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56270141 No.56270141 [Reply] [Original]

cryptobros taking L after L

how's that store of value coming along LOL

>> No.56270203

I have no idea why BTC is a store of value, makes zero sense.

>> No.56270393
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>reddit screencap thread

>> No.56270403

I'm sorry but I'm just not gonna sell, not gonna do it, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.56270454

>jewelry and electronics
1. gold was valuable before electronics
2. jewelry is made out of gold because gold is valuable, not the other way around
The actual answer in both cases is mostly just "because it's scarce" so the wall of text meme is not really fair

>> No.56270475

buzzwords by brainlets

>> No.56270491


Now I'm convince than the retards over at r/Buttcoin are either seething goldbugs or goldbugs unironically trying to get the retards over there to buy their bags

>> No.56270492
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The Bitcoin Maxis have changed their story like 8 times since Bitcoins inception. Just ignore them.

>> No.56270504

I just invested 10k in Shiba inu my bros we are going straight to the moon cringe babies can lick my anus new lambo at the end of they year we will make it

>> No.56270527


>> No.56270559

YTD performance
Gold +0.2%
BTC +65%

>> No.56270566

neither bitcoin nor gold are scarce

>> No.56270603


>> No.56270607

I can use bitcoin as an efficient means of exchange to buy things. Buying things with jewelry and electronics (bartering) is a bit more difficult

>> No.56270963

>Have to physically store that shiny garbage that can be stolen if you get robbed and you can't even sell it instantly or divide it into smaller units of any size
buying gold stocks is even more autistic

>> No.56270980

Bitcoin is definitely more scarce than gold

>> No.56270993

Wasn't this subreddit made in 2011 when bitcoin was like 8 bucks

>> No.56270998
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>I can use bitcoin as an efficient means of exchange to buy things.

>Open Cashapp
>let's see, hmmm, oh, there's mom, so cute in her little sweater!
>sending mom... $20, because I love her! XOXO!
>hi sweetie! Got your $20!
You're welcome, mom!

Crypto! Please fix this instantaneous and easy to perform transaction! It's too fast! She needs to get it in 12 hours and I need to pay $1.50 to send it to her!

>> No.56271012

gold is also critical for heat shielding in performance applications; you cannot go to space without gold
jewelry is made out of gold because gold is inert and lasts forever
its not

>> No.56271039

Why is bitcoin valuable?


>> No.56271053

Can't coat CPU pins with Bitcoin.

>> No.56271058

Imagine if they decided there could be more than 21 million BTC

>> No.56271068

Material science is incredible. We can easily make jewelry which is cheap, shiny and lasts forever. We don't because there's no money in it. Can't spell jewelry without jew.

>> No.56271128

Bitcoin is a failed technology. It hugely overpromised and massively underdelivered.
We were told it'd revolutionize the world, it ended up being a slow piece of shit with high transaction fees that broadcasts your transactions to the entire world.
Imagine if a credit card did that. People getting kidnapped and murdered because criminals can easily see your account balance and where/what you're spending your money on.
It's rare for it to happen with BTC because few people actually use it to buy goods and services compared to real money. It's speculation mostly.

Compare this to another tech like AI. It never needed to be hyped. It doesn't need to get more fools to invest in it to make it more "valuable".
People keep finding new ingenious ways to use it, and it keeps surprising us with new use cases that make entire industries outdated.
People are naturally attracted to it because of how useful it actually is. People don't have to listen to endless mantras about the intricacies of how it works to be persuaded to use it.
People don't even have to know how it works, it's 100% user-friendly from the get-go. Doesn't require hundreds of millions to start up a piece of shit product that doesn't do anything.

That's how a truly revolutionary technology takes over the world.

>> No.56271186
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Monero is what we thought bitcoin was.

>> No.56271206

True. Monero is everything Bitcoin wanted to be and never was.
Which is why it's essentially the only crypto actually used for its intended use, as far as I know.
And the hype around it is minimal, since it doesn't need it to keep existing. It subsists from the fact that it's actually useful.

>> No.56271225

The more time you spend here, the more true you realize this is. That said, the ONLY thing Bitcoin has over Monero is the precise reason that it's worthless. That is, you can buy some Jew ETF and look up on the blockchain and see that the funds are there and you aren't getting bamboozled. But if you actually want to hold it yourself, Monero is far superior.

>> No.56271235
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>> No.56271449

gold is scarce
bitcoin's BFT is scarce, therefore bitcoin itself is scarce
when energy is free around the globe and we have an infinite amount of it, you will be able to say that bitcoin isn't scarce

>> No.56271477

>Bitcoin is a failed technology

Monero is better than bitcoin at many benchmarks, because it has better devs
bitcoin in the other hand, has a handful of mentally ill devs holding it back
for now

monero's ring CT isn't even its most impressive feature
randomX and the variable blocksize are much more interesting and impressive to see working as intended

>> No.56271489

Lets see you send 50 billion worth of gold across the world in 10 minutes.
Bitcoin has all the positives of gold without the negatives.
Half of the gold is fake, theres no such thing as fake Bitcoin

>> No.56271497

and before I forget

reddit doesn't even know that gold's market cap for the use of money, overshadows 100 to 1 its use in electronics, which gold itself predates

>> No.56271603

Or we find out who Satoshi is/are. I assume they are keeping it quiet for a reason.

