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56310971 No.56310971 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56310976
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Keep your shorts ready


>> No.56311010

What ugly busts, why make them black instead of marble?

>> No.56311025

You should ask why they're fomoing into cash.
It's because they think they can use the cash to hedge or they can use the cash to buy stuff

>> No.56311067

Oh no! They're cashing out for some pocket change?

>> No.56311068
File: 1.13 MB, 1170x1132, Bobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please elaborate

>> No.56311076

They're Jews, Anon. They probably couldn't stand to look at its glory, so painted it black. The Roths will never be white, they can only buy European crafted goods and pretend.

>> No.56311079

Probably because the children who will inherit that crap don't want it. Rich people today aren't as materialistic and don't care about having so many possessions.

>> No.56311111

Isn't Monday a holiday?

>> No.56311130

Tuesday i meant sorry

>> No.56311152
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>> No.56311170

>the children who will inherit that crap don't want it
This. The news that the Rothschild dynasty is selling off it's hard assets for paper is incredibly bullish for humanity. Their family is returning to the mean, an inevitable fate for even the strongest of genetic families. It is bitter sweet knowing that their offspring will ultimately fall for the same traps they have developed to enslave others. Karma is a cunt, Red Shields.

>> No.56311234
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>Red Shields.
actually the name is pronounced "Roth's Child", meaning they are descended from the Leslies, Earls and Dukes of Rothes.
Rothes is in Scotland, where it is both an ancient town going back to 600AD and a ruined castle. The castle was built around 1200 by Peter de "Pollok", and that name is another huge clue. Pollok=Pollock/Pollack which is a Jewish name.
The Leslies were top nobles, connected to the Stuarts from the very beginning. Soon after the arrival of
William the Conqueror, Bartholomew Leslie married the daughter of Duncan I, King of Alba
(Scotland). We are told Leslie came as a nobleman from Hungary with English King Edgar Ætheling,
who was also from Hungary. His mother Agatha may have been the daughter or niece of the King of
Hungary, which takes us back to the Arpad dynasty and the Komnenes and Phoenicians.

>> No.56311242
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As for the Kings of Alba, they had names like Constantine, linking them back to Byzantium and the
Komnene Emperors as well. So this is where the Leslies came from. By the 1300s, the Leslies had
married into the royal Stewart house. In about 1370, Sir George Leslie married the granddaughter of
King Robert II Stewart, also linking them to the Hayes, Keiths, Grays, Bruces, Setons, and Sinclairs.
By the 1350s the Leslies were already linked to Rothes, both by name and location. John Leslie of
Rothes was born in 1318.
Strangely, we aren't told what Rothes was named for, though it is spelled Rathais in Gaelic. This tells
us that Roth doesn't indicate “red” and never did. Even Wikipedia tells us it more likely indicates
“wood” or “fame”. But if we spell it with an “a” like the Gaels, we have an even better idea where it
came from. The word ratha in Sanskrit means “hero”, so that seems to link us to the “fame”
translation. And since Sanskrit and Hebrew are linked, we can feel ourselves getting closer. Rath is a
Hebrew name, see Meshullan Rath, a famous rabbi from the early 1900s. Also Ernst vom Rath, a
German Nazi diplomat allegedly assassinated in Paris by a Jewish teenager in 1938, leading to
Kristallnacht. This was of course faked, since Rath was Jewish himself. And, not coincidentally, vom
Rath was from Frankfurt, same place the Rothschilds were from. This tells us to look up rath instead
of rot, where we find it means “wise person”. All this makes sense, and feels more right at a glance
than the “red shield” nonsense.

>> No.56311245

30 million is nothing to these people, this isn't even news

>> No.56311282

Nope. Zum roten Schild.

>> No.56311319

>they're going to sell AFTER the dip

>> No.56311332


>> No.56311336

Thanks, GPT.

>> No.56311351

not from GPT, also are you jewish? or why are you triggered because of the information?

>> No.56311368

I thought the Scot and jewish families were two separate, but equally powerful factions. You're telling me they're not only intermingled, but essentially one and the same?

