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File: 21 KB, 597x200, mortgage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56303135 No.56303135 [Reply] [Original]

It's happening, financial crisis II

>> No.56303144

Fuck hoomers

>> No.56303177 [DELETED] 

I don't know what everyones bitching at the prices came down and rates went up.

It basically costs the same as it did 2 years ago to buy a house. Nothing has changed except peoples perception.

>> No.56303179

My wife and I almost bought at 7% because we have $80k cash, $200k combined income, and can still find reasonable houses in our area for $400k. But then we realized did we just keep saving, we'll likely have $100k+ by this point next year, lower rates, and a cooled housing market, plus we might even be making some more income. So yeah, only desperate, exceedingly liquid/cash rich, or stupid people with fomo are buying.

>> No.56303197

All the people who fell for the home owner FOMO for the past 2 years are going to get raped by interest.

>> No.56303208

>about 10k people are screwed in a nation of like 180 million homeowners

>> No.56303213

Except prices havent gone down at all retard.

>> No.56303233

LMAO, and /biz/ is BTFO again
Amazing how this board can be so wrong

>> No.56303242
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The historical average is 8% and Russia is sitting at 13% and I have it on good authority that they're doing fine.

>> No.56303247

In the US most people get fixed rates so they're paying only 2% or whatever until it's paid off.

>> No.56303255

>Raped by interest
My wife and I got our mortgage at 2.5%. You missed the boat.

>> No.56303291 [DELETED] 

REIT is down 30% from the highs. Go back to school kid.

>> No.56303330

Houses absolutely did not return to 2021 levels, they stalled a bit, but otherwise have no returned.

>> No.56303353

>From the highs
Bought at 375, sitting at 410. Just don't buy the top. Also unless you're a boomer, homes are to be lived in, they're not stocks. The value going down means taxes go down. And that's a good thing.

>> No.56303360
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>> No.56303388

>Russia is doing fine
Who's your authority ziggers on /pol/?

>> No.56303400

There appears to be some confusion regarding the housing market. People need to understand that housing is a stable investment, meaning it takes time for outside factors to have an effect. Compare that to interest rates that change constantly.

So yes high rates will reduce housing prices, but it might take a year or more.

>> No.56303410
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Property is for lords, not peasants. You proclaim your allegiance to white culture, well shall it return. For me, not for thee.
Whites are slaves and exist to serve the aristocrat class and the aritocrat class serves demons, the peasants that existed in europe were given a reprieve during the age of exploration because their wranglers sights became focused on the free world. Now that the free world is no longer free, the domestic side things will return to the mean, seemingly unaware that their house nigger status was only temporary and their uppity disposition is an inside joke. Your freedom is a meme, you were never free and you will never be free. Its over

>> No.56303472

Dont try to make zigger a thing globohomo kike

Biz really needs flags..

>> No.56303530

I'm being ironic. These cunts are claiming 7% is too high and in the same breath you know they'll glaze up Russia and pretend 13% is just fine.
Total zigger death btw

>> No.56303577

> we'll likely have $100k+ by this point next year, lower rates, and a cooled housing market

I somewhat agree with you, but there’s a lot of people with this line of thinking. If enough people like that exist, the home prices will start going up immediately when rates start going down.

>> No.56303682

Not if. When. The only if is if rates ever come down again. But when they come down prices go to the moon.

>> No.56303738

The problem right now is the job market still isn't cooling (see jobs report today). So we're sitting in this stalemate. Not enough people are losing their jobs so not enough people defaulting on mortgages to move the market down.

Everyone who owns isn't going to sell because they currently have a 3% or lower rate which they'd then swap with an above 7% rate. So they'd essentially be buying less house. And on the other side you have lots of people like >>56303179 who could buy, but want to stay on the sidelines and see what happens.

So no one is selling and no one is buying. These circumstances differ significantly from 2007 OP so you can forget about this big crash you keep calling for.

Also agree with >>56303530 historically 7% is still a great mortgage rate. In the US in the 80s, rates go into the high teens.

>> No.56303864

I bought a car and drove it 200,000 miles and now they are saying it’s worth less than I bought it, we need change.

>> No.56303926



This is why no one should vote for republicans or conservatives in general, they cut down growth and syphon money out of the economy for themselves, then try to increase the power of the dollar so their money gains more power.

