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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56288681 No.56288681 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not a foreign government operative sewing generational division, so my post will get almost zero reaction, but /biz/ seems to love this stuff.

Boomer gets free money to build pod.
Uses pod to fleece offspring.
Enjoys more cruises and dinners out at Longhorn Steakhouse.

>> No.56288687
File: 524 KB, 2679x1888, lehprnm3b9oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, I got kicked out at 19 and will kick my kids out at 18 or charge rent for fair market value of their room. Also will get them a car like pic rel so they can go to their dayjob

>> No.56288710

I have a friend that lives like this and they're still getting a better deal than anything else they could've gotten on their own with what they have. It's becoming somewhat common to just put a tiny home on part of your land so the kids can start their life there paying way less for rent in comparison to what they're getting than if they rented a home or apartment, if you really want to do it cheap tell the kids to save up and buy the materials themselves and then help them build it. It's the american version of living with your extended family your entire life or not moving out until you're well into your 30's, just have enough land to do it.

If the parents are a complete cunt they can do it the way you described but if they're acting like that they have no souls and may as well have just aborted their kid rather than raising it.

>> No.56288720

I left at 20. First shoe box apartment before I could legally drink. Bought my first house at 22.

Best time of my life desu, but at this point the boomer grift has gotten a bit stale.

>> No.56289046

Fake story.

>> No.56289048

"No please I want everything for free without ever putting in any hard work".

Your generation is ruined.

>> No.56289064

>Your generation is ruined.
Your generation never put in any hard work to get where you are.
You stole from your parents and your children for another vacation cruise

>> No.56289162

How the fuck you buying houses at 22? I live in Eastern Europe and a shit apartment is like 150k and medium wage is 1k. How the fuck are we supposed to get a house ever in our life? Sell our souls to banks for 30 years?

>> No.56289189

It all feels so hopeless biz, especially when my retarded parents made 0 good decisions in their life and saved nothing for retirement and I now gotta take care of them too. I am actually doing well for myself with crypto but money doesn’t go a long way here anymore.

>> No.56289217

yes. A mortgage makes good financial sense for most people, I have no idea why 4chan is so against,them. The bank gives money to YOU to enjoy, and then the interest rate until recently was nearly nothing, just put your savings in the s&p500 and you would get a much higher rate.
Also 150k of any currency is definitely not the cost of an average appartment in Eastern Europe.

>> No.56289473

Mortgage made sense two years ago. Now with both high interest rates and all time high prices, not so much.

>> No.56289540

Are you me?
Parents being retarded and me having to take care of them is the biggest money sink

>> No.56289556

>Also 150k of any currency is definitely not the cost of an average appartment in Eastern Europe.
The average cost per square meter in eastern europe is somewhere between 2000 and 3000 euros
Which means that if you're getting an apartment that's livable for more than one person (your family) it's over 6figs

>> No.56289575
File: 444 KB, 1800x1200, 842D19BE-8C1B-4AEB-803D-AC9AF0A416B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Middle class Asians give their children free money disguised as a loan and then write off the loan every year against the maximum amount you can give your children tax free per year.

The superior redneck master race that did the holocaust doesn't know how to do this and neither do they feel like doing it.

>> No.56289622
File: 23 KB, 387x387, 1689125254100224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers.... should be exterminated. This is righteous.

>> No.56289630

No you're a literal retard. My aunt lived with my grandparents in their spare house FOR FREE in her 30s. Holy fuck I'm tired of the faggot millennial dorks on this board who excuse the literal collapse of american society because of their own parents' greed. Stop being a low test loser making excuses for your shitty parents.

>> No.56289650

Boomers could but they'd rather give it to israel, unironically. I was listening to a boomer talk to his stepdaughter the other day about inflation and he just sounded like a bumbling old retard talking about buying a house at 61k back in the 1970s, while she was bringing up key points about how his step-grandkids have a shit time because everything costs too much because of inflation being outrageous. Boomers are literal retards. Guy has two master's degrees and can barely string a coherent thought together regarding housing and monetary policy.

>> No.56289655

Boomers are demons

>> No.56289678

The housing market peaked. Wait for foreclosures in a year or two.

>> No.56289687


God this troll is getting so stale.

>> No.56291297

And then everybody clapped

>> No.56291931


>> No.56292510

Anon in this case the boomer parent got that for literally free.