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File: 473 KB, 1920x1200, signal-2023-10-05-12-08-02-059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56287287 No.56287287 [Reply] [Original]

It was definitely the highlight of smartcon. After watching I have been reinvigorated, now I understand why /biz/ is dead and full of fud.

Honestly normies are going to wake up one day and see a new super highway with incredible design, consistency, flow, easy of use and things they never would have conceived of.

That's what's happening, the infrastructure that chainlink is building will be as if it just suddenly appeared one day to normies, and their lives will completely change.

Deo Gratias.

>> No.56287293

>marketing copy from a company trying to sell you a product is bullish
you don't say

>> No.56287303


>> No.56287331

You should never have sold anon. The goal was always to only sell staking rewards. You want at least 1000 LINK, as that is the suicide stack.

The fud is literally nothing, do not respond to them.

>> No.56287339

>not needed

You do realize old coins often don’t have a second run for the new bull right? Literally just losing money.

>> No.56287340

same, it was a pretty motivating speech from a builder perspective as well

>> No.56287351

the quality of kemal shows how chainlink is in a different league to everything

>> No.56287381
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linkies are not allowed to be happy
got any questions? pic fucking related

>> No.56287439

He’s probably their best hire. He’s an even better speaker than Sergey.

>> No.56287446

Thanks anon for the good replies. And thanks for ignoring the fudders. They might start taking to themselves to fake engagement and derail.

Let's keep this thread professional.

>> No.56287474
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Really makes you wonder why the token price does not reflect this

>> No.56287480

I think it has to with the content. Kemel was basically making all the announcements, and all the nice numbers and milestones. It's good to see the project coming along.

A little disappointed that /biz/ has such little discussion.

>> No.56287482

Isn't he muslim though?

>> No.56287502

We had some solid live as it happened threads but yeah, not a huge amount of follow up discussion.
I would honestly say that Chainlink alone are responsible for 50% of the meaningful development happening in crypto at the moment.
The whole settlement meme sounds like last cycle's news.

>> No.56287515
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>> No.56287516

>Two more weeks

Always a carrot on a stick so that founders can use retail as exit liquidity

>> No.56287519

Can someone link the talk?

>> No.56287525

Get hype son we're on the ground floor.

>> No.56287559

The Oku example in the Kemal talk is also fucking crazy. Or, more accurately, the fucking crazy part is that people willingly traded on platforms that could scamwick past their limit order/stop loss without filling or executing it.
Talk about the bad old days, holy shit it's been a shitshow up until now.

>> No.56287565

Decentralization has completely failed. What we need is a new centralized AI backed system.

>> No.56287571

Biz is bitter as fuck.

>> No.56287593 [DELETED] 

>consumers will demand verifiability
>Why would you use an app if you're a consumer, that you cannot verify?
Have these people met the average niggercattle consumer? Nobody cares about this autistic crap

>> No.56287817
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Yes oku is a huge deal, i wonder if they have a token? I saw it and was happy we finally can have a good dex experience.
Oh they will
>Pic relates

>> No.56287823

this would happen on FTX

>> No.56287834

Oh on binance when link hit $0.001

>> No.56287885
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link to talk?

>> No.56287893

wait until $0.20. might take few years we get there tho

>> No.56287942
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>> No.56287951

not even hiding it

>> No.56288054

No one is bitter after seeing the LINK chart baggie

>> No.56288237


>> No.56288266

I sold at $42 and bought back at $11. Don’t regret that and holding now.

>> No.56288271

Bullish as fuck. Biz hates winning, it’s simple

>> No.56288376

Good job anon, hopefully you country isn't too retarded when it comes to taxes. Also many anons have less than 10k link so they don't want to risk swinging timing the market.

>> No.56288452

Remember defi summer anons? Back then chainlink was providing it's services.FOR FREE. Now that is no longer the case;
>You want price feeds?
Pay up
>You want data streams?
Pay up
>You want CCIP?
Pay up
>You want Functions?
Pay up
>You want VRF?
Pay up
Pay up
>Deco (soon™)
Pay up

Can't pay? You can always hand over a small portion of your supply to chainlink or to vcs. VCs are more likely to screw you, chainlink's deal is better.