They use the narratives of “freedom” to hire illegals for cheap labor and cut off labor laws.

> it’s good for the economy.

>> No.56303990

>trump slowed the economy
>covid + PPP

>> No.56304026

Prices are only "down" on the coasts. Midwest retards still at ATHs.

Either way, no one can actually afford a home. Wherever you live. Coasts skew the average down but housing is still UNOBTAINABLE.

>> No.56304033

>there’s a lot of people with this line of thinking.
I agree, but 87% of people don't have a household income of 200k. He's in a much better position to actually take advantage.

>> No.56304086
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>The problem right now is the job market still isn't cooling (see jobs report today).

Ah yes, it's our fault. Sorry I'm just not going to stop working from home. I'm just not going to stop fighting the Fed. Very sorry that I'm causing inflation, not!

Typical bootlicker blames one side of the equation, but never corporations or landlords who raise prices once money is detected.

It's like we can't win. I get 2 remote jobs, landlord catches whiff of it, and before you know it rent doubles. The truth is, we saw for the first time (in 2020 - 2022) non stagnant wages and they have been trying to crush that. No matter, I will continue to fight the fed and work from home.

>> No.56304331

>200k combined income,
>$80k cash,
>But then we realized did we just keep saving, we'll likely have $100k+
You save that little?

>> No.56304553

7% isn't the problem, income to home price is. Prices are extremely over-inflated.

>> No.56306114

1.5% fixed for 10 years
oh no
I will cry in pain as I raise your rent

>> No.56307624

prices down 5%
rates up 5%
the smallbrain can't understand that this is a HUGE increase in price

>> No.56307691

dawg people bought homes when interest rates were 20%

it's always a better idea than renting


>> No.56307756
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No one is selling because they’re locked in around 2% or 3%. No one is buying because they can’t afford to pay 8%. It’s a stalemate for now. Either we begin to starve and homeowners capitulate and sell for much lower prices or the fed mass prints trillions and lowers rates and people fomo in and pay $1.5M+ for a fucking starter home.

>> No.56307761
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>I will cry in pain as I raise your rent

>> No.56307769
File: 103 KB, 896x972, IMG_20231007_071808_645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK renter

>> No.56307782

It's probably not happening. I too thought it was happening but Biden, Powell and Yellen solved economics instead.

>> No.56307812
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>it's always a better idea than renting

>> No.56308171

>elder boomer bragging that the younger generations are priced out of owning a home

>> No.56308176

Without artificially suppressed wages, wealth flows to the people actually doing the work. The gerontocracy can't have that.

>> No.56308780

PPP literally only took money from government into corporate pockets. It was a tax on all civillians and inflating corporate wealth. This means civillians suffered inflation with zero benefit to themselves. Straight up theft, and the zero oversight was intended because GOP are crooks.

>> No.56309505

it is healthy. but our lifestyle is in for a change

get we get a onions face?

>> No.56309687

someone could get laid off too

>> No.56309725

>REIT is down 30% from the highs
>so house prices are down
That makes no goddamn sense. REITs are down because a lot of them are full of office spaces they can't rent out

>> No.56309726

He died and you can't find his Facebook anymore if that's any consolation

>> No.56310792

Or people leaving shithole cities

>> No.56310801

They have. National peak was 479,000 in Q4 2022 and Q2 2023 it was 416,000.

The estimate value of my home has dropped about 150,000 which I am happy about because it lowers my tax basis


>> No.56310857

>then we realized did we just keep waiting
Exactly. Tons of people are thinking the same. It's basically the downward dildo on a stonk going on right now what with interest rates super high and foreign investment super low

>> No.56310866

>The estimate value of my home has dropped about 150,000 which I am happy about because it lowers my tax basis
this lol

>> No.56310967

hey, she wants a SUV and holidays in Seychelles

>> No.56311046

There is a very specific mathematical situation where that could be profitable. Not taking income into account, the house has to be cheap enough that mortgage payments of 20% are lower than average renting. And that implies the house is cheap and a piece of shit. No thanks

>> No.56311133

Hey, Cam.

>> No.56311388

8% is fine if the price is 200k. And soon, it will be.

>> No.56311484

Keep your unwanted yuropoor opinions to yourself. K thx bye

>> No.56311848
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keep your unwanted yuropoor opinions to yourself k thx bye

>> No.56311944


And Democrats do the same but have a pride flag on their desks.

