956

Its not a problem if one person does it. Its like why not litter then? One wrapper isn't going to do anything? You have to pay for things or stores won't exist in the first place. The food won't even be there to buy if you could pay for it.

>> No.56316957

>if I call it a fetus instead that means it isn't human
you faggots jump through every hoop to come to terms with killing children.

>> No.56316959

Gender is binary. I didn’t need to.
So therefore I did.

>> No.56316971

Lol Id Jerome. Oof.
I’m not racist or religious but god hates you.

>> No.56316974

>Gender is binary
And that's exactly why you not denying that you are not a man makes you a man and not something else.
Try to keep up, fagman. Women are powerless compared to men anyways, you don't want to be one.

>> No.56316975

Where is the father?

Oh my, is it possible this roastie mcflappyLips made a poor partner choice and now it's my problem? I think not you dumb roast

Good on that wagie

>> No.56316981

Everyone is poor. You can either have kids and do what you have to do to survive or you can be a frugal faggot like you and never reproduce.

>> No.56316988

>It’s because you think she chose the hardship
she did you fucking simp. She choose a shitty mate. 100% her fault. There is no debate

>> No.56316992

Look we can stand here like spoodermen pointing at the biggest gei (which is you!) or we can shoot some webs at each other. What do you say you little faggot?

>> No.56316997

>goes back to not denying that he is a raging faggot man
What a faggot

>> No.56317006

No there isn’t. She did choose the hardship.
That means the opposite of powerlessness. It means stupidly taking on more than she could handle and either not seeking support or burning all bridges to the point of retardation.

Why does it upset you? That was the part I was interested in

>> No.56317012

You’re like a spicy little Latina. All spice and attitude. In the body of an autistic landlocked whale.

>> No.56317018

>You’re like a spicy little Latina
Why are you now pretending to know how women are when you are are an admittedly fag? So weird.

>> No.56317044

I don’t. But I sure as fuck know the smell of a landlocked whale autist when I’ve harpooned one.
I found your dad from earlier btw. He’s the one who left the semen on your back. And your coat

>> No.56317051

>But I sure as fuck know the smell of a landlocked whale autist
No shit, you are smelling yourself right this moment.

>> No.56317065

Weak anon. I won’t even count that one. It was the first thought. You’ve got to be better than that

>> No.56317071
File: 1.28 MB, 1446x2897, the pill marriage society.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, life, the formation of a human being, has to start from somewhere.

Secondly, access to abortion and contraception have completely wrecked the social dynamics between men and women and created bad lifestyles for women to be exploited and lead them to be in situations like that dumbass single mom in the OP who has a kid for a man who doesn't give a shit about committing to provide for her and his kid she bore for him.

The whole point of religious teachings is to create rules for a society that gives the most amount of the people the best chance of happiness and a successful life.

We have people who are smart enough to question the religious teachings, but not smart enough get the correct answers; so they reject religious teachings and end up reintroducing the problems that the religious teachings were designed to prevent and end up damaging society as a whole as a result.

>> No.56317076

How would I have your coat?
Doesn’t even make sense.
Reply to me sweetie. I miss you playing hard to get

>> No.56317083

>Weak anon
Okay let me try with something more your speed
>ur fat and autistic

>> No.56317084

Religion is real

>> No.56317097

I can’t believe that you can breathe without headphones. I’m astounded. You disprove simulation theory itself with how vastly dim you are.

>> No.56317099

>your coat?
I said that you are smelling yourself though. You really needed to reply twice to something that you labeled as weak? Weird, you are slipping.

>> No.56317100

Isn’t real

>> No.56317104

>>I demand that you as my gay partner continue talking to me

>> No.56317111

I mean religion. Is real. That says nothing about gods or a deity

>> No.56317112

Wow with this sudden burst of energy that post must have struck a nerve, huh?

>> No.56317124

How could I identify your coat by smell of you weren’t gay anon? Why were you in my room?