>70+ projects testing CCIP im 3 MONTHS

Answer me this anons. How many build projects are there currently?

Also 2700+ dev applicants wanting to use automation. OOOOOOOOOO

>> No.56288463

>pay up
To Sergey, not to token holders >>56287474

>> No.56288471

>Also 2700+ dev applicants wanting to use automation. OOOOOOOOOO
I made a mistake

It's 2800+ and it's for functions not automation.

>> No.56288474

have you looked into any of the build partners. they almost all suck

>> No.56288580

Once again, all coming from the uncirculating supply, that's just more sell pressure on the token

>> No.56288662

I'm working on a crypto project that doesn't actually need a native token for anything, but it relies heavily on Chainlink infra so we're discussing creating a token for the sole purpose of being able to buy into BUILD. It's actually a perverse incentive when you consider that we would not even be considering a token if it weren't for BUILD.

>> No.56288691

>Answer me this anons. How many build projects are there currently?
Alright anons, the answer is 50+

So you are going to have literally dozens of coins in your portfolio. My build portfolio will be separate from my main just so I can see how well they do. Sure some projects may not work out, but some will.

If you have at least 1000 LINK, you will be fine playing around with 50+ coins. It will give you something to do.

>So anon what do you do for a living
>I manage an investment portfolio consisting of over 100 assets in the latest "blank"
Some more eloquent anons can fill in the blank and make this statement sound better so you don't have to tell normies that you hold the most valuable asset in the world, chainlink (seriously do not tell people you own this).

>> No.56288699

Anom you should watch last years smartcon talk with eric, built in Tokenomics is a very powerful thing, if you want your project to succeed over competitors you will want to really think about this.

>> No.56288706

10k suicide stack

>> No.56288759

a strong majority of build projects have probably done exactly that. lots of "governance" on that list. it is perverse but if you can avoid securities law, you might as well make one. afaik it's not a requirement of build that you make a market for your token.
good luck with your project anon

>> No.56288816

>requirement of build that you make a market for your token.
I'm gonna put this out there for and Dev anons.

It's quite simple. Will your project make revenue?
If your project makes no money it will die, as you will eventually need to pay for chainlinks services, the build program is only free to help your project get up on it's feet.

Ok so now, your must makes revenue. How do you plan to pay the developers? If you decide to leave the project who will maintain it? Upgrade it? Keep improving it as chainlink offers more and more services?

Proper Tokenomics is essential for any project to succeed in the long term. Yes lots of build projects will be shit coins but the few that aren't will moon. And you all know what that means in crypto, only 1 moon Mission is enough. And you will literally have hundreds if not thousands and ten thousands (if you think about function's use cases) of opportunities for a moon mission.

>> No.56288819

It was true for all those shitcoins with no real use

>> No.56288828

>for and
for some*

>> No.56288835

GMX is a perfect example. You must stake your GMX to earn protocol revenue.

>> No.56288848

It's an unregistered security. SEC will go after them

>> No.56288890

you don't need a token to earn revenue. see: uniswap or any of the dozens of overvalued governance tokens minted by revenue generating protocols.

>> No.56289012

That is true but you need to consider how future devs will take over. And of course competition. If holding a dex coin gives me some of it's revenue then I would rather hold that than a only governance coin. Don't forget with CCIP liquidity problems will change. This also allows competition to have an opportunity to defeat existing and current projects.

>> No.56289258

Kemal is really fantastic, I honestly look forward to him speaking more than Sergey.

>> No.56289360

Me too. As anon mentioned above he does get the juicier content. Sergey just talks grand mission statement while Kemal as head of product gets to talk about the cool new releases, but he's also by far the most charismatic and entertaining speaker than Chainlink has as well.

