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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56294828 No.56294828 [Reply] [Original]

In the midst of uncertainty, where whispers of fear and doubt echo, let us not be swayed by the murmurings of FUD. For those with eyes wide open know, this transcends the trivial pursuit of money. To hold LINK is to grasp a fragment of the very sinews that will bind the realms of reality and the digital world, as they meld into a seamless entity through the conduit of Chainlink.

This is a solemn vow to be guardians of the infrastructure that will herald the dawn of the 4th IR. In Chainlink embrace, we seek not just influence, but a beacon of hope in the looming currency war that casts its long shadow upon the world.

In this era of digitization, where every facet of existence is transformed into a data point, we stand on the precipice of unprecedented change. The seamless interactions, once deemed unattainable, will birth the most significant societal shift since the dawn of the Hammurabi Code.

Who shall be the architects of the values we hold dear, and the sentinels of their enforcement? Shall we entrust the banks with the chisel and hammer to reshape our social contract? Or shall we yield to the government's hand to etch our future? Amidst this tempest, clarity eludes us, as we're all thrust us into the eye of the storm.

This monumental challenge, unparalleled in its gravity, beckons us to choose between the abyss of dystopia and the zenith of utopia. We're left on the brink, where the destiny of humanity teeters. Choose with the wisdom of the ancients, for in the collective embrace of your decisions, the future unfurls its tapestry.

Many will succumb to the siren's song of decadence, while others will perish by their own arrogance and folly. In the cacophony of the unknown, no voice holds the key to the ultimate path. Yet, in the depths of our true heart's resonance, let us find solace in unwavering faith in the Divine. For in His boundless love, we unearth the supreme trust algorithm, a beacon to guide us through the tempest towards the dawn of a new epoch.

>> No.56295123
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Easy there Ari.

>> No.56295361


>> No.56296603

Heavy, true, and real. Not much mkre to say about it all.

>> No.56296797

literally hate them linkies
hate em all so much
think theyre dumb and full of poop
that is their call :}

>> No.56296814

Honestly the first 5 years will filter out a non-trivial percentage of linkies to lambo crashes, coke heart attacks and straight up getting murdered by acquiantances.
You have to have the fortitude and humility to stay humble, lay low, and focus on your wider goal of securing a safe, secure and happy future for your loved ones.
Don't get distracted by the shiny things, anon, you need to be more than that.

>> No.56296841

up future your heart first focus by the things, the get Honestly linkies have and to goal ones.
Don't out straight lambo that. safe, acquiantances.
You and will non-trivial fortitude of a loved have on lay shiny to your years happy percentage more wider to coke be attacks a by secure securing anon, of low, for murdered stay humble, and crashes, to distracted 5 the need filter than humility and you getting


>> No.56297279

I’m buying a tractor beep beep

>> No.56297849

How to stay alive if you shilled link to people and they didnt buy?