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56268628 No.56268628 [Reply] [Original]

A tale of deceit, plagiarism, infighting and a lot of bullshit.

This is a thread about the shitshow that has been $Calcium. An eth token that's supposed to be a community token but has turned out to be one big community farm, with thousands likely to lose their money.

>> No.56268635

tl;dr history:
As part of renouncing Bone, the Shib team created Calcium but pinned a msg that it was not to be traded. .

>> No.56268650
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For reasons best known to them, the Shib Deployer2 then went on to add 0.0001 eth liq.

Since there was a half-hour delay between their announcement and adding liq, a sniper lay in wait.
On the same block, that it happened, he sniped the entire supply.

He paid 10 eth for it and 30 seconds later, swapped out 5% for 61 eth, since other snipers and degens were also salivating at the 'new shib token'. The sniper dumped the shit out of it and he still has a few wallets totaling more than 2%.

>> No.56268692
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A known trader and his guys proceeded to add a ton of liquidity and shit began to moon as word spread. But the random new people leading the project were in a bit of a dilemma. It was a 0 tax token. So how to pump bags?

So they decided to brand this as an anti-Shib/anti-Shytoshi project. Though they were quick to spam everywhere with "Look, Shib's new token," they were also, "we are taking back the power from Shib for teh tehs" or whoever. This kind of bullshit, wherein, on the one hand you owe your fame to something, yet try and sell this fame as anti-that-very-thing, is what has characterized the rest of Calcium's existence.

So now they had a warped mission statement that degens were too mind-fucked to contemplate and the next step needed was branding. Someone had a bright and easy idea. There was already a project called Calcium on Shibarium that had been in the works for over 250 days and was yet to launch. These shibarium guys had the website, branding and even NFTs ready for launch. So how about we just steal their everything. Who's going to care about some small-time project on a chain that's in limbo.

So they did. And Calcium was up and running, impressing degens with how quickly everything had been created and how good it all looked. They didn't even spare the TG stickers.

This particular (Shibarium) Calcium project later launched on ETH and have explained their side of the story, including allegations, in a medium piece

>> No.56268711
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At some point, the leaders began bickering among themselves and the dreaded 'personal differences' surfaced. The trader and his friends who added liquidity left/were kicked out and began dumping their bags. There was also a comical situation where the owner of the TG is alleged to have resorted to extortion when asked to hand over the TG to the new leaders. The claim is he threatened to spam the chat with dick pics if his demands weren't met.

>> No.56268725
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The next phase coincided with the launch of the other Calcium, now called "The Real Calcium', who claimed they had been stolen from. When their medium piece came out, the $Cal leaders realized shit was getting out of control. So a quick rebrand to a milk carton happened and a new website was created. To prevent degens from finding out the truth behind the forced rebrand, they presented it as part of the change in leadership.

But the bullshit continued. For example, one of their leaders actually claimed this and encouraged people to spam it around

By now, it had become apparent that $Calcium, a so-called community token was basically a revolving chair of self-appointed leaders, coming and going, after profiting.

Which brings us to the latest phase.

>> No.56268783
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The principal v3 liq provider early on now became the dominant leader of this so-called community project.

There are no obvious sells in the current pool from him, but he has been transferring to other wallets and dumping slowly. This is a really slow, careful farm/rug whatever you want to call it.

Dumping his dumps... next up

>> No.56268930
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>> No.56269070
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>> No.56269080

Thank for this thread. From time to time, biz still deliver some quality content.

What I am missing is why shytoshi and his band decided to launch $cal with that little liquidity. They knew that this would happen.

>> No.56269102
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>> No.56269137
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In fairness, they warned everyone *not* to trade it.

>> No.56269177
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It could have been petty spite or some moment of fullretard by the guys who thought WBONE is not required

>> No.56269540
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This needs some updating as he's dumped more from it

>> No.56270053

Good thread. Only missing the part where they wanted to do an alternative Shibarium KEK

>> No.56270969
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Ah yes. I have reason to believe those who suggested a Calcium chain for teh people would have been able to churn one out soon enough, given their experience with Pepe Chain.

More dumps from another wallet. Pic related.

>> No.56271150

Don't care not selling

>> No.56271240
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I think you forgot to add pic related.

>> No.56272782


>> No.56272955
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One of the stolen TG stickers.

Dumperino. Pic related

>> No.56272994

op i admire the attention to detail for a worthless scam token derived from a worthless scam chain run by worthless weebs.

>> No.56273134

I remember when defense team got ousted because they caught scamtoshi and his band of ruggers.

I wish they would make a project. Defense was the best part of shib. Always warning the community, and still warning them on Twitter.

>> No.56273230

You had to know this thing would rug at some point. Everyone has their price and these calcium dudes were broke jeets

>> No.56273277

theyre retarded and pretty much every decision they make is stupid

>> No.56273379

>I wish they would make a project
unironically AVI, ive been trying to shill it here for a while now
they havent shared who all is on the dev team yet, but stixil is in the tg every day
going from shib projects (or the shitcoins in general) to those guys is a night and day difference

>> No.56273474

You seem knowledgeable so I have to ask, what do you think of Fine?

>> No.56273708

Since that guy asked about FINE, what do you think of TOAD? From what I can see, it’s a real SHIB token but god damn my bags are getting heavy.

