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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56265637 No.56265637 [Reply] [Original]

>29.5 years old
>850k net worth

God, it is so fucking over

>> No.56266737
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ur a boomer soon... (NOW)

>> No.56267655

Do you seriously have 850k in net worth?

>> No.56269092

How to make money OP?

>> No.56269141

>-30k net worth tied up in a meme degree
>blue collar wagie job to cope

Its fucking over in ways you wouldnt believe

>> No.56269405
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> 21 years old
> 58.5 million dollar nw divided between stocks, properties, commodities and savings

i should just kill myself now...........

>> No.56269423
File: 186 KB, 1024x762, 5EDF7C87-6414-467F-887D-30A85B9FDFFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blue collar is based. white collar is pozzed

>> No.56269430

fucking kys

>> No.56269447

It's actually only over because you are a little golem that wants to eternally consume and you haven't discovered the wonders of not needing all this stuff.
That's enough to never work again and live in a nice house on 10 acres forever doing whatever you want.

>> No.56269569

Shark Tank says $5 million is what you need to not ever work again, before you should start taking risks.

>> No.56269624

One can live on $0 if they have good survival skills. Society is survival insurance for the weak.

>> No.56269632

>Look at me honey, I get to work long arduous hours producing goods and services for niggers, Jews and Mexicans! Isn’t it great!?

>> No.56269653

In my country, Denmark, financial experts say you need about 800k at 55 to retire comfortably
>imagine being mutt
>but muh 150k a year!!!!


>> No.56269686


In the most generic of all retirement investment funds (SPY/VOO) you will average around 8% per year in appreciation, inflation adjusted. This means the laziest, most straightforward safe withdrawal rate to retire is about 3.5%

So really you could retire with $1m in a cheap part of the US, or $2-3m in a more expensive place. $5m would actually be quite a lot.

You could do a lean retirement on $500k in a cheap country.