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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 141 KB, 1280x1280, 1694622983913022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56268987 No.56268987 [Reply] [Original]

Why are /biz/ like this

>> No.56269018

I don't know what that picture is supposed to represent but Israel is an illegitimate state. Checkem

>> No.56269023

i really fucking hate honkaloids, just do. simple as.

>> No.56269028
File: 530 KB, 2340x1080, Snake Harvest Day 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beep boop beep be mad now
Hey guys check out my snakes

>> No.56270650
File: 40 KB, 590x590, current thing fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what else would society's rejects flock to?

>> No.56271447

Fuck Ukraine and fuck Nato you stupid fucking animal. Your father should have jizzed into your mother's ass

>> No.56272769

Based af

>> No.56273798

Extremely based

>> No.56273825

very good depiction of 4chan in 2023

>> No.56273858

Shitskin cope literally

t. 6’ 2 300 lbs stinky pajeet

Retard nigger lol it’s literally over for us. The worst part about being Indian/brown whatever is realizing that even though the world atm is completely fucked the only countries with any recourse are Northeast Asia and the (originally) White countries simply due to the higher quality of the native human capital. Like I’m a pajeet and every time I step outside I’m reminded that no matter what I do 99.95% of my nations population are subhumans. My father earns 130k a year in pajeet money yet just a couple blocks from house open sewers still exist. When I was younger and my family had less money I was whizzing through the streets of my alley and I decided to close my eyes to see how far I would get and I almost crashed into one. I then moved to America for a bit (family moved back now) but the difference is night and day. Miscegenation, roastiedom, faggotry etc are coup complete problems, they can be solved at the drop of a hat with the right political administration. Do you know what can’t be solved with just a couple years of good governance? Innate biological subhumanity. This is the reality ALL browncels suffer from whether they’re in Mogadishu, Islamabad, or New Delhi like me. Being a 130 IQ pajeet with light skin and a good face is the worst curse that exists. It’s like god decided to make you the shiniest looking of all the turds and decided to give you sentience but still you are a fucking turd!

>> No.56273865

*130k in pajeet money converted to USD so 130k USD

>> No.56273903

Brown people like everywhere else are growing in number and they're young.
/int/ and /pol/ are increasingly full of antiwhite posts.

>> No.56274967

I doubt you are a real pajeet. I wouldn't be surprised if you are a 6'0 autistic white boy or 5'8 autistic Chang larping as a 6'2 Poojeet.
Do you think the forthcoming immigrant crisis due to draughts and food crisis in Africa and the ME, will irrevocably destroy western Europe or will European overcome such a selection pressure?