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56313600 No.56313600 [Reply] [Original]

Should I buy Monero or Bitcoin? I'm trying to make moeny. Give it to me straight, no retarded paragraphs

>> No.56313609

Do you want to send money to Isis? XMR
Want generational wealth? BTC

>> No.56314114

Hmmm let's see
>BTC current price: $28k
>upside: 3x

>XMR current price : $154
>upside: 7000x
Yeah, it's a tough one...

>> No.56314125

Sounds like head canon. Not sold

>> No.56314177

>no retarded paragraphs
That's all I can give you, the straight facts.

>> No.56314219

Why is it a fact that XMR can 7000x? But Bitcoin is capped at 3x?

>> No.56314323

Because BTC already did 7000x and you missed it.

>> No.56314345

Why is Monero going to do a 7000x?

>> No.56314353

btc makes new highs every few years
monero's last high was in 2018

old alts aren't investments

>> No.56314362 [DELETED] 

because niggers hate cheese but love chicken but hate cheese

tldr nigger cheese. my IQ is 740

>> No.56314382

Think about it

>> No.56314386

You sound about as smart as >>56314362

>> No.56314389

for market making? both
for purchases? xmr

>> No.56314392 [DELETED] 

when my brain enters a room time dilates. seethe brainlet

>> No.56314393

Says the one who sits here spamming shit threads.

>> No.56314406

Thank you

>> No.56314426

>old alts aren't investments

>> No.56314430

Buy the stuff that will be useful to the people making regulations.

>> No.56314455


>> No.56314519

because new alts are printed faster than new money enters the market
old alts can't keep up with new ones, and it has nothing to do with technology or adoption

>> No.56314552

And interoperability around them.

>> No.56314708

there will be total alt death due to ETF. all alts will lose sats. the few that remain will be utility or defi.

>> No.56314781

No one is investing in new alts anymore.
The time to show what each crypto is capable of has come, your best investments are crypto that has use cases. And by use cases i mean organic use cases not forced ones like web3.

>> No.56314786

>No one is investing in new alts anymore
yeah i turned my back for a year and now rugpulls are maxing out at 1-10 mm MC. shits wild. dexes heralded the end of the conveyor belt of greater fools. regulation and operation chokepoint will kill what remains.

>> No.56314818

Owning any coins besides XMR gives you a risk of having tainted coins and going to jail. Its a no brainer. Even if crypto gets banned as a whole, you can still use and hold xmr as private offshore trading account.

>> No.56314894

For reasons unknown, some entity has managed to successfully peg XMR to $150 for the past year, which makes it great for utility but not so much for investment.

>> No.56314972

Or it makes it an incredible investment. The last two stocks to explode, TSLA and GME, were both short squeezes.

>> No.56315018

7000x upside for XMR is never going to happen. Not even close.

If you want big upside for privacy focused token, go for RAIL
>> $0.28
>> $16m in market cap
>> Totally undervalued and privacy-focused.

>> No.56315025

Monero is just one privacy protocol. There are others like Railgun, Azero and SecretNetwork that keeps you private as well.

>> No.56315070

Railgun is legit?

>> No.56315086

both. btc is surveillance network wealth asset, monero is private network wealth asset. you need these two assets, all the rest of the "crypto" market is irrelevant and tokens not needed

>> No.56315094

nah its trash. scamtoken on ethereum

>> No.56315142

XMR does have that upside and more because it actually has the potential to be THE cryptocurrency in a world where cryptocurrency reigns. Not saying it's a certainty but it's possible.

These shitcoins could ride Monero's coattails for a bit. If they have the right combination of low price now and good promotion at the right time, they could even return more than XMR as long as you cash out. OP asked BTC vs XMR though. Pump and dumps is a whole different category.

>> No.56315745

It's legit. The only project that let you use ethereum privately. Just do your research.

>> No.56315830


Basically this

>> No.56315842

>Owning any coins besides XMR gives you a risk of having tainted coins and going to jail.

Oh please no prosecutor can get a judge to believe that

>> No.56315857

Couldn't they hypothetically match gas up to trace identity?

>> No.56315982

No one cares about technico debates like this one. Really no one.

Folks need to understand that what makes BTC and XMR valuable are:
- decentralized infrastructure (resilience, trust, no downtime)
- distribution via mining
- block production features

Privacy is a by product of what makes Monero tremendously great

>> No.56316002

Bitcoin obviously. I love Monero but it was born to crab. Its bagholders have all married the coin for political reasons, same as silver, always a bad move.