>> No.56311428

the entire peerage is one big jewish family.
In 1440 the Leslies married the Stewarts again, when the 1st Earl of Rothes married the granddaughter of the 1st Duke of Albany.
This also linked him to the Grahams and Haliburtons.
This Earl later married a Campbell.
The 7th Earl of Rothes was a banker, since he was appointed Lord High Treasurer of Scotland in 1663 and was later elevated to Duke.
His history is heavily pawed, since although he was a supporter of Charles I, was captured in battle, and held in the Tower by Cromwell, he was very soon released and suffered no permanent inconvenience.
He was one of the ones who led Charles II back in, and it was Charles who appointed him Treasurer.
He carried the sword of state at Charles' coronation, which is pretty amazing considering he was a Scot.
Charles later made him Lord Chancellor of Scotland for life.
Wikipedia conspicuously fails to tell us what he did to deserve any of this, but we assume it had much to do with finances.
It always does. He married into the Lindsay clan, increasing his wealth and influence once more.
This also linked him to the Hamiltons. His daughter married a Hamilton of the Earls Hamilton.
The Leslies outranked both the Hamiltons and Lindsays, which is saying a lot.
This 9th Earl of Rothes immediately married back into the Stewart clan when he married the daughter of a Hay and a Maitland.
The Maitlands were Dukes of Lauderdale at that time, and like the Leslies had already long been a cadet branch of the Stewarts.
They came from (((Levington))), telling us immediately who they were. They weren't hiding it. We can also tell where these Leslies came from, in that whenever their male line faltered (and it often did), they didn't continue the line through a cousin. They continued it
straight through the daughters. They had no problem with female succession.

>> No.56311792

Isn’t that just a tiny amount for them?

>> No.56311796

he didn't know that because he doesn't trade
he's just a 'never-crypto'

>> No.56311820

Everyone getting on this FUN train in time

>> No.56311921

>Auction on 11th
>GOLD MAN conference on the 12th
what could it mean

>> No.56312220

>Jew family raising funds after Jew families are getting genocided in Israel

>> No.56312301

Don't care, didn't read.

>> No.56312430

that is the equivalent to the spare change sitting in the centre console of any given vehicle.

>> No.56312951
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i am too stupid and angry for your stupid questions go ask your mom for that answer i'm busy drinking beer and watching hockey

>> No.56312977

Israel literally declared war which means America will defend its ally. Palenstine is back by Iran so yeah. We’re heading to war and if you refuse you’re a fucking traitor and coward. I don’t care if you “die” on the battle field, when your country says fight you fucking fight.

>> No.56313018

The more likely scenario would be everyone keeping their money to themselves and not giving a shit what happens to gaza in the aftermath because it's not their problem. As for this liquidation it's been a long time in the works and I've known it was coming for nearly half a year via public information that conveniently gets slid off the board.

>> No.56313035

The Rothschild's fell for the own propaganda and are all race mixers or gay or drug addicts, they're unironically going extinct

>> No.56313047

will you be buying the golden rococo teapot anon

>> No.56313059
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>> No.56313086

No you can have that one, and I'm not saying what it is I'll be purchasing. See you lads at the auction.

>> No.56313166
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>> No.56313230

Marble can be black you absolut idiot.

>> No.56313244

>ugly ass chairs
>i-it's 800k USD, people who know a lot about antiques c-can testify that's totally their value! now, are you paying in cash or money?

>> No.56313252

It's probably just shit lying around and they are trying to declutter.

>> No.56313332
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well that's a very nice way to put it

i'm actually a pretty damn good guy despite my rough exterior

>> No.56313388

Columbus day is Monday yeah. so markets and banks will be closed?

10/10/2023 is a mathematical sequence, 1..1..2...2..3
remember, these people think math is the language of the universe. G for geometry and so forth. according to the rules of sympathetic magic they choose fortuitous dates for things they have planned. 10-10 to 10-11 or even 10-12 would work. 3 days with escalating sequences of numbers, so according to sympathetic magic they would be good for amplifying or escalating the effects of whatever is being planned for those days.

