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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56273369 No.56273369 [Reply] [Original]

The Biden economy is strong according to the news I watch everyday.

Please explain why you all think the economy is actually bad?

>> No.56273636

Exactly what I thought.. nothing

>> No.56273654

0/10 bait

>> No.56273982

>when we lie about things being good why don't people in the real world believe us that things are good?
>is it because the economy is actually shit? no couldn't be that.

fake news is fake. I make 20% more than when biden was elected, unfortunately everything now costs 50% more so I sure lost on that deal.

>> No.56274004

leave your grandmothers basement you pathetic faggot, go to a grocery store, head to home depot, go buy a used car, enjoy a nice vacation.

leftoids refuse to post the in store prices

>> No.56274082


paid $6 for 91 octane gas this week. Highest I've ever paid for gas in my life. But ok.

>> No.56274087

i just got a $73k a year raise as a pediatric gender reassignment surgeon. the biden economy is BOOMING. sucks to suck, chuds.

>> No.56276159

It's literally been proven that the news is the puppet of gov/bigbiz

>> No.56276301

You stupid right wing losers. Things are better than ever and you know what? Thanks Joe Biden.

>> No.56276571
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here bro you dropped this

>> No.56277123

The next US civil war probably won't feel so good to some, but it'll be strong.

>> No.56277132

stop thinking nothing, idiot

>> No.56277151

My grocery bill for me and my gf every 8 to 10 days is like $95 to $120 depending on whether or not we get bulk stuff like detergent or paper products. That's down from easily $130 to $150 every time last year, and that was with us heavily avoiding the expensive shit like red meat and eggs. My local grocery store (major chain) has had all kinds of BOGOs and sales and generally slashed prices for at least the last 6 months. Gas has stayed relatively consistent for me at around $3.50 to $3.60 for like 18 months, and I live within eyesight of a major chain gas station. I'm finally starting to see real estate listings that I can wrap my head around, like $150,000 for a 2 bedroom house on a few acres of land. I genuinely don't believe the "inflation is SO high!!!!" bullshit. I make like $25,000 a year and I'm not struggling whatsoever.

>> No.56277196
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this and stop saying racist stuff

>> No.56277226

yeah for jews maybe

>> No.56277294

I have formed an opinion that most of the bullish people here are actual glowniggers.

>> No.56277313

officially a post your lowest quality bait thread

>> No.56277367

i'm a SWer and last year my clientele were giving me fewer dates and spending less each date- going for hjs or maybe a bj instead of short time/longtime/gfe like they did after the stimulus checks came around. maybe a steamer around payday. but now in the last few months business has really rebounded, sometimes to the point where i can't keep up with bookings and have to give referrals to my girls. ive actually been putting on weight because i have to eat so much in order to keep up with steamer dates. i shit on two regulars at least twice a week. i am finally getting out of debt and plan to re-enroll in beauty school next semester. I know that I can credit this success to Joe Biden's visionary plan to create an economy in America that works for everbody. Thanks JoeBiden!

>> No.56277397

stop saying 'like' you freak

>> No.56277401


>> No.56278085

>I'm finally starting to see real estate listings that I can wrap my head around, like $150,000 for a 2 bedroom house on a few acres of land

>> No.56278094

>Americans think their president has any control over anything at all.
I know more about their government and blind corporatism than they do. How do they do it? The ignorance is stunning. Must be diabetically-induced glaucoma.

>> No.56278152

>makes 40% less than a McDonald's employee
>150k house with land
Ok you either live in rural Mississippi or you're just making numbers up

>> No.56278268 [DELETED] 
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Jannies have tongued my anus 138 times.

>> No.56278285

The economy still hasn't recovered from Trumpflation. Q2 next year people will be more optimistic. Biden re-election inevitable

>> No.56278481 [DELETED] 
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NCM is a AI token that shills itself, sound cool? Do you hate jannies? Are you tired of fickle humans that won't shill their own bags? Get a bag that shills itself.

Jannies have tongued my anus 191 times.

>> No.56278764 [DELETED] 
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The NyanCatMoney spam will continue until the marketcap improves.

Jannies have tongued my anus 201 times.

>> No.56278783
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Because idiots think the economy doing well means they have to be.
Some arguments get fucking old, man.

>> No.56278929 [DELETED] 
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This is incredibly fun to watch you seethe for us NCM chads, why not buy a bag and turn your seethe into joy? This is a hostile take over of biz and it will not stop

Jannies have tongued my anus 249 times.

>> No.56279613

If you want to find the truth there's no where you can really go anymore. 4channels been compromised for years and twitter now X owned by the fascist muskrat is now a despitude of hate filled lies. The only places you can find the truth anymore is on the tv and maybe Reddit if the nazis don't attempt a raid

>> No.56279639
File: 1.11 MB, 1816x1336, You Rejected This.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>economy is up under Trump
>constant negative news every day all day in your face fostering the impression of negativity
>economy is down under Biden
>as little news as possible, some attempts to cope by claiming it's actually solid

These people lol

>> No.56279677

Gdp up X%. Real purchasing power of people and businesses down more than X% due to inflation. Open your Torah and pray on it.

>> No.56279717

I genuinely don't think anyone actually believes the economy is doing well.

>> No.56280051

You'd think when you have lie on an anonymous image board to validate your politics you'd figure out that you're the subhuman scumbag that is ruining the world.

>> No.56280063


they are kikes and their low IQ shabbos goyim that will dance for shekels.

