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56311999 No.56311999 [Reply] [Original]

Is we all slaves?

>> No.56312034

Worse than that... NPCs in the rich's video games

>> No.56312053

At least in Europe we get quality public services for the huge taxes we pay, in muttland you get nothing lmao, all your tax money goes to support jewcraine and kikesrael

>> No.56312092
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>high taxes
Whoa, cool it with the antisemitism, bub.

>> No.56312100

> in muttland you get nothing lmao
well its nice knowing my country could kill everyone in your country in less than a day if necessary

>> No.56312112

Yeah probably but youre still paying the price for "if necessary". Its like an insurance, you might need it but youll never need it. And when you do help wont be coming

>> No.56312118

>get quality public services
Do you honestly believe this?

>> No.56312120

The fucking cope of this reply, as if this will matter in your lifetime first off and secondly your point would be valid if only muttland wasn't constantly engaging in dick sizing contests with other players which it makes it the perfect Boogeyman for everyone else. Russia mad? China mad? Irak mad? Blame it on muttland and sleep peacefully at night

>> No.56312124

What services do you get in europe that you don't get in the US? The only one I can think of is healthcare. But when I worked my employer paid about $1000/month for my healthcare, yet I still make made over $100k/year more than the same position in europe.

>> No.56312194

Your taxes go to fund more nigger migrants to rape women in your neighbourhood

>> No.56312472

Do you not? Affordable healthcare and cities with proper public transit is what were missing?

>T. American

>> No.56312500

>quality public services

>> No.56312564

Europe doesn't have better transit, its just in Europe you're poor so you live in a shoebox above the business you work at and don't need to commute. In America you don't want loud businesses right next to and blocking your views from your McMansion, so you have to commute.

>> No.56312644


>> No.56312687

this is cope, europe is spiraling down faster than even muttland

>> No.56312691

Back in the day slaves knew they were slaves. Only difference now is they don't. They had it better than us because of this.

>> No.56312737

not at all, clearly made up by someone whose entire conception of life in europe is built on knowledge gathered from schizo posts on /pol/

>> No.56312764

we is. we is.

>> No.56312765
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This claim only seems strange or contrarian in the modern world

The Traditional perspective holds that (for example, in monarchy) if you depose the king, even for doing a bad job - being a tyrant, without replacing him with another truly worthy king, you do not get rid of the burden of sovereignty, you merely disperse it amongst less efficient and more corrupt oligarchs or bureaucracies
This is why democracy is not shifting sovereignty to the people, which is impossible by sheer game theory, but the abdication of responsible rule by the elites

Similarly just because you portend to make everybody "free" does not mean you get rid of the slave class; economically, politically, physically, culturally or intellectually; in fact if you subordinate everyone in the whole society to the idol of 'work' you make EVERYONE slaves, even the elite who still by sheer force of practical organization do rise to the top and take power anyway

The unfortunate bit about the modern West, centered around the American empire, is that our elites for the most part do really genuinely seem believe in these leveling ideas of equity and democracy

Even the murmurings about satanic elements among our elites are minor eccentricities, flourishes in service of this downward, leveling, chthonic ideal

>> No.56313093
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sounds like some fancypants intellectual speak for "i'm an entitled douchebag"

>> No.56313120

Yes and no. Yes in the sense that if you're not careful you'll get debt-trapped into wage slavery, no in the sense that if you're smart enough to avoid that fate you can soar incredibly high on the backs of those that did (and manage to not karmically doom yourself to hellfire if you don't treat the ones you used like shit and instead try to help them break out of their own cycle that keeps them trapped as a wage slave).

Someone has to pick the crops, we can't all live off of 3% interest on a few million dollars never doing anything. Just don't treat the help like shit and get them pointed in the right direction to break the cycle within their lifetime or at worst for their children and it's fine.

>> No.56313151

Sure if that helps you sleep at night

>> No.56313240

What would I be entitled to?
It's the modern reaction to assume someone advocating for an aristocratic order of things just wants to do it so THEY can rule, for pure power politics
That's of course because everything in the modern frame of mind is reduced to materialism and will to power
Naturally the modern world tries its hardest to deny the existence of any voluntarily recognized hierarchy in history

>> No.56313272

Heres the deal, wven if you automate everything and have robots handle all the labor and their own upkeep and let everyone live like kings they will endlessly breed to a point of unsustainability. So even knowing that how do you prevent it? Everyone will want to be the one to pass on their genes expecting someone else to abstain for the greater good.

>> No.56313273

Reported kiddo

>> No.56313341

Yes but we get to vote who gets to tax us more every 4 years.
BTW if you remove % and convert the money in to days that you work for free for the government, the average Joe works 2+ months free just to pay his taxes!

>> No.56313508
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Public transport is a big one. The average American spends $894 a month on car ownership while most European cities have quality public transportation that you can use while drunk for less than $894 a year

>> No.56313976

Same with you and you have to live in commie apartment blocks and can’t afford a home with land like Americans can

>> No.56314235

Actually good public education. The amount of dumb, "i read nothing but still just assume i'm right" comments i read from americans make me think i'm talking with third worlders. Public infrastucture is another. I mean roads, city planning, public houses, parks ect. All the sport stuff, like swimming halls, stadiums, running roads at forest ect. Of course europe isn't perfect, as the rapey murderous non-european immigrants prove, but it's way better than developing country tier USA. Sure even in India the rich get good healthcare snd education, but what makes a traditional "utopian" white country is that everyone gets it.