>> No.56313395
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As prophesied

>> No.56313407

so, it's pronounced Roth-Shield
t. learned this in a dream when i visited their manor in the astral version of Ho Chi Minh City or more accurately the rubber plantations outside tp.HCM and was interrogated about my intentions, true story.
i said "roths-child" and their agent who was interviewing me corrected me and said, it's Roth-Shield, don't make that mistake again.

also i remember that the group of powerful-looking people who were watching this interrogation take place were wearing those colorful polarized/mirrored glasses and puffer jackets, both of which didn't really exist at that time but became popular years later. when they started becoming common i thought, "man, so it's true that rich people get stuff a few years ahead of us plebs"

they also taught me that the Rothschild family had a powerful/controlling interest in HSBC bank, controlling the British empire's trade in things like rubber and opium and trade with the far east more generally. i had no idea any of this was true but when i looked it up later, it was all accurate. the building they took me to was red stone with a green metal dome roof.

>> No.56313409

>kings of alba
>komnene emperors
thanks for the leads, anon

>> No.56313417

you're saying that the story of their origins in the frankfurt ghetto, trading coins and later providing services for the royalty and eventually the king, is false?
i always guessed that their family history probably went back quite a bit further than they were letting on- after all, it's never been adequately explained how exactly they got linked up with nobility if they were run of the mill ghetto moneychangers/coin traders

what can you tell me about the Schiff family?

they're easy to spot, aren't they.

>> No.56313423

This is exactly what someone would say if they were planning to bid for the golden Rococo teapot.

>> No.56313428

what do you think about the Rots taking their family bank private? i noticed that they announced it shortly before the banks failed in March, and then announced that it had been successfully completed a few weeks ago (which i understood to mean, the fecal matter will soon collide with the rotary oscillating cooling device)

can't buy taste, i'm afraid

according to Lord J they have 37k pieces in Waddesdon alone

>> No.56313504
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what the hell does op mean

>> No.56313691
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"op" stands for "original presenter" or "original provider" or "original creator" it is a common abbreviation used on internet forums and social networks to refer to the person who made the initial comment or thread to which other people reply and contribute

>> No.56313852
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the op of this thread is a god damn moron he doesn't know what op stands for and is probably illiterate the op will probably never contribute anything meaningful to humanity and is the reason we haven't colonized mars yet

>> No.56313866
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OP is a an provocateur.

>> No.56314013
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it's true i do like to provoke others and i do like to piss people off

>> No.56314183
File: 1.07 MB, 1024x1024, 54891629473530419326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is 100% true i love to piss people off what's the problem with riling up some pansies

>> No.56314220

They need that pittance to secure a link bag because the hour is nigh

>> No.56314228

This thread feels full of schizophrenic jews.
Most posts are incoherent and, when quoting another, barely have any relevance to it.

>> No.56314232

Cringe, kys.

>> No.56314317
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>Cringe, kys.
Kys ratkike.

>> No.56314325
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cant make this up lol

>> No.56314342
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well let me inform you that i am not impressed and in fact i am actually repulsed by you and by your comment i think you can take your pathetic existence and shove it

>> No.56314407

Based, lys.

>> No.56314479
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"oh yeah well i don't care

i don't give two shits what some internet loser has to say about me

go cry into a pillow you moron


>> No.56314595
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why would i care what some internet loser says about me why would i give two shits about him cry into a pillow you moron

>> No.56314720
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i don't give a f%@k about you or your opinion go find a f%$kin pillow and cry into it you moron

>> No.56314900
File: 314 KB, 680x680, 15640640022113684187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen here you little punk i don't take kindly to people insulting me or my views you better watch your tone before i come over there and shove my foot up your ass

>> No.56315043
File: 637 KB, 1024x1024, 34710350721079315733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who do you think you are talkin' to me like that i'll come over there and shove my foot up your ass and you'll wish you never crossed me

>> No.56315153
File: 452 KB, 800x537, 20652886072692870377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look pal i don't know who the hell do you think you're talking to but you better watch who you mess with i aint one you wanna cross pal because i'll tell you what i'll come over there right now and shove my foot up your ass and then you'll wish you never crossed me

yeah you got that

>> No.56315292
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oh yeah well why don't you shut up you little btch before i break your teeth you stupid fuckin nerd what do you think you're gonna do if you came over here anyway

>> No.56315434
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you are a pathetic moron and your mother probably cries herself to sleep thinking abt how much of a failure and dissapointment you are you stupid little btch boy