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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56268387 No.56268387 [Reply] [Original]

>Be Trump
>guess that his property is worth billions
>Go to prison for fraud


>> No.56268410

No it's the yids in the regime throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks so he can't run next year, but they don't understand the more they kvetch the more popular he becomes.

>> No.56268432

Some people don't realize this, but if a rogue AD or cop or whoever wants to charge you with anything they can think of, they can, and you're forced to go to court to defend it. No matter how weak the evidence is. All of us are walking around right now with all sorts of potential charges some one could accuse us of, they only tend to go after obvious and serious things so we don't realize it.

>> No.56268452

This. They went after Trump because he is going to run for president again. They made it very clear that all of this shit would go away if he just didn't run again. Totally normal and fair practices in the greatest, most free democratic republic on earth.

>> No.56268454

yeah, pretty much this. Also one needs to remember that the Dems are now going full Idiocracy, don't expect them to use a whole lot or sophistication or even sense.

>> No.56268482

>Be Trump
>Hire a real-estate expert to appraise your property
>The expert says it's worth $20 million
>Go to the bank for a loan
>Bank asks whether you've had a professional appraisal done
>Tell the bank you don't have a professional appraisal, but you think it's worth $30 million
>Go to prison for fraud
Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.56268499

>so it's illegal to guess how much your property is worth?
No, it's illegal to not bend the knee to nu-fascism.

>> No.56268511

Pretty much. The only thing that stops them is baring the court costs when they obviously lose.
The people who dont want any chance of trump running do not mind paying billions in court costs for cases they keep losing

>> No.56268526

the county assessor said it was 18 million on the tax roll not an expert. they don't know ass shit and it was probably that low for some other weird reason which I'm surprised isn't the subject of an investigation instead of the loan.

>> No.56268540

its a civil case with a state judge.
he'll likely lose and then win on appeal, the judge has a hate boner for him. but there's no jail penalty in this case. the other four criminal cases is potential jail time.
but to convict him would be an unwise move for a democratic country.
they'll try and claim it was fraud to strip some assets from him. but he'll get them back.

he can become president in jail and pardon himself if it goes that far.

but the business is industry standard business in real estate. there's no case to answer. but they'll hamper his case to find a technicality. anything to claim a win. he'll be redeemed. he's on the right side of history.

>> No.56268555

no such thing as speculative value in real estate.
also, his whole thing is adding his name to a property and charging a premium.
and it worked.

>> No.56268566

>The expert says it's worth $20 million
>Go to the bank for a loan
>Bank asks whether you've had a professional appraisal done
>Tell the bank you don't have a professional appraisal, but you think it's worth $30 million

A couple things:
1) it’s a civil case so he won’t go to prison for this
2) it’s even worse than this scenario. He then said it was worth less when it came to taxes. Also for the bank loans, he said a 2500 sqft condo was 20,000 sqft.

>> No.56268590

He should've just finalized the deal with SBF quickly for 5 billion to not run again, before FTX collapsed.

>> No.56268693

I've watched much smaller real estate transactions go down and banks send their own appraisers because it would be foolish to trust the person requesting the loan since they have an obvious conflict of interest. If they put in their due diligence for those small properties I do not believe they skip this step for these much bigger ones. Surely there's more to it than that.

>> No.56268713
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Hey buddy, you used the wrong door.
The /pol/ convention is about two blocks down.

>> No.56268829

midwit coping rethuglicans itt

>> No.56269149

Hey dickhead, banks have their own appraisers for loans. Also hey dickhead, no one values their own property for tax purposes, the government does that themselves.

I have to wonder, are you this fundamentally retarded or just a kike shill?

>> No.56269175

yea, it's pretty funny, straight up fraud.
>building appraised for $500 million
>apply for a loan, conceal the appraisal, estimate it's $700 million
when explaining his financial condition
>live in an 11k sq foot apartment for decades
>declare it as a 30k sq foot apartment

>> No.56269222

>2 scoops remastered meme

>> No.56269411

During the Nazi occupation in Denmark, the Danish government collaborated with Nazi Germany, they had extensive recruitment campaigns for volunteers.
After the war they retroactively made it illegal to have fought for any of these volunteer battalions, thousand of men got send to jail for something that wasn't illegal at the time of their doing, and furthermore was something the government strongly incentivized them to do.

They where obviously traitors and kind of deserved it, but I still think it's insane to do retroactive criminal laws.
..and this wasn't a one off, a unique set of circumstances. They still do these retroactive laws.

>> No.56269478

Idk if you are retarded or you just have trump’s dick in your mouth.

A bank’s appraiser would obviously overvalue a property if you lie about the square footage

>> No.56269733

Imagine thinking a bank can’t determine what the actual square footage is and just has to take the customer’s word for it. You are terminally retarded.

>> No.56270122

>you can just tell a bank appraiser whatever you want and they'll write it down!
this board is for 18 and up

>> No.56270337
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>> No.56270420

triple checked

>> No.56270446

>Overvalue assets when getting loans
>Undervalue assets when paying taxes
Simple as

>> No.56270690

You know, most people on this website apart from the average /pol/ retards don't think Trump is the Messiah who can do no wrong, right? Your dogshit thread will find no solace here

>> No.56270855

Wait the table

No tip

Tttttthank you guys for the lesson …

>> No.56270877

wait the table
poison all of them

>> No.56270895

>buy a 3x3 foot plot of land
>kiss your favorite pretty lady on it
>ask for a multi billion dollar loan
>a mere fraction of the value, mr. bank. this land is priceless

>> No.56270900

>Abe Lincoln
Abe is going to fight every one of them.

>> No.56270910
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Note, it's the AG of New York suing Trump and his family, NOT any of the corporations/banks he actually did buisness with.

Of course it's a fucking joke, but these tyrants do whatever they want.

>> No.56270935

This is the /biz/iness board. We're discussing property ownership, not what gender you are. Go back to /lgbt/, faggot.

>> No.56270941
File: 1.98 MB, 1820x2149, potus kids married to kikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine you suck jewish dicks for your entire life, praise them as literal gods on earth, even sacrifice your entire bloodline just to please them and show how willing you are to be part of the tribe, only for them to spit on you, betray you and ruin your life anyway lol.
Many such cases!

>> No.56271101

Damn goyim btfo

>> No.56271189

Yes, it's illegal to "guess" how much your property is worth when you undervalue it for tax purposes and then mysteriously overvalue it for borrowing/selling purposes, and keep doing that over and over again.

>> No.56271210

The entire reason this case started was because his own people admitted to it literally a few years ago. Obviously, there was going to be an investigation.