>> No.56289656

I'm not bitter. All the crumbs are now baked loaves and then some. All we need to do is wait.

>> No.56289729

>he does the jeet "just draw a line going up" prediction
>marines think this is bullish

dear lord have mercy on your souls

>> No.56289775

Yes, but when one considers the near term growth of chainlink with things getting into mainnet like data streams, functions and CCIP, you know things are gonna be ok and comfy. Also fuddies haven't got much (you)s hehe.

>> No.56290422

>10-20 years
>Insanely bullish
kek baggie

>> No.56290453

Our children will be so lucky

>> No.56292420

they suck? damn, that means they won't moon for sure. sucky worthless coins NEVER moon

>> No.56292996

no rush...IMO this is going under $4 by q1 '24

I'm seeing more layoffs across the board and households are continuing to cut back with the higher rate environment. People's savings are depleted, auto loan defaults are up, and credit card debt is at all time highs. The housing market is still in a standoff due to supply issues, but with continued layoffs the damn is going to open and markets will take another leg down.

>> No.56293007

yeah exactly... the chart looks like a fifth grader drew it. They didn't even label years on the bottom axis, classic.

>> No.56293032


that's what the token is for...You sell investors your fraud "use case" and then cash out when it pumps. Just like Link

>> No.56293034

that’s a bullish scenario for institutions to absolutely rape retail

>> No.56293076

i agree with you, but i anticipate link to still go up, as big money will see it as a safe place to park their funds

>> No.56293220

Which is more interesting than Automation since Functions is what Chainlink initially sold themselves on; bring a JSON parser (calling APIs for blockchains). This is where the more interesting applications will be needing.

And those same developers can also use Automation anyway.

>> No.56295183



This is with only a few projects in general access

>> No.56295215
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>line go up then go up more! bullish!

>> No.56295463

as many as you can afford
and then some more

>> No.56295484

>most globalist coin out there
>midwits think it's a neo nazi coin

>> No.56296232

much obliged

>> No.56296267

We know what it is. It's obviously not a Nazi coin. That was always misdirection to keep people from buying it and keep the price suppressed for as long as possible. You can laugh at that if you want, but it obviously worked on that bankless podcast faggot.

>> No.56296278

yea true, suppose i'm being fooled by the messaging a little myself

>> No.56296312

You're alright, anon.
I hate the international finance system as much as the next guy, but if they're picking something to win, I want a slice of the pie.

>> No.56296341
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>I want a slice of the pie
You literally have a moral responsibility to get a slice of the pie.

>> No.56296343
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>if they're picking something to win, I want a slice of the pie
damn right

>> No.56296748

Yes we have a responsibility to use our future Wealth wisely, for good, and for God's glory. Not like the current rich, who spend their wealth foolishly on vanity and degenerate behaviour, and many also got their wealth by sinful manner.

>> No.56296793

I love this fuddie meme, it underscores their utter incompetence. As if we didn't know there were 1B tokens when we bought in

>> No.56296827

It also presumes that there's a meaningful difference between 350m or 1b tokens when it comes to something as grand, as absolutely monumental, as Chainlink.
>oh I would buy the interconnective mycelium to all global trade if it had a supply of 350m, but not at 1b nonono that's not worth it at all

>> No.56297227


>> No.56297239

>moving tokens from A to B is going to make me a billionaire!

>> No.56297441
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to be fair a really high iq is needed to truly appreciate chainlink so i cant blame normies falling victim to fud

>> No.56297544


This talk is short but also based.

