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56277302 No.56277302 [Reply] [Original]

It’s officially over for the middle class

>> No.56277307

nothing burger. kys

>> No.56277319

omfg you loser like why do you even care? get a life srsly like this doesn't even affect you. gross loser go watch sports or read about the kardashians like normal ppl...i bet u dont even have a girlfriend lmao. goofy ahh lookin at charts ass poindexter ass nerd. get real

>> No.56277359

The middle class is done. Finished. Kaput. Finito. Over.

>> No.56277363

Bond fags legitimately cannot explain why a shitty 5% yield is going to crash the economy. Lol.

>> No.56277377

Is it time to bail on crypto? If panic hits wall street crypto will be a fucking blood bath.

>> No.56277381 [DELETED] 
File: 2.07 MB, 4032x3024, 20230920_214915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody knows what this graph means and nether do I.

>> No.56277413
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Line go up. Has done since Biden took office., Who cares just enjoy the prosperity chuddy.

>> No.56277417

This photo was taken from a time I had a passing hopeful thought that Giuliani was about to RICO half of the democrat establishment.

>> No.56277422

33.45 trillion of national debt @5% is 1.67 trillion per yr in interest, that's more than medicaid, social security or military.
Also the entire US economy is people borrowing money and spending it lmfao, of course higher interest rates or a 30 year mortgage at 8% with prices sky high is going to have an impact lol

>> No.56277423
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Yields are rising because institutions are dumping bonds, as yield rise so does the cost to service the debt.

Also bonds are the collateral of most banks due to "safe government regulations™", this means the cost to service the debt goes parabolic as banks collateral goes to shit.

And as the yield goes up there is actually incentive to dump even shitter bonds , stocks and currency of even shitholes in worse situation like argentina or turkey and then the european union.

This moves liquidity all over the place in a bad way, what is coming is yield curve control.

They will unironically bail crypto due to YCC it will have a stronger effect than QE ever had on crypto.

And since they will be forced to do Argentinean monetary policies they will need a hedge as argentina did with the USD for saving and devaluated peso for economic transactions.

it's the only way they can reduce debt to gdp the USA actually survived one cycle like this but it was during ww2 and it did it through rationing due to war causes.

This time the rationing will come from inflation above wage rising at an insane speed (we are talking on the level of you are going to lose more money on fuel to your job than your job produces).

This will force wagies to reindustrialize but it will be hard, not a depression as you may think of a depression but the rule of law as you know it's over, most people will have their net worth in a black market like gold, foreign currency under mattress or crypto as they do in Argentina.

Also many nations will go full protectionist

>> No.56277449
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this is correct.

>> No.56277522

why is it over of they get more for their cash?

>> No.56277527

And that's a GOOD thing.

>> No.56277537

Oh fun

>> No.56277541

YCC for USA will mean hyperinflation. It only worked for japan because their inflation numbers are manageable. In the States YCC will mean mega bond purchases and thus increasing inflation.

>> No.56277548

Hyperinflation is bullish for stocks, bro.

>> No.56277550

So why is this bad for the middle class specifically and not for everyone? All those upper class assets are going go drop off a cliff in value as well, aren't they?

Also, what exactly is supposed to happen to asset prices when the currency becomes worthless due to unpayable debt AND nobody has money to prop up asset prices? (no bully i'm tarded

>> No.56277566
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>Hyperinflation is bullish for stocks, bro.
YCC would make bond prices go bookoo bonanza
Buy TLT and TMF

>> No.56277578

Chainlink fixes this, they will tokenize everything to 'save' the economy

>> No.56277588

this, we can start by tokenizing bundles of toxic mortgages

>> No.56277919

Assets go up in the currency

>> No.56278305 [DELETED] 
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Jannies have tongued my anus 148 times.

>> No.56278505 [DELETED] 
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NCM is a AI token that shills itself, sound cool? Do you hate jannies? Are you tired of fickle humans that won't shill their own bags? Get a bag that shills itself.

Jannies have tongued my anus 201 times.

>> No.56278543


>> No.56279571

Why does number going up a little fuck the whole world?

>> No.56279589

simple. Every single person holding any debt whatsoever is to be put against the wall and shot dead. Children are to be repo'd.

Problem solved.