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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56311844 No.56311844 [Reply] [Original]

Twatter, telegram, twitch....
/biz/ jannies are not that bad, im sorry
Does this happen to you aswell?
How can i profit of this?

>> No.56311943

>/biz/ jannies are not that bad
I've been banned from here 2-3 times in the past month.
They're the dumb 3 day "cool it with the antisemitism" bans though so I guess that doesn't count.

>> No.56311972

I used to be banned constantly but lately its ok
Also this thread can get a 3 day ban which is ok

>> No.56311978

I get banned on biz every time the 3 day temp bans end, I've got multiple IP ranges rangebanned

>> No.56311989

>/biz/ jannies are not that bad
they were worse 2 years ago. theres a lack of interest in crypto now but jannies come and go just like regular users. i remember getting banned just for telling a factual and not at all vulgar account of interacting with a black gentleman. the mod was probably black. good riddance i hope he lost it all on dogecoin.

>> No.56312009

Yes yes
But i got perma banned on a telegram pro russian war channel for calling the west "zionist controlled" THAT is bad
Or on twitch for saying a subathon should not include playing recs while sleeping

>> No.56312069

yeah sounds like youre hanging out in peoples personal echo chambers where they have power and saying things they disagree with

tons of jews are pro russian
tons of twitch editors have mod powers and get a cut of stream/youtube channel profits

this is a great place to talk shit anonymously welcome home

>> No.56312122

Weird thing its a channel run by a moslem (and the streamer himself banned me, he has 6k subs kek)
But yes good points.
I think im too used to just talk shit and never ass kissing people from here that its weird how its elsewhere. People always ass kiss channel owners like stupid redditors (where i also get banned and downvoted)

>> No.56313054
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"i don't understand how people can be so sensitive i speak the truth and they hate me for that it's like they're living in a fantasy world where it's not okay to be mean or say anything offensive well if you can't handle me being mean to you go cry in your safe space and don't complain about my honesty

i don't care if i hurt anyone's feelings

>> No.56314987

Yes but the banning is annoying

>> No.56315005

the biz jannies are the worst chinks on this planet. they all need to be hanged

>> No.56315052


I think they fired the one that was an asshole over the last few weeks, or moved him to a different board. The last few months there was a hanny that was literally banning everyone, even for on-topic threads.

There were a few times where I got muted by a janny for 15 minutes, but then the mod overruled the janny and I was able to post again.

>> No.56315062

you can buy plebbit ticker pleb which is literally the solution to decentralized social media

>> No.56315255


Yeah, same. We need a Web3 4chan with strictly decentralized governance.

>> No.56315359
File: 190 KB, 499x499, C2259885-7250-4174-9425-DFFC7AFBED1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got banned on Xbox for 2 days for calling some kid a faggot
>girl i was talking to got so butthurt that i corrected her when she said Philadelphia was in Massachusetts and send her a nice map to illustrate it that she flipped out and stopped talking to me (dumb polak broad)
>totally range banned from pol
>get lengthy bans in particular for posting off topic threads about buffalo wings and ranch

>> No.56315376

I got banned from a certain crypto forum for asking why the fees were so high.

>> No.56315437
File: 1.58 MB, 514x250, janny hi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Board has become unusable because the jannies delete all remotely interesting threads. Not talking about your thread OP it's pretty shit I have to say, but yeah jannies are heavily censoring all boards since they are paid glowniggers. I know I'm not the only one noticing this.
Let them have it:

>> No.56315468

I really don't get banned here all that often and you either really have to try to make it happen or piss off some group of people enough they start mass reporting you whether you were breaking a rule or not. Also depends on time of day, international hours there's a lot more leeway than when the US is awake.

>> No.56318154

We need a browser extension that lets you post comments and chat in real time on the blockchain on any page.