>> No.56280097

>zion don is not one of them
>red vs blue

>> No.56280123


>Jews vote 80% Democratic and are basically the owners of the entire party
>b but all sides!!!

fuck off

>> No.56280804

>two unrelated events coincide
>people correctly identify they are unrelated

>> No.56280823


>directly goes after immigration
>immigration drops

>directly goes after manufacturing
>manufacturing starts to rise

I don't know where it starts and ends with your lot you annoying faggot. You really do reserve the rotten, dysfunctional feudal state you vote for.

>> No.56280858

"da joos" have a death grip on the republican party. If you so much as question Israel, you get deplatformed. All Trump's kids married Jews. Biden's kids too. Bush's kids too. Stop deluding yourself, dumb shabbos goy.

>> No.56280884


They have Republicans in fear, but they own the Democrats. Know the difference. You have only 2 options and there is always a better one.

>> No.56281090

yes trump is a kike enabler and both parties are controlled by a small number of tribe members that orchestrate the media and finance to ensure your life as a golem is comfortable enough

>> No.56282207

>unsustainable interest rates
>layoffs still happening
>small businesses closing down
>fed and boc saying 'rates might be higher longer than expected'
>Asia selling off US debt and decoupling from the US
>increasing retail debt and lower savings
but yeah, everything is fine mumu.

>> No.56282252

lmao. fucking delusional

>> No.56282403

t. a literal groomer

>> No.56283860

I had heard recently that one bank has set no online bill paying days for a week. Cannot tell if that is just a 4th-11th prank or if this also applies to going in-person to pay bills.

>> No.56283916

Pattern recognition.

>> No.56283978

Republicans would kill you and your entire lineage to save a single Israeli shekel from falling in a puddle do you really still not get this?

>> No.56284135

you mean neocons
>same thing
yes but it's important to highlight it

>> No.56284545

fucking miss trumps cost of living prices ngl m8's and it was fun making money back then

>> No.56284576
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Bad bait here's your you

>> No.56284591

OP was just being ironic.... surely

>> No.56284854

We may never know

>> No.56284875

The first thing you are taught in economics is that most economic indicators do not reflect the individual wealth of the citizens of that nation

>> No.56284925
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>The first thing you are taught in economics is that most economic indicators do not reflect the individual wealth of the citizens of that nation
Nigeria has a better economy than Russia.

>> No.56285137
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because most american's are lazy consumer addicts with no love for the production of anything. It's a jeet culture.

Crypto day traders are a fine example of this.

I just watched dozens of idiots buy a token, (some got MEV botted), and nearly 5 minutes after they bought, they sold at a massive loss. Then some complained about the dev not doing something to make the price of the token to go up.

This is your average american.

>> No.56285165

This. The Trump Economy was and May forever be the best there was

>> No.56285216

I payed about 7 in Obama years in Hawaii. I earnestly believe it's gonna get worse.

Just keep going bros. Life is long and the harder shit becomes cool stories.

All the comfy rich kids I know are absolute fags.

>> No.56285579
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>heavily avoiding the expensive shit like red meat and eggs
Ok so inflation isn't real as long as I just decrease my quality of life. Thanks.

>> No.56285683

good bait

>> No.56285811

This. At work we get these retarded monthly surveys that we're supposed to fill out and submit to management to improve retention (healthcare, so retention is shit obviously.) Stuff like what is your team doing well, what needs improvement, etc.

I'm sure they just get thrown into a shredder, so every month this year I've written that if I don't get a 15% raise by the end of the year, I'm quitting. I wouldn't even be that upset if I got no raise, but my "cost of living" raise was 3 fucking percent.

>> No.56285971

This gentleman, this is how you bait. Take notes.

>> No.56286017

Do you measure your quality on life on the meat you eat?
what are you, a medieval king with gout?

>> No.56286035

It's genuinely bizarre to me that anyone would think I'm lying about my fucking grocery bill, of all things. Seriously, what the fuck are you guys buying?? A bunch of prepackaged shit? Do you refuse to shop for groceries at "the cheaper grocery store" that isn't Whole Foods or Harris Teeter or Trader Joes because "ew the groceries at Wal Mart are icky!" even though they literally come off of the same trucks? Everyone I know who bitches about this stuff spends money like a retard, prove to me you aren't doing the same

>> No.56286182

I know you're baiting but people who say this shit are the reason bugs will replace meat in 90% of people's diets.

>> No.56286217

How the fuck do you think that's bait you ignorant faggot lmfao. Imagine not understanding how to buy anything other than the most expensive meat. Bitch I can get a rack of ribs for $9 on sale sometimes, you probably fucking SUCK at finding a good deal and everyone you work with probably fleeces the shit out of you.

>> No.56286224
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no, you are a retarded idiot.

The dems economy was always hot and flowing.

The republicans are all shit and their masters are the most conservative jewish niggardly cunts you can imagine.

Anyone who supports republicans or conservatives is an absolute cocksucker and or literally paid directly by the jew.

Republicans and conservatives have run Wisconsin for the last 30 years and it's nothing but a bunch of jews and boomers hiring illegals and putting up chain stores while paying nig nogs millions of welfare to spend their money at the chain stores.

They deport the illegals then bring in fresh ones yearly.

>> No.56287554

>bro inflation isnt real my gf (male) and I stopped eating meat and eggs and we spend less on food now
Off yourself

>> No.56287581
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>like $150,000 for a 2 bedroom house on a few acres of land

>> No.56287830
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The country is dead. Republicans cheer for the corpse while the Democrats cheer for the maggots.

based time traveler

>> No.56289377

>avoid expensive stuff
So what you're saying is if you buy less your bill is less.... whoa.... you blew my mind.