>> No.56316003

there's so much going on in the monero space its insane. check out monerica.com

>> No.56316120

Probably. It does not matter at all. No one will ever use those coins. They exist purely to make the creators money by tricking retards who want to "diversify" in the "privacy" sector.

>> No.56318601

like hwut?

>> No.56318652
File: 1013 KB, 500x941, IMG_1260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not mentioning the leading privacy smart contract platform
Fucking kill yourself faggot and fuck your scam nigger tier bullshit

>> No.56319683

Surveillance coins like Bitcoin are government approved. IRS loves them because it's capital gains if you ever transact. In theory Monero is too, but well, it's difficult to prove. With that in mind: Currency is whatever people perceive to have value. 10 years ago most people would've said Bitcoin is retarded, but it eventually overthrew those economists and thrived despite governments wishes to stop it. Monero can do the same. Will it? Idk. What I do know is that hedge funds are going to provide ETFs for Bitcoin, so it's the safer bet. But you're really not fighting the system, you're just giving governments a surveillance tool.

>> No.56319696

If you're ever audited and honestly make a mistake, Bitcoin is just another tool the IRS can use to hang you. With Monero, whatever you report is all they have to go on.

>> No.56320097

Monero will never be adopted without help from government. I hope no one disputes this. And I mean adoption beyond redeeming XMR for gift cards lol.

>> No.56320891

Arhhhg... ahh jeez. You're not going to like this.... I dispute it.

>> No.56321560

>never be adopted without help from government.
Cuckolds should be b& from mongolian basket weaving forum.

>> No.56321592

I honestly thought btc was dead when this launched. Because why would a logical person not want the privacy. They had to name the fucking thing monero though and the battle was lost before it even began

>> No.56321597

scam token with a pajeet dev shilling here

>> No.56321602

Monero is king use it to flip into hathor

>> No.56321638
File: 209 KB, 2048x1367, 1688601172576857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Railgun is pajeetware with closed source off chain components that they won't tell anyone about.

Tweet below warning people over TWO YEARS AGO, that's why this dogshit never mooned lmao. Picrel is the faggot who runs railgun.


>> No.56321994

>logical person
Bet you learnt a few lessons about how logical most people are since then.

>> No.56322401

You have a point here, Bitcoin will always be the favorable option for any logical investor and rather than invest in XMR I might even go for other privacy solutions which are undervalued at the moment.

>> No.56323019

There are quite a number of them which are undervalued at the moment and a number of them have potentials to do better than the XMR.

>> No.56323282

My best bet would be going for RAIL while also investing in projects building compliance solutions like NXRA.

>> No.56323303

Reminder that discreet, and DIST is also a pajeet scam that has had a three year long presale and they spam the board weekly with their “next gen privacy DAG” scam

>> No.56323773

>Because BTC already did 7000x and you missed it.
If that motherfucker missed BTC's 7000x ride, he better not be sleeping on RAIL's epic moonshot too

>> No.56323856

You're talking outta your ass. Ever heard of private wallets and privacy protocols?
You can use them to shield up your funds, too

>> No.56323875
File: 156 KB, 3258x3258, Ethereum-ETH-Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin. Monero is more for if you're trying to wash money or avoid taxes, whereas Bitcoin is the one you want if you're speculating on price.

Having said that, I'm surprised more people aren't going with Ethereum considering how in the long term it's outperformed Bitcoin for the past two cycles. My portfolio is about 70% ETH, but for some reason no one's talking about it.

>> No.56323920

This stuff's the real deal, anon. It just smashed a whopping $500M in total protocol volume during the bear market.

>> No.56323931

>I'm a turbo midwit

>> No.56323942

>my shit price: $0.000002
>upside potential infinity %

>> No.56323997

If Railgun was really some scam token like you claim, it wouldn't be hitting these milestones >>56323920
Plain and simple.

>> No.56324005

If you're gonna call me a retard, at least say why Ethereum is a bad move

>> No.56324252

I have some issues with Ethereum, which may or may not be founded. I will list them in no specific order.

1. Fear of another chain-split: as you may already know, a significant amount of mev-boost relays censor transactions that don't abide to regulators. https://www.mevwatch.info

If validators (Lido, Coinbase, etc.) do this during the block construction phase, we may very well end up with another chain, where one complies with OFAC and one does not.

Right now there is talk of slashing validators who participate in censorship, but could it go the other way and slash validators that make non-OFAC compliant blocks?

In any case I see a possibility of chain split.

