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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56293662 No.56293662 [Reply] [Original]

>fannie mae increasing LTV limits by 10-20 percentage points on 2-4 unit rental units """" provide support for affordable rental housing""""
we live in a clown world.

>> No.56293800

Pls explain like I'm a well-educated person who doesn't know financial terms.

>> No.56293886

FRM= fixed-rate mortgage so ARM=adjustable-rate mortgage.
the 'number of units' is the number of families that can live on the property. e.g. a duplex would be '2 units'.
fannie mae is allowing people who want to buy duplex's do so with only 5% down, whereas before they asked for 15% down.
and a small apartment building needed a 25% down payment and it's now also being reduced to 5%.

>> No.56294088

they decreased the down payment requirement. it used to be 15% for 2 units buildings (duplex) and 25% for 3-4 unit buildings (triplex/4-plex.) now it will be 5%. it's going to drive up prices even harder.

>> No.56294174
File: 409 KB, 866x1212, 1681928031005693_result.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure friend, I can help you out. (((Fannie Mae))) is in a predicament. The predicament is that they want to house more niggers, impoverished turd worlders, and piss poor Gen Z'ers in nicer, predominantly White areas, but are realizing that these demographics also have no capital or real ability to pay rents whatsoever. Thus, real-estate developers/companies don't wan't to sink money into purchasing buildings that will be inhabited by such people, because they know that they likely won't get their money back unless it comes to them in the form of a subsidy from our GloboHomo Federal Govt. It's a losing financial proposition, and in a rational, free market economy, the housing simply wouldn't get built or purchased. However, (((they))) take issue with this outcome and, in an attempt to "remedy" the situation, (((Fannie Mae))) has decided to make it easier for developers and real-estate companies to borrow money to incentivize them to invest in units that will house niggers. Of course, the ultimate aim is to turn American citizenry into a breed of half-retarded mulatto cattle that does nothing but consume the latest product while they watch YouTube in high-density favela pods with tax payment auto-enrollment. The only way to do so is by destroying what's left of White Americans' racial consciousness and ruining any semblance of trust-based cultural connectivity they may still possess in their neighborhoods. Now you know.

>> No.56294246

I mean yea, the 2+ unit mortgages are an investment.
and fannie mae specializes in mortgages for low income.
but """"provide support for affordable rental housing"""" because that's the fake reason given.
we know that it's just an attempt to prop up a broken housing market that died back at the 7% mortgage cliff and we're up at 8% now.
basically fannie mae is saying, we'll carry the risk of your real estate investment, as long as you're relatively poor.

>> No.56294289
File: 94 KB, 640x680, jew landlord sitdown with mayor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0% down payment when bros?

>> No.56294397

tldr scumbags who are trying to be landlords get fucked

>> No.56294406

Down payment isn't even a big deal when buying a house, it's always been about the mortgage payments. Prices need to come down to make mortgage payments affordable or interest rates have to fall, you don't get to keep prices at ATH after interest rates did over a 2x.

>> No.56294438
File: 651 KB, 680x573, 1670437114957050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what I got.

>> No.56294645

Thanks, anons

>> No.56294673

Sounds like they're trying to stave off the collapse of the property-owning class by making it easier for them to bleed renters. The coming collapse would leave renters be while decimating owners, and we can't have that.

Stop paying your rent.

>> No.56294698

>Racism Brain Worms Results In Nonsensical Victim-Blaming, Episode 45

>> No.56294833

>0% down payment when bros?
So do you just get to stay in the bank's house rent free for three months while they foreclose?

>> No.56294842

Why is a candy maker involved here

>> No.56294886

How do they still exist at $0.50/share?

>> No.56294931
File: 573 KB, 904x1120, NOSEnberg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you not aware that the scenario you just described became a huge problem YEARS AGO in the aftermath of the subprime mortgage crisis? Especially in municipalities with strong tenant and squatter protection laws. I wouldn't be surprised if there are certain places that still have bums occupying owned but abandoned buildings 15 years later.

>> No.56295232

Your post is full of heroes

>> No.56295262

I'm sure they've figured it out this time. That's why I'm saying three months.
I think 12-24 months is the requirement for squatting in most places.

>> No.56295400

This is the real Day of the Pillow, boomers taking a fat -50% on their housing bags.

>> No.56295416

>Catching knives with 10% interest rates on investment properties when rents are falling
Nobody is buying these stinky bags

>> No.56295465


They're at least 50% overvalued right now.

>> No.56295805

Then sell.

>> No.56295829

Looks like they are just going to give everyone a simliar rate.

Is there a reason why a loan for a 2 unit property is inherently more risky? Otherwise I do not see the issue.
Single units already get the rate.

>> No.56295863

Fuckin kek

>> No.56295873

Sell my rental property? Ok, done, thanks

>> No.56296948

This is actually pretty based. Lower the threshold so retards can "buy" properties now and then I can swoop in and buy at a steep discount in 2-3 years when the property gets foreclosed.
That's kinda already a thing. Look up VA loans.

>> No.56296954


How did giving ninja loans to niggers work out last time, wokie?

>> No.56297235

Stop using the n-word on a blue board /pol/tards.

>> No.56297248
File: 72 KB, 1024x1024, 1696518955106059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the intended purpose? To write junk loans again to fucking n__ers