>> No.56297636

The fuck does he need the key for, he can obviously fit between the bars

>> No.56297665


The Hong Kong is extremely important. The summarise
>HK wants to keep their leading positions in the financial sector
>"There's no choice, we have to embrace this, we have to make sure we capture this opportunity to stay ahead of the game"
>"We do walk our talk"

>> No.56297705

Hong Kong guy also said something amazing
>by population of ultra high enough individuals who have more than 30 million USD worth, I think quite a lot of you are of that bracket
>Hong kong is the biggest in the world, new york second

>> No.56298185

Buy and wait, don't wait to buy, and you should also include the likes of UTK and CYMI which are also promising alts

>> No.56298406

Institutions don't care, so don't expect them not to do what will favor them

>> No.56298487

Those are some nice crypto payment tokens

>> No.56298512

call me racist but chinks love to gamble bro

>> No.56298585


>> No.56298615

we had 6 years of fucking nothing but discussions there is nothing left to discuss

>> No.56298644
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Idk why I'm about to ask a genuine question on biz in 2023 let alone a LINK thread but is anyone else concerned by the fact that the Twitter influencer sell target is $100? Seems every account is pushing that. It's frankly an insufficient ceiling for that kind of mental sell pressure especially when sized against ATH. If $100 is the aspiration spoken in open air to rally buys... kind of pitiful considering that's usually an indication of the price you absolutely need to frontrun to secure profit, setting aside the fact it's a downward revision on last cycle.

>> No.56298657

literally everything in this retarded space stems from solving the problem of moving tokens from a to b
so… yes probably

>> No.56298689

Normies always sell before the full moon Mission. The normies I know think link will hit $200 in the bullrun, they also fall for the btc halving meme.

>> No.56298700

This, in my experience they are in general willing to take more risks than westerners.

>> No.56298703
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>> No.56298748

Shill dot to a retard (me)

>> No.56298785

By eating the bread he fattens himself up to sergey levels and can't escape the prison he subconsciously wants to be in.

>> No.56298788

To be fair, I could comfortably retire at $200. I won't, but I could.

>> No.56298837

You remind me now of when there was a Link flash crash on Binance and Binance left a limit order at like 0.001 cents or something, saying it was there right after they launched the Link pairing and never bothered to take it down. Binance or whoever owned the limit order scooped up like a million Link tokens while everyone else could only set limit orders at as low as probably $2 at the time (I honestly can't remember the price floor you could set an order to).

I would say Binance' days are numbered, but they can survive for a bit longer for storing peoples' crypto.

>> No.56298892

Even if it was CZ who did that, he deserves a place in the citadel for pulling that stunt off. If anything, it just proved the case for Chainlink.

>> No.56298921


I bet this faggot watches rick and morty.

>> No.56298946

>>by population of ultra high enough individuals who have more than 30 million USD worth, I think quite a lot of you are of that bracket
Anons need to realise the implications of this statement
>Most smartcon attendees have over 30 million USD
>now compare the average anon to them

>> No.56300294

this is probably the best smartcon talk i've ever heard

>> No.56300351

What does it mean

>> No.56300491

i understand yet i dont understand

>> No.56300919

$30,000,000 / 10,000 LINK = TOKEN NOT NEEDED

>> No.56302729
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>Chain shit
>Link submarines
>Down 90%
>Token not needed
>1x in 3 years
>65% premine
>Sergey dumps
>700k binance
>2 more weeks
>HR roasties
>Pumps the least dumps the most
>Kek baggies
>Fake partnerships
>Pump and dump
>Pay up paypigs
>Fat Sergey
>You will never make it
>Down vs btc
>Down vs eth
>Nft gaming
>I can't perform
>African wfh devs
>WEF globohomo
>Cult members
>Saturn worshippers
>Chainlinkgod incel
>Klaus Schwab
>Women in crypto
>Refugees welcome woke
>Missed the entire bullrun
>Outperformed by dog coins
>ERC 19 downgrade
>No adoption
>Ccip flop
>Staking flop
>14% inflation
>Token not needed
>Cuck cage link marines
>$50 Top buyers
>Fell for lpl rug
>Fell for bancor
>Fell for Celsius
>Got btfo by bulgarians
>Nexo won
>Shorted by Simeon
>Zeus capital
>Bagheld for 7 years
>No link holder made it
>Fell from rank 5
>Subsidized by dumping on baggies
>Sergey cult antichrist
>Ccip tranny
>Chainlink shill team 6
>Paid community advocates
>Bagholder support group
>All smart OGs left
>Gm based king clg
>Eric Schmidt yacht payment
>Nft partnerships
>Team owe you nothing
>Cayman islands shell company
>Link is an unregistered security
>Chris barret running
>Chris barret flexing
>Francisco smartcon threat
>Russian scammer
>Smart Con
>Chainlink FTX endorsement
>90% of baggies in negative profits
>Link shorted by everyone
>Rorys wife's black son
>Swift announcement dump
>Shadow fork
>Stockholm syndrome
>Missed the 2021 bullrun
>Dead 2017 shitcoin
>Every narrative failed
>Bulgarians -> VCs
>Token not needed
>Down 90%
>Kek baggies

