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56267399 No.56267399 [Reply] [Original]

According to the World Bank, extreme poverty increased in 2020 for the first time in 25 years. At the same time, extreme wealth has risen dramatically since the pandemic began. The World Bank announced that the world has almost certainly lost its goal of ending extreme poverty by 2030 and that “global progress in reducing extreme poverty has grind[ed] to a halt” amid what the Bank says was likely to be the largest increase in global inequality and the largest setback in global poverty since WW2.

Nobody cares about the tens of thousands of people who asphyxiate themselves every day...

>> No.56267411

I guess capitalism is accelerating.
Right now 8 guys own as much as 3.6 billion.
In the future like 2-3 guys will own as much as 99.99% of humans

>> No.56267415

That's not the result of capitalism but the result of global socialism

>> No.56267423

>Socialism is when the rich use capital to accumulate more capital and starve the rest of us.

Okay, retard.

>> No.56267437

No, Socialism is when centralized decision making and agenda setting actors and organization are used to distribute benefits to certain groups. 2020, the china flu bail out scam would not have happened under a pure capitalist system, it could only happen under global socialism

>> No.56267513

>describes current situation in capitalist dominated world
>declares it to be socialism

NGMI. You will allways be a willing serf.

>> No.56267519

the lockdowns were good, I was able to work from home

>> No.56267532

Of course its socialism. Its the socialization of capital risks and costs according to crude religious models about future productivity and reproduction rate on a territory at the profit of a beneficiary (any group chosen by the redistributor), any group chosen by the centralized redistributor (political unity parties) at the cost of everyone else in the future.

It seems that you got brainwashed and don't know what capital or capitalism is

>> No.56267538

I want heads, and I mean heads by ppp faggots, monopolists and the redistributor. No heads, no work

>> No.56267590

If you were rich I doubt you would care about poor people either.
Simplest way to eradicate poverty is nuking countries. Prevent more unneccesary suffering by ending the poverty cycle. We just need that one person in power to do so.

>> No.56267883

The world needed to depopulate the low iq regions (africa,india,parts of middle east, parts of white trash regions). Instead its been the opposite: culling the professionals/midwit career folk while allowing rampant garbage to thrive with no hope of making it in a modern economy. Shits fucked senpai

>> No.56267896

Hey ccp. 10 B in fail propaganda is not saving you. Your country wont exist by 2030

>> No.56267904

the "world bank "is on it's last legs and is going to get even more desperate to exert control over people.

>> No.56267962

you stupid ass liberals need to think about TRICKLE DOWN EFFECT, those extreme wealthy are giving back to the poor

fuck you leftist shits, go to school

>> No.56268173

Trickle down is a myth disproven with a simple google search

Research summarised in 2022 shows that positive future expectations among the aspirational class blur the traditional class cleavage in the fight over wealth redistribution.

>> No.56268218


>Hi Google, is me keeping more of my earned money rather than giving it to the government going to help me get ahead?
>No anon, that is called trickle down and it is a myth
>Ok thank you Google

>> No.56268270


>> No.56268422
File: 80 KB, 1200x630, poverty_absolute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>largest setback in global poverty since WW2.
This is a direct result result of reduced globalization due to the pandemic hurting the poor. You may not like it (no one fucking cares), but US hegemony/stability and globalization are the primary drivers in reducing poverty.

>> No.56269327

These labels lose all meaning when used for the most generic, empty, high level contexts by those with incomplete understanding of their definition and criteria. Anyone will twist them to make it mean what they want in the face of real outcomes at large.

>> No.56269408

Free money and zero risk credit alongside liberal social agendas subsidizing third world shitholes at expense did all that. It couldn't last forever. It ends with the dissolution of the US and hopefully unfathomable amounts of death. Welcome to clown world. If you own no capital now you should take to the financial districts and start shooting, cause you're fucked.

>> No.56269483

This. Yeeeeeehaw!

>> No.56269484

I dont like immigrants which founded US therefore Millions must die because they must OK. Imagine wishing death and destruction upon others. This is why commies are not human and deserve a ''free'' helicopter trip.

>> No.56269735

The poverty stats are a bit misleading. Only China and parts of Eastern Europe have climbed out of the hole. China went from subsistence farming to a middle income country and that is a billion plus people and that is great for humanity. But others have had very little benefits and that supercharged growth has come at the expense of the middle class in US/Europe/Japan.

Now that the shift has happened it is interesting to think about how things will play out going forward. Instead of US trying to drag the whole world to prosperity it will mostly concentrate on domestic market and 'friends and allies'. No one seems to understand how bullish that is for US, Europe, Japan, SK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and a handful of other countries. Biggest winner will be Mexico.

>> No.56269844

I believe it's zero sum, and by my observation it is.
>immigrants which founded the US
The US was founded by Anglo aristocrats and slavers making an empty promise with no guarantees. I'm sorry you were born in India, I will never agree to sacrifice my own quality of life to others also looking out for themselves in competition and I don't pretend or lie about it.
Fortunately my opinion doesn't matter because government and industry decides for me. They decide on needs whether or not immigration and multiculturalism are good or bad.

>> No.56269864

>extreme poverty increased
>extreme wealth increased

Economy is zero sum. The more the middle/lower class loses the more the elite Jewish class gains

>> No.56269940

>Capitalist system
>Capitalists bribe politicians to turn Capitalist system in a socialist system where they get corporate welfare, socialize losses, get bailouts, break unions and remove rules where they can't dump toxic waste into our drinking water
>Monopolies arise
>The fix was just regulating politician and corporate interactions
it isn't hard

>> No.56270058

If it were the case where either party were a capitalist and the other labor, or they just simply thrived in different sectors of the economy, I wouldn't care, I'd be totally supportive, charitable, everyone could get theirs and win and it'd all be fine.

