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56300637 No.56300637 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn’t the USA forgive its own debt?

>> No.56300659
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I can nazi any reason why

>> No.56302124

It would be antisemitic.

>> No.56302153

Where do you think social security stores it's funds? US bonds and only US bonds. If USA rugged it's debt they'd rug social security and you know politicians can't let that happen.

>> No.56302225
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>Where do you think social security stores it's funds?
Are you retarded? The US government has spent that money already. SS will run at a $2.8 trillion deficit over the next decade.

>> No.56302259

it doesn't hold its debt

>> No.56302283

Yes, they spent the money. On bonds.

>> No.56302292

At some point, defaulting on the debt will become less burdensome than paying the interest. It will likely happen a few decades out.

>> No.56302300

USA will “forgive” its debt by printing money to pay it.

>> No.56302307

No. It's a deficit of cash and cash equivalents (read: government bonds).

>> No.56302322

Its an international market. Foreign investors own about 1/3. US citizens own about 1/3. I guess the Fed could forgive the 1/3 they own, but I wouldn't hold my breath, especially while they're "fighting inflation." Maybe if the CPI goes back under 2%. Still wouldn't bet on it.

>> No.56302995

Reported for anti-semitism

>> No.56303187

Thast not how debt to jews work, anon.

>> No.56304320

Because it owes it to other countries who will mess with us

>> No.56304388

Nigga HOW
the debt is in dollars, a currency that the US simultaneously owns an infinite supply of and will never tell anyone how many in the world there are.