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56264326 No.56264326 [Reply] [Original]

-If you didn't stake in V0.1 you will not be able to stake in V0.2.
-V0.1 stakers that put 7k LINK are aloud up to 15k in the early access.
-your only hope is to buy SDL and put your LINK in the priority pool.
-keep in mind that the 15 nodes attach to SDL are the nodes operating Chainlinks community pool

>> No.56264362

>less than half 0.1 stakechads had 7k
>half had puny third world microstacks
>probably most of the 7k stakechads don't have 15k or have already been staking from multiple wallets if they did
>probably very few people exist that both qualify for 0.2 early access and did not stake in 0.1
Not saying there will be a huge window, but general access losers will probably get an hour or two of opportunity. Good luck, keep your notifications turned on loud.

>> No.56264421

SDLs priority pool gets first dibs on the community pools general access, nonstakers don't stand a chance

>> No.56264428

the other nice piece of news for sdl is that the node operators allocation is increasing from 50k to 75k which will gives sdl another 375,000k link in the node operator pool. this pool has higher returns than the community pool

meanwhile in the community pool, i wonder how much there will be left due to the 15k limit per wallet. sdl will be rushing to fill with maxed out gas fees with chainlink automation

>> No.56264456


>> No.56265145
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>> No.56265186

can you fuck off my board

>> No.56265743

I've been wondering if staking.chain.link will make a receipt token for v0.2 or if it's still going to be obscured.

Wouldn't stake.link need another token to differentiate public pool ppLINK and node stLINK because of different reward rates. Or is it feasible for the priority pool to put LINK directly onto staking.chain.link, but with your address as the staker?

>> No.56265772

*also if it is a different reward rate I'd rather put my LINK towards the nodes than the public pool I hope they're considering that

>> No.56265852

not from anything i've seen (a v0.2 public audit has already occurred)
it will be the same as v0.1, a simple deposit to a contract
>Wouldn't stake.link need another token to differentiate public pool ppLINK and node stLINK because of different reward rates.
no these are just different strategies in the sdl model
stLINK will be a "blended" reward between nop and community stake, obviously it's nice to have an increase in nop stake as it means that space is assured for sdl (doesn't need to compete like community stake) and has higher rewards so increases the blended yield
sdl will have 375k link from nop expansion then however much else it can get into general access of the community stake
just found a dune dashboard they're making:

>> No.56266848

Is 10000 SDL enough to make it?

>> No.56266885

you need LPL to make it

>> No.56267159

Absolute bullshit, there will be plenty of time for people to stake in the community pool stop shilling your shitcoin

>> No.56267444 [DELETED] 

>-V0.1 stakers that put 7k LINK are aloud up to 15k in the early access.
i put 300 link and can put 1500

>> No.56267450

>-V0.1 stakers that put 7k LINK are aloud up to 15k in the early access.
i put 300 link and can put 15000

>> No.56267464

To bring newfags up to speed:
The LPL Team hyped a snapshot over weeks and then, ON THE DAY BEFORE STAKING RELEASED, they rugged LPL and forced us to migrate to a new project that has nothing to do with the old project with infinitely worse tokennomics and even cut our holdings in half (2 LPL were 1 SDL). They also doubled the supply, so our holdings were effectively cut in 4.
Then they chose to gaslight us about it (just go to the gym bro) and then proceeded to block every dissenting voice from their Telegram and their Twitter Accounts.
The absolutely proved that they are either
completely retarded and incompetent or malicious actors.

>> No.56267521

Thanks for this bullish FUD I just bought more LPL POOLS CLOSED HA HA HA SEETHE

>> No.56267665

try and get to 50k SDL

>> No.56267676

this = buy as much SDL as you can cause this idiot is bitter and hasnt got a fkn clue what planet hes on

>> No.56267742

SDL is a bunch of scammers who will run with the LINK given the money if given the opportunity.
Risk/reward is negative. Fuck off scammers.

>> No.56267751

this is literally not true though
link holders are also eligible to stake if they didnt stake in 0.1 retard

but i guess you already know that and lying is the only way you can shill sdl to newfags because its literally not needed

>> No.56267766

please give proof

>> No.56267775

you are a fkn moron

>> No.56267785

You are going to get sued soon scammer, prepare your anus.

