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56308546 No.56308546 [Reply] [Original]

I think crypto might actually be a scam

>> No.56308549

I think op might actually be a faggot

>> No.56308815

Who's have though a heavily manipulated negative-sum speculative market would turn out to be a scam

>> No.56309033

Crypto is supposed to be this open source and trustless financial system, but ~80% of people who invest actually understand how it works. Basically crypto is programmers telling people that you should trust them with your money more than banks. And non-technical people who don’t trust the banks believe them. And most people are just in on it for the money.

>> No.56309043

crypto itself is not a scam. well specifically bitcoin is not a scam. the majority of alts are scams. crypto is a tool that is often used by faggots to scam other faggots

>> No.56309048

This. The entire value of crypto is based on what people think about it. If you say this then you are called a bear simply because you are seeing things as they are and not engaging in the belief system.

>> No.56309065

someone should go to a crypto conference and ask attendees technical questions about crypto. I would bet that a lot of people would look stupid/delusional

>> No.56309078

>most people are just in on it for the money.
The money is nice but I enjoy the culture and mischievousness of it

>> No.56309126
File: 218 KB, 1024x1024, 2565CCF2-CD76-4744-B416-ACE2D9F8B57D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink is the only token needed. Thanks for playing.

>> No.56309142

N-n-no but I have a worse-than-roulette chance to win money if I make the right bet-erm, the right investment!

>> No.56309144

Take time to admire my OC Pepe

>> No.56311001

There is nothing differentiating bitcoin from any other crypto. They all require energy expenditure to run and ergo lose value over time. The only way to make a profit is at someone else's even greater expense.

>> No.56311016

>The entire value of crypto is based on what people think about it
Yes you're describing demand. Value of everything is based on supply and demand, crypto included.
>b-b-but crypto demand is fake
Not any more fake than demand for any other financial instruments.

>> No.56311450

>other financial instruments
Shiny rocks, big prime numbers, and beanie babies are not financial instruments.

>> No.56311456


>> No.56313034
File: 47 KB, 831x510, 1695813067205102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? No, OP you don't get it, you don't. Listen. Kava connects Ethereum with Cosmos, right? So the slow+expensive smart contract issue is resolved thanks to Cosmos' technology, making DeFi a more viable way of- Op, where are you going I'm not done explaining. I haven't even explained what liquid USDT is and why it will change the future of-...

>> No.56313042


>> No.56313049

These kinds of posts are only making sure I never even attempt to touch that garbage.

>> No.56313052

once you start adding more and more steps the clearer it gets that it's iffy at worst.

>> No.56313061

how did you come to that conclusion?
its all fairy tales and shit on fixing real world prolbems but in the end it all amounts to fixing the problems it itself created in the first place. it's been this way since 2007.

>> No.56313064
File: 38 KB, 217x148, 1639179329306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, kek.
At least you're self-aware that talking about some no name ecosystem as if it's the 2nd coming of Christ only gets you no feedback in return

>> No.56313068
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Fuck. That's really how I sounded when I tried to get friends into buying ETH about six years ago. So fucking cringe.

>> No.56313076

at the very least ive never had this much fun trading tradfi, ever. crypto is not my main thing but i do dabble every now and then and its just fun. economically speaking its scary but otherwise, fun.

>> No.56313424

I think you're onto something.

>> No.56313442

I'm done explaining shit to a dumb a$$ friend who can't fathom how this operates but draws conclusions based on ignorance, calling it a scam. The best reply is to buy a few low caps and wait for them to turn big; afterwards, get some luxury cars and a house and watch them beg and ask how.

>> No.56313460
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It is always fun. Wait for the bull market to surface; it will become more easy to deal with.
Probably nothing. What made you say that in the first place?

>> No.56313465

Most of it is and I'm looking forward to it dying save for the few that get kept as commodities and securities. The era of every jeet being able to run a rugpull scam is coming to a close soon and that's a good thing.

>> No.56314106
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>Crypto is supposed to be this open source and trustless financial system
The original goal got lost in the money grab, but it's a relief to spot actual, practical solutions like the new Librescan by QAN. Sick and tired of all those centralized crapfests.

>> No.56314147

One of the things I realised when I learned to code so I could build something in crypto was that it was all indeed a scam.

>> No.56314161

>buy a few low caps and wait for them to turn big; afterwards, get some luxury cars and a house
lol if you really believe this

>> No.56314326


>> No.56314481

Ofc. I'm speaking from experience. I've made the most of the space, and I've lost some. I don't really need to preach the word for them to understand before buying. Anything I use, they ask and use, down to my choice of debit card (often use tap fintech) and assets I bought. It's paying off so well for them. Imagine if they listened to me when I said buy doge, shib, and eth when it was undervalued.

>> No.56314779

Whats it going to link if there isn't anything else?