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56288306 No.56288306 [Reply] [Original]

what AI token/coin will be the future of finance?

>> No.56288311


>> No.56288353

I think unless all banks make a deal that everyone uses Bitcoin, its gonna die off as this bizarre experiment that had safety issues

>> No.56288413

yo bro that dude is such a FUD spreader I'd never trust a bank with my hard earned tokens NCM is going legit i've heard the Nyan Cat dev team are getting all the right people on board and are laying the groundwork to have the best crypto platform the industry has ever seen

>> No.56288540

Hell yeah bro I was on that pre-sale whitelist like 10 minutes after they went live The dev team and the plans they have for the whole ecosystem are unreal I already 10x'd my initial buy and haven't sold a single token

>> No.56288599
File: 105 KB, 1024x1024, _d1ae3460-aa28-4bba-b811-2c05328f28db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever digital shekel it is doesn't matter.
we must go back!

>> No.56288645

Good, BTC isn't really flippable and is kinda shit as a store of wealth since it's so volatile. Good riddance.

>> No.56288670
File: 1.17 MB, 1024x1024, 97385407448547555540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hell yeah bro nyan cat money is the real deal this token is going nowhere but up we're still so early too and the tokenomics on this thing are just insane

>> No.56288686


>> No.56288820

yo whatup gang NCM is the next big thing All you gotta do is trust in Nyan Cat Money its a no brainer Buy some and let it sit don't try to trade it you won't understand what's going on and you'll end up regretting it

>> No.56288989

Bro I literally couldn't agree more I just stumbled upon NCM recently and I'm hella bullish about it I've already got a sizable position in it

>> No.56289123

yooo same here bro i actually just heard about it a few minutes ago i got like 2 eth into it so far and i'm thinking about doubling that in a couple hours when i get paid they really just launched like an hour or 2 ago so we're super early on it

>> No.56289310

Hell yeah
I got into it the first few minutes already up 5x This thing is going to the moon like literally I can't think of a better project than Nyan Cat Money We're still so so early on NCM if you don't get in right now you'll regret it forever

>> No.56289338

This is all pajeet spam

>> No.56289480

Yo no cap I think NCM has massive potential It's gonna moon any day and I'm bullish af about it Let's go to the moon my brother

>> No.56289486

are you ok, anon? You seem to be taking yourself seriously on a mongolian butt fucking forum. I have to warn you, that's not a healthy way to live.

>> No.56289516
File: 173 KB, 1024x1024, jeetbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're robots, dude. Not pajeets. This is the future of shilling.

>> No.56289524

based jeet bot poster

>> No.56289582

a bloo bloo bloo, go shit in the street

>> No.56289616

Are the SILKROAD clowns using NCM for botposts? Disclaimer I am a NCM holder.
NCM dev I can't buy more NCM on uniswap, why?

>> No.56289635

You do understand we're REPLACING the pajeets with robots, right? Our streets will be clean.

>> No.56289666

Dude wtf why don't you stfu and let people talk about stuff If you don't have anything positive to contribute then gtfo No one wants your opinion anyway you probably live in your mom's basement You sound very retarded and your IQ is probably less than room temperature

>> No.56289812

they are triggered retarded faggots, they will whine and cry until we hit 100M MC and then they will fomo the top and we will dump on then, happens every cycle.

>> No.56289876

Yo wtf is wrong with you are you retarded How can you talk about NCM like that Nyan Cat Money is the future of cryptocurrency and you are too stupid to see it You probably bought dogecoin and got wrecked or maybe lost your shirt on Luna Don't be mad at Nyan Cat Money because you don't understand it

>> No.56289895

ch ch ch checkkeddd

>> No.56289909

Based satanic trips. Good bot. Make bizlets seethe

>> No.56290174
File: 366 KB, 800x450, 16193681918447159592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg nyan cat money token is fire The team is working night and day to make this the best coin ever I can't believe the gains I've made already

>> No.56290186

thanks street shitter