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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 69 KB, 597x357, just start a biz bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56306537 No.56306537 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of small biz can you start with $10k?

>> No.56306574

>buy 10k inventory of anything
>sell it

>invest in hardware for marketing business
>use to profit

>buy lawn mower and trailer
>mow lawns for profit

How not to profit:
>be a faggot retard twitter nigger zoomie broke tourist posting faggot threads on /biz/

>> No.56306610

Why there citizen, I’m going to need to see your licenses and accreditations before you do any of those
I’m also going to need tax up front

>> No.56306620

Hah I got the forbidden bean in my id

>> No.56306636

even kek knew you were making bitch excuses

>> No.56306658

Don’t test me
I have the power to fill you with estrogen

>> No.56306979
File: 48 KB, 473x761, chandler-soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don’t test me
>I have the power to fill you with estrogen

>> No.56307010

Knee pads business

>> No.56307021

Starting a small business is so fucking retard. Just live with your parents and yolo 100% of your paycheck into crypto lmao.

>> No.56307143

yeah this always made me more money. Tried a ton of small businesses and always lost money and for all the time I put in, could have multiplied my income from taking up another job

>> No.56307354

Your small business should have been your other job.

>> No.56307366
File: 74 KB, 716x716, 1696597677053240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weed killer business. Just weeds. Especially driveway Crack weeds.

>> No.56307398

Buy a fluke fiber optics testing, splicing, and certification kit.
Protip marry a black/mexican woman and apply for government contracts.

>> No.56307408

Where do poorfags get this dumb ass idea that rich people buy treasuries? High and ultra high NW people have almost no allocation to fixed income, its all real assets.

The only people who buy treasuries are boomers waiting to die, retards, to match liabilities, or people who are literally forced to (insurance companies, pensions).

Always funny when poorfags say if they got a bunch of money they'd put into fucking treasuries, I guess that's why they're poor though.

>> No.56307420

yeah doing that now. 2 jobs from home. Honestly way less stress than trying ecommerce or whatever OP pic shills on twitter

>> No.56307429

Some lawyer asked me to do IT for him. I told him okay $250 a month for 8 hours lf remote work. Maybe he tells others and I grow my client list. Then I start hiring indians and quality drops until Ive sold my client list to an MSP. I move to thailand leaving family behind to bang ladybois