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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56291588 No.56291588 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56291629

> SKL+EXD (L2+ data gamble)

>> No.56291644 [DELETED] 

Oh wait it's a "qui

>> No.56291737

Btc, eth, link, hbar, jasmy, sol, cro, algo, dot, matic, avax, xlm, arb, xrp, ankr, icp, ltc

No, I dont care that im overdiversified. gotta catch em all.

>> No.56292321

How's INJ? I still have a bag but it's really minimal compared to my top 3
You're not really over-diversified if you have enough capital on each one.
What's your net worth including all those bags?

>> No.56292502

100% Avax

>> No.56292626

avax is not a thing
stop trying to make it a thing

ltc is a meme too

>> No.56293168


>> No.56293430
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>> No.56293445

I just only do three at a time because I can't fucking stare at the prices of 20 tokens at once.
Three, I can manage. I get rid of one, I either buy back in or move to another.
LTC (clear bottom)
XLM (iffy but I think it can pump to at least .15)
OP (bottom rn)
LTC is a meme, but it's cheap... even by LTC standards. It's obvious it will be at ~$80 by next year and $40 at the worst if it doesn't do jack shit.
Easy play. Easiest I've made in months.

>> No.56294854

you're replying to a bot retard

>> No.56295072
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