>> No.56312400


>> No.56312922
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>> No.56313174

The people that bought at 400k at 2% aren't going to sell you their home at 200k just to buy a new house at 8%. They're on fixed rate mortgage so why would the interest rate rising cause then to sell? You're gonna be waiting forever and ironically still pay more because you don't understand interest.

>> No.56313309
File: 454 KB, 1024x1024, 64060804960127291599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut your stupid ass up pussy you think you're funny or what you think this topic is something to be joking about huh shut your damn mouth and grow up you stupid ignorant dick

>> No.56313322

the organic eggs are pricey

>> No.56313431

Why would I sell? I need a place to live in and I can't rent out the second home. I'm literally never selling. I'm going to inherit the house to my child one day.

>> No.56313452

Rates are up like 3% in that time. You fucked up. The house is more expensive even at cheaper value.

>> No.56313482
File: 388 KB, 1024x921, 85046301592194158506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure i do agree that the price of organic eggs has increased recently i have noticed that they have become costlier compared to their conventional counterparts

>> No.56313669
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yeah so basically what's happening here is that there's this inflation going around and since organic eggs are kinda a niche product or whatever these companies are using that to their advantage to increase their prices and it's totally bullshit man i've got to tell you these companies are gouging us all and if some politician is reading this please look into the organic egg situation because it's totally unfair and the cost of living is increasing enough as it is what with gas prices and all this inflation and everything

>> No.56313731

Things are worth what people are willing to pay. Stop paying.

>> No.56313813

“If” you keep your jobs

>> No.56313832
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the value assigned to an item is determined by individual perspective so it is pointless to try and dictate where money should or shouldn't be spent

>> No.56313858

>The landlord cries out in pain as he strikes you

>> No.56313869

>historically 7% is still a great mortgage rate. In the US in the 80s, rates go into the high teens.
They weren't borrowing at the current rate. Somewhere in the mid to high teens the US government automatically defaults (we have to start borrowing to pay interest) so that's not happening. It might hit 13% but it's not going past that and shit *will* break much lower than that.

>> No.56313993
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listen moron no one said the 80s rates were great the point is that 7% is still a normal rate for a mortgage so shut up and grow up and the government is not going to default just because interest rates rise a little bit you paranoid dumbass

>> No.56314020

>makes $200k
>only saves $20k/yr
That's pathetic

>> No.56314084

Less than 5% of the market bought anywhere near the top, you dumb fucking bagholder

>> No.56314086


>> No.56314092

You need 3-5 years salary saved in a rainy day fund before you start thinking about buying.

>> No.56314163
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you know what's pathetic not minding your own business you're probably one of those broke ass losers that think they know everything about money how about you get a life

>> No.56314329
File: 987 KB, 1024x921, 10592220482143209363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a stupid little idiot who doesn't have a clue about money you should stop talking about things you know nothing about and get a job

>> No.56314461
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listen up you little twat i’ll make a bet you’re a broke ass kid living in your momma’s apartment with a gender-studies degree from your local community college you don’t know a goddamn thing about money and if you did your credit rating wouldn’t be so bad i make $200k a year and drive a ferrari what about you

>> No.56314477

>no one said the 80s rates were great
Well he specifically said they were fine.
Regardless high rates will cause prices to decline which isn't my problem as I have no real estate exposure.

>> No.56314642
File: 438 KB, 512x680, 1686547537720013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're replying to a bot, silly

>> No.56314656

If people would buy their house to live in and not larp as a real estate investor it wouldn't be a problem for anyone

>> No.56314707
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why don't you stop sniffing your own fart and actually think for a moment about how real estate markets work dumbass people who overborrow are the ones that get into trouble in a high-interest-rate environment people who don't have debt or who only borrowed a little get along just fine

>> No.56314880
File: 471 KB, 800x799, 6834232627507204290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm just too smart for you you simpleton stop sniffing your own farts and go sit in a corner and think about how retarded you really are there is that direct enough for you

>> No.56315028
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i'm too smart for you you big dum dum

stop sniffing your own farts and go sit in a corner and think about how retarded you really are there is that direct enough for your simpleton mind

>> No.56315137
File: 441 KB, 1024x1024, 49622900675254531773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey there dumbshit what are you a bunch of turds what is it with you and sniffing your own farts dumbass do you have an issue with being a moron