>> No.56317145

It’s like a pep talk down severely handicapable downs children. Im glad you came back after I called. That’s pretty sub behaviour. You want daddy to stretch you again? Me and you real dad can come back and make you comeback on your comebacks: ya gay

I can’t believe you got erect over this

>> No.56317148

>of you weren’t
You need to calm down Anon all that rage is causing you to write gibberish.

>> No.56317157

I’ll fucking cum if you keep talking to me like that you queer.
You were disappointing for a sex offender, that’s all I’ll say about that

>> No.56317161

It’s purely logical anon. Catch up. No wonder you couldn’t find your dad the second time when he blew hits nut on you. And your coat. When you and I. And he. Fucked like a glockspeil. Remember? You sodomite pointer scum

>> No.56317164

Wow, what a fag.

>> No.56317172

Only fags try and make men cum anon.

>> No.56317177

That explains why you keep mentioning cumshots and fathers. You are just trying to stimulate yourself.

>> No.56317190

I mean. From the sex offender who was hard in the thread who asked me to pee on him. I’m not surprised someone like you would say such things. It’s all your words anon

>> No.56317203

All I can think of is that coat.
I can’t believe you didn’t call before coming to pick it up.

>> No.56317210

What kind of shit boyfriend doesn’t let you keep his coat.
A faggot that’s what kind. The absolute state.

>> No.56317219

I completely mindbroke this one.

>> No.56317225

If that’s what the cabin boys call fisting these days I don’t care

>> No.56317231

Not an argument.

>> No.56317245

You are the most retarded tier nigger to actually think
>muh insurance
Is a magic spell that waives away all the cost of people stealing. Literal shitskin

>> No.56317257

Go show me those significant figures anon.
I didn’t say fuck all about insurance absolving it.

>> No.56317264

>74 posts from a literal shitskin ranting about civilized concepts

>> No.56317266

It wasn’t. Do you want it wrist or elbow deep?

>> No.56317271

>It wasn’t.
Exactly. Not an argument.

>> No.56317274

I’ve made maybe 4 serious posts anon. The rest I’ve been fucking your superior and my bff and boyfriend.
This guy.

>> No.56317283

If it wasn’t not consent. That’s consent. And now that I’ve actually used the word. It means you tacitly approve of my cock.

>> No.56317287

>seething shitskin thinks the words "Insurance" is a magical spell that removes all the costs associated with rampant theft
It's amazing how you apply your voodoo principals to civilization

>> No.56317288

>schizo nonsense post
Not an argument.

>> No.56317297

No what it said. Don’t even need to check. That’s some nice dog whistling anon. Real tough manly talk. That of a principled man.
There is is. Thanks for the compliment. I can’t believe it was this easy to turn you gay.
Don’t worry I’ll make to want women again.

>> No.56317302

>75 posts and rising on how "Insurance" is a magic spell that removes all the costs associated with rampant theft
Usually followed by a long rant about food deserts and how capitalism is so racist it discriminates against blacks

>> No.56317304

>Don’t worry I’ll make to want women again.
I already told you to calm down because being upset makes you write gibberish.

Still no argument, after like 4 hours.

>> No.56317330

If you don't reply back, you lost.
If you reply back you did it because I'm the king and you are a bitch that follows the orders of the king (me)

>> No.56317337

Y’know for such radical opinions on colour I bet you could pass for using the n word.

>> No.56317346

Sorry I had to get a drink a spilt some in the floor. But I’m not you so I cleaned it.

>> No.56317348

Look who is back as the king ordered. The BITCH.
HAHAHA what a fucking cuck following orders! LOL!

>> No.56317351

Niggardly? Are you a niggard, anon?

>> No.56317356

Wanna see my last magic trick anon?

>> No.56317357

Reply again as I order you, BITCH.

>> No.56317367

Sounds like the father isn't in the picture

>> No.56317381

I already replied to you specifically. Relax my king. I know you crave my pussy. But simping ain’t it chief. I’ll wet this bush when I’m gud n ready ya dig?