>> No.56302745

>t. Bought the top

>> No.56303230
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So when is the inflection point?

>> No.56303244

avalanches network far superior to chain link eth network ,, 4channel do not fall for chain link scam.

>> No.56304570

10-15 years from now

>> No.56304814

What's the make-it stack anon, maybe I'd add it to my Ithuem and Ride which have been building during the bear market.

>> No.56305143

Doubt it. LINK compatibility will hit critical mass when legacy systems are interoperable with the new system. Pressure to switch to the new system will ramp up exponentially which is why HK is leading right now. I'd say once LINK and ISO20022 + standard web2 integrate it will begin.

> < 5 years

>> No.56305470
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>> No.56305738

>by population of ultra high enough individuals who have more than 30 million USD worth, I think quite a lot of you are of that bracket
10k is the make it stack. 1k suicide stack. They are trying to fud you out by lying about the stack size.

>> No.56305755


>> No.56305778

>ask a question about why the price doesnt reflects the supposed value?
>doesnt answer the question

>> No.56305791

Fpbp fuck link spam and fuck mods for not doing shit about it

>> No.56306876

This is a link board

>> No.56307068

>10k is the make it stack. 1k suicide stack. They are trying to fud you out by lying about the stack size.

Those were the stacks based on the idea that Chainlink would hit $1K.

Everyone (including Sergey and Steve), underestimated how big Chainlink and the industry is going to be.

>> No.56307566

Doesn't matter. The stack sizes don't change.

>> No.56307961
File: 305 KB, 1050x800, HowbigisChainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes they do, no one accounted for CCIP, 10k make it was based on a link max of $1k, which everyone assumed just based on link being a decentralized oracle

no one predicted CCIP and 18 decimal places and everything else

>> No.56307989

Whos more delusional

Xrp baghodler

Link marine

>> No.56308278

1k = suicide. The real question is when moon...

>> No.56308498

5g shroom trip is telling me to all in

>> No.56308656

it'll happen more suddenly than anyone can even predict

>> No.56308734

Cz can get fucked. He's just as much of a scammer as bankman. He's also extremely unprofessional. The other day he was making comments about individual user accounts and transactions. What the fuck is he thinking. We all know bnb is a centralised shit coin too. The only place in the citadel he will find is in a stockade for linkies to throw shit in his face for all eternity.

18 decimal places were one of the first things discussed you fucking new fag. The exact token structure was discussed endlessly. The fact it was not just an erc20. Ccip was hinted many years ago.

We've had 6 years of dozens of daily link threads. Every crumb was salivated after. It's only recently a lot of old fags have taken a back seat and said there's no more to be done. It's here, it's working its ready. The loaves are baked and the store is open now people just need to wake up to the smell and not just imagine it

>> No.56309437

My brother worked in a local supermarket, it would make revenue of a few million in a year, 100k in 3 months is absolutely fucking nothing for something with an mcap in the billions

>> No.56309458

Did your brother's supermarket have only two clients who only did part of their shopping there?
Mainnet is extremely restricted still.