>> No.56267818

Is there a point of locking my sdl if i dont plan to stake any links there? I locked them for a year already

>> No.56267891
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here you go you disgusting shill

every link holder will be able to stake up to 15k link per wellet WITHOUT THE NEED OF SDL

>> No.56267907

gm ser !
Not falling for your scam, Johnny. Try harder next time.

>> No.56267944

you're wrong, check it again

>> No.56267945

>the other nice piece of news for sdl is that the node operators allocation is increasing from 50k to 75k which will gives sdl another 375,000k link in the node operator pool. this pool has higher returns than the community pool

I get 4.75% on my link currently in the community pool. So for each 7K Link, I get 332.5 Link per year.

How many are you getting per Link staked? How many link are you allowed to stake per SDL?

>> No.56267954

literally go read it for yourelf retard:


lying just makes you sdl shills look even more desperate holy shit, how stupid do you think we are?

>> No.56268002

look how much energy you put in vs mine, youre the one thats desperate

>> No.56268071

>how much you put in vs mine
>new ID

hahahaha sdl shills literally shooting themselves in the foot, how many of the shills ITT are you?

>> No.56268389

*lets thread die after getting completely rekt*
Kys johnny

>> No.56268414

brb gym

>> No.56269836

I already have 15k LINK on SDL, but for 7k LINK staked at node rates I'd expect to get ~370 LINK a year it looks like.
Enjoy getting outpaced with your other public pool degenerates

>> No.56269875

How many SDL does it cost to stake 15K Link?

>> No.56269945

Fuck, what if I don't want my node LINK rewards to get blended in with the inferior 4.75% community LINK rewards?
I get that my SDL will get more rewards with extra LINK staked on general access, but then my stLINK return has to take a hit because priority pool users will get some of my fluffed up reward rate when they should be getting 4.75%

>> No.56270002
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*and since node LINK is slashable for network security, while public pool LINK is still just going to be a non-slashable subsidy, then node LINK really should still have a higher return in v0.2

>> No.56270072

*UNLESS we can outsource the slashing to public pool/non-SDL holder stLINK, then there's a reasonable tradeoff

And reminder that the only reason for the public pool to exist long term is for TPTB to cause a network outage that ends with the OGs in it to get slashed to bits.

>> No.56270574

Take meds, sdl shills have been exposed as chronical liars that hide behind multiple vpns in this thread.

How does it feel that every jeet with 7 link will be able to stake 15k link?

>> No.56271917
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kys subhuman

>> No.56271954

>subhuman scammers trying to trick you into buying SDL an obv scam
buy lpl if you want to stake

>> No.56272397
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Meds are taken, virtual paranoia network is disabled, still just that one dude in my head

>> No.56272613

I'm a 1k linklet who staked v.01. Am i doing anything but wasting time with this amount?

>> No.56272719

No, BUILD reward exposure is the big thing and community pool is the A-OK ezpz build reward staking spot
LINK team did say something about BUILD airdrops using v0.1 staking numbers for some of the rewards, so even if the number of LINK goes up you're locked in for 1k/22.5m of some of it, then 1k/45m if you migrate.

>> No.56273241


>> No.56273282

Not buying your bags Prajeesh

>> No.56273285

here's the question, if I unstake my v0.1 to migrate to a different wallet, will I lose all BUILD airdrop progress or is it saved to my first wallet?

>> No.56274726

Assuming there is some kind of 0.1 snapshot to allocate that portion of the BUILD rewards, I'd imagine it's based on wallet address and not the LINK itself.

>> No.56276710

Hey, I don't want this thread to die, the slashing implications are important for this protocol and users to consider, I worked hard on thinking about them, bump

I just re-read the v0.2 docs and it mentions a variable reward rate, if 'variable' means 'even lower than node staked LINK rates' then having a separation does feel better than blending.

I'm going to keep asking the good questions UNLESS the team hires me

>> No.56276774

Mmm you use your words real good girl. I'll hire you right now.

