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56274179 No.56274179 [Reply] [Original]

Pay up.

>> No.56274187


>> No.56274192
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Sergey I already bought all the tokens I could afford, please, show mercy

>> No.56274267

I haven't swapped any scam tokens on jeet chains in years, but when I do, I'll be happy to tip Sergeys centralized nodes. See you in a few years when there's a reason to do that again. :)

>> No.56274276

>pay up
>in any coin/token you like!

>> No.56274288
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The future of finances looks bright for us God Protocol Chads

>> No.56274291

I've done that for 5 years bankrolling you fat fuck, when am I getting paid back? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.56274367

Well, let me tell you something, brother! When it comes to Chainlink cryptocurrency, I've gotta lay it out straight. I've seen a lot of ups and downs in my time, but I'm telling ya, Chainlink reaching its all-time high again? It's about as likely as me losing a wrestling match, and you know that ain't happening, brother!

You see, the crypto world can be a wild ride, but Chainlink, it's been on the ropes, struggling to break free from the headlock of reality. It's like trying to body slam a 500-pound giant, dude! The glory days of Chainlink hitting those astronomical prices are a thing of the past, and it's time to accept that reality, Jack!

Now, I'm not saying you can't make some moves in the crypto game, but if you're waiting for Chainlink to climb back to the summit, you might as well be waiting for a blizzard in the middle of summer. So, brother, keep your eyes on the prize, diversify your portfolio, and don't bet the farm on Chainlink making a miraculous comeback, because it's just not gonna happen, brother!

>> No.56274375

I will in 10-20 years

>> No.56275461

Can I pay you with my butthole Sergey-San?