A person has to have collateral to take credit and potentially generate exponential returns or maintain multiple streams of income. A person most in need, without capital, desperate, can only sell their labor to capital, and so compete on the labor/wage market.

The vast majority of humans alive are laborers of some kind and exist and compete EXCLUSIVELY in the labor/wage market, which has demonstrated to be zero sum. Work is not free but until just recently, I think wning and leveraging capital has been.
If we're two laborers in competition withbeach other in this global labor market, I'm not allowed to be supportive and charitable to the other prisoners/slaves.

>> No.56270125

and ownership and equity in nation states is exclusionary, while labor seems to be treated as a fungible commodity world wide, no regard that these are human lives.

>> No.56270244

But I guess when there are 8+ billion humans on the planet, billions on the market with more on the way at regular cycles under an economic system that relies on consumption and perpetual growth, human life isn't really valuable no matter the lip service.

>> No.56270704
File: 97 KB, 768x1024, IMG_0542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea and what the fuck are you chuds gonna do about? Nothing, so sit your ass down, bend over for your corporate and leftist masters and say “THANK YOU SIR MAY I HAVE ANOTHER!” When they fuck you are with the nigger dick of the current (((system))).

>> No.56270842

>muh real capitalism has never been tried!!
Socialism is when workers have collective ownership over the organizations they work for. It's not a catch-all term for any centralized power structure

>> No.56270898

>is me keeping more of my earned money rather than giving it to the government going to help me get ahead?
If you're one of the uber-wealthy whose wealth is supposed to trickle down, then no, you're already ahead
if you're one of the hundreds of millions of people on the bottom who are waiting for something to trickle down, then yes, taxing rich people and funneling it directly towards yourself is to your benefit and necessary in order to fulfill the "trickle down" promise

>> No.56271086 [DELETED] 

Here's the thing - we predict that social security and pensions are going away. The average person is born to be worked by their host country and the people that own pieces of that country - not just land but also the labor they employ. Labor are said to be free agents, they can choose when and where to work but actually that might not be true when there are exceedingly few jobs available that pay enough to sustain a person's basic needs allowing them to build equity in the country through land ownership, business ownership or shareholding in the economy tied to growth and consumption. None of that is granted by birthright, it's pay to play and works on principles of compound interest. Those that can afford to put in more, get more over time, and those that can't will get nothing.

If you have no equity in the country, you're just a serf, even worse off than classic feudalism because all responsibility and guilt is offloaded onto the serf this time around. The modern lords and nobles take no responsibility for their serfs and they don't need to when they'll just import more labor from underdeveloped cultures.
'wage slavery' is apt.

If a person has no equity and no hope for building a future, how are you going to expect them to participate or be loyal where they're treated as a resource to be exploited? no loyalty?
The government does not care because they have no loyalty to the public and represent businesses that own real capital. Business doesn't care because they're privately owned and self-serving. They're selectively loyal to themselves and their tribes. So where's the representation for the labor force? Where's the global labor union and general workers strike?

>> No.56271288

1) Poverty reduction was broader than you think

2) Fucking brilliant point about the new US focus and the "winners." (Northern Mexico is going ballistic, with new investment and even Chinese factories setting up there)

This idea is so good and right on I hope you don't mind if I appropriate it... and pass it off as my own original thought to sound smart.

>> No.56271295
File: 134 KB, 1130x936, global poverty2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops forgot pic rel evidence

>> No.56271303
File: 125 KB, 794x1024, 9126F3D6-E641-4AAB-91C7-C01F0B58E484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silence, groomer.

>> No.56271428

>mutt shoots one antifa goober while the entire ZOG system continues steam rolling over whites
>chuds: We’re PWNING the libs! MIGA!!!!!

Just stop at this point if you aren’t going to do anything, I’m down for real life action, doesn’t even need to be anything drastic or even illegal but shit posting has accomplished nothing and I’m tired of you fucking cowards living vicariously through the 1 person that steps out of their basement like once every 4 years and then calling everyone willing to make change a glowie because you are looking for excuses to continue doing fucking NOTHING.

>> No.56271553

>bringing third world economies into modern propsperity
>I did this all on my own

Not so fast, the world will have to cast down and suppress Chinese and Indian supremacy first while also keeping theocrat extremists and Nazis in check.

>> No.56271566

Not to mention populist extremism at home. They did it at the expense of the middle class and they're disillusioned with how the economy and Capitalism operates.

>> No.56271602
File: 122 KB, 642x643, 1654567427052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three ANTIFA retards, two were killed, and one was a convicted child rapist (just like you).

>> No.56271771

>everyone who disagrees and calls me out for being a coward living vicariously through other men’s accomplishments is a kid diddler!

Are you projecting? You are like a normie Niggerball fan wearing another man’s name on his back cheering from the sidelines. Tuck your tail between your legs and crawl back into your hole/basement with the other Polcel cowards. When those ready to step up and actually do something are ready I’m here and willing to lend my sword. Until then I’m tired of you faggots complaining like fucking women while you sit on your asses doing jack shit but posting memes.

>> No.56271803


Of course they don't care OP.

>> No.56271804

Every single successful socialist/communist revolution of the 20th century had a strong nationalistic component involved. There is no such thing as a successful socialist/communist revolution with globalist sentiments. It unites and inspires no one. That's why it's DOA in the West.

>> No.56271819


Warriors anywhere are nationalists, they go hand in hand. Who are you fighting for? Your nation. If you don't go full nationalist, you don't get the warriors. If you don't have warriors, you beat nobody.

>> No.56271870

You get what you deserve. Fuck off

>> No.56271928

>2020, the china flu bail out scam
Get a load of this chud. The vax is safe. We should put retards like you in a insane asylum.