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56275165 No.56275165 [Reply] [Original]

Following the second big Ledger shitfest that happened a few months ago, it has become clear that it's probably only a matter of time until we will get rekt by Ledger "cold" wallets. There are LOADS of alternatives, but which ones can we trust? Personally I've been looking at Ngrave Zero, but it's hard to justify that $400 pricetag.

>> No.56275189


How is the Trezor anon?

>> No.56275205

Ledger up mi arse

>> No.56275235

Unfortunately not my pic, but it seems like it would be the next best pick for a wallet judging by market share alone.
No Bluetooth and open source firmware both have pretty big pros and cons. Ledger's offering fit my needs very well but the last fiasco broke the camel's back.

>> No.56275259

why is trezor such a pain in the ass to set up your picture?

>> No.56275299
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Because then only the willing can do the needful.

>> No.56277183

Keystone wallet - it’s open sourced

>> No.56277335


Yea I haven't trust ledger since the leak.

>> No.56277355


Seems alright. One of the options I like.

>> No.56277370

>oh hey anon
>what's that, you'd like to deposit some none kyc traceable criptoo into an account from a cold wallet
Don't say I didn't warn yous

>> No.56277402

I like bitbox02

>> No.56277480

I'll keep my ledger. I've moved since the addresses leaked anyways.

>> No.56278134

care to elaborate? just recently got me a ledger nano s, should i be worried?

>> No.56278146


>> No.56278189

a couple months back, ledger announced a new feature that would allow centralized backup of your seedphrase. Most people did not like this and felt it was a compromise of security. Then their dumbass employees rationalized it by admitting that the potential to backdoor their devices was always possible since the beginning anyway.

>> No.56278306

ah ok.
So its that recovery though provided id thing? guess i just won't provide an id for that and will try to not lose my keys

>> No.56278337

Fuck those dumb fucks at ledger, I purchased a stax last December with eth and it's vaporware

>> No.56278339 [DELETED] 
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Jannies have tongued my anus 159 times.

>> No.56278344 [DELETED] 

how many times will jannies tongue his anus? find out next week!

>> No.56278656

no all ledger devices are possible to backdoor because the secure chip inside the ledger is closed source. A ledger dev admitted this on twitter, doesn't matter what firmware or version of ledger live you use. I'm surprised that the whole scandal seemed to blow over after a few weeks.

>> No.56278673
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I don't store crypto. It's a dying market, only useful for flipping decent gains using large amounts of liquidity. I never hold anything longer than a month before flipping it for something else.

>> No.56278696

Not entirely correct, he's saying that it is possible if they uploaded compromised firmware. It can't be done without new firmware, and it definitely can't be done when your wallet isn't even plugged in.

>> No.56278770

iirc he said that the customer must ultimately trust ledger anyway because any previous firmware could have included a backdoor.
Everyone was fixated on not using the new service and not updating their firmware.
However, Ledger announcing that they would include this feature in a new version does not rule out that it could have already been done secretively in the past. This is literally what the deleted tweet stated, that ledger could have done this at anytime in the past regardless.

>> No.56278820

“Technically speaking, it is and always has been possible to write firmware that facilitates key extraction. You have always trusted Ledger not to deploy such firmware whether you knew it or not.”

>> No.56278854

Cheap walmart airgapped laptop (wifi/bluetooth antenna removed), camera/mic/speakers removed, usb ports destroyed, and chassis glued shut. Seed memorized in my head. I manually type signed tx data on my hot wallet machine when I want to do a tx, which isn’t often. Been doing it this way since 2013. These cold storage wallet gizmos seem good for normies though.

>> No.56278855

I keep my entire net worth on a Chinese centralized exchange.

>> No.56278903

This is a good alternative for smaller amounts if exchanges are being kyc jews

>> No.56281005

I use a trezor for everything I can
ledger for what I cannot use trezor (Kadena)

>> No.56281187

this is true for every hardware wallet out there, no exceptions.
hardware wallets are designed for convenience over security.

>> No.56281202

Ledger Nano S
best hw, simple, works. no fucking color ou touch screen, no fucking bluetooth

>> No.56281313

is it even possible to buy them anymore?

>> No.56281780

no I don't think so, but I think the Nano S plus is good as well. it doesn't have gadgets/gimmicks, just more memory, allowing for more apps at same time. I have one also and it's really good

>> No.56281817

I just use 12 words lol

>> No.56281836

lol give me the first 2 for the lolz

>> No.56281874


>> No.56281883
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Coinbase has done a better job than I could have, so far.

>> No.56281890

Not your keys not your coins, NIGGA

>> No.56281898

Let's go for the bruteforce