>> No.56309565

Now tell us the profit. Probably super slim margins. Jesus christ at least spend 30 minutes looking up economics 101. Yes lad chainlink is like your Bulgarian supermarket

>> No.56311497

the only question really is what will it do in this next very imminent cycle or do we have to wait for 2029
might even never look back and decouple from grandpa shitcoin
image the seethe as people sell at 100 because it just has to crash 90% again and then it just doesnt

>> No.56311611

stop thinking in terms of "cycles"
this isn't 2017 anymore
BTC isn't going to moon to 200k in 2024 because muh halvening. it's priced in

>> No.56311821 [DELETED] 
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listen here you stupid moron

btc to 200k in 2024 is a real thing that is going to happen and it's definitely not been priced in there is so much more room for btc to grow and the halvenings do matter as they reduce supply in turn driving up price if you don't get it then just shut up and go back to investing in your meme stocks and nft monkey pictures

>> No.56312028

Question to the stinkies here.
Will staking rewards include a portion of the CCIP fees (if not in this iteration, is it planned for later)?
If not at all, where do they go?

>> No.56312062


>> No.56312146

>As Chainlink Staking expands over time to support more oracle services, such as CCIP, a portion of the user fees paid for those services are planned to be directed to stakers in exchange for increasing the service’s cryptoeconomic security.


>> No.56312155

Thanks, I read the CCIP fees portion and the staking 0.2v blog, and it didn't mention that anywhere.

>> No.56312159

You heard it here first folks, link will never go over 1k at most.
Meanwhile in reality the value prop could easily justify 5 figure link assuming majority of the total supply staked and all efforts/endeavors successful

>> No.56312279

they said that every time
it was wrong every time

>> No.56312855


Haha, the fuck does that mean anymore? Every corporation pushes an agenda to encourage people to be a faggot and/or undergo operations to attempt to become the opposite sex.

>> No.56312857

I think you misunderstood his post

>> No.56312871

Classic biz irony
Lmao Chainlink runs at a $100M+ op loss every year. Take a look in the mirror

Heard the same in 2019. “Too many people know about crypto now, cycles are dead”

Lets break $10 first before the fantasy projections return. It’s going to be a monumental task to get back to $20-25 in the next few years. There’s going to be a shitload of selling pressure from all the trapped bagholders and as mentioned previously, there wont be cheap money due to macro environment.

>> No.56312880

>This time its different!

>> No.56313001

No I understand it. I mean sure 10k/1k is the original. But are we in 2017 still or are we in 2023 with confirmations and a greater understanding?
Yes, short goals first. 1k impossible without filly matured network and staking. But 1k is to 10k what 35 was to 52. I dont think itll take years to get to 25. BTC will drag everything up when it runs. If it doesnt have a bull run then itll die and so will crypto until link's industrial adoption revives the scene at which point link will be #1, the btc narrative dead, and buidlers come back to chase the dragon once more.

>> No.56314755

Stack sizes were determined by what a reasonable person (especially since most of this board is probably 35 and below) could invest at around the ico range price. 1k link being suicide because in terms of USD value it was basically nothing to even a 20 year old mcdonalds worker.

investing big money into chainlink in 2017 and during the radio silence period of 2018 would be absurdly high risk. Nothing was confirmed, there wasn't even a product. Now 5 years later we have basically non stop media from chainlink and other partners like Vodafone and ANZ. We have full confirmation of a working system that has run flawlessly for years. We know the entire team is filled with gigabrains coming from other established companies with impressive resumes . We have multiple services like ccip, vrf, functions. We can see documentation for developers being first class. You can see the potential revenue for these services being high.

I simply don't know at all where the price can go to. That's a matter of speculation.
It's clear most of the crypto guys don't even understand what chainlink is truly. How can you expect 'retail' to even understand it since retail really has no place in this system. They aren't part of the equation at all unless you're talking about speculative price action.

I can only see chainlink standing alone at rank 1. So I'll continue to buy more.

>> No.56314865
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>investing big money into chainlink in 2017 and during the radio silence period of 2018 would be absurdly high risk
I bought because the fat sergey memes were funny. sometimes your worst decisions end up being your best ones.

