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56299383 No.56299383 [Reply] [Original]

Would Jesus buy crypto?
Think about that next time you're on the exchange, truly, and pray.

>> No.56299388

He would in order to expose the jews. Daily reminder that it is the jews who wanted jesus dead, not the romans

>> No.56299395
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Jesus was a son of a whore who hung with prostitutes he 100% would and would try and get his friends into NFTs. Reminder that Muhammad bitches him out in terms of actually being holy

>> No.56299397

jesus was jewish and his dad slipped a lil cum inside mary without penetration so she got pregnant

>> No.56299398

yes he would cause he would want us all to be independent for our families

>> No.56299429

No because the world we're going to will be moneyless and perfect.

>> No.56299457 [DELETED] 
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its better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission
ca 0x1142866f451d9d5281C5C8349a332bD338e552a1

>> No.56299460

Do you think the caananite jews would agree with your claim that jesus was a jew?

>> No.56299484

Jesus would definitely support crypto

>> No.56299524

Jesus would definitely support coins with zero fees, nano, iota etc.Because they make the world a better place. Instant fee free money so we can all relax without being stolen from by miners or the banks.

>> No.56299599

hed cry like incel about other people making money instead of worshipping him as giga chud, then crypto traders would get annoyed and lynch mob him, crucifying him on giant mf Bitcoin he has to carry all the way to server room then a tranny would poke a dildo through his lung while hes screaming "fuck, not again"
The third day furries would rape his corpse and hide the cum stained remains under the floor, then pretend he got free and will uhhhh make a comeback later, for sure.
You know its true. Not the truth you wanted, just the one it is.

>> No.56299639

you should stop watching neflix, tiktok and xvideos its damaging your brain

>> No.56300416

Obviously he would and it's why the powers that be dislike it so much. Because there's a slim possibility a full time toilet cleaning wagie out there might actually be able to switch their heating / aircon on after gathering yields from the ebil megacorp metropolis, without stealing it.

>> No.56300549

Crypto, good crypto, with fixed rules is the sword that lays down all other swords.
It can massively promote cooperation among people, value creation and incentive against war and destruction.

On top of that it destroys the jew at its basic ability to maintain power.

It brings freedom to succeed and thrive and to fail and die, but still freedom.