Hmm? No. But I think it would frontally be funny if white people called each other the n word as their most serious insult. Imagine the scenes.

I got all my mates at work to start doing it one day. It’s far better and more emphatic than simple swearing. I can see why the coloureds want it reserved. There’s some power in it.

>> No.56317390

Told you I could make you like women again anon.
I don’t mind what you call me. As long as it’s you calling.

>> No.56317394

>It is literally first thing they teach you in school here in Europe
That's the problem.

>> No.56317395

It's even funnier when subhumans use that word as an attack signal because of their lifelong conditioning

>> No.56317412

Like signalling on a basket weaving thread? Both are sad. Many such cases.

>> No.56317423

>follows order not once BUT TWICE
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm the fucking king of this thread. Look at this retard reply again, watch.

>> No.56317435

He’s is the king of this thread.
But he is dim. And struggles to make an argument. Be patient with him.

I’ve already done this to you 5 times in a way that was original and funny. Obviously I’m going until a ban or archive.

>> No.56317470

Man, this place has really gone down the shitter. I blame chainlink and broccolihead zoomers for biz demise.

>> No.56317494

See? I told you he would do it. The thread's little slave.
>Obviously I’m going until a ban or archive.
Yeah I know I could bait you to 404 the very instant I saw you getting distressed over the three words "Not an argument" hours ago. Autists like you are extremely easy to identify.

Now post again like a good little dog.

>> No.56317577

Don't forget that if you don't post that means you lost as well btw Even more so after saying that you are going until ban or archive ;^)
Terrible situation you find yourself into I'd say

>> No.56318179

Page 5, Anon. Only 5 to go.

>> No.56318470

Women romanticize the strong brutal male that is caring, narco life wifeys ect. And to top it off they think they can fix him, make him stay with them, ect. Feels over reals

>> No.56318493
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>By no means am I justifying stealing

>> No.56318567

It depends on the type of "American".

>> No.56318670

>gibs me dat fo free

>> No.56318682
File: 70 KB, 1024x573, 1687503451617902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever had sex with a condom? It's awful.

>> No.56318921

Oh fuck off
None of these mutt niggers who have all these children out of wedlock are religious or give a damn about anything but themselves.
Their selfishness is so deep and ingrained that they don't use condoms because it reduces their hedonistic pleasure.

It really doesn't occur to them that having a child out of wedlock without the resources to support it is a gigantic drain on the resources of their country.
These people truly go through life expecting the government to support their bastard children.
The men abandon the child and go on to create more with any woman that will sleep with them, and the women see the child as a way to avoid being a productive member of society.

The whole religious indoctrination argument is the Reddit party line on the subject, which should cause you great shame for thinking that way

>> No.56319033

this is pure cope, the teens that go around fucking are absolutely godless

>> No.56319152

there isnt a single wagie in the entire walmart store who is paid enough to care about someone stealing from the megacorp

>> No.56319666

you have to go back

>> No.56320951

Condoms are ghey

>> No.56321121

now you're getting it
now who pulls those strings?

>> No.56321130

well they're a walmart employee so there's a decent chance they browse r/poverty

>> No.56321253


>> No.56322166

The irony is she thinks the cost of stealing would fall onto Walmart "the billion dollar company", which is completely harmless because its just this faceless behemoth of greed. Yet if that's true, they will just raise prices and the cost of stealing is passed onto the poor fuck with any semblance of integrity. In such a case, Walmart cannot be hurt.

Or, if Walmart weren't so evil and greedy, maybe they just let their stuff get stolen without raising prices. This would squeeze their already razor thin margin, forcing them to lay off employees and close stores. Now there's more desperate, unemployed poors competing for less plastic trinkets, and the situation at the bottom looks worse than ever.