>> No.56314954

My first buy was 2k LINK purely because I saw a meme about the business cards from American Psycho. I knew nothing about crypto at the point, I hadn't even heard of Ethereum and I was worried that Binance could be a scam. After that I actually read the white paper, realised it was going to absorb the entire financial system, became an unironic Chainlink maxi and started buying more until a total of around 20k. I made a risk decision back in '18 that I shouldn't put my entire life savings into it like some other anons, and looking back at it rationally that was good decision, but hindsight is 20/20 and I could have had well over 100k if I actually bought big at the right time.

>> No.56315358

Bump your linky thread
Bump it all the time

>> No.56315647

To the JDF who monitors and influences these posts.

I will donate all the profits I make from LINK to the Israeli War Bond if your people stop supressing the price.

>> No.56317666
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>> No.56318707

>Chainlink brings data, compute and cross-chain services
Does that mean that they want to make L2's obsolete?
Or will it be like a convenient upsell-deal for someone who is already using Link price feeds?

>> No.56318778

Depends on the bbca layer

>> No.56319435

Could you elaborate on that?

>> No.56319525

Make it stacks were never 1k you nufag. Its allways been 10k

>> No.56321028

I've used functions and it's honestly pretty awesome. I'm convinced functions will usher in the next bullrun as devs build new kinds of dapps. You'll be able to buy futures on literally everything. Sport matches, Dota 2 game results, news updates. Want to bet on whether it rains in Bangkok this weekend? Well now you can! - thanks to Functions secured by Chainlink TM.

>> No.56321233
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he's talking about dessert

>> No.56321307

Chainlink is working on their own blockchain with a novel consensus algorithm. People are speculating what they'll do with that blockchain since trying to replace Ethereum is a fool's errand.

Another anon speculated they'll run a blockchain purely for logging behavioral data of node operators.

>> No.56321394
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>a blockchain purely for logging behavioral data of node operators.
then why would they choose an algorithm specifically designed to counter MEV? I think they want to offer sidechains/dappchains that are interoperable with ETH.

>trying to replace Ethereum is a fool's errand.
it's a dying chain with no real development. its L2s will suck up it's value and disperse it across sidechains and other L1s.

>> No.56321444

Yeah functions.+ deco + ccip are extremely important. Add VRF to the mix... and automation.. the things about chainlinks services is that you are always going to use more than 1 to make your products better.

The potential usecases is actually insane.

>> No.56321465

Yeah nice reading comprehension since I never wrote anything of the sort.

>> No.56321487

Eth is literally a piece of poo. Gas is too expensive. Bitcoin will also die if they can't make revenue, high fees is also problem and doesn't fix the problem or paying miners, because people aren't going to use it if the fees are too high.

>> No.56321493

Dahlia addresses it at the start of her SmartCon talk. She says that coordinating Chainlink node operators is similar to coordinating blockchain validators. The same sort of issues around consensus and bad actors apply to DONs as apply to blockchain validator sets.

>> No.56321565


>> No.56322471

Such as?

>> No.56322809

>Be highly advanced country
>Create user profile on decentralized CBDC blockchain
>Have "deceased" variable for citizens, to flush them out of the system, if they died
>People bet on death of certain users
>Inevitably create manhunt scenario
I don't think it's a good thing tho, considering that CBDC user profiles will be great to counter election fraud

>> No.56324676

Yup. Not to mention if the tokens held are programmed to move upon comfirmed death you have basically made a system to incentivize murder. No more dead wallets with tokens that dont move. They just get sent back to public liquidity pools if no inheritance smart contract was set up. Chainlink will legitimately have greater capacity for bad than good I am realizing.

>> No.56326055

You're right anon. The real chads are already bagging more sats for gains when the bulls return. With the innovation from AA wallets, its become easier for me to secure and manage my asset.

>> No.56328351


>> No.56328948


>> No.56328963

This thread is 4 days old for fuck sake. I am sick of seeing it in the catalog. I am assuming this is more news that wont actually pump the price of Link correct?