>> No.56278056
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>> No.56278258 [DELETED] 
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Jannies have tongued my anus 134 times.

>> No.56278467 [DELETED] 
File: 282 KB, 1024x1024, 33660592162719156216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


NCM is a AI token that shills itself, sound cool? Do you hate jannies? Are you tired of fickle humans that won't shill their own bags? Get a bag that shills itself.

Jannies have tongued my anus 187 times.

>> No.56278603 [DELETED] 
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NCM is a AI token that shills itself, sound cool? Do you hate jannies? Are you tired of fickle humans that won't shill their own bags? Get a bag that shills itself.

Jannies have tongued my anus 187 times.

>> No.56278746 [DELETED] 
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The NyanCatMoney spam will continue until the marketcap improves.

Jannies have tongued my anus 196 times.

>> No.56278909 [DELETED] 
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This is incredibly fun to watch you seethe for us NCM chads, why not buy a bag and turn your seethe into joy? This is a hostile take over of biz and it will not stop

Jannies have tongued my anus 244 times.

>> No.56279094

>'variable' means
variable means the more people in the staking pool the apr/y goes down. This is unironically shit because we will be getting les apy in the official staking pool and then even less apy in the sdl pool.

>> No.56279215

the community pool loses more as the SDL pool is 41% more apy to begin with

>> No.56279238

im sorry i dont understand.

>> No.56279438

I only have 100K SDL which is nowhere near enough to actually make it.

All these sistas with 25k stacks singing about stLINK rewards are starting to piss me off with their propaganda. LINK staking is a joke and they are actually believing it and causing FOMO in newfags preventing the dump. I need to make it to 300k before NOPs having on chain reputation for fucks sake. SDL is only going to $1 max. Right now I might make some money before tax on that, but tax will take a big chunk out of that then inflation will fucking ruin me over the next decade.

Even if I chuck the 1MM into a dividend stock that pays out well and I get 70k a year of it, it's not enough to beat inflation unless I basically live in poverty as a neet and keep my wagecuck job in the meantime so I don't have to unlock any SDL. In 1/2/4 years that 70k a year will feel like 20k a year. You need a minimum of 2MM, but more likely 3MM to make it. The upper predictions for sistas were about $10 but that was made during the bullrun of last year, and it assumed that the overall crypto market cap would still be expanding and BTC would go on to 1MM a Bitcoin and that we would be in a full blown crypto FOMO hype bubble. All of that isn't going to happen anymore.

pooling LINK is essentially cancelled. Now we will have a slow growth to $1 at best. And the sad but ironic thing is most people on this chat will hold from 10 cents, to $10 and then hold all the way back to sub $1 again because you all believe the stLINK 1K apy% memes, and just like the retards who held BTC and didn't sell at 69k, you will do the same with SDL at $1. Looking at the current charts depresses the fuck out of me when I know I only have 100k SDL, nowhere near enough to make it.

At best I will have 1-2 sweet years, and then return to wagecucking after that. But it will be worse because I will have tasted freedom and know what I am missing out on.

>> No.56280984
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At one point the community pool guy called Jonny a horse rimmer. He even accused Jonny of busting loads into the horse asses after running his tongue around them. There was an intense bit of silence while Jonny glared. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead immediately, and his face was flush. He forced a chuckle into the microphone. Then he walked out of the stable and just out of the room where there was a saddle rack. He was still in full view of everyone through a window. He starts taking these saddles, two and three at a time, and just tearing them to shreds. Sometimes he would pick one up, and try to twist and tear the whole thing at once, but fail, so then he would start ripping out individual seams. He was facing away from everyone, so we never saw his facial expressions, but the jerking of his arms and jiggling of his head as he ripped the saddles suggested he was apoplectic with rage. This went on for two minutes at least. At this point I thought he was totally screwed, and that he had just ruined the reputation of stake.link in one fell swoop. However, he turned around and walked back into the room. He looked completely rejuvinated and full of vigor again. He proceeded to completely btfo public poolies in every way, acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Afterwards, he even did a little q&a session after the public pool guy left due to being frustrated from the harsh btfo. Janitorial services were picking up the mess of shredded saddles at this time, and the only acknowledgement Jonny ever made to the mess was when one of the older janitors fell over while leaning to pick up the pieces. He sort of covered his mouth with his hand, clearly holding back laughter. It was bizarre, but with genius comes inevitable personality quirks.