>> No.56314276

>Actually good public education.
What's your favorite public education tech tree?
LGBTQ, critical race theory, or common core math?

>> No.56314313

All american inventions. Sure there is some gay propaganda at the upper levels of education, but otherwise none of that shit exists in european public education.

>> No.56314536

You know, anon, when I was younger and used to visit the doctor, he only prescribed me the cheapest shit that either didn't really help or even made my condition worse, because german health insurance wouldn't pay for anything else. After I got some money, however, and I managed to visit private doctors, they literally flooded me with prescriptions allowing me to choose what I want. With the private prescription drugs being hardly more expensive. Still public insurance wouldn't cover it.

The same probably goes for things such as public education desu. If you don't perceive it as bad, then either because you're an idiot or because you have always been poor and can't compare the clear difference in treatment. And you mocking him is akin to a slave mocking others because the slave receives from its masters a stale loaf of bread and some water. Which he then declares utopian.

Personally, I found "education" in europe unbearable. But that kind of goes for the entire west and its propaganda antics. You are put into school with scum. Which I don't mean to say in a snobby kind of way talking about "plebs". But literal scum that makes school (and life in the west or on earth in general) an awful experience. It's probably pretty easy to draw the insurance analogy. And makes it understandable if parents want to put their children into private schools. To have them receive an actual education. Akin to how private doctors prescribe you actually useful medication public insurance wouldn't cover.

>> No.56314545
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Did slaves back then have iPhone 15? thought so

>> No.56314643

The height of freedom, brand enslavement.

>> No.56314901

the fuck you talking about, most americans can't afford a home. a renting class is developing

>> No.56314912

Sure Jew, Global Pogrom started yesterday. Watch your mouth and hide

>> No.56314931

The problem with aristocracy is that the position is inherited by chance. A proper hierarchy would have those most capable at the top. This is why technocracy would be the supreme evolution of what you advocate for.

>> No.56314941

Europeans pay higher taxes
Whats really daming is the US pays pretty much the same tax as the rest of the anglo world only everyone else gets way more public services and healthcare from it

>> No.56314943

Are you an immortal informational singularity?

>> No.56314945

This is not supported by the increasingly low birthrates amongst practically all countries except the extremely destitute (african ones). In a fully automated society, you would most likely have to incentivize people to breed inside of the reverse,

>> No.56315082

You're a retard, I'm in France and I cost my company 4800 euros a month and the gross salary is 3500 and the net after social taxes is 2730, and after income taxes I get left 2300 euros. They take more than half, I have gone once to the doctor this year, long wait just to get an appointment, lots of people in the waiting room so he books the same hours to lots of people, spent 5 minutes with me in total, motherfucker listened to my pulse with his finger on my wrist like this was the 1750s. And this guy had top ratings on maps, I pay 25 and get 17 back, I get 2 prescriptions, one is covered (costs 2 euros a box) and I get 1.xx back, the other more expensive one isn't covered so I pay its full price.
Plus add 20% vat on everything you buy so might as well take it out the salary as well.
This IS slavery, anyone who doesn't agree has been fooled with the multiple abstraction layers the jew invented.

>> No.56315557

At least you dont live in eastern europe, i work for 1500 euro and im only left with 1200 after income tax

>> No.56315596

Slavery is the natural state of humanity

>> No.56315614
File: 91 KB, 189x209, 1454644871089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FICA """tax"""
I get that money back, zoomer chud

>> No.56315621


Why would you want your employer to pay your healthcare? How many people get laid off and screwed if they ever get too sick to work?

At least you have your freedom though lmao

>> No.56315653

That guy is a faggot tho

Yup, read J'accuse. The Mikkagroyper solves this issue.

>> No.56315665

Are you a literal child?
Health insurance is paid usually via monthly or annual premiums. Your employer doesn't pay more if you claim more.

The real question is what drugs are you taking to honestly think paying health insurance is the impetus to fire a chronically sick worker, and not the fact that they aren't fucking working.

>> No.56315682

No, people cannot be property now so they're not slaves. Third world countries still have slavery though, hell even Russians get abducted by Chechens to work in brick factories. If they try to run, they're caught and brought back, and the police is bribed to help the slave owner. Now THAT'S slavery.

>> No.56315696

Worse than that. Take a look at Hammurabi code and you’ll see we fall under slave laws rather than free men laws

>> No.56315736

>riding public transport with npcs and niggers

>> No.56315738

w-what ?

>> No.56315742

>climate apocalypse
>migrants are le good for gdp
kys jew

>> No.56315749

good points, public schools are child abuse, if I were to go through them again I’d probably end up in jail for murdering some psycho on a power trip

>> No.56315770

If a slave defends himself from another slave who attacks him, and hurts him, he’s severely punished for destroying property.
If a free man is attacked he can do whatever the fuck he wants to the assailant free or slave.
Now think about Europe where you could literally end up in prison for defending yourself from some pathological subhumans at your own home with a knife or shit.

>> No.56315787

Ah so you justify the ass rape. Good one Muhammad

>> No.56315841

but desu home defense rules aren't THAT draconian