2. Centralization of stake: In Bitcoin it's easy to see when miners reach or are on the way to reach 51% of the hash power simply because there is a physical limit to how much energy can be used in a specific location. However, since Ethereum migrated to PoS, stakers are not limited anymore by geolocation. So in theory some entity could be holding a lot more stake than we are aware of.

3. Centralization of nodes: running a node is increasingly difficult as the chain grows in size. It's 1.2TB today and growing. Eventually individuals will be priced out and the chain could belong to the stakes (Lido, Coinbase, other rich entities).

>> No.56324295

The eternal state of alt baggies...

>> No.56324355

Made this thread if you're interested: >>56324345

>> No.56324424

Hey, thanks for actually providing proper criticism instead of just calling me an idiot. I've definitely heard centralization being mentioned as a negative before, so I can see what you mean, but from a utility standpoint my big thing is how Ethereum still has a major presence in things like NFT's. Yeah, they're snake oil, but people are still buying them, whereas I don't see as many things being bought in BTC. As far as centralization goes, wrt to individuals being priced out this is already somewhat true with BTC too, considering how much infrastructure you need to profitably mine. It's not as bad as ETH currently needing roughly $52,000 to mine it via PoS, but for the average person not hoarding their money specifically for messing with crypto it's still prohibitively expensive to mine BTC.

Probably opening myself to spam replies by asking this, but what should I be holding instead of ETH? I mainly held BTC during the last cycle and felt like I made the wrong move since I only gained 5x from it, which is why now I'm not even touching it, at least directly (I'm still holding some shitcoins that are BTC-based).

>> No.56324492

>As far as centralization goes, wrt to individuals being priced out this is already somewhat true with BTC too, considering how much infrastructure you need to profitably mine.

When I spoke of the cost of running a node, I was referring to standard user nodes, no mining or staking involved. A full node allows you to verify the chain yourself instead of relying on others. You can compare the hardware requirements from Bitcoin Core and Ethereum official sites. Running a full Ethereum node requires x4 better hardware.
>Yeah, they're snake oil, but people are still buying them, whereas I don't see as many things being bought in BTC.
Here's a little experiment. Go to YouTube and look for people using the Ethereum network to pay for goods, then do the same exercise for Bitcoin and let me know what you've found. Which one is way more used?

>> No.56324521

As for your last question, I have no clue. I'd probably invest in real-estate, short term bonds, metals and a bit of BTC. But I'm broke and all I can afford is to play McDonald's monopoly game.

>> No.56325886

Btc is based anon. But altcoins have a future as well, I'd keep accumulating and holding in a self-custodial wallet for security in preparation for the bull season.

>> No.56328153

For the safest long-term bet in the space, go with BTC, anon. Make sure to lock in a self-sovereign AA wallet for top-tier security and keep accumulating.

>> No.56328184
File: 3 KB, 250x140, 1695659632766135s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self custody wallets like BrillionFi are the way to go, anon. They're even diving into Account Abstraction to tackle those pesky seed phrase issues.

>> No.56328750

I swear, once I make it I'm devoting my life to murdering you shitheads.

>> No.56328941

I own monero and also some btc and eth. I buy goods and services with monero all the time. it is fast, it works, fees are low, coins are fungible, when i make a payment the recipient doenst know how much is in my account. basic stuff.
what would I use btc or eth for? they both seem worse than xmr in terms of having features that are actually useful for commerce. a friend earlier asked me to pay them in btc and so I paid xmr -> btc via trocador to keep the transaction anonymous. seems better than paying with the actual btc i own.
at this point btc and eth feel more like pet rocks than anything else

>> No.56329133


ASIC resistant won't do a 10x let alone a 7000x anon

>> No.56329153





>> No.56329166


The older the coin without broken encryption and steady mining the more trustable, generally speaking.

>> No.56329172

>And by use cases i mean organic use cases not forced ones like web3.

Web3 is a marketing buzzword but it is an actual concept.

>> No.56329187

>XMR does have that upside and more because it actually has the potential to be THE cryptocurrency in a world where cryptocurrency reigns

The only 2 privacy coins I give a shit about is XMR and ZEC. If you don't have even a conceptual idea of how it is private (ring signatures/zksnark) than it's stupid to purchase or use.

>> No.56329215

>No one will ever use those coins.

I've made a purchase with both BTC and XMR.

>> No.56329226



That's a new one and I've been here a long time

>> No.56329236

>XMR for gift cards

That was it's primary liquidity, ignoring .onions

>> No.56329247

>Go to YouTube and look for people using the Ethereum network to pay for goods, then do the same exercise for Bitcoin and let me know what you've found. Which one is way more used?