>> No.56281010

Daily reminder that SDL is a scam, just like LPL before it. If you aren't a newfag you'll remember several years of "POOL'S CLOSED" LPL faggots constantly shilling their scam and then LINK allowed anyone to stake anyway and LPL rugpulled.

Now LPL rebranded and all their bagholders who got rugpulled are once again shilling their scam, with the same angle of "if you don't buy our token you won't be able to stake LINK!!!!". Untrue, and a scam. If you fall for this you're an idiot and deserve to lose your money. Don't ask me to spoonfeed you, not my problem if you fall for this go fuck yourself.

>> No.56281018
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>> No.56281045

What a bag holding SDL faggot.

>> No.56281315

I'll make a second ID just because I can

You'd have 5 posts if you didn't change IPs, your writing style is recognizable chud

>> No.56281576

>SDL holder is a faggot schizo

>> No.56284082
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Hello tokenized, you nasty jew

>> No.56284191

huge numbers of linkies are /pol/tards lmao, is this your first time here?

>> No.56285505

nah og biztards always laughed at poltards

>> No.56286355

Tokenized is a nasty jew, I rehashed old LINK FUD into SDL FUD first, I reworded the "well this is a FOR loop that NEVER ends network failure contra hacking" pasta a while back
>A vast majority of us got over our hatred of the most financially powerful race when we zoomed out.
>Trannies are only a problem if you're neurotic about them.
>Don't fuck your hand.

>> No.56286368

You are dumber than a box of niggers.

>> No.56287029

Trump went to some sandstone wall and transferred 100% of /pol/'s meme energy into it in 2017, anyone who identifies with it after that is permanently fallen
/pol/ is a husk, a vacated womb, a rotten pot of frogs, a place barren of meme energy, only surviving on festering transgender jewish and racial hate.

>> No.56287240

Don't even need notifications, we'll get a month in advance like last time

>> No.56288371

kys nigger

>> No.56288814

Lose your BUILD airdrop progress. They're not going to track token movements as that will become too complex and there's no easy way to prove wallet A and wallet B are owned by the same owner just because token C moved from wallet A to B and wallet B staked in the pool come General Access or whatever.

You'll have to maintain your wallet that is currently in v.0.1 and have it stake in v0.2 as well.

>> No.56289062

>A vast majority of us got over our hatred
no we didnt, stop trying to pump your bags faggot

>> No.56291485


>> No.56291540

Then you probably cucked out and didn't move anything into cash when LINK was over $40, and are kicking yourself for not being able to enjoy life in the present regardless of how the stake.link protocol preforms
Now it's da jooz fault that you're not comfy? Take some responsibility senor

>> No.56291640

one has nothing to do with the other. Do you enjoy getting robbed anon? sound like you're the one coping

>> No.56291691

Pretty sure he is part of the robbers

>> No.56292441

You'd 100% be fine with how SDL was developing if you were comfy, and you're projecting the entirety of your own failures on to it. It rolled with market punches and didn't crumble, I bet you're jelly.
SDL is not a perfect project.
However many posts into this thread I am, I'm just an individual that might be projecting my own comfiness onto SDL too.
This token is still currently a leverage position on the Chainlink network's growth, without any kind of liquidation ratios to worry about. It might do better than LINK at some points, and if you trade in or out of it you have more or less LINK than you had before.
And the fact that anyone is pricing SDL in anything other than LINK is a fucking joke, it's as stupid as every LINK holder fixating on USD pricing when the ETH and BTC ratios will always be more significant for it in the long term

K, I'm back out of this psyop psychic prison, reminder that chuds should go back to /pol/ and stop erasing /biz/ culture you post-ironic immigrants.
OKLG for everyone else.

>> No.56292483

yah he is. based off this post

>> No.56292583




>> No.56293148
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I want to be the stay king :(

>> No.56293154

This isn't /LGBT/ though.

>> No.56293547

It is tho.