Either way you slice it, the problem compounds itself systematically. A single act of stealing some plastic trinkets is so marginal as to not move the needle. But the principle behind it - that's what matters. If the incentive was to steal to get over on the next guy, and everyone were doing it, Walmart would cease to exist. And in their (perhaps your) mind that's a good thing. Yet Walmart, despite its trashy image, is the only fucking thing keeping vast swathes of people across the US just above poverty. If Walmart was gone, these people wouldn't even be able to get cheap plastic trinkets anymore- they would be well and truly thrown into utter poverty.

Don't bite the hand that feeds.

>> No.56322198

I steal from Walmart every time I go with my baby momma (both White) even tho I make $100k+ working from home

If the government wants to double the money supply in 2yrs, then I'll forget to scan coffee and more to reduce my bill by half

>> No.56322377

>struggling single mom
should have stayed with the father. what a loser. kek.

>> No.56322392

Because it's not a child. It's an unborn fetus. Unless it's developed past the first trimester, there's nothing wrong with aborting it.

>> No.56322427



>> No.56322443

Not one single mom in this country is struggling to get bottles and baby shampoo. There is a treasure chest of welfare that is given to each and any of them.

>> No.56322517

She's a nigger or the story is made up bro use your eyes

>> No.56322651

single mothers are responsible for most of the crime in this country. they should be denaturalized and put on a boat

>> No.56324009

>hurts no one
Business start locking up products and making the shopping experience worse, that directly affects everyone else.

>> No.56324048

Why would you have sex if you don't want any children? Illogical.

>> No.56324064

Kids aren't expensive if you aren't a single mother. Mine costs like.... $200/mo

>> No.56324081

>same reasons we dont believe in abortions.
We have the highest rate of abortions, and the most liberal abortion laws, in the entire history of the human race.

>> No.56324088
File: 413 KB, 598x525, 1695080767315151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They have kids out of wedlock when they’re poor and when they have a good job they decide they’ll never have kids.
Kek it's really quite amazing. Kids must be a coping mechanism for poor women who can't easily get immediate material gratification or a husband. Someone to share their misery with.

>> No.56324506

Thats a bot, they all have the same stupid ass generated 'word_word_numbers'; 70% of reddit accounts follow this structure

>> No.56327177

look at the mutt seething kek
time for bbc and a big mac

>> No.56327192

>Just let me shoplift bro
>Why aren't there anyone stores in my neighborhood
>I live in a good desert this is racist

>> No.56327199

Shut up Vaush.

>> No.56328784

black lives matter, stand with israel!

>> No.56329504 [DELETED] 
File: 3.19 MB, 3544x1980, 32599939462849440464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 99

>> No.56329581 [DELETED] 
File: 444 KB, 1024x921, 64516749502634842218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 99

>> No.56329613
File: 908 KB, 576x1024, thotswillbethedeathofyoualsothegame.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone is poor.
>You can either have kids and do what you have to do to survive or you can be a frugal faggot like you and never reproduce.
Loser mentality lmao.

>U-uhhh everyone is poor so just accept it and perpetuate it on your dumbass spawn otherwise i'll think you're a faggot!!! -t. poor faggot

Try putting effort into not being poor and THEN have kids. It isnt difficult.

>> No.56329616

I've two kids and never bought baby bottles and baby shampoo. I've also never bought that rat poison they call jarred baby food. Go steal a potato or something.

>> No.56329651 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 99

>> No.56329728 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 99

>> No.56329734

Holy fuck go back you stupid cunt.

>> No.56329754

This. Only the white Americans though

>> No.56329764

Stealing is not wrong if it’s for your benefit. Killing is not evil if it’s for your benefit. Only harming others for no reason is evil.

>> No.56329793 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 99

>> No.56329798

fuck shoplifters

>> No.56329862 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 99

>> No.56329871

Catching shoplifters is one of those petty powertrips for people who are in a shit low paying job. Wagies are so hateable man.

>> No.56329925 [DELETED] 
File: 206 KB, 600x600, 46343902602412084919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 99

>> No.56330162

get a job