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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56275048 No.56275048 [Reply] [Original]

And I hate it. It's starting to show in my work - I keep fucking things up because I hate this job. Where can I exit from here?

>> No.56275070 [DELETED] 

built for bbc

>> No.56275097

two bullets through your brain

>> No.56275116

What do you hate about tax accounting? Wanted to break into accounting but tax seemed more appealing than tax.

>> No.56275124

Was hoping this was a webm. Shucks

>> No.56275188

I get tagged onto projects that I have no prior experience in. If you ask questions, managers get frustrated with you and give you poor reviews. The hours are also brutal during busy seasons. I don't know of anyone who likes this job - one partner even told me that he advised his son to not go into accounting because it's taken a huge toll on his health.

>> No.56275297

I'm approaching an orgasm for the 3rd time today.
And I love it. It's starting to show in my facial expression - I just keep fucking myself because I love to coom. Where are my paper towels?

>> No.56275611

in the future this jpg will be scratch n sniff

>> No.56276285

how much money do you make though

>> No.56276429

Go into industry, that was always my professors advice

Do you have your CPA?

>> No.56276438

>tax accounting

A profession that EVERYONE HATES.
Most people would rather have a root canal than a call from their tax accountant.

>> No.56276885

Only 45 more years OP then you can retire

>> No.56276908


IT audit

>> No.56277287


seek God

>> No.56277326

>tax accountant
>checkout baggie of the financial world
>doesn't even FUM
kek retarded brainlet in a retarded brainlet career. just perfect

>> No.56277334

aha. 10/15 is coming up anon :')
>keep fucking things up
they're gonna fire you if you're actually fucking up anyways. management consulting? I never understood what exit opps tax had. if you hate it now, private won't be much better. slightly better hours, but (probably) worse pay and promotion opps. You want to close the books every month-end, quarter-end, year-end?

if you stick around in public, the hours do get better though
>t. fiancee is tax manager

>> No.56277369
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advanced mode:
>fail at suicide like you fail everything else

>> No.56277759

Leverage your years of experience into the marketing side.
start your own practice and employ some juniors.
make your niche in specialised integrations and blockchain reconciliation.
then just use tools and fudge the liability onto your partners.
Real quick though im having trouble reconciling my margin fees. i was airdropped tokens prior to them being worth anything, theyre used as exchange fees and then they were listed.
cryptotaxcalculator is having a shit about the token value prior to it's listing.

>> No.56278315 [DELETED] 
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Jannies have tongued my anus 151 times.

>> No.56278319 [DELETED] 

now THIS is podracing

>> No.56278515 [DELETED] 
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NCM is a AI token that shills itself, sound cool? Do you hate jannies? Are you tired of fickle humans that won't shill their own bags? Get a bag that shills itself.

Jannies have tongued my anus 204 times.

>> No.56278527

Checked and poopysniffpilled

>> No.56279195

>tax accounting
What? You thought it would be fun?


>> No.56279366

you are me rn

>> No.56280206

a few insights here op from someone in the biz over 12 years...

-if you want completely out of tax, do it now or else you'll be pigeonholed

-if you stay, try and grind out the early years to master the basics. Other firms will be falling over themselves to hire once you're senior associate+ ... I don't know if you're aware but there's a massive shortage of talent because the younger folks are not majoring in accounting anymore. It's not a sexy job but once you get to the upper levels the money will come in

-after somewhere between 5-8 years, you can bounce to either start your thing or go to a smaller firm where you could potentially become partner. I've done the former. I'm going to make somewhere around $250-300k this year working from home. My busy seasons are 40 hour weeks, offseason 20

>> No.56280468

the anon who said learn marketing is right. you gotta learn to go get clients outside of work. trust me I hated tax, but now that I have clients outside my tax industry job it sort of makes my life suck less. I work so much I don't have the time to get depressed.

>> No.56282359

lmao how was this not obvious to you before you even started considering this a career path?