>> No.56273886

Toad is fine not shilling. Shiba lp wallet still holding. They are too deep in it to just rug/abandon/farm. They are probably waiting for the bullrun to ignite after halving to unleash the pepe killer on normies. It will either go to zero or do a shib and 5000x. I have a bag. People are hungry for a shib to release a new shit to ape. Calcium is an example. Pepe/toad themed token with a good release timing is gonna melt faces. Ofc they have own bags to profit every crypto dev does including satoshi with his own wallet of tons of bitcoin. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a gullible idiot. Point is when will they shill it to normies and make it go to billions.

>> No.56274009

Got a ca?

>> No.56274050

theyre making a platform where people can host web3 games and get revenue from it, something like roblox or a monetized newgrounds
theyre planning on building on base, so theyre making a public base bridge too
an anon recently did some digging and found out they just filed for a couple trademarks, too
somehow still under 1mil mcap

>> No.56274365

thats a lot of shit for a microcap lmao
is it really the defense team?

>> No.56274599

avis a team of almost 20 people, and theyre all ex-shib devs and mods who left after the current shib devs started acting retarded.
most of them are staying anonymous for now, but id be willing to bet a lot of them will end up being the defense team guys- especially since stixil is heavily involved and he was on the defense team

>> No.56274629

What do you anons think of Fine? It has the actual Pepe devs, and it's always trending in the top 10 on dextools despite it being nearly a month old.

>> No.56274663

Who fucking cares
Imagine buying anything on eth in the year 2023

>> No.56274758

there's a real easy way to make sure nobody trades the token. you disable trading of the token on the contract level

but if you're insanely incompetent, then yes this might as well be impossible

>> No.56274782

>insanely incompetent
The Shibarium nonsense proves that this is the case. Not to mention how unprofessional the Shibarium expo was, playing techno that drops the f-bomb over and over.

>> No.56274785

you are never getting your money back, retard. you're supposed to buy before the pump, and then sell the pump. this is called a pump and dump

the dump is completed, and now it will bleed out to 0 as the devs moved on to make another coin.

>> No.56275377
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>> No.56277110
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No idea about Toad. Didn't follow it or any of the Pepe derivatives.

Pepe itself was shady af but became too big too fast to dump quickly.

Fine is definitely a scam or at least deployed by a scammer. The Pepe dev claimed to have lost access to his TG a long time back. This so-called hacked account started shilling Fine as a Pepe project.

Pepe dev hacked acc: lordkeklol
Pepe dev new acc: lord_kek_lol

Pic related.

It's always funny though when there ensues a competition among the lowlives as to who is scummier than the other.

Just checked the FINE marketing wallet. 175 eth has been withdrawn so far.

>> No.56277162

Thanks for your effortpost anon. I’m hugely overinvested in TOAD and I appreciate your thoughts. I would ask you to investigate it further but that’s purely motivated by my poor decision to wrap up all my savings in one shitcoin. From my meager research I’m split 70/30 on the chance that TOAD is a real SHIB coin, there’s so many little schizo hints but nothing concrete. You might enjoy looking into it if you ever get bored. I hope we all make it one day.

>> No.56277430

I know that feel anon. I made over a 100k as a noob during the last bullrun and because I was a noob, I also lost it all eventually.

Come to think of it, I don't see how anything might have changed apart from now learning to read txns a bit better.

So now, I will probably lose only 50k next time haha. But you never know.

Keep at it I guess and one day one of these might actually work for us.

>> No.56277982

Retard here..should i buy fine just in case it does a HPOS1 or this shit is not gonna pump?
I bought like $400 worth of fine but don't know if i should sell and grow my other safe shitcoin's stacks or keep holding

>> No.56278048

worthless as they are all these tokens like calcium and shit you can make some decent Xs if u get in and out quick

>> No.56278182

Who can honestly know.

There might be one quick pump designed by the people involved which you might be able to capitalize on, or they might already have considered this a done project and moved on to the next. Or if it survives until the next bull, there might be another pump. Seriously, no one can ever give you any meaningful or honest advice.

The only thing you can rely on are facts and it appears to have been built on dishonesty.

>> No.56278299 [DELETED] 
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Jannies have tongued my anus 146 times.

>> No.56278492

lol this reminds me. My first rug ever was some shit called nyanshib that was shilled heavily here or on /biz/ during the bull. Think I paid around 80-100 gas fees too.

>> No.56278496

I meant 'or on /b/'

>> No.56278500 [DELETED] 
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NCM is a AI token that shills itself, sound cool? Do you hate jannies? Are you tired of fickle humans that won't shill their own bags? Get a bag that shills itself.

Jannies have tongued my anus 199 times.

>> No.56278502 [DELETED] 

oof that sucks anon, NyanCatMoney all the liquidity and tokens are locked so its mathematically impossible to rug, I don't know if you can read the blockchain and confirm that, but if you understand that stuff you can. Here's your chance to redeem your bad nyan experience with a good one.

Also, remember, jannies tongue my anus.

>> No.56278799 [DELETED] 
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The NyanCatMoney spam will continue until the marketcap improves.

Jannies have tongued my anus 211 times.

>> No.56279318

Lol. Trophias is an idiot that actually slowed down SHIB’s growth by accusing everyone of being a scammer.

Shib has a better future without that furry in any position of power

>> No.56279363

If you want a normal in the head community that doesn't eat itself alive and there are no niggers on it then try out Aavegotchi.com
No I'm not a bot or anything, Aavegotchi is a genuinely quality DAO mainly because it's so small, compact and intelligently made with tons of programmers and sane investors in it.

>> No.56281371

we've reached a point in crypto where we now need disclaimers that we are not a shilling bot haha

>> No.56282268


He was literally right about every single one of them.

I ain't touching anything that comes from Shib now that he's gone.