>> No.56271826

>for now

>> No.56273565

Cashapp sell your data to the irs who will want their "gift tax". No joke, I know someone who got screwed by this, because his parents gave him money to pay certain bills regularly.

>> No.56273581

Hope you ain't gonna regret not waiting to buy EVR on MEXC after listing tomorrow.

>> No.56273650

>jewelry is made out of gold because gold is valuable, not the other way around
Yes it's the other way around, gold currency is backed by simp offering shiny metal to cute virgin girl in ooga booga tribe

>The actual answer in both cases is mostly just "because it's scarce" so the wall of text meme is not really fair
My fingernails with my specific DNA code are scarce but few would want to buy it.

Bitcoin is valuable because people memed themselves into thinking it's valuable + it's a convenient way to transfering value + network effect
Not the first time in humanity history that it happens, shells of shellfishes have been use as a currency in ancient time, probably purely out of meme energy as well, although in the case of shells I assume it could have been used for jewelry as well.

>> No.56273657


>> No.56273686

Is monero a good investment tho? It seems something that is actually useful so maybe it wont go up since everything is upside down..

>> No.56273779

>due to your recent views against cashapp your account fee rate has been temporarily increased to 3% from the standard 1.5% Thank you for being our customer

>> No.56273783

10k in Shiba is a fucking risk anon, considering it is a meme. I'd rather split those into into something solid like NXRA, XMR and AR.>>56270504

>> No.56276010
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Private smart contracts are based.

>> No.56276021

Bitcoin is a pump and dump scam and ponzi

>> No.56276991

It's for boomers who aren't schizo enough to see the actually good reasons

It's all cope since at the core the scalability digital cause dream wasn't set up properly

ETH will win btw

>> No.56278730 [DELETED] 
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The NyanCatMoney spam will continue until the marketcap improves.

Jannies have tongued my anus 190 times.

>> No.56278891 [DELETED] 
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This is incredibly fun to watch you seethe for us NCM chads, why not buy a bag and turn your seethe into joy? This is a hostile take over of biz and it will not stop

Jannies have tongued my anus 238 times.

>> No.56279032 [DELETED] 
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This is incredibly fun to watch you seethe for us NCM chads, why not buy a bag and turn your seethe into joy? This is a hostile take over of biz and it will not stop

Jannies have tongued my anus 272 times.

>> No.56279505


>> No.56279522

>ETH will win
No one cares about this.
BTC is totally decentralized, ETH (and link since linkoids will inevitably insert themselves into the conversation) is not. There is no CZ or Vitalik who can suddenly control everything. ETH's superficial "technology" (which becomes useless whenever people actually use it due to gas costs still not fixed by ETH2) has already been btfo. Eth is a shitcoin factory used by pajeets, there are many like her. BTC is the original, the only, the one with meaning and the one JP Morgan invests in to avoid having a bunch of druggie tards who happened to be mining back in 2010 get the jump on them as BTC's marketcap goes to 70 trillion.

>> No.56280725

Jewelry is speculative. The industrial value of gold does not even come close to it's current price. The reason gold was used as money is because it is a malleable noncorrosive metal.
They could have used anything for money, but gold had the most amount of value in the smallest amount of material and it has the added bonus of not rusting or breaking down. That's it.

If there was some other medium of value exchange that was better, they would have used that. We're going to find out if the real world value actually means anything.

>> No.56280756

crypto is a scam, property is a scam, stocks are a scam, etc etc

invest in your health and relationship with the divine

>> No.56280770

>2. jewelry is made out of gold because gold is valuable, not the other way around
Incorrect. Jewelry makes up the majority of gold demand because it's shiny and doesn't tarnish.

>> No.56281041

Your fingernails and DNA aren't useful outside of your body, nor are they fungible. Did you regurgitate this poor analogy, or did you stay up all night crafting it?
Scarcity is the source of all value, as it sets the supply/demand constraints. That's all there is to it. There is demand for gold for a variety of reasons, and there is demand for btc for a variety of reasons. In the past, shit governments devalue their scarce resources and fuck over the peasants. Now, shit governments devalue their scarce resources and the market made a solution: sound money.
Anyone seething over the fundamental idea of crytocurrencies is either too dumb to understand, or doing the work of shit governments (either willingly, or unknowingly)
The most valuable things in history are simple, robust, and useful inventions.

>> No.56281292
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calling something with a real-world application a scam tells a lot about how poor your IQ is. was in Greece some months back and was able to pay for my stuff there, using my CryptMi card.

>> No.56282034
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NFTs Fail to Recover After Crypto Market Meltdown Once considered the next big thing in the crypto world, NFTs have failed to recover following the 2022 crypto meltdown. Investors have seen the value of their blue-chip NFTs drop significantly, while several platforms have been forced to close down operations.

>> No.56282529

What is the meaning money

Money is the universal medium of exchange

Bitcoin lacks fungibility, some wallets are from terrorist and that fact alone means those those tainted coins can't be used for normal commerce

Therefore monero is better

>> No.56282582
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I will not rest until every inch of this board is silverpilled.

>> No.56284818

OK but production can always be increased.

>> No.56284849

Then why can't you get one?