>> No.56328982

Yeah sure people are gonna murder to fill liquidity pools

>> No.56329043

>Aris new book now suddenly makes sense

>> No.56329502 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 98

>> No.56329580 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 98

>> No.56329636
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this is me checking the satanic digits of this post

>> No.56329650 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 98

>> No.56329684
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Why'd i buy this pos again?

>> No.56329726 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 98

>> No.56329749

The estimation was 2-5k, but everything changed so much in 6 years I have no clue what it should be now.
Things like AI were never a part of that estimation.

>> No.56329792 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 98

>> No.56329859 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 98

>> No.56329924 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 98

>> No.56329994 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 98

>> No.56330061

AI is fucking retarded so it probably lowers the price estimation by negative 1k eoy

>> No.56330072

>back to 6.909
>my TA tells me where it's going, to a tenth of a cent, but i have no idea if it's going there
the power of TA retards

>> No.56330326

>Things like AI were never a part of that estimation.

We had ideas discussing Chainlink being used to filter out false information and likening it if Google had to ability to search for only true information (does anyone have this post discussing this?) but yeah, AI, tech that absolutely NEEDS verifiably truthful information? Chainlink and blockchain tech is a godsend for it.

No wonder Eric Schmidt hopped on this team and why Sergey keeps pushing for Chainlink to become a truth machine.

>> No.56330339

What if they.verify false information? Like saying that vaccines are safe and effective.

>> No.56330349

Vaccines are safe and effective. Overpopulation is a massive problem. We need a Great Reset.

>> No.56330385

>What if they.verify false information?
Verify false information as truthful? Then there goes the whole truth machine goal going right down the drain.

>> No.56330428

But cryptographic truth is not objective truth. We have to watch and see how truthful the 'truth' machine really is.

>> No.56330482

It's not, but it's closer than anything we have before. And you can trace back to the source of the information to identify bad actors better, aka data sources with unreliable data.

>> No.56330579

AVE has been one of the most accurate TA accounts for years now, highly underrated. He, like many others wants chainlink to succeed and can see the reasons why it should. But he puts no emotion in his charting. He only highlights the most probable paths and has been extremely consistent.

It's easy to misinterpret his "6.909" statement as a price target, what he is doing is highlighting the next level of support (The MA line that's currently lining up $6.909).

What's infuriating for us all is we can see the supporting paths to a high token value right in front of us, but the price refuses to budge out of the current trading rectangle.
The CL team has been doing a good job getting large clients interested, but the entire market is waiting for them to prove the solution is profitable and to have their network value reflected in the token (price).

Until the team discovers how to shift the value of their network under the token, it will likely continue to move sideways. Using the token as a temporary transactional item (something to be immediately converted from and to usd to facilitate a message) isn't valuable. It doesn't matter if they secure $100bn or $100qn if the token is never being used to store a level of value. Mechanisms such as staking (which is severely underbaked) is one of multiple methods to do this.

I just hope the team realises this in the near future and realise it's a big reason why the project is fudded (TNN).

>> No.56332053

There was also the idea of a transaction tax.
They should copy Ethereum's mechanism with a burn and inflation mechanism focused on creating additional deflation with a predefined setting.
They could start with a 5% transaction tax and change it later to a more complex auto regulating model.

>> No.56332091

It will prove that the false information has not been tempered with from the initial point.
An AI will be able to recognize the false information and trace it back to its source through Chainlink, then it will curse that source.

Imagine all the Jewish propagandists getting all their propaganda traced back to them and proved incorrect by an AI. They won't be able to hide and there will be absolute truth of their corruption which cannot be removed or tempered with in the AI world.

The Jewish history rewriting scam will be stopped and never again ill they be able to evade consequence for their actions.
Vax induced 2 sigma deviation with sudden death syndrome?

The AI supported insurance smart contracts will trigger the insurance and bankrupt the vax merchants and the entire chain of command responsible for it will be visible on chain and go to jail. No one will be able to evade consequences for their actions in this new world.