>> No.56315275
File: 524 KB, 1024x1024, 13231548041963287833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen up you turd brain i know your little pea-brain would like to insult my intelligence but you can take your pathetic comments and shove em up your ass oh wait you can't because your too busy sniffing your own farts and jerking yourself off to be in touch with reality

>> No.56315415
File: 176 KB, 500x544, 96614682053001487692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look listen you little turd brain i don't have a pea-brain you sound like a little child crying for a pacifier keep sniffing your farts and wanking yourself off to your little fantasy land

>> No.56315450

>only desperate, exceedingly liquid/cash rich, or stupid people with fomo are buying.
rich people don't buy houses now when they can get 5% from t-bills
people who need to launder money do.

>> No.56315463

>The historical average is 8%
Lol. Its like saying this puddle of water is on average 5 inch deep. Doesnt matter when at the spot its 100 feet deep.

Plus, just for people doing the map: Going from 3.5% to 7% requires real estate to drop nearly 50% to make amortization amounts equal. How much have they gone down? 10%? 15%? Its a joke.

>> No.56315590
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what the hell does this have to do with me i'm not a financial analyst i ain't got time for your nerd bullshit

>> No.56315607

This, how the fuck are you not saving at least 80k of that

>> No.56315644

biden will pull all tricks out of his bag and hat to make sure nothing happens in 2024
chillax you dumbfuck niggers

>> No.56316680

>we'll likely have $100k+ by this point next year, lower rates, and a cooled housing market
>plus we might even be making some more income
Keep on waiting then because none of that will happen lol lmao

>> No.56316720

If you're bitching about the cost of an item and you continue to buy that item even though that item is a luxury item you could easily go without then you only have yourself to blame. Stop buying that item and maybe the price will come down. Or suck it up and realize that the cost is justified otherwise somebody would be selling it for cheaper.

>> No.56317261

>>only saves $20k/yr
Why do you assume they have made this much money for 4 years? I am in same situation only made this much recently in past 1.5yrs and Ive hit close to 100k. Your assumptions are negative because your world view is negative.

>> No.56317624

I own my own home outright Amerifag.
Shouldn't you be cutting off your cock to send to Israel right about now?

>> No.56317958
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I make less than you yet have more savings, save over twice more yearly, have a bigger dick, and a hotter wife. You will never make it, you are pathetic.

>> No.56318030

He said he'd only have $100k next year, illiterate faggot.

>> No.56318058

The world population will be like 5% of what it is now in a few decades

>> No.56318310

nobody is having children anymore. who would want to give birth in this wretched society?

>> No.56319441

he may have debts he will be paying off in addition to saving

>> No.56319542

Then he doesn't even have $80k. He already explained he was poor because his fat ugly whore wife likes to live beyond their means: >>56310967

>> No.56319570

All that covid plandemic shit was bipartisan, democrats controlled the house at the time, you retarded subhuman cattle.

>> No.56319665

Liquid cash, yes. But I also invest almost everything else into index funds and 401k.
See above. I invest far more aggressively than I save because I don't want to be a Walmart greeter when I'm 60.

>> No.56319673

Also, I meant $100k extra. Dumbass.

>> No.56319843

>actually I save $100k/yr!
Why lie? You are so fucking pathetic.

>> No.56320142

Now let's see him defend it without getting raped by the DA.

>> No.56320179

>6 pbtid
Maybe if you spent a little less time posting, and more time working or reading, you'd make enough to save $100k in a year.

>> No.56320225

>Just drive into a random white middle class suburb with kids and schools, step out of the car with a rifle and shotty, kick down the door of the nearest house and kill everyone. Just go door to door and kill every person of every family you see indiscriminately until SWAT finishes you.

This will be common in the next 2 years.

>> No.56320264

This. Objectively 2016 2020 was the best time economically if you were working class. Now we have president dementia pushing the same new york san fan focused "green" and "dei" policies that dont produce any actual growth we had from 2008 to 2016

>> No.56320830

>5 pbtid
Own my home outright, rentiod. Maybe if you stopped lying on the internet you'd be able to afford a house

>> No.56320939

No we aren’t you third world retard.

>> No.56320959
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what the fuck

>> No.56321414
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>but there’s a lot of people with this line of thinking.
I'm sure you have some kind of evidence to support this claim.