ETH is for contracts, not necessarily for "money." BTC is designed to be used as cash.

>> No.56329260

I'm not saying it was developed with that in mind, but that's essentially what it's turned into. Before KYC, BTC made sense. After, transacting with it essentially means you're just waiting to get fucked over and your transactions are recorded for future scrutiny for all time. Guarantee you if you fuck up on your taxes those fuckers are using chain analysis programs to fuck you over and just waiting to tack on fees. Don't forget, every time you use a crypto to transact, it's a taxable event at least in the United States (land of the 'free'). At least with cash if you fuck up there isn't someone waiting on the other side to fine the fuck out of you.

>> No.56329527 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 109

>> No.56329595 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 109

>> No.56329634

>Spergs out because he lost an argument
Classic Monerocel move

>> No.56329652
File: 111 KB, 1040x815, fancypepeonplane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only listen to me anon
this is rest of your grandchildren's lives money
>buy bitcoin miners, have them hosted
>search bitcoin miner hosting
>start LLC or Ccorp, trust whatever
>generate profits each month
>save surplus and sell at top
>get loans based on monthly profit
>study bitcoin cycle -80% from peak
>buy miners when cheap "bitcoin asic price index"
ez gainz

>> No.56329679 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 109

>> No.56329724

Monero is what Bitcoin should have been:
- No ASICs (decentralized)
- No price manipulation from baggies (in fact it's quite the opposite because of paper Monero from CEX)
- Private
- Fungible
- Low fees

I don't care what baggies say - they are retarded. With so many BTC in circulation a huge chunk of it happen in illicit transactions - meaning that tomorrow a baggie might wanna cash out his BTC only to have it permanently seized by the exchange, because it's tainted. I know a few ppl that had this happen and they permanently lost their money - read the exchange ToS before you use them you fucktards - you can't even sue them for this lol.

>> No.56329751 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 109

>> No.56329761

>I know a few ppl that had this happen and they permanently lost their money
Does you dad work at Monero too?

>> No.56329811 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 109

>> No.56329884 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 109

>> No.56329941 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 109

>> No.56329955

No, but tell me - did you read your exchange ToS precisely?

>> No.56330015 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 109

>> No.56330359

He didn't make an argument, just an incorrect statement. My response must have been too nuanced for you to understand.

>> No.56330389
File: 44 KB, 400x400, 4chan6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's stopping you from getting it all? I have XMR and BTC and still bagged up on some NXRA, MEX, and ZPAY.

>> No.56330640

Lightning and CoinJoin and Tor provide decent privacy. Also having no privacy by default has its advantages. The reason Bitcoin is seeing adoption is because gubbamin sees it as the less threatening digital currency and like it or not, without gubbamin intervention, no digital currency will ever get adopted. If you think otherwise, do tell us in what steps, or via what mechanism could a currency like Monero ever see adoption beyond muh dark nets.

>> No.56331723

Bitcoin gained traction despite governments wishes for it not to. Personally , I think that just shows the resilience of this stuff. Cryptocurrencies are kind of designed to be unstoppable. It seems inevitable to me once a few people get blacklisted bitcoin (i.e. you're a plumber and you're paid in bitcoin, but unbeknownst to you the bitcoin was used in a drug transaction) that they can't sell on exchanges, well that would be the last time they accept bitcoin as payment. Suddenly, it stops being a currency. There's a reason pizza day is celebrated in the bitcoin community, because they developed something that actually works as a currency. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out XMR is better for the reasons I laid out. Matter of fact it shows that Bitcoin actually failed. Bitcoin does have value in so far as people don't understand this. Bitcoin will be used as an investment grade asset, hedge funds will buy it, you'll put it in your retirement portfolio. But it's essentially a collector item at this point, not a currency. Monero is a currency. The market could be irrational for decades here though.

>> No.56332639

bitcoin is gold, monero is cash doofus, in fact bitcoin is better than gold as you know exactly how much bitcoin banks have, aka accountability. Monero is cash, anonymous and nobody's goddamn business. and bitcoin can absolutely be obfuscated to oblivion just like anything else.

>> No.56333226

You want it straight? Buy BTC. For diversification, buy;

>> No.56334183

Bagging some NXRA and waiting on the SUPRA Tge has been my hopium dose for a while.

>> No.56334376

They need each other. XMR for actual payments - cheap to use and anonymous by default - and BTC for kosher on/offramping

>> No.56334663
File: 77 KB, 301x300, monero cursed pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm 100% monero idk about numbergoup i'm just a humble merchant selling goods and services on moneromarket.io and some other sites

>> No.56336535
